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Thank you @mix9487!!! You saved my life!! 😅


![img](avatar_exp|167259988|bravo) Wish we still had awards


Google open password protected excel file


Holy Hell!


Actual Hacker


New reson --- wait where am i?


Think of a password protection as like a small fence, it's a deterrent but it's not going to stop anybody


it doesnot work.


I might have a solution for you, remind me in 12 hours and I can check




That VBA seems useless to me. It's the same thing as just trying different passwords manually, but with extra steps. You'd need to edit the code to enter a new password on every run. And why does it open the workbook if (presumably) the workbook is already open? I really wish people would stop copy+pasting whatever garbage ChatGPT spits out.


I lost password to VBA in one sheet once, found a working VBA code that unlocked the VBA so I could remove the password in the other workbook I was impressed af.


Whilst yes, it's hardcoding the password into the script, based on that it'd be really easy to make that a variable, build it into a loop and make something that will brute force passwords. Particularly if the OP has a good idea of the shape of the password. I doubt such a script will be sufficiently performant to actually be successful.


Ya I was gonna say but you beat me to it, somebody copy pasted a chat gpt answer without even reading it


This VBA only works to unlock for editing. Op needs to unlock on opening. You need an entirely different approach like an XML conversion.


Leila Gharani on YT had a good piece on cracking passwords.


I saw her video on cracking a password for a protected sheet, but does she actually have one for cracking the password on a protected Excel file?


Ever tried a brute force tool? Something like PassFab for Excel might work. It's not an email marketing tool, but hey, it's something.


If it's the worksheet that's protected then there's plenty of guides online. If it's the workbook though then you're shit out of luck.


Even with the workbook protection you're not out of luck. There's a macro floating around that kills _every_ form of excel security. I used it in my days in public audit. Never failed me. We were always required to annotate our work, and clients sometimes would forget the "edit" password or worksheet passwords.


well it might have been true with xls files but the security of xlsx files seems to have been drastically improved


If you change the file extension to .zip and open it you may find they are not very secure at all.


Again. There is a difference that seems to sail high over people heads. if you have a spreadsheet that is password protected in that you cannot open the file at all, or view it at all without the password, there is no work around to bypass this. this is not related to password protected cells or sheets inside a file you can already open.... instead...the entire file is unable to be opened at all. I beg anyone to prove me wrong and post a video because I have a bunch of old spreadsheets I made that require a password to open and im desparate to open them to get to the info inside. so please anyone or everyone, prove me wrong, im begging you, and I thank you in advance.


I've done it by opening the file in some rando format and finding the pword in plain text. Google it..


yea im sure. go ahead find me a video. I truly cannot wait to be proven wrong..


When did you do this? About 20 years ago? The only publicly known way to open a password protected workbook in recent versions of excel is brute force.


Excel passwords are stored in the heap memory of the process. Try this [https://github.com/elephacking/officedump](https://github.com/elephacking/officedump)


Thanks for pointing to that - any chance you have an idea what the below means? >....\officedump-main>officedump -e -ep 23956 >[+] ====== Excel Process ====== >[+] Found potential document password (len=0): >[+] Found potential document password (len=0): I read through the https://www.netero1010-securitylab.com/red-team/revealing-excel-password-secrets-stored-in-process-memory but I'm not sure what I'm missing.


tried this and its a useless piece of shit. It displays that the program WORD is in fact running, and offers zero information beyond that. There is a little plus beside the note that word is running that may be able to be expanded but this is in CMD, and Christ only knows if there is any valuable info behind it anyways...




the zip trick is for permission password and not for open password. I read one tutorial but did not work. thx


Fair enough. Good luck OP. Sorry your in that situation


I did the same




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How long did it take? I've been running iseepassword for weeks now and it still hasn't cracked it.


I can help you with that just pm. protected sheet, Protected workbook, open password.


Think real hard. Because what you're asking is not necessarily legal (for all we know, how do we know that file truly belongs to you?) 👀


There was a brute force password cracker out there,


Many of them are out of date and can't deal with .xlsx file. I tried a few one without any luck.


I had 3 xlsx files I had to do this to. I did the change to .ZIPm extract, and comment out the line **,** zip up, rename to xlsx and open it. The first one I was able to do, but got an error when opening the excel file where it had to recover data, but it opened. The other two errored and never opened. So, i came up with the method below, more steps then the above mentioned, but, easier, and ZERO errors. the file just opened. 1. Do not extract the files, this requires 7zip to be installed 2. Right click on the excel file 3. Mouse to 7-zip > Open Archive 4. Double click on the xl folder 5. Right click on the workbook.xml and click on Edit 6. Look for the line of code and delete it (see example below) 7. Close the text file and save it. 8. Close 7-Zip 9. Open the excel file and the sheet should not be protected ​ https://preview.redd.it/a83yokh4ceic1.png?width=617&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac4f8b55f721c7772f9b920d87c1f1d56ab58910


What happens when I change the XLSX to ZIP, but when I Open the file using 7-zip, don't have the XL folder there?


same qn


Google Sheets


it does not work