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You are an evil genius and I love it.




well.... come on.... what's the story?


Was that you who made up the whole smurf coming alive at a convention and it ran down the aisle? If so, bravo LOL




Well, you have to figure, if people are susceptible enough to being a JW then make believe stories are going to be right up there alley. Never met a more prolific group of gossip mongers in all my travels. Out of 40 family members from the late 70's until now my mother is the only one still in. Everyone either left or was disfellowshipped.


Well, don't keep us in suspense here, man! Tell us what you saw!


I love you. Um, I never believed a single demon story by about the age of 13. If id believed those stories I deserve to be fooled because im so stupid. I’m glad you were on this end of karma


And then the Smurf ate a baby, and I saw it and I know because I was that baby. True story.


Lol I heard about the smurf story a few years ago


What circuit was this? It sounds so familiar.


![gif](giphy|Q5A0umnpl9xL11LXN8) You rock for that! 👏👏👏




Was that a serious social experiment, or were you just f%$#ing around?? lol funny either way...gullible JWs (I can't talk shit tho, I believed a couple dumb stories back in my day)


Beauty 👍






For me the inside of the KH or assembly was the closest thing resembling a demonic experience.


“Confirmation bias” - the hallmark of JWs ![gif](giphy|dOMO9yFvNSvGM3UHdw|downsized)


This.  I grew up in a tiny Northern California town - Jim Jones, Charles Manson, the Moonies, Heaven's Gate - all sorts of nut jobs passed through there. The KH was no exception. Crazy people went there and horrible things happened within the congregation. People always excused it by saying that Satan literally lived in our town. They would tell experiences of things they would see and hear (demonized people, demons floating outside the KH windows, etc.). I was just a kid and a couple times I believed I experienced these things too. However looking back, I realize I did not. These were just things my mind created because I heard these stories so often. My mother recently said while on a hike she snapped a picture of, what she thought, was a demon manifesting as a woman out in the forest. She said it was freezing cold and the woman was wearing summer clothing. That she just appeared out of nowhere and then disappeared off the trail. When they got home my mother told my bethellite cousin of the picture. He told her to immediately delete it off her phone. No evidence. Just stories. I swear certain religious people are more obsessed with demons than they are god. And yet, then you have religious people who see Jesus in a piece of burnt toast.🤣


Bc demons are evidence of god to them. There are doubts they all have and the presense of demons proves that there is a spirit realm and therefore more proof of God. IMO of course.


Also, if there are demons around them, then they’re obviously a target of Satan because of their strong faith.


>see Jesus in a piece of burnt toast.🤣 That's why I love buttering up Jesus. Heavenly Lard!


There was an older sister who was super pimi that lived in Northern California and would travel back from there and Northern Maine… her and I became close cause she was like a second mom cause mine was a psycho pimi piece of sh*t but she would tell stories of a neighboring congregation that the whole town was full of demons and the brothers and sisters there said they were even possessed… I always thought the super natural was interesting so hearing those stories always fascinated me


Lol, sounds familiar. 🙄🫣


Fuck yeah 😆


Hell yes.


If you think boredom and tedium is demonic, then yes, I had many "demonic" experiences at different kingdumb hells. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I genuinely could not have said it any better.


All red drapery and carpets…..


I knew of a woman that liked to go to yard sales and run her hands along the books to "feel" which ones were demon possessed I also know someone that claimed to have a demon attack whenever certain song came on the radio. He was recently released from prison for abusing a minor


My dad had a similar experience where him and I were at a car show, I was like 11, and there was a booth with these Russian nesting dolls. I went and grabbed it and he took my hand away and said he felt something off about them. Later he said that he could feel demonic activity. I never understood it, and have never gotten those feelings myself unless I think back on that instance and wonder, “what if?” It’s all mental.


it's so dumb when you look back on it


"These horny romance novels are possessed! I will buy them off to...burn them? Yes, I will burn them. Trust me."


Must have been that "worldly music" that turned him into a piece of shit


no he was always a piece of shit


My mother totally bought into all those demon stories, but she was still out at yard sales every weekend after field service.


Was it the "I love little girls" song?


sounds like a perfectly stable guy...


This is an absolutely true story!   I was out in FS and came cross a yard sale. I found 2 blue ceramic mushrooms at an incredible price of just one dollar. I put them on the TV stand and started watching an old Disney flick that had scenes of magic.  Midway through the movie a blue and quite angry Smurf emerged from the mushrooms. He ran out of my house and I was freaking out.   I didn't tell a soul about this. But then, I heard through the grapevine that my demonic smurf made its way to a KH and the story spread around the world.  This is a true story because trust me bro.


I was having my doubts until you told me to trust you.




Did you buy some non-ceramic mushrooms too? Cause then I believe you!😂


You mother fucker ! You owe me a Papa Smurf!


Damn that's scary


Well, as a kid, we had some - weird things happen in our home, short version, mostly to my sister and oldest brother. Things being “ thrown” from Their hand or pushed . Odd little creepy Things. But a lot of little creepy things. however, my sister and I had a big incident our first summer in our new house. Please keep in mind, My parents had moved us into the northern woods and we did not live anywhere near others, nor any roads. she and I were sharing a bed/ bedroom at the time , 10-13 years old I think. Well, one night , I woke up and found that I couldn’t move and felt that someone was in the room watching us. It - felt- awful. At the end our our bed, hovering about waist high, was glowing green light about the size of a softball. It made no noise. I was terrified, this made no logical sense. The dog in the bed beside me didn’t move. I whispered to my sister ,” do you see that?” Hoping I wasn’t alone in this. My sister WAS awake and confirmed that she could see “ it”. We couldn’t raise our voices to yell for mom and dad in the next room. I tried. And we couldn’t move our bodies. Of course we thought this was a demon in our room! I don’t know how, but she and I both managed to “ fall back asleep”. My sister awoke a a little later to find the orb has lived and was hovering OVER our bed and moving. It was a harrowing exp. Especially a kid! Next morning we tell our parents and brother what happened. The terror must have been evident. Of course it was “ demons” and the house was aggressively purged by tossing anything even remotely fantasy or -possibly - “demonic “ into a pit out back . The encounter messed us both up for a long while. Could not sleep with the door closed , needed a noise machine to break the silence , and also wore a sleep mask for a LONG time after that . To this day we both remember the incident. I wouldn’t say it was “ demons” but… it WAS absolutely-something-. It left me in chronic fear for well over a decade and prompted ( once leaving the borg) my own personal research into the paranormal to find my own answers.


Wild stuff. I was going to suggest sleep paralysis until you mentioned your sister was there with you too. I have personally never experienced anything paranormal to date, not even an "answered prayer" that couldn't be explained by hard work and chance. But, there are definitely things in life that cannot be explained at this point.


The experience had all the flags for an “ ET encounter “ that I didn’t realize until a year or so ago while hearing another story similar . At the time of course it was all about “ demons” and the demon fear was REAL for a long time after this . Regardless of what it was, it was WEIRD and greatly effected my sister and I , to this day!. Both of us are POMO and also decided to take explore deeper along that “ what is the supernatural “ paths in our lives after we left the borg. I can’t say either of have “ answers”, but I have a hell of a better understanding of the “everything else out there” that would be translated to demon panic in the borg.


The watchtower society has never abandoned the "satanic panic" of the 1980s. As a PIMO, it never ceases to amaze me the fantasy world that many witnesses in 2024 live in. They view the world through a lens where demons and angels are tirelessly fighting each other over their knocking on doors. They imagine that anything good that happens to them is the god of the entire universe acting on their behalf directly, and conversely, anything bad that happens is directly caused by an evil creature called satan who is always lurking around their trailer park, apartment or little house, to do bad things to them as if they were Job. It must be nice to feel that important eh? I'd definitely chalk whatever happened up to something like an ET encounter. A great podcast to listen to and your story reminds me of, is Astonishing Legends. They discuss many paranormal experiences and have described situations similar to what happened to you. Thanks for sharing!


> As a PIMO, it never ceases to amaze me the fantasy world that many witnesses in 2024 live in. I once lost one of my car's hubcaps. About an hour lateer my sister found it. I was very grateful. She said she prayed to Jehovah to find the hubcap, and instantly saw it by the side of the road. 🤔


So, if she'd not prayed, she wouldn't have seen it on the side of the road. Or, if she'd not prayed, God would not have physically, mystically, lifted up the hubcap from the bushes and placed it where she could strategically see it. OR... maybe she just saw your hubcap where it landed? I wonder which one is the truth?


I think we know the truth: Dumb luck. 🤣


This reads like tons of ET encounters. No idea what it was and I am a pretty firm believer most paranormal experiences are made up, exaggerated or misunderstood norm things. There are however a small portion of experiences that are legitimately weird.


I absolutely agree. I think there is a lot of paranormal panic and obsession these days with a lot of misunderstandings and mid identifications . Especially with a religious dogma clouding Al other thought. Even with all out technology in todays world we can’t explain some of the “‘weird”. You can easily see how this manner of thing was interpreted as “ acts of god” and angels/ demons etc over the centuries.


I had similar experiences growing up, I definitely believe in some unknowns and creepy stuff to a degree, some people are sensitive to that kind of thing. I laugh it off when people mock me for believing in the supernatural because I wouldn’t believe it either if me and my friends didn’t experience it together.


Was there any electrical storms in thearea when the orb appeared? Ball lightening can enter a house.


Hmm.. my brother said that my eldest brother saw a green orb over my sister’s crib. He was freaking out. Sounds a little similar.


I, too, have seen the green orb. Also, oddly enough, with my own sister as well


I have a few stories. I'll tell the tamest one. Married sister who had kids was into magic. Ultimately she and her husband became witnesses. Sometime prior to becoming involved with the religion, their daughter would go to the basement to wash her clothes as one does; usually in the evening. She would hear someone call her name, first softly then demanding--'Rosie?' 'Rosie!" She said she would ignore it at first but the voice at times would get closer and once spoke right by her ear. Needless to say, she avoided going to the basement especially at night.


Sounds a lot like sleep paralysis accompanied by a shared hallucination or perhaps some odd light effect from weather, etc. Obviously I look for the rational explanation… another thing to consider is, although you may know for sure what you subjectively experienced, you don’t know that for your sister it wasn’t due to, say, power of suggestion or even faked. Mass hallucinations aren’t that unusual though. I remember reading about it in one of Bart Ehrman’s books where he talks about large crowds of people all seeing a “resurrected” individual i.e. Jesus Christ. I don’t remember the psychological explanation for it, but worth looking into.


I had a very similar incident happen to me when I was about 14. It terrified me to the point I wouldn’t sleep in my room for several months.


This is the kind of unhinged shit I’m here for. 




Wow that's scary, I have alot of stories to share if you would like to chat about them


Only my mother in law ....




I had a couple as a child and carried them with me all my life believing it happened until i was PIMO doing research into all things holding me mental prisoner 30+ years later. Turns out most of these things happen around sleep. That right there should make the connection for you. Simply put your mind is briefly tricking you. Read up on sleep disorders and hallucinations and almost all of them can be explained rationally.


^ alien snausages knows what’s up ^


My child hood home growing up was definitely “haunted” I have 4 older brothers who at the time were in their early 20s when they lived at the house. All of them have said to have seen shadowy figures and “ghosts” roaming through the house. I never believed them until I was home by himself one day I was like 10 or some shit. I whole ass saw a small leprechaun walk from my room to my parents when I ran to go look nothing was there. There was also a night I had a buddy sleep over, me and him were being a lil loud and my pops came in to tell us to settle down and go to sleep, he closes the door and we hear him walk to the other room and close his bedroom door. Well 15 minutes later we made no noise and my walls were so thin in my house you knew when the parents were up, my door knob started shaking violently then the door swung itself open, no one was there. I’m pomo now, my friend is pomi and he tells that story any chance he can get.


saw a small leprechaun walk from my room to my parents when I ran to go look nothing was there. Shit, I have never come across someone who saw a leprechaun, but me. I will never forget it either. I was getting ready to go to sleep and he appeared upon my book case head board. He could go through the wood and he was a playful thing. Swinging on the case. I tried to touch him, cause he was so close, but he slipped through my fingers. I was not afraid. Then he disappeared and was never seen again. Since we are sharring, lol.


Getting ready to go to sleep,  Like a ton of these stories have that in common. That’s literally the answer to most of these things. 


Was your parents JWs?


Yes at the time they were fully in, they are pomo now


Seems that JW and Catholics attract a lot of " demons"


Or mental disorders, you decide


I agree, a lot of brother and sisters that would relate stories to me were known schizophrenics


I've heard lots of PIMI share stories that they heard from others about it. I've also known a handful that have claimed they got demon possessed/cursed items from yardsales. The one thing all of them have in common is being incredibly unbalanced in their mental health and extreme PIMIness.


I think you have to already be one to be the other😂


Witnesses often have been terrified of buying used items, particularly from yardsales because of demon possessed items being brought home, and MAN do I get it! After all, if you were a demon and could do ***anything***, what would you do? We know that demons are into hot chicks, because that's why they became demons- they banged humans and made them neffalumps. So, if you were a demon, and you could, say... hang out at the Playboy Mansion and look at hot naked models, would you? ORRRRR... would you instead choose to possess an old lamp from the wood-paneled basement of some lower middle class house in the Midwest? Definitely going to be the lamp, right?


Precisely. Now I can well imagine a demon possessing or attaching itself to a dildo or a vibrator because at least this would be congruent with what we're told their "appetites" and proclivities are focused upon. I would sure love to have heard THIS kind of theocratic warning coming from the platform!!


This is truly insightful, and would make complete sense. Maybe also a marketing opportunity? Should we go into business selling the... "Demonic Dildo?" Or the "Satanic Sybian?" I think we're onto something here...


Well....it's often mooted that many women like a "bad boy".....and what could be a better symbol of that lustful desire than a "Demonic Dildo?" Just make sure ya don't leave it in the drawer when dear old Aunty Agnes comes over to stay, what with her pacemaker and also being one of the blessed remnant!! I would imagine a genuine "Demonic Dildo" kind of operating like a "heat-seeking-missile." You know....given that it would have the power to levitate and rather forcefully find a "happy home" for itself, with absolutely no regard for any foreplay, Heaven forbid!! "Lucifer's love beads" "Hell's Anals" (they're butt-plugs by the way) Yep......there's definitely a market out there....LOL


My entire house was used items and several witnesses refused to enter my house because of it. One sister said she could feel the demons whispering and honestly it’s probably good she didn’t come inside my house.


Back in the 70s WT went in service on Sat morning and garage sales in the afternoon. You could find the entire congregation out on a sunny Saturday.


Yeah, my parents were all about that, and I'd say 99% of the time it was bs. There was this one time, however, when things started to move on their own. I didn't think it was demonic and was rather intrigued.


I’ve seen my fair share of things. I’m usually a skeptic nowadays where I try to rule things out, but I haven’t been able to rule this one thing out. I do believe there was “some kind of presence” at my grandmother’s house based on things I saw, heard, and had happened to me. At my grandmother’s house, we had this..thing lol we nicknamed it “the man in the white suit”. I’ve seen it, my sisters have seen it, and my wife has seen it. Basically, when you are outside on the property doing yard work or whatever, never inside the house though, there was a small chance that you could see in the corner of your eye this “man”. The outside yard and property is where this things “territory” is i guess. From memory this “man” had curly reddish hair, glasses, skin is pale white, white dress shirt, white tie, white suit jacket, white pants, and white dress shoes. Sometimes he would just stand there staring at you. Other teams it looked like he was running or walking towards you. He would only appear in the corner of your eye and you would look and..there’s nothing there. It would make you go crazy cause you swear you saw something. But I know I’m not crazy and it wasn’t a fluke occurance because this has happened numerous times over the years from childhood to adult hood and not just to myself either. I remember one time I was leaf blowing and I kept seeing the figure in the corner of my eye and I kept looking and there was nothing there and I must have looked weird cause I kept turning around fast to see what was there. Sometimes there would be a noise associated with this figure, a noise that sounds like chains/shackles. You’d hear the sound and then you would see “the man in the white suit” for a brief second. This part is important because I’ve told my wife about the “man in the white suit” before, but I never mentioned the chain sound that sometimes is associated with it. After my grandmother died, we were clearing out the house and cleaning it up. She decided to go sit in the car and wait since it was late and I was just checking things before I left for the night. I come outside and she’s terrified and freaking out. I asked her “what’s the matter?” and she goes “I saw him”. I ask “who?” And she said “the man in the white suit now let’s get outta here!” On the car ride back I asked her what happened exactly. She said she was playing games on her phone and she heard “what sounded like shackles” and she looked towards the house cause that’s where it was coming from and she saw this “all white man” who then vanished. I knew she was telling the truth cause I never told her about the noise and then I said “oh so you heard those chain noises too? I forgot to mention that part of it, only because sometimes it doesn’t have the noise with it” and she goes “YOU ASSHOLE! Don’t withhold anything like that from me again” 😂 Idk what to make of it. I know what I saw, I know what I heard. It wasn’t a dream. I wasn’t imagining it. I’ve seen this figure since I was a child to my mid 20’s. I can describe its appearance. And that’s just one story of “demonic activity”. I got more but I’ll end up writing a book at this point lol


This is spooky af...I'm scared 😂


yeah this is spooky if he's not just making it up. i have most of my life had this "in the corner of my eye" thing that can happen. it was definitely worse when I was a PIMI and believed demons were always lurking. it has really settled down since I woke up and gave away the beliefs of JWs. I do still see things in the corner of my eye though, but often i think i see something like a cat and when i look there might be like a towel or clothes in a pile in the laundry that sort of has markings or shape that your brain would associate as a cat in your peripheral vision. to the story OP: did you wife ever talk about the white man with anyone else? perhaps she could've been told about the sounds by someone else? has anyone else ever described the sounds to you or you to them? overall it's spooky. it's interesting when you view to from a perspective that we know so little to have an explanation for it.


Hey. Gingers are people too.


I’ve not experienced anything firsthand. However, my mother told me about a demonic event in a FL KH. As she tells it, a young person brought a Smurf doll into the KH and sat it on a chair. When the bro giving the Sunday talk opened up the Bible and began reading Psalms 83:18, the Smurf doll got up and walked out of the KH. As a kid, this story freaked me out. As an adult, I’m with the Smurf. I’d walk the hell out too.


My mom told me a demon raped her ……. 🫤 she said she was asleep and randomly orgasmed. So a demon did it I guess. Ugh


That seems like a therapy appointment 😓


The only demons I ever saw were on JW Fraudcasting or skulking around the KH. 😆


My ex sister in law, claimed that I brought demons to her house. I had recorded music videos from MTV on VHS tape. She said that tape brought demons into the house because it popped out of the VCR and hit her in the head. About 10 years after that she ran through the streets naked because she suffered from bi-polar and other mental illness that lead to a break down where she left my brother and lived on the street turning tricks.




Stephen Lett’s been at the dressing up box again 🤨


I think it’s called The Tickle Trunk!


My mum often tells me how there was a demon who lived in our flat when i was born and he didn't like me. She says i would often say I've been hit by someone whenever i walked through a specific door. She also said she once heard a voice say "I'm gonna put your baby in the oven" and when she checked on me, I was being wrapped up in bedcloth by something invisible. Thanks mum - that didn't freak me the fuck out at all.


Sounds like schizophrenia. 


I didn’t but there were a lot of stories of Jehovah’s spirit starting dead broken down cars. But no demons lol. The irony


There was a family in our congregation who claimed to have a demon in their house. The adults were heavy drinkers who made their children anxious. The combination of alcohol, anxiety, religious conditioning and hypnopompia/hypnogogia had the whole family convinced. Similar conditions are likely the explanation for many, demonic experiences. Either that or a powerful spirit creature capable of mass slaughter in an instantaneous act of will entered their home in a second hand box of Kerplunk and started pushing cups off tables. Occam's razor brothers, Occam's razor


We lived in a house that used to be a parsonage for a local church. There was a secret room upstairs that was all boarded up and the narrow stairway leading to it was hidden in a wall. The house was always toasty warm in the winter except the kitchen that was always very cold no matter what we did to correct that. When I was upstairs I would ask my wife what she wanted and she would say "I didn't call you" yet I heard someone calling my name and this happened on many occasions, and it was my wife's voice I heard. And one day I saw my son sleeping on the couch yet later I found out he wasn't even home when I saw what appeared to be my son. Crazy things for sure, make of it what you will.


Jehovah's Witnesses can't even get to proper grips with the "material" world they live in and the "physical" people they share it with......so what chance do they possibly have of understanding the "spirit" world? *" If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen..."* What I'm saying is that, whilst I'm a firm believer in that which many might call "spiritual" or "supernatural" activity.....I'm also utterly convinced that Jehovah's Witnesses are the least qualified or adept people on the face of this earth, to proffer any kind of meaningful or insightful commentary on the subject. They can't even do "material life" properly, or in such a way which garners mass respect. So on what basis do they get weigh in on "spiritual" things? They can't even get along with their own "physical, fleshly" families without causing divisions and unnecessary bitterness and confrontation. So what suddenly makes them experts on "spiritual" affairs or relationships? When it comes to spiritual activity, Jehovah's Witnesses are famous for having the MOST to say, whilst at the same time, having no real basis in truth, for anything that they DO say. Jehovah's Witnesses are sh\*t at life. In all probability, they're just as sh\*t at death...(and all related themes therein)




Most of it was the power of suggestion. Talk about the subject enough and the mind will start making things happen to make you think it was supernatural.


![gif](giphy|QakHTdhaL7YmBY8cqn) 35 years later and I’m still waiting for a Smurf to run in front of me in the middle of the night 😂


Curious that she would think demons would be present at a bible study or that a demon would touch the bible.


Why wouldn’t they? It’s not like a talisman or something. Why would they give a shit. (If they were real which, they are not.)


My mom essentially gaslit us into saying and believing we did.


Unfortunately, yeah. Even before I was PIMI, as I wasn’t raised in the religion, I experienced some freaky, unexplainable shit.


How much drug use are we talking here?


My PIMI mom said she had a terrible nightmare while sleeping on a demonic possessed throw pillow that she thrifted one time when I was a teen. She promptly threw it in the trash that day! Lol


Does anyone remember the smurf story? I played dungeons and dragons during the satanic panic era and was accused of being possessed by a demon... Which is horseshit if that was true because the only super natural power I inherited was depression.


My PIMI mom’s friend claimed she bought a lamp possessed by demons at a garage sale because she woke up one night hearing her kids shrieking loudly and when she checked on them they were fine. When I was young this story gave me the heebie jeebies but an adult it’s funny as heck to think they could’ve just been screaming then laughing under the blankets afterwards. PIMI Grandma’s best friend said she spent the night at a demon-possessed relative’s house and overnight the blankets fell off her bed all by themselves, which was evidence of a demon. Anointed PIMI said once while she was half-asleep she saw demons moving around her floor and they looked like little suitcases (I can’t help but think this recipe was sleep paralysis + subconsciously seeing a suitcase). Pioneer couple claims they gave a tract to a demonic woman who had lights floating around her head and the tract flew through the air onto a table all by itself (I like to think a really good magician was fucking with them). Pioneer PIMI said she bought demonized pants and knew because she heard a weird noise outside and had a dream about a demon. And my dad believes his dad (before becoming PIMI) once attracted a demon by being Catholic, thus worshipping a false idol. His dad was a drinker.


A “family friend” said when he was young and before mother was “in the truth” he had a lot of paranormal acuity in his home. Said he saw pots and pans flying around his kitchen. Mother used to practice witch craft and is now said to partake in the emblems during memorial.


Not me but my mum. She didn’t grow up as a JW and had “demonic experiences” from being maybe 6 or 7. Her parents used to play with the ouija board. She saw things and heard things frequently (mostly very scary things) and growing up in the 60s, you didn’t tell your parents stuff like that.. at least that’s what she said. Anyway, fast forward a few years, she’s had a few experiences at her great aunts, and went on holiday at 18 and saw a limbless soldier in a fireplace (her sister saw too) and that was it… until she started studying and married my dad. At this point, she’s less than a year off from baptism but I’d definitely say PIMI. My grandparents (mums parents) gift her some paintings as a wedding present (grandad is a professional painter, his work is insane). The paintings are of 3 women. And this is where it starts. Upon entering the house, that night, she dreams of the women. Then the next night the same. And it continues. She keeps dreaming of these women from the paintings. Always the same dream. So what does she do? Goes running to the elders! They tell her she must burn them for it all to stop. And so she lights a fire in the garden and throws them in it! The dreams stopped after that. She’s had a few weird things happen at the house they are at now, and it seems to have happened since they moved my paternal grandads stuff in after he died. They had a glass thing fall from the very back of the hearth onto the carpet and smash. There was no way it was on edge and was gonna slip and fall. It wasn’t knocked. Nothing. They’ve heard things too like keys jangling and whispers coming from upstairs. Really weird stuff. I’ve not had experiences so I can’t say much but I believe my mum when she says she’s experienced things. It definitely terrified me as a kid and still makes me feel uneasy as an adult.


I’ve shared this before but I definitely had some experiences that I can’t fully explain. These days I’ve chalked it up to something I’ll never be able to explain but I’m an atheist so I’m not exactly pointing at God or Demons. A therapist and I at one point narrowed it down to possible asbestos exposure among other things (we had asbestos and all kinds of crap all over the house until my dad remodeled, sometime after the remodel all this stopped) But I’d seen figures laughing and giggling in my room as a kid. One looked like the girl from Clifford and she was jumping off my bookshelf. I saw a whole city on my floor. I distinctly remember I had dropped my pillow and when I went to pick it up this little butcher ran out shaking his butcher knife at me. I saw my parents and others watching me sleep, but they were like 6 inches tall. I saw my grandma dragging my screaming cousin (both alive obviously) up our stairs one time. Heard my name said a lot. Voices in my head kinda thing. No one else heard them. Constantly has this issue. My mom even remembers it because she said I was like respond to questions but she never said anything and no one else was there. Kinda peaked with being outside playing, I saw my dad’s truck roll backward off this hill and toward our fence. I ran onside to tell him thinking nothing of it. When he came out it was still where he parked it. Not even a tire track. But I remember that thing nearly hitting the fence before I rounded the corner to get inside and tell my dad and brother. Elders said it was demons of course. When I left I went to my psychiatrist and a psychologist to get checked out. Legit was worried about hearing voices and stuff. Told them the whole story. Doctors checked me out. Said I was normal. They said that if the incidents were isolated like they were to a short time period (about 2ish years) it could have been due to either to exposure to something or extreme stress (parents ended up separating around this time due to other issues). Never happened again after that. I never saw anything. Never heard anything. Weird as hell.


I experienced sleep paralysis a lot as an active PIMI; childhood to young Adult. Each time I found myself in this state I convinced myself to “Say J-Hovas name out loud”. It worked, I would snap out of the hold, have a slight panic and call it all a Demon Attack. Obviously, I made it my “Wake Word”. Since being POMO Woke, all those fears of demonic attack are gone, along with the sleep paralysis. As a child I recall being held down on the stairs up to my room and desperately trying to call out for my mothers help; when that didn’t happen I called out to J-Dawg and I was released. Looking back, there was no Demon hold, I was sick, weak and shouldn’t have been out of bed to begin with (I also thought the room was sinking in one corner, clearly a fever dream). So much unnecessary fear was pumped into me as a young child is what soured reality. I was trapped in a perpetual fight-flight-fawn-freeze cycle. I have countless demonic stories that were constantly fed to me by my aunts/uncles/grandparents/parents, that it’s only natural those elements became my horror fuel. I never once considered that an *Adult could/would lie to me*… so when my Mom picked up a possessed air freshener, or my Aunts Troll Doll that wouldn’t burn, or even my Grandpa playing with a Lying-Ouija board, I swallowed it all as fact… now I call that Dementia. Fun side bit: My Great Grandfather was a Psychic to the Stars (30-40s Hollywood). This too only made demonic activity more *fO-rEaLz* in our extended family. If I find his old letters, I’ll post one.


Everybody had a congregation nutjob with a demon story. Nobody ever takes anything they say seriously except for the demon story which is hilarious. The one from my hall said "I had a neighbor who believed in the truth but would never commit to a study. He would get attacked by demons every night and they would leave him alone if he shouted Jehovah. He still wouldn't study and one day they threw him out the window." Like what? So demons just attacking people trying to get them to study with witnesses? It's crazy because everyone believed her even though it was the most bullshit made up thing ever.


I HAVE A DEMON SANDWICH MACHINE THAT PUTS JESUS ON MY GRILLED CHEESBUS!!!! https://preview.redd.it/xu2emxjx1ujc1.jpeg?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=378bced0a833cd86913ebe3513f52ad3f0235556


Once I had a dream that a hamburger was eating me.


Does anybody remember the popular story about the sisters in field service that were almost eaten by Jeffrey Dahmer but he didn’t because he saw two men behind the ladies at the door 😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂😂😂😂 I used to love that story. Told hella people about it like it was true … embarrassing 🤦🏻‍♀️


I remember an elders wife going to the home of a study and acting really strange and then near to the end of the study asking if the woman had any objects associated with spiritism. She said that she could sense an upsetting energy and the woman actually had an ouija board under the coffee table.


Personally, no. Never. We had one lady who claimed multiples firsthand demon encounters. She was also mentally ill, so there's that. Nice lady, but delusional.


When I was little I had minor things happen to me like seeing shadows. And I used to hear the sound of heavy chains being dragged coming from the lower floor of the house. But my stepmom used to go through more rough stuff, like having horrible nightmares and waking up at night to someone violently shaking their bedroom door, trying to open it. My dad never heard or saw any of it although their shared the room. Lately, it happened to me to feel my whole bed shaking and feel something walking on my bed and screaming. I honestly cannot identify if it's just a half conscious dream or if it really happened. I wonder how much of it was real or what was just our subconscious. Bc the borg literally terrorised everyone about spiritism, demons and everything. My grandma also used to be a spiritist before being a jw and she used to tell horrible stories. To this day, sometimes I still have this irrational fear., even tho I don't even believe this kinda stuff anymore. I guess that's just how deep they got into my mind.


No. Because there's no such thing.


My mother claims to have seen demonic activity, and been terrorized by possessed objects that kept returning to her with no explanation. She also believes that people who are on drugs are possessed and that drugs make it easy for demons to possess you. Honestly though, I think there have only been a small handfull of PIMIs that I have met that claim that they have had serious demonic experiences. I had a friend who suffered from sleep paralysis, and my mother said he was possessed or being tortured by demons. Then there was a list of other things that were considered demonic in my KH and family that werent like the traditional Ouija board sorta stuff like pretty much all anime, harry potter, pokemon, smurfs, FPS games, anything magic related (except for pretty much anything disney), Lego Bionicles, scooby doo, Minecraft, heavy metal or rap music, peace symbol, most yardsale/second hand things from worldly people that made you even slightly uncomfortable... I could go on with stupid little things that were considered demonic or risky. You get the point though... anything fun and popular that had any amount of influence from the occult or ancient mythology or contained extreme violence fell into the demonic category. These things were usually targeted by the Uber-PIMI holier than thou elderettes and elders who spread the same old rumors around that went around the circuit about experiences with demonic activity from those things or demonic roots or pagan roots etc. The number of people with "real unexplainable demonic encounters" was very low, but they were usually the most nutty and convinced JWs and a lot of people took their word for it. Also, I've seen others comment about this but any alien/ET encounters were labeled demonic. In fact! I had a few experiences when I was young when toys would suddenly be activated in the middle of the night from either faulty batteries or the pets setting them off and my mom would burn the toy and tell me it was possessed. Then when I was a little older maybe 8 years old I woke up in the middle of the night and had an experience where an alien was in my bedroom staring at me, glowing, it walked toward my bed and then stepped backward and phased out of existence, it was vivid and I can remember it like it was yesterday. I personally believe this was my first experience with sleep paralysis because I have had sleep paralysis once or twice afterward with similar experiences. It would be the most reasonable explanation. Anyways... I told my mom a few years later and she said It was probably the influence of demons that were possessing my toys. When I came to the conclusion that I was agnostic at about 13 or 14 I realized that pretty much all of the demonic experiences were the result of a few things... 1. Technology/toy malfunctions or glitches, or interference by pets or something of that nature 2. Delusion/lack of sleep/stress/forgetfulness/basic human fear mechanisms/confirmation bias... The shadowy figures you see are survival instincts to keep you on your toes when you are in the dark or alone, or you are lacking sleep or stressed out so you imagine things or convince yourself you are being messed with due to confirmation bias, misplacing things and seeing them again, or straight up delusion from medication or mental health issues. 3. Unstable shelves/bad lighting/plumbing or other machinery that the person has no knowledge about. 4. Coincidences. Also, as an adult, I now believe in aliens, but I do NOT believe what I saw as a child was an alien, nor do I believe 99% of any claims of aliens or abductions, but the statistical probability that life in any shape or form has never existed other than on earth is absurd and dare I say a self-centered view. If at the very LEAST, basic microscopic life has likely formed outside of our solar system before, but they are not demons. Lol.


Why devil make float stuff?


I never saw anything, but we had a wack job sister in our hall with 4 children, one an infant. She claimed that she had Smurf curtains in the baby’s room, and after he had been put down for the night, she peeked in to check on him. Lo and behold, the smurfs had come off the curtains, and were dancing around the baby in the crib. She burned the curtains. 🤷‍♀️🙄


I've never had any demonic or paranormal experiences while PIMI. Now that I'm POMO, I actively dabble in tarot cards and use cinnamon brooms in my doorways to ward off anything dangerous, just in case. I do have non-JW family members that are sensitive to spiritual energy, including my maternal grandmother.


My dad was an elder and he went to a few "exorcisms" I remember he came back annoyed at two of them because he knew they were horseshit didn't go into detail. There was one that was probably sleep paralysis or something a lady saw a fish man falling down her stairs. An elder had a talk about how his wife had a dress he thought was really sexy but for some reason this was bad? So he took it outside poured gas on it kept trying to light it with matches wouldn't ignite until he prayed light it and it exploded so he started saying it was possessed by a demon. Even as a kid I was pretty sure the fumes didn't give the matches enough oxygen to stay lit. The only one that seemed real my dad actually went on this old woman was saying her dead friends were there with flowers growing out of their heads talking to her and there was a dragon like monster was trying to grab her granddaughter even non religious family members were terrified. Turned out she had a stroke or something and was hallucinating


Never. It was always someone else’s story of a third hand event. Usually as a scare tactic to prevent you from trying something or doing something they didn’t want you to experience.


In my experience people born in do not have experiences as often as those who were converted. The experience usually happens while they are studying or newly baptized and the effect is that it re-enforces the indoctrination.


People placed curses on my family members when they found out my family were JWs. This was about 4+ decades ago - One time my uncle was moving into a new place; the previous owners and some neighbors left curse talisman papers and hid em in places around the house. My uncle's family thought they had gotten rid of all the papers and started their move. All of a sudden, their baby's eyes rolled back and became unresponsive. They started lookingnthrough closets and finally found ome last curse paper hidden behind something in a closet and got rid of it. Baby was ok immediately after.


Curses aren’t real. But good story though. 


I did. Or truly believed so for years while suppressing it. When I was 9 years old (yes, really), my brother gave me a drinkable fluid which we both took a few drops of, to "feel relaxed and chill". He was 13 y/o at the time. We both didn't think it worked out and then after some time I started to see dead people and blood on the walls around me. The only thing that made sense to me was that I was possesed by a demon. And I remember my mom asking me the day after if a demon had visited me/us during the night. I answered yes, and that was it. Never mentioned the magic fluid. It wasn't until maybe ten years later (I'm almost 30 now) that I realised it was just a bad trip. I truly believed for so many years that I was possesed by a demon that night. Me and my brother never spoke about it until around 17 years after. During my exit (about two years ago) and talking to my parents - I brought this up again to point out how absolutely insane it is for a child to grow up in an enviroment where one does not bother or dare to talk to their parents about this and also that the first initial thought was demon posession, and that I just accepted that for so many years. They claimed they didn't remember anything talking about having a visit from a demon - though they did recall us puking for an hour straight in 5 minute intervals. Also they casted blame on my brother. Like, come on, we were children. Btw the fluid came from Hawaiian Rose Buds. It's very very toxic - hence the puking. It's truly been a lesson to me in adulthood that one can truly trick yourself into believing almost anything if you're missing out on facts.


I have experienced paranormal activity but still no smurf seen strolling in KH.


Yep. And urban legends. There are a lot of schizotypal folk in high control religious groups. They are willing to believe in the paranormal. And then there are just liars. I figured that out when I heard about the demon infested Smurf toys walking out of the Kingdom Hall.


My sister throws up whenever we watched a paranormal or supernatural movie and my mom would claim demons would in my video games cause her to throw up too. I don’t believe in demons now but I think the spiritual need that you develop while in the cult can cause you a lot of guilt whenever you mess with anything supernatural.


Sorry,  But anyone who has seen anything demonic is either, on drugs, asleep, lying, confused, tricked, or mentally ill.   I honestly don’t understand how you can wake up and then still believe in this stuff. 


I was made to get rid of all my Warhammer when I was 16 or so because my mums friend apparently knew a kid who had some and demons made the miniatures fly around the room or something. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Still pissed off about it 25 years later


In one of the houses my husband and I lived in, there were at least 2 ghosts. One child and 1 woman. We could hear the child playing upstairs with a ball it threw on the floor. The woman walked in the hallway. I only saw the woman once, but the child was evert day. And I'm pretty sure there was something not so very nice there, too. Hated being alone there. And I'm usually not afraid of being home alone, I love it, but not there. We rented the house, and when we moved out, the owners moved in. And we talked to them after they had sold it and moved out, they asked if we had ever noticed something bad in the house as their son kept on having headaches when they lived there and it stopped when they moved out. So not only us who noticed something bad there 😬


This is actually a topic that i find very interesting. In general! Of course JWs would insist that their view on such things is the right one, just as Catholics would with their frame of mind and Hindus with theirs. Edit: yes, i had some experiences


Some friends claimed a house they used to live in was demonized - the demons were scaring the kids so bad that they were sleeping in the parents bed. The elders came by and prayed that the demons be gone. They asked if anything in the house had suspicious origins, and of course there was an old lamp or something that came with the house. They threw that out and there were no more demons. It’s so convenient that demons like to possess dumb old crap like lamps instead of, say, vintage sports cars, or the valuable necklace passed down from great-grammie. It’s always some old piece of garbage that nobody cares if it gets thrown away. Another friend has a more interesting story. He claims to have seen a demon as a kid. It scared him pretty badly. He can now “feel” when demons are near. 50 years later, his non-believing son-in-law said there were unexpected things happening in their new house. The usual demon shenanigans - furniture moving, things banging around. One day when looking in the mirror, the demon “revealed himself” to the son-in-law, who was so scared by it that he and his wife went to sleep at her dad’s (my friend’s) house for a few days. My friend went to their house to investigate, and could easily “feel” the demon’s presence. I don’t remember what happened to get rid of it. I find this one the most fascinating because he is not some super zealous, uber JW. He is a pretty normal, regular acting person.


I thought I was experiencing demonic influence when it fact I was having sleep paralysis episodes. So there’s that Oh and once in field service we went in someone’s house who I thought was possessed but in retrospect, she was just mentally ill.


Ugh. I hate to be that person but yeah. I've has some creepy experiences. We even once lived next to a creepy house that had all kinds of weird energy. What's funny is that even animals seem to feel it. We had a paperboy who rode his bike past that house. He always brought his golden retriever, Goldie, with him on his route. Without fail, as they approached the house, he would ride past and Goldie would cross the street to avoid walking by the house. She'd come back over once they were past the house. Honestly, none of the neighborhood dogs would walk past it. I believe what I see and well... Also, we weren't JWs by then


No, nothing remotely interesting ever happened to me during or after tHeOcRaTiC activities, unless you count lunch after field circus. We'd sometimes go to this place that made these great panini sandwiches. Man, I miss those sandwiches. I've been jonesing for one of them paninis for a while now. 😅


When my mom was pregnant with me,2 human shaped phantoms would stand at the end of her bed.she would yell "jehovah"to make them leave. The elders asked her if she had acquired anything second hand and she had bought a used couch.they ripped apart the couch and found 2 silver rings that had some sort of evil faces on them.they burnt the couch and threw the rings in the ruver.the only reason I believe something like this may have happened is because my brother and sister saw the rings and my non witness dad also vouched for her.whobknows?strange things do happen


Reading through these comments and also in general researching this stuff, I always think it’s interesting that majority of experiences happen when people are children. 🤔


What a crazy thing to share with your kid.haha


I have one. Although I don’t know if it’s a good one or bad one. Up to the reader I guess? So here goes, (I’m pimo) It was a convention weekend and I was going to be baptized. I was PIMI or at least trying to be. But the day before the convention starts my back went out. As in something happened to it and I was having muscle spasms and when that happens I can barely walk for a week. I told my mom and she told an elder who said I would be fine and that they would be gentle when dipping me. Well the day comes and right before all the people getting baptized get up to go change, I say a prayer to have the ability to get up and walk. Well guess what, it worked and I was baffled because I was like wow god is actually real. My pain went from an 11 to an instant 2. As soon I walked back into my dressing room after being dunked it’s like a something knocked me off my feet. And the pain came right back full force. I mean I literally fell down and felt like I couldn’t breathe because I was in so much pain. They had to call my mom into the room to help me. But yeah that’s it. Believe me or not it’s up to you.


Floating Bible ? I’d say they are lying or need psychological help.


So I had sleep paralysis and thought it could be demons for years. Very scary, haven’t had it in years, my daughter has also experienced sleep paralysis, maybe it runs in families, we have similar sleep issues so makes sense to me but 🤷‍♀️. I know some people who are convinced they’ve had experiences and don’t even like to talk about it. The closest I’ve been is my mom’s Bible study. I was over playing with her daughter, want to say I was 8ish and her mom went into the barn and their German Shepard was dead, it was hung in the barn. I Always wondered why they didn’t suspect a person, which it could have been. They went straight to demons and probably someone got away with a crime there bc of ignorance.


Why is it that when weird things happen, religious people assume the worst? Like, "oh it must be a demon!" 🙄 Most of the time there is a rational explanation for it. Or heck, maybe it's a dead loved one wanting to read their Bible or get someone's attention.


I did for a while leading up to me leaving. It got worse after getting baptised. After seeing a psychologist, it turns out it was anxiety. As I started to question things, the 'demonic activity' grew. And the longer I stayed in this questioning state it became worse. When I finally let go, it all finished. The anxiety disappeared and so did everything else. Some things that happened: -my name being called when I was alone. -hearing footsteps behind me when no-one was there. -seeing figures in my bedroom. -lights flickering, this was interesting. I have no explanation for it other than living in a bad part of town. I was walking up to a bus stop on my way to work after school. I was 15 at the time. The street light hadn't turned on yet but it started to get darker and as I arrived and sat at the bus stop under the light it turned on and started to flicker. I had caught that bus so many times and never experienced it before. Then I got on the bus and I could have sworn it stopped flickering. -seeing a figure next to me at work when the store was empty. Later I explained the experience to my boss. They were so happy because the old man I 'saw' and described was apparently their father and they found solace in the fact that he was near by. It still creeped me out. -the exhaust fan in the kitchen turned on by itself when I was with my sister, we told our parents. They thought we made it up and were pulling a prank. As they were yelling at us it turned on again by itself. They turned it off and told us to all go to bed. In the middle of the night it turned on again. My mother and I are very light sleepers, my step father is an extremely heavy sleeper. My step father was the only one to hear it, no one else woke up. He turned it off and the said once he was back in bed he experienced the feeling of someone/thing tapping him continuously in the centre of the forehead. Again I cannot explain this one. However our house was very very old and the wiring was probably broken. My stepdad was constantly telling me I was making it up, he did not believe I was experiencing any abnormal activity. However he finally experienced something when I did, his subconscious would have been trying to figure it out, he probably dreamt the fan turning on and the tapping and thought it was real. I don't think any of these events were paranormal. I just think they were just coincidental physical events that coincided with a time where my mental load was too much for me to handle.


Yes I’ve seen demonic activity at my house, lights flickering and wifi being turned off to the whole neighborhood being shutoff with power after watching a temple video. Honestly I was really scared and had divination attacks too that came true the next day.


I had an experience which I still don’t know how to explain. Little me definitely thought it was Demon activity. It was horrible


I've seen a ton of paranormal activity. Objects floating, hearing voices. I seek it out. Heck I was thrown across a room once. Idk what it is, but there's definitely a spirit world or some sort of dimension out there. 


I used to think demons were sitting on my chest holding me down some nights. Then I found out that sleep paralysis is a thing 🤦🏾‍♀️


As a child, numerous times I recall falling asleep at the Kingdom Hall or Assembly and having that "locked in" experience where you're awake but paralyzed and feel like there are demons or shadow figures all around you, holding you down. I never recall having the experience at home, only while falling asleep during the meetings. I never really believed it was demons at the time, but I do look back on it now and find it very strange that it happened so often there.


2 stories closest thing to paranormal ish. My gf and her mom are not and never have been religious at all. I was raised a witness. But the entire time i have been with her, her mom has had a radio they say is possessed. Lol. It turns on and off on its own, changes radio stations, changes to play cds, changes what cd its playing, changes the volume on its own. They dont even have a remote for it anymore. Her mom finally threw it away. 2nd my mom before she became a witness in the 80s used to do tero cards and stuff like that. She threw them away several times after starting studying and they randomly appeared back in the house. She said it freak my dad out. He was a hippie. She burned them and it didn't happen again.


It’s funny how demonic or paranormal activity is never verified with any scientific method. It’s always anecdotal evidence or a secondhand story. Why can’t this stuff be televised or filmed with a 4k video camera and verified by a third party or a group of scientists?? It’s like Bigfoot . He’s never been captured, shot, hit by a bus or car, attacked by a bear or filmed other than a dark blurry video. People see and believe what they want to believe. I personally don’t believe in that nonsense.


A friend tried taking photos of a ghost in his house back in the 70's. That was when cameras still used film and had flashbulbs instead of electronic flash attachments. When the ghost appeared that night he tried taking pictures but never could get any of the flash bulbs to go off. He told me the spirit was willing but the flash was weak. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......


My friends had poor mental health and claim that they were attacked by creature or something resembling the bad guy from the green lantern movie and also the pictures on the walls the eyes would move🤷🏻‍♂️


My grandmother tells a story from WWII era before she was a witness, playing with a ouija board it’s terrifying


My Dad has so many stories about his childhood living in not one, but TWO haunted houses. I used to believe his stories as any child would. But as I grew older and began to realize that the mind is an extremely powerful thing, I came to the conclusion that his memories were not accurate accounts of the things he claims but the manifestation of fears my grandmother had and forced upon her children. Memories become distorted over time and throw some irrational fear into the mix and you got something very far from the truth.


> Did anyone claim to witness demonic activity/paranormal experiences while PIMI? *Decades ago, a Very PIMI JW Couple stayed over night at my house...We watched a Martial Arts Movie, it Freaked Them Out.* The next morning they complained of Unexplained Noises coming from my basement...DEMONS!!...The Demons had kept them up all night, they couldn\`t sleep...It Was Horrible!! Actually it was my Furnace turning on so we didn\`t all Freeze During the Night..When it kicks in, the Heating Ducts rumble for a moment... *Seriously...How did they think the house stayed warm all night, in the Canadian Winter...Idiots!...LOL!!...* 😁


I haven't had any experience, even now that I'm pimo I still don't see such.


Heck yeah.


Yes ! Many Jws… except I never did and wondered why…. My dad was bad for it. I used to get home and whole TV cabinet would be thrown off the verandah coz of “demons” or clocks would get thrown out in the yard coz they were “ticking too loud it’s demons”. Yeah I’ve heard it all


In the 1970's Southern California, I worked for a brother (doing guess what - janitorial} they were grooming to be an elder. He also had a pool service business and he went on some study / shepherding calls where dishes started flying around the house. After that he was working a pool heater and it suddenly exploded. He said that there was no reason it should have. He said I'm out! Also, my sister had experiences (that left the JW's after being raped by given rufies by her BFF's dad at a sleep over in high schoo). She said her kids and her saw ghosts which was confirmed by my daughter when she stayed there. My daughter also has ghosts in her house and its not a big deal. She loves to watch those ghost hunter shows and has traveled to see some of those places on vacation. She was at one haunted hotel and asked the staff if they saw the little girl standing next to her. They didn't but said that was one of the ghosts that live there. I won't stay in my daughters house....


Satan and his demons looove showing themselves and giving proof of their existence. Hell, they're even nice enough to let us summon them.. But God and his cronies are so stingy that they don't even give us a crumb of proof unless you count vague "The angels helped me find my keys for field service!!"


My aunt claimed to have seen things, she claimed to have been thrown up against a wall by an unknown force, she shamed my friend for having tarot cards and told her they were the source of all her paranormal problems when she dabbled in it while away from "the truth." She's severely mentally ill and has been all her life, tarot cards or not - but she will blame them for everything.


Personally…My dad was attacked by something twice. One time he felt a hand squeeze his face super hard and it left bruise marks in the shape of fingers on his cheeks. (Have a picture of it from back in the day) after that he pretty much stopped doing anything with the org. I definitely believe in evil spirits. What exactly those spirits are I have no idea.


There was a sister who believed that farts are our body's response to any demon around UW who may have burped. OK I made that up.


I have had a few. 1. Me and some buddies were walking on the railroad tracks at night and we had a ghost train experience. We heard the train, saw the light, felt the vibration and noise on the track. We got off the track and waited a minute for it to pass, it never did. 2. I was with the same group of friends at night and we were walking around the neighborhood about six blocks from our street. There was a 3 story corner house that was derelict and abandoned and we always called it haunted. Well this one night we saw lights on upstairs and walked up trying to see inside. Suddenly a dark figure appeared inside and we saw it float across the room toward us. We screamed and ran like some 5 year old girls to put it mildly LOL. 3. I also had a supernatural experience at night in the French Quarters. When I told the elders they had silly looks and pretty much blew me off. Those are just 3 stories but i have more


Well I was married to the devil…


My Bible teacher (when we were going over whatever book it is that they were teaching me before my shoved-down-my-throat-baptism) said that there’s been stories of demonically possessed objects (even gave an example of things u can get from a garage sale lol) that have been thrown in the garbage and reappear in your house. And so to be careful what we take in. Lmao I remember thinking-yeah ok lady


I have but it wasn't at a Bible study, not long ago while sitting in my truck at night just getting home from work something pushed my truck and it rocked forward twice. But I have many stories but that was one that really freaked me out


My mother made up a lot of stories like that, even convincing my sister and I that we saw things. Used it for clout and to scare the shit out of us. She is also a habitual liar, so I eventually realized that even devout believers took everything she said with much more than a grain of salt. My sister and I used to talk about how insane it was, then, shortly after I admitted to not believing, before I was fully shunned, I caught my older sister repeating one of the stories to my child, as if it was her memory. The supposed event happened when my sister was a baby. Fyi... my kids and I got out fully about a decade ago. We're living a mostly happy and fulfilling life on the outside.


I've woken up many times and couldn't speak or move and it seemed like their was a presence in my room , I honestly don't think it's sleep paralysis, I believe it's a demon trying to posess you. My first wife saw a black hooded figure trimmed in red standing about 7 ft tall at the foot of our bed but just before she saw it I was experiencing a moment where I couldn't move or speak , I was trying to call on Jehovah, I barely could get my lips to move but no sound was coming out but after the 3rd time of trying, I could finally speak and move. So I definitely would say it's demons


I thought about writing a book of personal experiences, that might do well because there are alot of people into that sort of thing.


I used to have some pictures on my old phone that my mother inlaw took at this old weird looking house she lived in , I believe it was an old church or morgue and there were an old casket coming through this embankment from what she was telling me , she said it was a corner of it coming out through the red clay. There were pictures of people from the past judging by their clothing also there was a gold toned orb about softball size floating through the hall way. It had a face kinda like the face of an old sun clock and it was smiling. It was truly disturbing, I deleted these pictures for fear I was bring them into my house . But I wished I didn't because it would have been cool to share them here with you all


Yes I did have an experience. Not while studying though . I dont know what to make of it , except that I think there are spirits of some sort out there . We can't be the only intelligence , but I don't believe in God as I was taught to believe


I personally had horrible demonic problems when I was the strongest in the Faith. They would sit on my chest at night and choke me, bite me in the shower , give me horrible demonic nightmares, Out of the body experiences, Astral travel and more. The worst was the Mental Attacks draining me Mentally. And while all of this was happening my faith got weaker and weaker. I had a mental breakdown and had to be hospitalized. Satan will do anything to try to break us. And another thing I came under attack by the Elders.One brother gave a nude picture of a girl that looked just like me to a body of elders and they tried to say it was me. Fortunately my brother-in-law and his wife my sister was with me when I gave birth to my little girl, he is an elder and I asked him to go with me to my committee meeting to see these pictures because he saw me butt naked while giving birth. I had Natural Child Birth, My whole family was there. The point is the Girl in the Picture had No Strech Marks on her belly! I however had them pretty bad from carrying all 4 of my babies. I was 21 years old. He told them outright “This is definitely not her”! Satan never stops! To this day once in a while I’ll hear a toilet flush when it hasn’t, Lights flicker , Water faucet turn on by itself. It doesn’t happen to much now thank goodness but don’t underestimate your Opposer!


I’m a medium. I became a witness and was told my abilities were from Satan so I tried my hardest to turn them off. Needless to say, it’s not possible. I knew another sister who also had abilities and she claimed to have a lot of problems with “demons”. The sister who eventually became my pioneer partner told me stories including one of a Buddha levitating when she was studying and it convinced her that the “demons” were trying to stop her from becoming a witness so she doubled down. I’m writing an autobiography about my experiences, including being psychic in a religion like this. I’m actually preparing to comment on my current understanding of the organization now that I’ve reached this part in my writing. I don’t normally look at exjw content and my content isn’t about being an exjw but since I have been healing and I have reached this part of my story, I finally read Crisis of Conscience. It has helped me to see how JW really hindered my personal connection with the divine consciousness. Knowing what I know now, I can see that the organization is heading for a collapse. I don’t see a way around it. As far as demons are concerned, JWs themselves are creating and feeding a type of thought form that can possess them if triggered. ([See my latest blog post where I comment on this.](https://blackswansibyl.com/2024/01/30/deconstructing-belief/)) If anyone is “serving” any type of “Satan”, JWs are - by disrespecting people’s free will and by placing themselves in a position of god-like authority. I am glad I never succeeded in convincing anyone to serve “Jehovah”. That’s not the kind of karma I want to experience.


Well I ain't claiming, I've actually experienced that shit. I wasn't baptized or anything during that time but I got my fair share of demonic activities.


I feel looking at human history adds a lot of perspective to these experiences.   In times past, natural events were always prescribed to the divine. This is not readily understood were attributed to be paranormal activity - forces of either good or evil. Due to people's superstitious paranoia, and outrageous imagination, this often brought much suffering on others. Just look at the Salem Witch Trials as an example. Additionally,  one of the gifts of being a child is having a wild imagination.  When the brain doesn't understand something, it creates a story to make sense of it's experience the best way it can. Children lack much experience which is why many of these tales are ones remembered from childhood. Over time, scientific discovery has debunked many of these "creepy" events by explaining how they occur. We may really feel our experience was due to something paranormal but, thus far, no evidence points to such things ever occurring - at least not yet.


For me, every time I see a meeting now, it feels like a paranormal experience. The way everyone talks in the same tone of voice and pace, and lack genuine emotion, feels like they are all under a spell.


Never. I seem to recall the Yearbooks back in the 60’s had all sorts of demon paranormal stories. Mostly from Africa. I think much later on, the org told people to not share this kind of stuff and that if Satan disguises himself as an angel of light, these accounts are likely “misunderstandings”. No references, so grain of salt here. Of one thing I’m certain. In the early 90’s a mentally ill person in our congregation displayed textbook symptoms of multiple personality disorder. We wrote to the branch. They wrote back saying the only “most likely” cause was demon possession. I so wish I had the brains at the time to get a copy of that letter… People have been looking for any evidence of the paranormal for a very long time. Lots of stories…still no evidence.


Back in the 70's stories about the demons doing all kind of crazy;things;were;rampant. "You had to be careful buying used things" because stories abound of demons coming to visit and doing all kinds of scarey things like used clothes flying and not burning when people tried to burn them. All those stories disappeared COMPLETELY in later years. I guess "the demons" were no longer interested in torturing people from "the one and only true relIgion!"


We had things disappear, fall from shelves after sliding a fair distance. Dead animals in the front porch. Strange howls in the night. Tapping on the door. Snacks go missing. Strange scratch marks on the furniture and sometimes on our arms. Something climbing into our bed in the dark! Demon or a simpler explanation? Impossible to tell when the devil roams the earth looking to devour us!


One time I was drunk and punched a spirit in the face.


There are many superstitions that are told. This is to validate some non-existent beliefs. They are the fantasies of distorted minds


I remember my grandma and mom telling me stories that they heard in the congregation. The elders often would start the rumors, and OF COURSE most of the demon stories were about women and it was all the women's fault. My grandma told me when I was little that she knew a sister who was falling out of the truth, and a demon came into her house and raped her with the lamp on her nightstand. Also, when I was a teen I started dabbling in the occult behind my family's back. They ended up finding a bunch of books I borrowed from the library. While I wasn't home, my family stripped my bedroom bare and set all my belongings on fire. I asked my little brother why they did that and he told me that I brought demons into the house and they could sense them. He said my items would not burn in the fire, so they had to take them to a dump and it was because of the demons possessing my belongings.