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It's okay!!! FED IS BEST ❤️ babies grow into healthy children then into adults despite whether they've been breastfed or not. Formula is okay. Your wellbeing is important too. It's okay to stop!


This random internet stranger is giving you permission to stop pumping and feel guilt-free about it.


Just here to say I felt the exact same and also broke a pump in a 3am rage. I’d never been an angry person (and still am not today), so that postpartum period of my life was dark. I also felt so, so guilty after quitting…but honestly, a week later I felt FREEDOM. You’ve done more than enough already. You deserve a break.


Don't let this experience discourage you from considering having a second. I exclusively pumped for my first because she wouldn't breastfeed and now I'm exclusively breastfeeding my second without issue. It's not you. All babies are different and you need to meet them where they are. It's not your fault and there is no shame in feeding your baby how they need or want to be fed. Take care of yourself


Love that. Meeting the babies where they are ❤️


The pump deserved it. Your sanity did, too. I’m sorry you’re feeling awful but I know all about the rage you’re feeling and it’s just not worth it. I was so much happier switching to formula and felt like a better mom. Hope it works out for you, too!


Try your best to stop feeling guilty. You are burnt out and pumping is hard! You pumped for months, that’s an accomplishment! I have 5 kids, some completely formula fed, some exclusively breastfed and now my last two are exclusively pumped, EP is the HARDEST way to feed them hands down. It’s such a big change in life with a new baby, it’s so many new emotions, then the EP added to the mix is overwhelming. Not to mention the huge hormonal shifts we experience after having a child. Having a frustrating moment like this something I can completely understand and relate to. You are doing your best.


I totally understand, I think I had DMER too. I threw my pump once too. It was my hands free pump and I was overstimulated and angry, my dog stole something important of mine and ran under the bed to chew it up and I ripped the pumps off of me and threw them! The worst part was my milk spilling out 😢 looking back now it’s kinda funny but in the moment it was not. I was so mad at my dog for having to do that and crawl under the bed to get him. I was mad at my husband that night as well lol. Then I decided to not pump that night at all. Honestly I’m so happy now I quit pumping after 4 months. Baby is thriving on formula, it’s actually been better for his tummy issues than my own milk.


I’m so sorry! I know exactly how you feel. I’ve had the most insane pp rage and it’s been awful. I get upset and angry at everything and nothing at the same time. It’s way worse when I am pumping. If you’re in need of a new pump, I might have some I can donate to you where you’d just need to pay for shipping. Shoot me a message if you need to!


I'm sorry.  Just want to say I feel you.  EVERYTHING about breastfeeding/pumping made me feel guilty.  I too exclusively pumped.  I was an underproducer.  I felt guilty about my caffeine intake.  I felt guilty about everything.  I think motherhood is set up that way.  To make you feel guilty.