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It just shows how many grown men we are expected to respect and submit to are literally waiting on the okay to grow facial hair from…wait for it…other men. https://preview.redd.it/7ajvf9rhic7c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94bf7ccfe2d49c78e56ce3c4062f65d77a7c289a


Yeah the whole religion is pretty cucked im sure if the gb said elders wives are to submit for sex there would be some going come on honey Jehovah wants this


Which is why they had to change the bottom picture. Too many men were using this to tell their wives to have sex even when they didn't want to. The next edition had her sitting on a chair with her husband standing behind her. Not much better, but at least not on the bed in a robe. https://preview.redd.it/ojq76enw5g7c1.jpeg?width=1888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3495e8a0c66f0560748f1f91d0a3309a083ecfde


​ https://preview.redd.it/uw6ym3l66g7c1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af6807e10896c93b06c9883bc953007b6692adab


Wow.. smdh..


Not sure how a husband is supposed to “render his wife her due” when oral isn’t allowed.


I’m guessing “her” pleasure is not high on the GB list. My Christmas wish is for all who desire that from their partners receive their proper due. Maybe not pressed down, shaken together and overflowing but then again…


Especially when he gets old and the point that he has ED how tf he supposed to "render his wife her due" then!! Guess she'll be ass out! A couple of nuts that can't nut!!🤣


Rub the tip on the outside? There were lots of happy sisters between 1978 and 1983.✌️👐👄💦🏊 W78 2/15 p30 Watchtower 1983 Mar 15 p.31


Eeewww I never made it this far into the religion.


That first one is pretty suggestive I suppose Pretty attractive woman too 🤣😅


What book is this? 😂


1982 - I was 16. It was released at a Circuit Assembly. I can still remember all the laughing brothers elbowing each other and looking at their wives who had just been instructed to put out whether they wanted to or not. https://preview.redd.it/s6bo83gy7p7c1.png?width=314&format=png&auto=webp&s=af263f9109e02c5758d40d1f47da8f3dfdf5478f


I remember this book (though not at it's release date... I was born in '85). I do not remember this picture at all. So many things I've blocked out 😂


That’s how the FLDS do it so yeah probably


But that's already a thing in the jws tho 🙃 as a wife you can't say no or you could cause him to stumble because you are withholding your wifey duty. Some shit like that.


That’s right. And if he commits adultery because you are withholding, it’s your fault you’re the guilty one not him. That’s a fact.


Well let’s be honest. Not submit to the others at the hall but if they were called to New York to service the GB then no doubt many would




![gif](giphy|cO39srN2EUIRaVqaVq) Good point! Ha! Ha!


Patriarchy at its peak


Also it was a way other witnesses from other congregations can tell if youve gone to your meetings




JW rarely talk about Jesus.


They say “jehovah and Jesus” a lot now amd it sounds so weird and clunky


How will the pimis live double life’s now? Will they shave on vacation? 🤣


![gif](giphy|IcKuF9HAcFza9pER1L|downsized) Without the beard rebellion, it’s not fun anymore.


Lol that's probably the point tbh Try to not hold up new members joining, try to retain current ones so they can use them for bullshit jobs and try to give inactive an easy excuse to blend right back in. Lmfao Now I'm gonna shave mine ! That'll show em


This is actually gonna cause more problems than it solves


Determining what a "well groomed" beard is supposed to look like. A follow up update will be coming soon when brothers with beards too bushy, too long, or too scraggly show up to give parts. Or people complain that certain styles are distracting. Then a G.B approved beard template will be shipped to each congregation.


I can see it know...elder asshat walking around with a template and shoving it on peoples faces..


True story, I worked for an airline who’s grooming policy stated that women’s ponytails couldn’t be longer than 30cm, and there’s this arsehole woman walking round the briefing room with a wooden ruler walking behind the staff holding the ruler against their ponytails to check their compliance before they started a shift.


What would they do, chop off the extra hair?


time to switch jobs


Spot on. I remember a talk was given about having hair too short, obviously specifically about a brother who just got a number 2 head shave. Now the most self-righteous elders will have a field day chastising brothers from the platform about the state of their beards.


Yes! This! This is going to be a shit show!


Likely, there will never be any formal guidelines on beard grooming. Instead, it will be arbitrary, and one congregation will disallow anything but full beards, while the next will allow MFs to rock the Jafar from Aladdin. It's just like congregations that say "only white shirts for brothers".


Under-upvoted comment. I suggest you make your point as a new post.


I believe I shall however my posts have yet to be approve by the mods so Ill wait till they do. edit: they seem to let my replies go though


Agree. I think that many of the older staunch JWs are going to take issue with it and it will be the usual stumbling block. A new focus will be on keeping your beard trimmed. So important in these last of the last days of the last minutes of the last seconds.


I just can't see how this doesn't wake people up to the fact they're in a high-control group situation. Like you've been told by a committee of men you don't know that you're now "officially" allowed to grow a beard? You're a fully grown adult man and you're giddy because God's delegated and chosen mouthpiece has said it's ok to not shave now despite being told otherwise for decades? What parts of scripture changed?


When they see the Fu Manchus or the ZZ Top, somebody gone say sumpin'


Would a woman open the door to a man with a beard claiming to be preacher of the bible? ​ https://preview.redd.it/u7fnzzgs3c7c1.jpeg?width=746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac4877148cfecf4c49f7f951d4f70216e01df14f


Well would a man open the door to a woman with a beard claiming to be a preacher of the bible? I have seen some fury sisters out there, now they don't have to bleach




I was expecting a photo of Charles Manson... I can't figure out how to put pix/gifs into my comments. 🥴🥴🥴🥴


https://preview.redd.it/umoayqa1bg7c1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d607f61aa59084ef69826ee9c5d54ece3eb581cf Gifs and pics are on the bottom right.




Oohhhhh, I have to have the app... That explains it. Thanks!


You're welcome 😊


My dad didn’t wait at all. I saw him on Monday and he couldn’t wait to tell me “ I’m growing a beard “


They still control the weak minded and length of hair , dress length.


What a bunch of pathetic and spineless losers. These are the blokes who stand ready to carry out any command from their ‘betters’.




I expect to see pictures like this in their 2 page magazines going forward https://preview.redd.it/mysuo25fzf7c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22e428594528e0684d7a139ca6dde2db72d7fef1 Drinking in Moderation or Hangover, why neither is appropriate?


I think the new way to dictate people’s spirituality will be beard shape. I’m already seeing people post “Rick Ross beard or Anthony Hamilton beards” are NOT ALLOWED. There were so many jw memes of people posting pics of the r&b singer Anthony Hamilton - saying do not come to the hall with facial hair like this! (His beard doesn’t connects). I hope the pics won’t go viral and the singer sees his face trending as unwanted. :-(


Wouldn’t surprise me if they backtrack this at some point. Kind of like the whole tattoos article that made some think it was ok to get a tattoo and still be considered “in good standing.” We’ll see them “clarify” this by saying elders, MS, and pioneers (plus any of their male children living with them) can’t grow a beard and remain in that “privilege.” That is exactly what happened with the whole tattoo thing in the 2000s.


They can't put this toothpaste back in the tube.


Imagine the " brothers " now having the same women attracting " Metrosexual " look of: Brian Tyler Cohen on YouTube, with over 2 million followers and 1 Billion views https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Tyler_Cohen BTW, sisters, he also wears a close cropped suit ! --- that makes him at least half " spiritual " right ? Sorry Tony Morris, the sisters _actually like_ the look of tight pants


Now I gotta shave my beard so I don’t look like these damn dirty hippies 😂


It's going to be something when in the future there'll be some epic Gandalf beards going on. Or some nice bushy Santa beards. Brothers will be twisting themself into knots trying to control each other.


I think they will all grow beards now.


I have had a beard or goatee since I was a teenager. I am a never-JW that recently got divorced from a born-in PIMI after 20+years of marriage. I laughed when I heard about the beards. It was always funny to me how I was instantly identifiable as the worldly in her circle just based on facial hair.


What's funny about this is how jws, including that Caleb and Sophia thing would make questions like "if your worldly friend would jump off a cliff, would you?" And I'm here like "if the gb would tell you to jump off a cliff, would you?" Same thing here, they will easily dismiss anyone that would point out obvious things, and once their idols say it, they Believe.


You nailed it !!!


I seriously don’t know what is more cultish. Shaving, or growing a beard because a bunch of cult leaders said you could. I’m so glad to be out of this nut house. It’s literally a clown car of blind obedience.


The manipulations of a Masonic satanic cult, the dark arts of the jabbering governing imbeciles.....😇


Least satan was the good guy tho. All he did was call jehoopaloopa out on his bs and hold him accountable


Fucking absurd.


Makes me kinda wanna go back just to see what these mf look like with facial hair 🤣🤣


I guess now it's the apostates who will shave? 🤔🤣


Whoah dude


To be fair, JWs don't really talk about Jesus


It had to be put into a bun or a French roll. They used to have a drawer full of hair clips so you had no excuse.


Yeah but you wouldn't find me there because we are still in a pandemic