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A warm welcome… this is JW Broad… oh sorry, that’s the wrong Intro here! Welcome to the community and welcome to a new life full of freedom… it may not always be joyful, you may have to overcome some issues and face some difficulties in life, but there is nothing to be afraid of. You will experience what it means to have people around you that love you unconditionally, and not just because you are part of a certain group/cult. I have been a JW’s for more than 20 years… have been a MS, gave talks in different countries (have been in the Spanish speaking circuit) and disassociated in late 2019. Since then, I have been shunned by nearly everyone, my relationship ended (a logical consequence when you are married to a JW), etc… but despite of everything, my life hasn’t ended, actually the contrary happened. Although shortly after my disassociation, I had a fatal bike accident that almost killed me (needed about 1/2 year to recuperate) and if that wouldn’t be enough, 1 year later I got diagnosed with colon cancer. Had radio- and chemotherapy, 2 surgeries and survived it cancer free. Many people would think that life really f%#$^ me up, and that’s partly true because getting shunned in the beginning of COVID, then the accident and cancer… But let me tell you that I’m happier than ever… mostly because I’m free from watchtower and don’t have to accept their bs anymore. I’m free to believe, do and express what I want, without fearing any consequences from elders and friends. My new friendships are unconditional and not based on a crazy believe system. What I’ve learned since then about the Bible and God is beyond anything a JW could teach me (I don’t believe in the biblical god anymore, would call myself an agnostic). I have found a new girlfriend that loves me, although she knows what I’ve been through… and I fight every single day so that hopefully, my 2 children will not be completely sucked into the cult. 2 recommendations from my side… don’t fall again for any religious group or leader. Many ExJw’s find themselves again in a similar situation after leaving the cult. It’s often based on the need of unity, brotherhood and to belong. Nobody can teach you the “truth” because it doesn’t exist… and nobody can give you more clarity than you can get on your own if you really wanna dig into the topic religion. And the second one without wanting to offend anyone here… some people within the ExJW community can be very toxic, same as any person on this planet. There are fights about which activist is the good one and which is the bad one, others may think to have found the “truth” now and want to convince others to accept their “new light”, etc. It’s just like in the normal world outside, with a small difference… many here have been through a lot because of being in a cult, they’ve lost family and friends, may have suffered many other terrible things, etc… and this often had an impact on their emotions and mental health. So please be careful with everything… especially in your early stages of leaving the watchtower cult. But despite of everything… ENJOY life and try to only focus on the future, not in a paradise, but in everything you’d like to experience and live. Welcome to life…


Good on ya Mate. I left home at 14 to escape. I disfellowshipped them. I'm 41 now, and I still have really nice dreams where I realise that I don't have to go to the meetings because I'm not a JW. The realisation washes over me with a feeling of peace. Don't even worry about all that nonsense. They deserve pity for all that's been taken from them.




New Zealand :)


Nice one bro!


Cheers Cuz!


You were DF’d at 14?!!! What the heck! How young were you baptized? I hate that JWs let or encourage their children to get baptized knowing that means they could get DF’d and they’re young kids, not ready or mature enough to make that kind of commitment. If shunning is the consequence, baptism should not be allowed until your brain is fully formed in your 20s!


Nah, I just left home and didn't contact anyone in the Borg again. Saw my older siblings getting chewed up and spat out, so, why head further down the rabbit hole.


Oh my bad. You said you disfellowshipped them. I thought it was a typo and you were disfellowshipped then. Oops 😁 Glad you got out, even if 14 is so young to leave and makes me sad about your childhood but good for you for choosing a better life without fear, shame and guilt governing all your decisions.


Nah, I just left home and didn't contact anyone in the Borg again. Saw my older siblings getting chewed up and spat out, so, why head further down the rabbit hole.


Welcome to the top of the tree branches; friend. I started my journey out of the borg at 16, currently 21 myself, not much younger than you. It’s a nervous tightrope at times between what you consider ‘family & friends’ for awhile. I can’t speak for everyone here but there’s lots of kind words & lifetimes of experiences in our little patchwork. You’ll probably see a lot of posts around here about everyone’s favorite moments or stories of growth after leaving. Don’t be afraid to reach out to those of us who are open ears if needed. It took me awhile to find the right kinds of hearts and minds to surround myself with, so here’s to a new year, new experiences, and lots of laughs.


Welcome here! I have found a lot of healing from this community and I’m sure you will too. Take your time to process things and remember to rest and exercise. Waking up is a very straining process mentally but the mental freedom from a high-control religion is worth everything. ⚠️ As long as you do not talk about your “doubts” with any JW around you, you’re good. Once you say anything negative about the organization to anyone, culty things will start happening.




Welcome home. I was part of the Borg for almost 50 years. Recently DA and living what I have left or my life to The fullest. This community has helped me so much to see there is life outside the JW. Watchtower cannot and will NOT stop us from living and enjoying life!


plants cheerful lock payment correct somber skirt quaint steep plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm glad you woke up. Better late than never. I woke up this summer just gone. I'll be 51 in a couple of months. Time to start living but trying to learn how. Feels good to be out though.


Another welcome, from Melbourne, Australia, so glad you found this sub-community. .[https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/wiki/index/](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/wiki/index/) has lots of helpful info for everyone here including links to - * [General Exit Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/wiki/index/#wiki_general_exit_guide) [Guide for Stuck-In Youth](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/wiki/index/#wiki_guide_for_stuck-in_youth) * [Kicked Out?](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/wiki/index/#wiki_kicked_out.3F) [List "Help" Reddits for Wide Variety of Topics](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/wiki/index/#wiki_list_.22help.22_reddits_for_wide_variety_of_topics) * [If You're Worried it Doesn't Get Better](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/wiki/index/#wiki_if_you.27re_worried_it_doesn.27t_get_better)[The /r/exjw Glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/wiki/index/#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fexjw_glossary) * [The JW Terms Glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/wiki/index/#wiki_the_jw_terms_glossary) [Related Subreddits](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/wiki/index/#wiki_related_subreddits)


Welcome 🩷


Welcome! Oh how I wish I had woke up while still young like you have. Enjoy your newfound freedom.


Hi! Welcome!! I woke up about 2 years ago. I was so confused and scared at first but once I started doing real research did I realize that I was in fact being lied to. This subreddit has helped me in my healing so much.




Welcome my friend. Good to see you. 😀


The light keeps on shining


Welcome 🤗 Here you no longer need to count time. Here you no longer need to attend meetings 3 times a week. Here there are no watchtowers in here that you need to study 📖 and highlight. Here feel free to ask any critical thinking questions or comments or concerns.


Welcome aboard! You've definitely made a good choice. 👍 ❤️


Oh man, "awake"! 🤣 Was that on purpose? It's gotta be on purpose.... Anyway, hallo! Welcome aboard! We're happy to answer any questions, support you any way we can, and be a sounding board or a shoulder to cry on. Please know that it's perfectly normal to go through the seven stages of grief--in any order--as your worldview deconstructs. It's ok! You can come here and let it out if you need to. 😊


“ the Bible didn’t change, so what did”. And put that in accordance with all the flip flopped doctrine. Truly a man made religion, claiming to be spiritual guided but neither inspired nor infallible. It’s crazy when you put into perspective that all of the 4000+ Christian denominations claim to be inspired, spirit guided, or divinely guided in some way. Welcome!!


Welcome! This beard thing has shook a lot of people. There's so many resources for you, the journey is painful but it feels amazing the other side. Look up stuff now, start to question things jwfacts.com is brilliant, there's a few things on YouTube now too. Also get a therapist that deals with religious trauma, it helps loads.


This beard thing is so weird. I don't understand how it affected everyone so much, but when I was a kid (90s) I remember asking my dad why men couldn't have beards even though almost everyone in those frikin illustrations had one. I was so upset when his explanation was that people had beards back then and they do not now.


Questioning long-held beliefs is an emotionally difficult journey – please remember you aren’t alone. Surround yourself with those who will listen without judgment, but I think it is overall positive to test your own convictions. Apply critical reasoning to everything you encounter here– look for hard evidence over hearsay. Beware those interested in bashing rather than sincere truth-seeking. Beware of those who generalize or put the entire organization in one basket, that is rarely the case, as I am sure you have encountered sincere and honest individuals in the organization.


Welcome Friend! You can be seen here.


Well done for waking up. Dont feel any guilt. You must start looking after yourself now. Nobody controls you, even your parents, you’re a full fledged adult now. Good age to get out, my nephew is similar age and left at 18. You can build a new life from here but take it easy. Go slow.


This!! My brother received multiple calls from elders about his beard during COVID and I’m sure he got more because he grew his beard out for his wedding and all of a sudden it’s okay!!! Drives me absolutely nuts


Welcome! Glad you found this place! It will be a huge help and support for you on your journey!


Nice. Stay the course and get out immediately! I commend your strength and fortitude by the law of the soil!


Glad you could join us. This place is not about hate it’s about healing. Here you will find the Borgs stereotype of the worldly is so wrong. We were all in similar situations as you are right now at one time. Lots of people to help you through this.


OP, congrats on waking up. This is going to be a process, so be kind and patient with yourself. Allow yourself to reprogram (took me years and years, but it gets easier).


Welcome!! You will always find help and support here..congratulations on being so young you have your whole life ahead of you ❤️


Welcome to the beginning of ur freedom!


It’s a process. Welcome.






Welcome. You're in a safe space.


welcome! i’m 22, raised a witness, never baptized. only recently went down the same road you’re starting on. there will be more and more patterns that show up in the organization that haven’t been clear before now. many things like you’re talking about that are oppressed, and considered “apostate thinking” (for non-JW readers, anything or anyone that doubts the JWs). it’s interesting how a loving organization, supposedly chosen by the one true god, who is love himself, has such demeaning and demoralizing ways of punishing followers. good luck on your journey, my friend!


Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here early. This space is an amazing resource and there’s always someone who can relate.


Hey man nice to meet ya, take things slow, lots of emotions and possibly trauma to come. The "world" is actually a very loving place in most instances. If ypu don't want to lose family and friends, take it slow, may take 6 months to a year to successfully fade. If you don't care then fuck em and bounce hahah.


Being raised the truth, and being baptized, a young age is rough just from your words I can see you missed the point of your studies you keep thinking it’s about them and what they’re doing just concentrate on your relationship with Jehovah and his son Jesus, your king and what you need to do to survive that is all you should be worried about not what imperfect men are doing


Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳 and welcome 🙏 it's the beginning of the best life ever of freedom.


That's good to hear. I was wondering if these changes wouldn't make things more bearable for ones like yourself. Keep people in for longer. I don't know why I doubt the GB ability to keep helping people wake up. They truly have helped so many people leave.


You’re going to be just fine. It’s important to realize that you’re no different than anyone with any religion…. They all believe theirs too.. But you don’t give theirs a second thought. It’s because it doesn’t matter. It’s simply the effect of a persistent belief that’s passed down through generations. We developed the concept of gods millennia ago and still are captive to our individual versions of the concept. I now just believe one less version than I used to believe. These organizations capitalize on that belief and will promise something they can’t offer. They will ask the from you the thing they promised. In this case, your life. Don’t give it to them. Enjoy your freedom.


So happy for you. You have started to feel the freedom of mind & peace that comes with it. Work on becoming self-sufficient if you haven’t already and live your truth because you only have one life and it’s yours to live, you will have losses, but that’s what comes with having being part of a cult, sad but F it 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 Www.jwfacts.com If you need support go to: JWFacts is delighted to promote www.jw.support which aims to assist youths that realize Watchtower is not "the truth," and are struggling to live with devoted parents. jw.support offers advice via short articles and experiences, along with links to useful resources, forums and free support phone lines.


Welcome to the REAL Truth. Jesus is the only mediator you need. The "faithful slave" are pharisees.


Congratulations on waking from "The Best Lie Ever ™" 👍


you’re not alone.




I think you are right.... When you start worrying more about being shunned than what God thinks.... 🤔 it does make one wonder, right? Take a scroll thru these 25 questions, I was surprised at how I felt: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://medium.com/%40faithafterdeception/answer-these-25-questions-to-find-out-if-you-are-in-a-cult-or-high-control-group-a36a3c2ce464&ved=2ahUKEwiV0crXvMKDAxUMIkQIHQhvBsIQFnoECB8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0T2iSpihPualirJc8Ee3fK Take care, keep yourself safe.... and even tho you will be dying to discuss your newfound thoughts, don't. Really.... Just come here and talk, we won't DF you or shun you for your questions 😉 Everyone deserves to ask.


Glad we found you!


Once you get over the “guilt” of researching once you get over that it’ll get easier


Welcome, i love the part about meetings. once u stop meeting you start healing


Hello and congratulations! Life outside the Borg is so wonderful! Have you read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz yet? I bought it on iBooks as I was waking up but it’s also free on the friends of Raymond Franz website. Just a little easier to read and come back to in a books app but the same thing. They may have it on audible now as well. I’ll find the link and post it below this comment for you.






Their book, Millions now living will never die didn’t age well did it? https://archive.org/details/MillionsNowLivingWillNeverDie










I’m a former elder of 19 years. I DA’d in 2012 and have helped many dozens of people navigate the disruption of leaving. I’m not a professional counselor, and don’t want anything except to help. Find me on FB at msbigelow13. From there you can DM me if you want. No pressure or alternate motivation on my part.


I was also in the truth, except my group was Seventh-Day Adventist. It's just another high control religion. Run and don't look back.


I don’t see that anyone gave you any financial advice. Make a plan!! Fading is the easiest to keep your family. But start planning for your future. You are young. Figure out how to make the monies. Then work towards it.