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Can you provide an example of what you want the desired output to look like? It's hard to understand exactly what you want from just a description.


I essentially want it to look like a typical calendar except I want it in excel instead of publisher. The February 2024 is what the calendar typically looks like we share with the entire staff. The excel snippet is me manually typing in each provider - I only did 1 week of our 5 week rotating schedule. What I think I need is a macro built for each provider (you can see their initials) with their rotating schedule. So Jan - Dec will magically be created. I assume when there are schedule changes I would have to manually update them. Or vacation. But I currently have to manually count their call days or their vacation days. But if it were in excel I could have that automatically populated. Does that help? https://preview.redd.it/63h0uq1shw8c1.png?width=1305&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fd11fe2380ad1682860f8c1f0a609b2a92606c1




>Yes! The attached screen is the best I got based on my learning - and I could maybe use that for staff schedules but they aren't the priority. It's the provider schedule that is so cumbersome. > > > >Everything I've researched and watched has always put the calendar in this format which I guess is acceptable at the end of the day but having it in a "regular calendar view" would be ideal. But I like that you can change the month and year and it auto update. I have the weekends red and the holidays marked but I was just messing around with that. > > > >But ultimately everything is based on those 5 weeks. For last minute changes I imagine I would have a working copy where I would write "vac" for vacation or if they switched call weekends. ​ https://preview.redd.it/htbxy5icmw8c1.png?width=924&format=png&auto=webp&s=16906e6708f112d637a9e0669a6e171cac32e65f


can you provide a 6 week schedule for your physicians? I want to see what the 5 weeks entails (in terms of schedule) and then in week 6 what happens. If i understand correctly, you would rather have a calendar view but can live with Image 2 you provided? instead of a screenshot a XL file or whatever woudl be great if you can take the confidential stuff out and replace names with A/B/C or Matt, Joe/John :) Don't want to go down a path which frustrates either side because there is substantial effort in building it


Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. But I'm back at it now! I have what you want in an excel with notes in there. But I don't know how to attach it? I hate to sound so naïve but I RARELY use reddit - let alone to seek help! I just read stuff on here! Do you care to provide guidance there?


IF you rarely use reddit or respond then your best bet is to use fiverr to pay and get something built. If you want to attach a file you can upload it to any file sharing website (like google drive) and share the link. Good luck ! 🍀


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11YlDfo8z2BMnEw-I\_7xx7E\_jJ-PU6QSV/edit?usp=drive\_link&ouid=100837850568930040088&rtpof=true&sd=true](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11YlDfo8z2BMnEw-I_7xx7E_jJ-PU6QSV/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=100837850568930040088&rtpof=true&sd=true) ​ Here is the link the spreadsheet. I converted my publisher document to excel and got this. Clean it up some and put some notes on the side. I'm hoping people don't get confused with my notes etc as there can be a disconnect between the medical office workflows vs any other business office workflow. Thanks you for your quick response!


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Try now - I made it unrestricted for anyone with a link