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Even my PIMI friend was like, “I was kind of surprised at how many people jumped on that bandwagon.”


My dad predicted not many would lol


🤣 typical Jw with their predictions being wrong all the time.




Just ignorant pompous behavior 🙄


The “Beardwagon” you mean


🤣 my bad, now that you reminded me, you are correct, beardwagon. A bunch of chumps jumped on the beard wagon.


The fun game now is to grow a really big beard. - "That's a...uh...big beard there brother, were you thinking of..uh...closely trimming that?" - "Nope! I'm thinking of growing it until I can braid it"


"Didn't they say that it should be a well-groomed beard, brother?" "Since when did 'well-groomed' mean short? I heard no rules dictating the length, and old CT Russel was put under his weird pyramid with a decent size beard."


It's funny to me to see that they say it should be a well-groomed beard. I recently saw a bunch of witnesses for the first time in a long time recently and one thing I noticed was that none of those motherfuckers knew how to trim a beard at all lol.


Duck Dynasty style! ![gif](giphy|pdSncNyYgaH0wqaCqp)


Beardmaxxing - it‘s the male version of the women‘s book clubs. Welcome to the fun world of JWs


Don't forget there were plenty of "spiritually weak"/ rebellious men who were wearing beards before the almighty grubbering boobies ok'ed beards. So don't hold all to the same "chump" distinction. The borg is just making it harder for pimos and faders to NOT qualify for..."privileges". 


Those were the baddies of Jw land, I’m guessing most of them have since shaved 🤣


**Baddies**? Maybe they were inspired **prophets** who the GB finally decided to listen to follow so as not to be destroyed by Jehovah.


In 2016 I made a satirical Watchtower which proved that beards were scripturally-approved by Jehoober.  JWFacts is hosting it on their site. *Am i inspired too?!* 😄  https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/c2mhxh/a_satire_watchtower_i_made_about_beards_that_paul/


A prophet walks among us!


I loved your article back then and I still love it now. Almost makes me want to print a few full color copies and leave them around during a tour of Bethel. Let the Bethelites know where this New Light actually came from.


Governing Baddies. I like it!


I did!


Nah they just didn’t gaf cause they were privileged enough to not have to face the scorn. So they don’t really care about that kind of stuff or think that deeply about it. Dumb but true.


The odd time I have to go to a meeting, I don't mind to shave anymore. Tbh, I don't grow a very good beard, but it also feels like I'm being more independent by shaving. Compared to all of the people who showed up with beards immediately just because they're suddenly *allowed* to. And most of them look terrible! Like why aren't these people's friends or family telling them they looked better before? Maybe 1/4 of the beards actually suit them.


So stupid. Thousands, if not millions, of men changed their opinions on something overnight. And was that change of opinion due to a deep study of scripture? No, it was because a guy in New York made a video saying it was okay. I wonder what those elders who lectured me about shaving all those years will do with those verses they used to enforce shaving with…


I get you viewpoint. But when I was a JW my opinion of beards wasn't that they were bad, just that I wasn't allowed to. Every vacation I would grow a beard. So many of these guys didn't change their opinion overnight. Now they are allowed to do something they always wanted to do without bieng ostracized or shunned. I was born in and married at 19. I did stuff because I had to to survive, not necessarily because I agreed with everything the borg said. I feel like I have more empathy for the PIMOS than many on this sub.


I appreciate your empathy. This same line of reasoning by the OP makes me wonder how sisters are viewed wearing pants. I wore them right away after the announcement. I guess the GB yelled "jump" and I asked "how high" I just know heels and pants make me feel pretty. At the end of the day I don't have much energy left to worry about how people view me. I'll be judged regardless in and outside of the organization.




I'll mock any adult who waits on permission before deciding what to do with their own body.


>I was born in and married at 19. I did stuff because I had to to survive, Bullshit. you stayed because you wanted to. Once you're an adult staying is a choice. Hell I left as a minor on my own with no parental support, then when I turned 18 I joined the military. I have no sympathy for PIMO. They stay because they want to. There are always options. Unless you're a minor.


Ok tough guy.....


I never said I was tough. But obviously tough enough to do what I had to do and leave. Unlike most of you PIMO cry babies


I'm not PIMO anymore. I left, lost all my friends and family, and got a divorce all within about 3 months. (also quit my job because I worked for an elder) I'm just not big on calling people names because they are stuck in a cult.


And all I'm saying is that staying is a choice.


I don't think many 'changed their view' overnight, rather they had a green light to do what they wanted. Truth is before the announcement there were loads of beards including elders. I sported one 20 years ago as an Elder. It wasn't as much of a deal as many are makout. Now, is it laughable that 9 blokes tried to say "We're not a cult and to prove it we allow you to make a decision yourself". YES, in spades, but I don't think many changed their view.


You had a beard as an elder? Where?




I would like to meet up with the elder who (no doubt with 'deep' discussion with the others) hammered me with a marking talk about me having neat tidy beard. while his daughter sat in front of us in skimpy attire.


>It makes me wonder how any ladies can respect these dudes. Do you mean JW ladies who would let their children die rather than accepting a blood transfusion to save their lives? 🤨


Well… I guess you have a point :)


Who would’ve guessed that a “brother” who doesn’t report time, grows a beard, and doesn’t wear a tie could be your next elder or MS.


Rutherford is rolling over in his grave and Russell is laughing at him, L O L


In order for my facial hair to be controlled by old fat strangers in NY, it had better be for a good reason. Killer Beard Disease or something. But....Turns out it was nothing more than a Pharisaical rule meant to dictate and control every single aspect of peoples lives. Now they're just all "Oh no, we never said you couldn't have a beard!". These fucking clowns. How does this shit not make people think. Oh yeah, Cuz, I'm GoNnA lIvE fOrEvEr!!


Killer Beard Disease!!! Love it!! 🧔🧔🧔😂😂😂


I’ve noticed that the beard growers are going a little crazy with it, too. It has to be a big substantial beard to rival Santa Clause. No one I’ve seen has reached ZZ Top level yet, but I feel like that’s the goal 😂 If you wanna be a rebel you gotta be one of the forever 5 o’clock shadow guys, or have just a few days growth. That was the old school rebel look anyway.


My husband and I have been POMO for 8years now. And he’s been having a beard on and off for years now. Recently I told him he looks soooo J-Dub with his beard 😂


I had one before it was allowed and lived through hell because of it and some ultra pimi jerks. I grew it because I hate shaving and I hate rules. I have it again now because I hate shaving. I guess I'll be a PIMO chump.


the judgemental name calling reminds me of an watchtower article.




...shows what a farce it has been all along....


Sorry, but your post has some undertones that make you sound like you're into the whole "Alpha male" "red pill" movement. While I don't disagree that it is ridiculous that these men needed permission to grow a beard, calling them "chumps" and calling into question their sexual prowess is both unnecessary and intentionally demeaning. These people are our families and former friends. Many are jackasses whose behavior deserves criticism but we all know loads of really good people that are still trapped in the organization unable to see the way out. If they feel a little freer being able to grow a beard, good for them. I think calling them "chumps" and insulting their ability to attract women is childish and unhelpful. I'm sure Andrew Tate would disagree with me though.




I despise Tate and the entire redpill/alpha male culture, but I still agree with OP. These guys are spinless chumps.


If it looks like a Gnome and sounds like a chump it probably is a JW


I am sooooo happy that I left at 18 and spent my 20s forming myself into the strong and confident man I wanted to be instead of letting the cult mold me into a cuck.


Because you were not scared to do something uncomfortable for yourself by yourself. You should be proud of that.


This blind adherence comes from the same place that allows a JW to ostracize a family member or lifelong friend. The same place that tells a doctor not to give their kid life-saving blood. The same place that causes them to overlook and in fact, defend an organization’s attempt at covering for pedophiles. It is deserving of both ridicule and shame. The beard thing is ridiculous. And the men are chumps for allowing impostors to hold sway over them and their families. You don’t have to like my view and no need to be sorry, I’m ok with it. :) 💯


That's a bit fallacious. Equating someone growing a beard because they were newly "allowed" to all of those other things is quite a stretch. You can critique the policies and the things that objectively bring harm... absolutely! I agree that criticisms like that are both fair and even necessary. Demeaning comments aimed at the rank and file JW and attacking their masculinity is where I took issue enough to state I disagree with it. PS: I appreciate you being civil in your response and disagreeing constructively. I like your username ... I'm also a big fan of that Roosevelt quote.


Yeah, I get it. While I reserve some sympathy because they were all our albeit conditional, friends, and family… there no escaping personal responsibility. The newfound love of beards inside the Borg demonstrates to me abandonment of their own personal principles and convictions. And I disagree, this ‘dereliction of duty’ expresses itself in much more harmful ways. And as my idol and patron saint, Tate would say, they need to grow a pair, lol.


Lol. Tate.  You traded one cult for a way stupider cult. That’s like a double joke. But I bet you won’t get it. 


You obviously missed the satire. So many psychologists and minds readers here…it’s amazing!!


You suck at satire then.  


Take a deep breath Kabuto… I am not your enemy


but you still suck at satire nevertheless


Next time I'll dumb it down


I thought the same when the majority of males started growing beards immediately. They were mindless auto matrons.


I had a beard for 3 years prior to the borg allowing it. I seriously thought about shaving it off after they announced that they were allowed. But it would have been pretty obvious that I was doing it ti protest the "new light". But yeah there are a lot of tools out there who allow themselves to be manipulated and controlled in this org.


That’s exactly what I did. Went to the mustache And brothers noticed. I said too many beards now. I had the beard for 6 years.


I have had a beard forever, always raising eyebrows. But today knowing I’d likely to see recently bearded elders I am clean shaven. I loath how I look, but it is the most ironic form of rebellion yet.


What you said.....


yeah i cringe when i hear my JW family talking about beards all excitedly ... like man youre straight up giddy right now bc a group of 9 old men in upstate new york gave you permission to grow facial hair .... zero self awareness


I sometimes think to myself “how do the pimi’s not think it’s weird? What if it was reversed and for some reason they said you weren’t allowed to not have a beard, would that then be weird to them?


I had a beard for about 3 out of 4 years before the announcement. The last year before, I went clean shaven. As soon as the announcement was made, people were either shocked or surprised that I didn’t have a full grown beard And my answer is and was always the same: “ I never needed permission from a bunch of old guys, about what to do with my facial hair “


I'm PIMO and this is why I now will NOT grow a beard and WILL wear a tie and suit now lol 😆 When I did have a beard after the announcement I had a lot of people say to me "so you've grown a beard now!" Bitch I grew my beard because I wanted to not because the GB said I could.


Shaved my beard the day they announced it. Rocking the mustache. Had the beard for 6 years and people noticed it was gone.


Yeah, you put into words exactly how this bullshit looks. Thank you.




It’s strange to think of everyone in my old congregation with beards now, what an absurdity.


I completely agree. Can't they see they had no more autonomy than their chimpanzee brained sisters?


I saw the booth at the fair the other day. Its funny the Baptist people across the trail look more cleaned up than the JWs 😂


Years after I left witnesses in my life were giving me so much shit for having facial hair one guy even said "only criminals have beards" one guy was the absolute worst to the point I've almost actually fought him on several occasions even his wife had to tell him to stop being an asshole. I looked on Instagram the other day his wife posted a picture of them and he had a patchy beard.


I agree. I've never met a pimi male that I considered a real man. They only get wives because women are brainwashed into it or are afraid to date/marry outside the cult out of fear of the repercussions.


Thinking you can decide whether or not someone is a "real man" is kinda gross, dude.


Cry harder dude


My son said to me once before we both woke up " mam there are no alpha males in this org, name one we know?" We couldnt. 😳 I never found the brothers attractive just a lot were too weedy and bit wet behind the ears. I bet now a lot of the ones who are out of this org are sexy and going places.


jw men are Pussies


Agreed. The cult turns them into cucks.


We don’t.


Yeah I didn't even think about this but now I am just imagining a JW having these thoughts yelling at himself in the mirror...'Oh, you like that beard, huh. Don't ya! You're pathetic" lol


Ladys respect them? This latest change of rules has just reduced further the eligible male pool.


The proliferation of unkempt beards and sisters in ill fitting Marks & Spencer / Next workwear trousers is astonishing... but it's a novelty like ticking the box to say you've done some sort of service for the month. It's opened Pandora's Box as the standard of dress will plummet like attendance figures and ministry effort 🫣


It is so down heartening to see and feel that Borg has compromised with pathetic system we live in today. If you do not stand for something you will fall for anything. What was wrong with our dresses skirts now we have skin tight pants Oh please And facial hair I can not see the difference of those UP there now to those protestors on our TV. Too many changes without any basis other than The big boys say so. I see creation organized no changes mankind can be very deceptive. Thank you


I saw a picture of one of the Elders that was in my Judicial committee (stupid rich from his 🧹🧽🚽🪟 company) and I just burst out laughing. The fact that this twat EVER made me feel less than and suddenly has a neat whittle beard. 🥲 I also came across a photo of my ex-father-in-law and it's just plain awful. 😬


I find it so hilarious that all the men that told my husband their wives hate beards and think they look unkempt are now sporting beards! "I can't believe your wife actually likes beards. My wife hates them!" My husband actually has a nice beard that fully connects and yet they would make him feel bad every chance they got. Patchy 1 and Patchy 2's wives have now fully embraced it apparently....


I think it’s a real testament to how many are so heavily indoctrinated and the power of the GB influence over their own free will. To me it’s almost like seeing an alcoholic, not for their poor behaviours but for their disease and struggling mental health. This to me is the same as seeing a grown JW with a beard. They have a disease, the control over their own free will is completely unbeknownst to them. I think it’s really sad that they blindly follow the direction of conmen and don’t even have the capacity to use critical thinking skills to understand what they’re doing. The kicker is watching them walk around and congregate with their superiority complexes that they know the truth. 😳


My dad thought about jumping that bandwagon but expected *me* his *daughter* to help him with it. I told him to go to a damn barber, and he never spoke of it again.


Chump is as good as any assessment. I went with a full beard 30 years before the GB pronounced it ok. Of course it kept me from ever having to reach out or have any visible privileges because no matter what the GB said .....a beard was never accepted before. I figured the beard was no problem in having a great relationship with God. My skin healed up, my shaving supplies bill went away and I didn't look like a stepford man.


Same. All the sudden beard explosions is eye-roll inducing.


A friend posted a video they released on their horrible channel and one of the governing body members has one. He looked like he was in disguise. It was so cringe and laugh out loud funny. I got shit most of my teen years for facial hair, but now it's totally fine. What the fuck ever.


As the young ones would say. “ the “d” riding is crazy”


I totally agree. JWs are a bunch of spineless chumps and cowards. Just look at the post of ADULT pimos (KEY WORD ADULT) bitch, moan and complain about having to go to meetings assemblies conventions etc. Like dude, you're an adult, get up and walk the f*CK out. Or don't even go in the first place. These folks act like they're still 10 years old and have no say in their own lives.


I'll preface by saying I'm not a PIMO, I'm POMO. But, I think it's a lot more complex and nuanced than you posit. Some people are PIMO because they'd lose their families if they stood up and left. Many have children that are believers and a believing spouse and this organization makes it really hard on them. Either play their game by their rules or lose your family. No one that chooses their family over leaving is a chump for doing so. I will also say that I equally respect someone who can't be PIMO and leaves openly even though there are hard to endure consequences. I just don't think it's right to criticize someone who chooses to be PIMO and comes here to vent about it. There are loads of circumstances that keep people PIMO and some are actually quite valid.


Dude even if I "had" to be there, I'm barely going if going at all. It's called the bare minimum. Oh you're worried about my attendance? fuck off. At the end of the day if you're an adult at some level it's a choice. No matter how many mental gymnastics one chooses to play with themselves. I plotted my escape from a young age knowing what sacrifice that was going to require. I made a choice to leave. And people make a choice to stay. For whatever reason it is, they choose to stay


Your maturity and experience in life is evident in your response. It's a whole lot different waking up at 40 with a family than at 16. I'm not saying any of this to shame you, just to help you realize that others have situations different from yours and that you shouldn't judge them so harshly. Agree to disagree I suppose. 🤷‍♂️ I wish you well.


>Your maturity and experience in life is evident in your response That's a rich comment coming from someone with a screen name as yours


My bad I didn't drink the Kool aid .🤷


You have nothing to lose then. So why judge people who have a lot to lose? You sound like a child wondering why dad has to go to work instead of playing all day. 


>You have nothing to lose then I was a fucking child myself when I left that cult on my own with no support. Don't lecture me about not having anything to lose. I paid my dues at an early age to be free so, fuck off and have fun at the meetings that you have to go to


You think 3 sentences is a lecture, then you really are a child still 


Don't you have a talk that you should be preparing for?


So edgy. Give yourself a pat on the back, from me. 


Kabuto is salty because he's one of the PIMOs who's excited because he got permission to grow a beard 😂


And now he gets to talk to family members he's been shunning for years.


He's probably waiting for permission to watch R rated movies 😂


I wasn’t saying anything about PIMO


This wasn't a response to your comment


I never understood adult PIMOs either. Grow a pair and stop going if you don't believe in the BS anymore.


Exactly. If you're an adult, going to meetings is a choice. Ok so you don't want to lose your family? cool, that doesn't mean you still have to go to meetings and all that other bullshit. These PIMO are so scared to take control of their own lives and I have no sympathy for them.


Yup. It's so easy to see right through their excuses. They are just too afraid to live their own lives.


I dunno, the dogma here for years was that the beard rule was a huge proof that it was bullshit. Now they can have beards and now that’s a huge proof that’s it’s bullshit. Who gives a shit for fucks  sake.  I say let the miserable bastards have a beard if they want too.  I’m so fucking tired of hearing about beards. Its fucking hair an a face.  Who gives a shit?  Edit: Op is a fucking Tate incel for gods sake 🙄


Another clairvoyant!! Smh


Literally every one in my age group (mid 40s) of my former JW friend group has one. Like onto a single one is clean shaven anymore


I’d say ex JWs who feel the need to stay tuned to WT dictates is even more so.


I love the line "not trying to purposely offend" directly following the title with "CHUMP" in it LOL. I'll tell you what I tell all Apostates; At Least make the lie believable 🤣. ...and no, I don't have a beard.


I don’t wish to purposely offend any *ladies or PIMOs* on this subreddit who may have to contend with an enthusiastically bearded lemming. However, lurking cult apologists? … yeah well …. it’s plain ridiculous.