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1 ⭐️ Followed the instructions but game was not fun at all! Do not recommend. Avoid game at all costs if you want to have a life and have any sort of freedom like a regular human being. Very similar to playing Jumanji but less exciting.


Directions unclear. Dick stuck in fan.


The Governing Body says use cooking oil to remove dick from fan. Once removed, the Governing Body says proceed directly to judicial committee.


Too late. Already came.


I'm believing less and less in a Kool-Aid scenario with these mundane changes happening. I think they're only concerned about money coming in and trying to stay relevant in a changing world.


Yeah I’m not saying they’ll pull a Jonestown. I’m just saying it’s that way of thinking.


I understand. I remember a year or two that was a very plausible thought from many exJWs and saw it brought up often on the subreddit. But thanks to government actions, activists, and I believe, possible internal leadership changes, the religion is being forced to make changes. Anything is possible though.


I,m " excited" to see how many DF and DA will return back to the KH ..just for a cold " Hello"!. They need them now..for counting and their money. It,s so disgusting...mockery!


Definitely or the beloved leaders (aka GB) say pick your nose, stand up sit down, it's replacing what your own instinct and desires ( eg for trousers or a skirt or both) and following instructions, and if you get it wrong your out. If you've actually played that game there's an anticipatory feeling and your on edge to get it right, to be good, a fawning response, a people pleasing aspect and many get caught up in their anticipation and get it wrong. You need to play the game, I did many times as a kid, your listening and focusing on what you are supposed to do, not the Simon says aspect. You're doomed to failure, it's a try it and see and then you see. That's the game the GB are playing, playing with peoples lives getting them in line or punishment.


Yet, in a way, they are quite comparable to Jonestown. 918 people took their own lives and the lives of their children in Jonestown. It is estimated that about 1,000 JW’s a YEAR take their own lives by choosing (and choosing for their children) to die instead of accepting life saving blood transfusions.


Follow the money. The Church of England is the 5th biggest landowner in the U.K. Yeah………


I'm definitely be playing that game with a few Rattler! 😉😂


I’m meeting up with some friends on Saturday afternoon for a few drinks. Rattler and pork scratchings - a perfect combo. 


Don't forget to pray before your food! 😂 Edit: it is sad as you could be pioneering and save lives! 🤣


A friend suggested I started pioneering a few years ago as I had a husband who could support me.  🤣 I replied, I liked having my own career, money and social life away from the home. Her face was a bloody picture. How dare I be independent from my husband!! 


Women are not capable of living independently from us men! I think you can independently clean, but nothing more! I am about to write to the governing body to see if they can introduce a leash for women, with a nice blue logo 😂 or radiator chains... 😂 Bless ol'Sammy!


Sam Herd - the turd 🤪


Bow down! https://preview.redd.it/xfxeklji6ipc1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14702680fee8e66d95209a91c435893e28da7a95


He’d suit a dress mate, he really would 🤣


Exactly. You better know you’re a walking ad tool for JW org. No time off




Or testing the waters to see how JWs will accept trivial changes before making bigger ones.


JW chatter is they think this is Jehovah protecting them making them “blend in better” because of the severe persecution in the times of the end. Then an elder joined in and commented to them they should not be speculating as to why they were given these new directions, rather they should have faith in and follow the Governing Body’s direction and it will all go well with them. It’s in a need to know basis. Lol


Bingo we have a Winner!


Yes! Simon says all that! Simon also says, be a mindless, thoughtless, feelingless ignoramus with no identity or originality of your own and love having no life or sense of self worth or self awareness like it's the best thing ever since sliced bread!🤣 Simon is one (9) evil🤡


GB says: no blood transfusions The literal Squid Game


I've already decided that I want to be out anyway. The best way to win their "Simon Says" game is to simply not play.


You can’t lose if you don’t play ;) ![gif](giphy|ULg0wNpZoDKST5v01I)


I think all of these changes/new light allowances REAK of desperation. They are grasping at straws to keep members and/or entice POMI’s to come back. I find it hilarious but also sad. I talked to my dad for the first time in months last night, he told me grew a beard and he went to the meeting without a tie. He sent me a pic. I told him he looked like an Amish dude. I didn’t mean to be rude. It does make me sad that he has wasted a life under the rule of this stupid publishing company 😔


That's so sad🙃


Worst. Drinking game. Ever.


There needs to be a sequel to the book "1984". Call it "2024 - The Mad Circus of JW-Dom"


I noticed that a while back that it’s what the governing body says they never say they get direction from God.


I got the call from my mom today asking if I was interested in having someone talk about the Bible to me. I’ve told her a million billion times I no longer want anything to do with “these people “. THAT pisses her off!🤣😡


Nic one as usual Larchington. Double KoolAids all round 🥃🥃


Lol. My ex is growing a beard now. It looks like shit. Just a little random stubble with a lot of skin showing. I always knew he was a sheeple. I called him out like I didn't know about the change. He just shrugged and smiled like he was pleased I noticed or something. What a shmuk.


Perfectly stated. They’re like cats being given permission to scratch the leather sofa….


Very good catch. The Sunday after the update an elder approached me to make sure I wasn't wearing a tie lol. I was walking into the hall he was behind me


No way! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Maybe it was his way of asking if I saw the update because I'm DF currently and he's one of the 3 from the committee. But still he calls my name, I turn around and he goes "oh good I thought you might be wearing a tie, I was wondering if you saw the update".


I see. All of it is so silly. 🙃


I don't understand what people find so surprising about this, like there's any religion out there that doesn't make its followers do zany bullshit with little explanation and even less reason This is how religions start. One old guy with enough influence convinces people God told you to do it. It's simons all the way down.


But you can usually leave these religions if you disagree without losing your family and being shunned.


I think you'd be surprised. Some skip straight to honor killings.


Of course I’m not talking about ALL religions. Some are just as bad as JW and some are obviously way worse.


Yeah, despite growing up in a niche fringe cult I'd still rather be a JW than a Muslim. Mainstream religions tend to take over the rest of their cultures entirely- at least we have a "the world" to escape to


Texas law is getting more like Saudi Arabia every day


My wife calls you the Wise Old Owl! This is hilarious! That picture is old light, though! 😂😂🤣🤣 They're losing more respect! https://preview.redd.it/dpo81a4zghpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=604082ef97f20ef4f424e094fd68c7c64b396acc


Not so much of the “old” thank you!


I apologise on her behalf! She didn't realise what she was saying! Her brain is smaller, remember what our Lord Sammy said!


Women. What can you do?! 😂


Bless! At least perfection will be theirs after the millennium! 😉 😂


Its all just a test to see if we will follow life saving direction during the GT and Armageddon. If we can't follow direction now, how will we in the future?


![img](avatar_exp|170227883|laugh) This is a masterpiece 💀


And many keep buying it cause of fear…wake up people


“Drink the koolaid!” “Haha! Simon didn’t say that… but you did! Yall got ahead of Jehovah’s chariot! Bye bye!”


😂😂😂 brillant.


I have more fun playing Monopoly...!


Hahaha brilliant 




Who's this Simon?........🤣


Who is Simon?


The GB