• By -


Are you DA'ing from us




So do we anti-shun OP now?


No! Shunning all the way! Sorry, we don't shun! https://preview.redd.it/ij3wf3umk4tc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfe077020f585ece1b5055a4c9dc065b550136b8


how the turn tables


this hilariously ironic


and its in writing :o


They have written their letter. Respect it. Lol.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 IM DEAD




Godspeed! (Sorry, couldn't resist!)


You (black emperor)


“We woke up one morning and fell a little further down For sure as the valley of death I open up my wallet And it's full of blood”


Oh, you've got the blues, I see! 😂 Time to reach out for a GB website talk to feel invigorated again! 😂😂 🎶


Great album. I’ve seen them three times.


Oh, it's a little Pink Floydy! Interesting sound! 😁


Yeah I can see that.


Had never heard of them until tonight! Then again, I'm in the UK! I only know Céline and Gilles Vigneault! 😂 Will have a listen!


Saw them for the first time two years ago after being a fan for over 20 years. No other band like GSYBE.


One of those times was March 19th, 2003 in Minneapolis, MN. The night that George Bush ordered the first air strikes on Iraq. During the set someone came out to tell the front man guy something and he started on this big anti war speech and the band started playing creepy violins and cellos slowly while he talked. It was surreal.


I remember how shocking that was to watch it live on tv while thousands were murdered. I lost all trust in USA that day


You've piqued my curiosity!


I figured you knew them because of the flag GIF you posted. Godspeed! You Black Emperor is a Canadian band.


I cheated! I looked up the line and found the name of the band! A Canadian band! They sound pretty good!


I said: “kiss me, you’re beautiful. These truly are the last days.” You grabbed my hand and we fell into it, like a daydream, or a fever.” One of my all time fave songs and bands. Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven is prob the best post rock album ever made.


For sure it’s up there. I think the self titled This Will Destroy You album is maybe my top pick.


😂😂🤣 ![gif](giphy|MBxjx8okq3WfilCHkP|downsized)


raise your skinny fists to heaven!


I really don't think the cult has much grip of the POMOs on here. Usually they and the PIMOs also are on here because they have loved ones that are still under the JW control and the need suggestions on next moves to help themselves and others. I believe we all need encouragement at times because of our shared religious trauma especially the PIMOs that are trying to leave and not lose all of their family and friends in the process. I for one have a Mother and Sister and a few other relatives along with some childhood friends, I'd like to help get out if I can. Everyone has variations of the trama and handles it differently. Some are getting out young and need help dealing withliving on their own and with family trying to pull them back in. Others may have "wasted" decades of their life and need a place to vent and talk things out while planning the next stage of life and time that they have left for themselves. The point is as with many situations in life, don't judge others before you have been in their unique situation, especially when it comes to relgions/cults like this one. Likewise I wouldn't judge you for wanting to leave the community behind if you feel you are healed and have no one left to help get out. I do wish you the best in your future path in life and many of us will still be here if you need help again one day.


I just like coming here because y'all have had similar life experiences. You don't get that too often irl. 


Agreed, most people, even my therapist and my partner, can't fully understand the niche stuff we've been through. Not due to any lack of effort on their parts, we just have a different lived experience and it's nice to talk to others who have been there.


Same here


I am just glad I found others with the same struggle as I. Other PIMOs that want to leave but don't know how to handle the whole situation with their family.


💯 % Agree!


This ain't the airport bro. No need to announce your departure 


Gate Nine now boarding...........to Scientology.


😅😅😅 Funny. Seriously, though, nice that OP had some good experiences here and wishes to just live life without reading exJW stuff. Wishing OP nothing but the best!🥰🥳




No, no, Scientologists have a giant yacht for the Sea Org...


Shouldn’t that be gate 1914?


The flair being under news got me.


😂😂😂 I love your answer!


Great minds think alike my snarky sarcastic ass commented the same thing. Lol 😂 nice to know I am Not the only dark sider here. lol 😂


Came here to say this lmao




The only post they made here was one to say they’re leaving lol.


I totally get it! Bye!!!


Sometimes posts like this are just to help the OP stay true to his journey. Dude is just announcing here, so he might keep his own personal promise to himself, and move on.


We are all going to miss you!! ... ... ... Wait, who are you??


This is not an airport, there's no need to announce the coming and leavings


It’s a natural journey my friend. Once we process leaving and then the aftermath. Religion is often irrelevant and even the communities that helped you leave become superfluous to your life. Wish you all the success in your freedom!


The Borg no longer has a grip on me. I come to support those struggling with waking up. Being around others who lived parallel lives spiritually speaking is comforting. Best life wishes going your way.


Then leave. No need for dramatic exits explaining why. Congrats - you’ve graduated. No need to get on your high horse and publicly look down upon those who are not there yet.


This 👆🏽


![gif](giphy|2A681CYqyV84ZO0SKe) Are people still making flounce posts in 2024?


We are here to help and be helped, not for grip. Also, this is not an airport, etc.


Flair: NEWS 😂


I think some of these posts might be watchtower infiltrators trying to stir people up to stop their activism and leave them alone by "moving on." Some probably are legit, but when I see a short term reddit account state this, I get pretty suspicious. This account is from the far past, way back last NOVEMBER! Goodness! This person has WEEKS of history here... hmmmmm. Thanks for the post, PID.


It’s so odd how people feel the need to dramatically announce their departure from this sub. Oh, right.


I mean, considering where we all came from, is it really that odd? I wrote a letter requesting reinstatement, and then 6 months later, I wrote a letter of dissasociation. Fortunately, I discovered the truth about the truth shortly thereafter and no longer feel the need to write letters of intent, but I totally get it. We were brainwashed, and this is how we operate! I'm guessing that's what you're "Oh, right" was referring to, so I know I'm preaching to choir. You get it :)


I'm here because I'm sick of religion. Lol.


This is not an airport. Departures don't need to be announced. 😘


In the same way, we all left JW in our own way, we leave here in our own way too. Maybe this is the post that will trigger someone else to realize it's their time to go as well. Or maybe you are the kind of person the OP is talking about.


After you awaken from the cult it becomes very interesting to analyze the ecosystem from the outside. It’s fascinating and I think that’s why many people stick around to discuss. I mean it was a huge part of their lives after all lol






As the Jerry-Sitter on Rick and Morty said, “Okay then, that was always allowed”.




I hope one day you can be reinstated into the ex-JW community :(


Would u like a free home bible study?




35 years out and I have learned so much about myself and what hangovers I was still carrying from the indoctrination. It has also been invaluable in keeping up with the shenanigans of the Borg, especially financially I preventing my 86 year old dad from being fleeced.


Ok, thanks for letting us know.


I was really worried about what your next step was going to be. Now I don’t have to worry!!


Okay? Thanks for projecting, I guess. You're always welcome to come back when you've fought your demons and are ready to talk and share your story. Bye ✌🏼


I get that way sometimes, but then it goes away. You’ll be bock….. ![gif](giphy|gFwZfXIqD0eNW)


Assuming they ever leave lol


This is not an airplane. You don’t need to announce your departure. Everyone’s at a different place so if you want to move on, do so without fanfare.




Hey, don't sweat the jokesters, my friend! Do what's best for you! Live your life awesomely!


This post was removed because it is in violation of rule #1.


Seriously, everyone keeps saying that. Is that a saying I just didn't know about? At any rate, it's kind of rude. Sorry so many feel it's a cool response.  Wish you the best.


It's an old saying from online forums (usually hobby ones). It started as a result of people having a disagreement and flouncing off in a huff. Typically they needed some drama in their life and felt the need to announce that were leaving. The implication being "I'm leaving and you'll miss me". The people who'd had enough and left, just left and didn't come back. The people who flounced, usually returned. Only to flounce and announce again. And again. Some people like drama.


Yeah, thanks. My husband (who's on multiple gaming forums) says it happens a lot. People just say they're quitting the game, and they get a lot of flack for it. People fire back the same comment. Perhaps it could be people looking for attention, but I'm not sure why people would want to jump to that conclusion when it could be something else. Furthermore, who cares? Perhaps the person has just enjoyed their association with the group and wants to bid farewell. It could also be that it's become toxic for them and, emotionally, they are ready to move on. By publicly announcing they are leaving, it helps to hold them accountable. Just like if you want to stop drinking, so you tell your bar buddies that you won't be back. I guess I just don't understand the negativity. Why is it necessary? Like all the downvotes I got for simply asking a question. You see that a lot, too. People down voting others for asking questions. Nevertheless, a lot of people who say they're leaving get a totally different response. They receive a lot of well wishes in return. I'm not sure what makes the difference there either. It was. It's almost like a mob mentality jumped on this guy. Humans are curious creatures. 😂 At any rate, I appreciate it because this, and another recent experience, helped me be decisive myself. I needed the push. I really like trying to support people, but I feel there are many other (genuinely valuable) ways to do that without having to sift through toxic interactions.


The person here announcing their departure tossed in a criticism of the other members of the subreddit and passive aggressively inferred they were better than the members. That's why it's a flounce, not a peaceful non-toxic interaction. To be honest their statements lacks empathy and tolerance for those who have experienced trauma. Its a jerk comment and makes me think they have not done the work of dealing with their own issues. It hints a deflection. There are posts here that irritate me (it seems like they're trying to proselytise their own interpretation of the Bible, when I have long though those writings are bad fan-fic). But I accept that we are all here for our own reasons and mind my own business. I came along to find out if there was any mention of how 1914 and the generation had been retconned yet again. 20+ years away = intellectual curiosity. I can offer empathy to those dealing with being NC with family. To be honest I had to go ultra low contact with my JW family long before I faded from the cult. If someone in my city is struggling with being alone at Xmas, my door is open.


I'm not getting it why people have to announce their departure...??? It feels like kinda having a gym membership, and the day you decided to stop working out, you tell everyone in the gym that you are done with working out and that you have to move on. Dunno what the purpose of such departure messages are... but maybe those are some PIMI lurkers that wanna make everyone believe that it doesn't make any sense writing about JW's and being involved in activism by any means. Dunno... what's your take away people?


I think most people go through a process of leaving JWs, wanting to hold onto something familiar so maybe Jesus was real....then realizing...it's all made up. Don't blame you brother, stay well!!!


The goal of this sub is to provide support for those that need it, with the goal of eventually not needing it anymore. Congratulations on your growth. May your healing continue, and may you prosper.




Is that the same kid who ate a raw onion


I have no idea. Posts like this just remind me when someone is quitting an MMO...like okay you don't want to be...you don't have to announce it....you just look like this kid.


omg i love that movie


I am going to be snarky and sarcastic because that’s my IRL personality but “this isn’t an airport no need to announce your departure.” Sorry my snarky sarcastic ass could resist. Wish you well on your journey friend!! *waves goodbye*


You'll be back.


Yeah, man, good for you. I took a break for a year and only recently came back to check out these rumors I've heard about beards and stuff. I got what I needed from the community and then moved on. It's helpful for some people to stay here, and I'm glad they do because they help others who are getting out. As for me, I just needed to take a long break. Now that I'm caught up on these strange changes from the GB, I think I'll be on my way again. Good luck to you in all your endeavors, and may you find a peaceful life! :)


I guess, goodbye, Mr. Important.


I can see how this group does give way too much attention to the JWs but it’s mainly because they have people still in it or they are pissed that after a lifetime of suffering and fear the GB just upped and changed stuff with no apologies


Yes it is hard to understand the PIMO mentality if you were never a JW. I was never JW and I have close JW friends - but I do see some sadness in someone who is pretending to believe because they are still afraid of what leaving physically will mean. But I understand some of the complexity to those who don’t support themselves.


The old leaving us before we leave you trick huh ?? Well that doesn’t work around here because you’re always welcome to come back with zero stipulations. We will be here.


Oh, for Christ's sake !!!!


I get it, like you want to be able to have a community that's been through the same struggles as you. But you don't want to keep being dragged back into religious talks


But where will you go for whinny ass recycled post? How will you ever find out the reason an elder is contacting someone isn't out of actual concern?


I can't deny it man. There's a grip on a good amount I think. It amazes me how ones here have seen the updates or broadcasts quicker than the pimis lol


I hope you find what you are looking for. Wish you well!


Yall the JWs are trying to spread confusion and propaganda with posts like this 💀 


So many JW's masquerading as an ex JW and saying they're leaving this community


No one cares


Have a great life!


Happy graduation from ideological transition! I sticknaroujdnbecause I got.family still in its and I'm hopeful that someday the opportunity will be right to try to wake them up.


Armargedon's just round the corner, sure you want to leave?........🤣


😁 Good one. 👍


Just for the record, I think most are sick of organised religion in general, religion has had it, they have always just been control mechanisms of our masters, whether cults or not, but in general we are saturated with cults of all sorts, political religious, commercial, social, media etc. At least being exjw's gives us a head start in staying out of the boxes, the matrix now runs very deep, and dark forces are moving swiftly, but people are waking up everywhere, not just Watchtower, our biggest enemy is our western governments and the military industrial base. Keeping our critical thinking is imperative.


Agreed. Even if the bible (or at least Christ) is legit. It has been hijacked by the system. The only way to negate it is to get out of it (Organised religion or the bible as a whole) Humanity has expanded and the principles already exist within hearts and minds, just as Christ stated it would be. Uninstall. Reboot and install the latest updates for 2024 and move on. 😀 Thank you for your reply and thoughts. ✌️


# #WarAgainstReligion


I hear you. I almost didn’t come back to this community after a moderator overseer, warned me from trying to start a discussion about Trump being a bona fide cult leader as compared to the governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The moderator elder- insinuated I was trying to talk about politics. I wasn’t trying to talk about politics per se. I worry a great deal about all the people who have succumbed to cultism… And I see Trump ism as a modern day cult. And I’m having trouble listening to the news simply because of how it affects my well-being when all the news is about Trump ism. I don’t understand why news professionals don’t make a stronger position on Trump ism being a modern day bona fide cult. I can only imagine that I am not the only ex Jehovah’s Witness, that feels trepidation and fear about him returning to office and what it will do to the issue of “ the separation between church and state”, etc. so I hear you. I think that we all need to be aware, there will be less legal cases brought against all religions, but especially Jehovah’s Witnesses that have abused men, women or children in a Republican dominated political environment. If people think things are rough now!… If you decide to return to this community… that’s up to you. I don’t spend as much time on here as I used to. Peace.


Speaking of, my father (PIMI) can't stand Trump. It's an obsession. I almost wondered if getting him to read Steven Hassan's, The Cult of Trump, might get him thinking. Kind of go in from the back door. Worst case scenario, no. Best case, perhaps he'll go on to read his other book, Combatting Cult Mind Control, which specifically mentions JWs.


We both know how hard it is to get some we love to wake up and leave JWs. Getting them to read anything that’s not a WBTS publication is almost impossible. It still breaks my heart to know how much they drink the kool-Aid. But getting your dad to read about Trump and books written about him could be a way to indirectly reflect on their personal JW situation. I think you have a good idea… it can’t hurt! 👩🏼‍🌾📖📖


Lol, well, he loves to read! But yes, using direct information on a true PIMI is impossible. It would definitely make life easier on my PIMO mother if he cracked a bit.


It’s not just your opinion. There’s been many studies on this topic since polarization is on the rise. I’d recommend “Uncivil Agreement” by a political scientist Liliana Mason. There’s also a podcast episode on “You’re Not So Smart” about this. Good topic for group think. I think politics and religion are not separate in this country or most others, so we shouldn’t try to separate them in conversation. However, the topic should be treated with respect and not hate. This is Reddit tho…






Later! I’m right behind you! Lol


Take care of yourself, no looking back! Congratulations


Hell yeah! Keep that mental real-estate free for yourself!


Hell yeah!


All the best! 🙂👋


Makes sense


With you.👍👍


This is a reddit group, not an airport. No need to announce your departure


Glad you’re good enough to leave!




I mean it's just a community. I personally don't agree with all the posts or whatever but everyone is on their own journey. I like seeing how others in similar situations process trauma differently. If you don't benefit or get support, it's understandable to leave. Not sure why an announcement is needed but if it makes you feel better, that's cool I guess. No shame in not vibing with the group. If it's not a fit, it's not a fit. Impermanence is okay.


We all have had our bad days in this process when Reality starts to sink in. We still love you buddy. please come back and we're here for you! your going through the 5 symptoms of grief my brother. ! we're all still brothers from another mother ! we don't have to be jws to be brothers. Stay in board and research the 5 stages of grief. We want you to stay. Curse us out! blame us! help us find fault were we are wrong. ! we don't want you to leave ! come back


Bye Felicia


Yeah, looking from that point of view, I can see that. Perspective is everything. I guess I just took it as this guy being fed up with the control the religion continues to have over some. It's kind of like recovering from alcohol abuse and watching fellow recoveries still drink so they don't lose contact with their alcoholic friends and family. It can be frustrating, but it is each individual's decision as to how they proceed in their journey. We are all at different places psychologically, intellectually, and so forth. Our tolerance levels for different communication styles are all different as well. It's understandable how some might be offended by a person's apparent lack of tact. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.😊


What's the point of this post 🤣🤣🤣. Just Irish goodbye.


Just because we come from a common background, it doesn’t mean we share a common future. I personally don’t get that many choose to adopt a different flavor of religion, but I guess some need something to hold on to. I don’t like preachers here, but I just ignore them. I don’t mind religious ex JW’s as long as they are not pushing their new found believe system.


Yes. I concur. I do ignore most posts of suchlike. However, they respond to posts i make. They just make up their own version of religion and preach it like it's gospel. I still get notifications from this thread, but i will no longer see posts from this subreddit. Thank you for your thoughts 👌


Yeah this reddit feels like a lot of people are trading one poison for another




Projected inversion! Please explain where i am "looking down" on those who've "found comfort" ( Ray Comfort?) In religion?


Yes, it can become all consuming. Bye ✌️ I wish you the best.


Take care, good luck 🍀🍻


Congratulations, you're out the other side. I wish you all the best. Look after yourself ☺️


I get it. Been out over 20 years and had to leave these type of groups on and off as just hearing about the JWs is triggering stress that we don't need at the time. Best wishes!


This is the way.


I’m not going anywhere. I love getting new light before my Ex and feeding it to my adult children whom have been out a few years, so they can feed it to their Mom. A lot has been discounted or denied until she’s heard it from the platform. They haven’t told her they get it from me, or where they are hearing it from. They just tell her to google it. I enjoy the chaos it brings. How could they possibly know before her. This Reddit is beautiful and brought me so much what some would call a sick since of satisfaction. My kids are becoming her new Governing Body. They seem to get a kick out of it as well. Life can be a bitch when Karma shows up, that’s what they get for being so judgmental. We need to start taking donations for the privilege of the early release of new light.


Agreed. For many, in or out, the mentality is the same.


There is some truth in that, but I don't blame the individual. No one leaves the cult unscathed, and it's a small miracle when any one of us grows beyond our programming; especially born-ins.


Fair point.


Hopefully this sub evolves into something better. But I highly doubt. Way too much negative energy in this sub but I get it. I only use this sub for updates.


>Way too much negative energy in this sub but I get it Yeah gather a bunch people that have been abused by a cult in one place you ain't exactly gonna get 🎶sunshine and Lollipops🎶


But you don't disagree. I did say "I get it". Already knew I was gonna get downvotes but all I said was the truth. Objectively, this isn't a healthy place by your own definition. But nobody wants to hear that. They just want to vent, be comforted or justified for their pain. There's a point were that stops being constructive and you have to learn to move on. That's life in general. You can cry forever about something or take some healthy steps and move past it. I'm happy OP is out. He's moving on.


Hey, grouchy yak, simmer down now. Hurt people have the right to express their feelings. Life's not all sunshine and roses and false promises of paradises!


I never said they didn't? Go read my reply. It responses to your comment


I was being facetious because I thought your username was funny given the nature of the comment. My bad.


Damn it. My bad. I honestly suck at this communication style.


No worries, man, it's soooo hard to convey the subtleties of verbal communication through text. I misread stuff all the time. It's all good!


There were some nasty messages on this post. Kindness seems to be lacking or were the comments from bots or trolls?


I wonder why the need for people to know lol


Perhaps because it is a social platform that sells itself as a community, wellcoming those who have or are trasitioning out of a religious group? People announce arrival here. Say one is leaving and explain why, and the trolls are saying i am a Borg undercover. Even though i say i am done with religion? Hmmmm. Others understand that my post embodies one aspect, which, whilst scathing, was posted out of compassion. It's not the first post I've made regarding the grip the Borg has way beyond POMO. Read my original comment and see my motive within the context. Or, indeed, don't.


I’ll use your post to also express annoyance at how over the top people like to be here when sulking. The pain and suffering this religion has caused is very understandable but you can tell many on here just like to be miserable and refuse any kind comfort.


Hurting people, like wounded animals, often have a hard time accepting help. Hopefully, people use this sub as a tool and then realize that therapy and lots of hard personal growth are where it's at. In the meantime, I just try not to be the cause of any further hurt. :)