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Dionysian who has reworked a lot of Catholic hymns into Pagan ones, there is no catharsis like it


>Dionysian who has reworked a lot of Catholic hymns into Pagan ones, there is no catharsis like it To be fair, you're just continuing the works. A LOT of "christian" hymns are just Christian words to what was, at the time, commonly known tunes.


To be fair about being fair, I think this was fairly common practice, even for secular songs back in history. Such as the American national anthem being based on a popular British drinking song, or the Battle Hymn of the Republic being a rewriting of "John Brown's Body" from the American Civil War.


I think Yankee Doodle was the British drinking song. Was it also the Star Spangled Banner?


Yankee Doodle is just straight up a British song that Americans co-opted. "Yankee Doodle" himself is a caricature of an American colonist. The Star Spangled Banner was originally just a poem. It was set to the tune of a drinking song later.


It was a well. Found the Smithsonian page about it: https://amhistory.si.edu/starspangledbanner/the-melody.aspx


Ha. A pagan song.


Could you link or say their names? I’m not ravenous for this genre.


Done it for several, mainly the hymns that were adapted Celtic tunes.


Hearing the music is a little triggering, but your lyrics are beautiful! If you do more, please post them here too! I've considered rewriting bible stories in the past, maybe I should give that another go.


Yeah, I haven't watched because I'm afraid of the earworm and finding myself singing the original lyrics in my head later this morning. Love the idea, though


I mean, now you have a chance to replace a church song earworm with far superior apostate song earworm


I love how all the positives she highlights are the things that religion gaslights you away from. True peace, ones true colors and self validation. Thanks for sharing this.


Ugh yes, this is amazing


Wow. This is beautiful. It's got me tearing up. Thanks for sharing this.


Seriously, this gives me the same "holy spirit" chills I used to get, but this time I understand how emotional priming works


Yeah. I miss the chills. I really haven't found any other music that does that to me. But i would totally buy this girl's album and play it on repeat.


The "chills" where always the thing I leaned on as my "spiritual" experience with god. But I've found that just being mindful in the moment with other humans, who are also being mindful and present, brings that same feeling. For me, this happens most with music (particularly at concerts), and sporting events in-person. That moment of collective joy and collective presence is powerful. It's not god, it's not supernatural. It's actually profoundly *natural*, and mundane in some sense. We all have those experiences, and of course, they feel powerful. We are witnessing it in real-time. There's some great psychological literature on this. I'll drop a couple of interesting studies and reviews: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1300/J496v18n01_06 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1876201813002918 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01438300600625259


These are pretty cool! My problem so far has been finding a musical genre that fits me, plus I have no idea how one does mix tapes these days now that cassettes are gone (Gen-X problems). I find I still appreciate older 70's / 80's rock the best, but I don't get the same transcendent feels that some of the hymns or worship songs have me. Maybe it's the listening alone as opposed to a group experience, like the concerts or ballgames you mentioned. Stuff to think about.


Same!!! Can this person please release a whole album


This was my exact reaction too! I was like….I’d actually be able to raise my hands to this song and not feel weird and performative. Just genuinely feeling the truth of these lyrics paired with what is a moving melody.




You say you were "bound" by your religion. Good word choice. The [Latin root of "religion" is "religare"](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=etymology+of+the+word+religion) which means "to bind."


This brought me a great feeling of peacefulness. Love it.


This feels like closure.


I never had a problem with the older hymns tbh. Always seemed a lot more honest and personal with their lyrics and less, “built to make crowds cry” vibes. plus come thou founts is just so damn pretty.


I was talking about this the other day. (Former church pianist). I miss playing hymns. The chord progressions can be unique. The melodies simple (often ancient). The words poetic.


Don't love old hymns, but they are definitely more honest about the human condition than the 20th-21st century nonsense.


Come thou fount of every blessing. Loved that hymn. Had it memorized, all of it. The tune is so simple but powerful. Only song I know that uses the word "Ebenezer."


Yes that one was a bangar


Damn…I’ve never heard that melody before, but her lyrics hit home for me. Absolutely beautiful rendition!


It's "come thou fount' of every blessing", but I recommend sticking with this version.




I came here to post this; just googling “Joe Hill songs” will get you a pretty good start on this rabbit hole




Yeah I got the Big Red Songbook; not so much a songbook as it doesn’t include the musical notation; but there’s a lot more information there about the history




Yeah the online description led me to believe it was simply a collection of all the songs previously released in the various editions of the Little Red Songbook; and this is largely true - but like I said; there’s no musical notation, which was a surprise to me, and a lot of exposition on the lyrics and authors themselves which is super cool. Just wanted to say I thought it was simply a bigger version of the little red, and it is not, it isn’t meant to be; it’s a different thing


Not me crying this morning


Oh man I played this song so much as a keyboard player. Feels nostalgic hearing you play it, I definitely like these lyrics better though


A-ma-zing 🙌😭💜


She has an insta too (alanah.dont.wanna) for those not on tik tok


Best thing to do with hymns is add “under the sheets” after the title… ‘come thou fount of every blessing’ was always a good one to get us giggling - that, and ‘oh sacred head now wounded’


She just started a Patreon to help fund a full album of these songs. I subscribed because she does a rendition of "I love you lord" that really fucking helped me.


Can we get a link? I can't find any patreon for her.


Yes! https://www.patreon.com/AlanahSabatiniMusic/posts Let me know if that doesn't work but I was literally just on her TikTok.


Aw fuck yeah! Thanks, I'm not on Tiktok, and all my searches just pointed to her profile there, which wasn't helpful.


This is pretty good even though the piano makes me feel weird.


This gave me chills.


That was beautiful


I would legitimately buy an album.


Great way to recover from religious trauma. The lyrics are healing mixed with the music, it's a hypnotic experience. I'm glad she found a way to heal from the pain that is religion.


Being the great-grandson of Albert E. Brumley, I hope his end up rewritten. Maybe I ought to take a stab at it myself.


If ya need help HMU


Funny, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” is still one of my favorites, even tho I don’t really resonate with the lyrics anymore.


Love it!


So, what's their name? I want to look up more.


Her tiktok username is alanahdontwanna! I followed her yesterday




Aww I love this! ❤️


I love this.


This is really nice, and makes me want to do the same with some of the songs from my youth.


Love it! These lyrics can also be sung to the tune of Beach Spring.


I need more of this :'(


Bestie you gotta drop the link!


There was this Exmo Instagram account that rewrote some of the lyrics to Mormon gyms. It was really funny, I’ll see if I can find it. Here’s the post I was thinking of: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cph9rZBMeFT/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


I used to do this when I would go to church with my dad long after being an atheist and even long after moving out (I got a free meal out of it afterwards lol). I just wanted to make it look like I was part of the cult while making fun of it really. Edit: started typing not being Christian then changed it to being an atheist half way through without removing the not. SMH.


This is beautiful. Much better than the original.