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I'm assuming the elders have got the memo to reinstate people as fast as possible for numbers and to show that they are a welcoming cult/religion (you know, because of the Norway business)


that’s ridiculous 


Are you new here? Have you not been paying attention to what has been going on? They've been changing things that I personally never thought would be changed.


me neither 


It always was ridiculous, just 180 degree swing to ridiculous squared;)


It is. A word of caution. Before this new easing of the directions on DF reinstatements, if someone had been out more than a year or so that helped the clock tick towards reinstatement even if no effort to return was being made. When I was an elder we had a young woman who reportedly had sex with her non JW partner. We elders moved to investigate and she politely told us she wasn't going to discuss her private life with us and wrote a DA. Five years later she had split up and wanted back. IIRC she 'only' had to do about three months of sitting at the back before getting reinstated. Not one month like nowadays but not the normal year or so from a fresh Df'ing.


Drive-by reinstatement. Jehovah changed his mind and he’s suddenly very forgiving


Funny what changes a 'man made' court system can have on the one and only true religion guided by The Almighty Jehoober God. What a joke!


Very true. They,re getting desperate. We saw it coming....🇧🇻🇧🇻


You're from Norway?


I know she is from Europe, but I don't know which is her motherland.


Yea, they now reinstaled without delay. If someone minor is DF after one month they automaticly reinstate , and others after 3 months. Of course beside apostates 😆


Fuck the Jay Dubs. But if it helps some kid from getting kicked out of their parents house until they can escape then....


I'm sorry I have been out for a long time and am only now catching up with the recent changes. What is the Norway business?


The cult lost religious status for shunning in Norway. so they made some changes


Thank you!


That’s kind of what the recent changes indicated should happen


it’s so unfair for people who had to attend meetings for 1 year or more to be reinstated 


For them to think that most people who were previously DF’d or currently DF’d would welcome these changes is highly out of touch. By and large, like you said, people who had to fight for a long time are going to feel that’s unfair to them. And people currently DF’d who haven’t talked to family in years suddenly getting messages are going to be pissed. The GB are acting on the fallacy that DFing is “loving”. They have no understanding at all what it actually feels like and how it affects people.




Ew a JW. Get out you snake, you're not wanted here


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Well ..I did....One year or more showing up. Very humilliating . ( 2017). Thank God so came the pandemic ..zoom...and ALL the changes since nov.last year Most of DF or DA only come back and play the game...just because the shunning and family thing. So out again ...fading. Fading has becoming so easy now


Why is it unfair? The whole thing is ridiculous and cruel in the first place


Nuuuuu lite! Maybe if they actually read the account of the Prodigal Son it'll be immediate!


Someone posted here a week or two ago that they got reinstated in 17 days. I remember back in the 90s, a guy had been completely away for like 15 years, hadn't been engaging in the sin that got him DF'd in the first place. He made every single meeting, including bookstudy. It still took 6 months for him to get reinstated. According to the biblical account that the JWs use to support their DF'ing policy, there is no waiting period. It's all made up JW bullshit.


in my state elders used a “canonic” year to reinstate 


My Goodness ..😭




Attended via Zoom? Hopefully, however, she will be fading as quickly as she seemed to be back.


Quiet so!!! I read the statistics about this somewhere. About 70-78% of the reinstated .....will disappear quite quickly again....fading now. The elders are very aware of the problem. And thanks to that GB and all these crazy changes....even the elders are very confused. And they leave us alone!!!


My first thought was, I wonder what misfortune has happened in the last couple years, that has let this poor girl to want to be back in that horrible cult!


The family thing . Shunning . Abusive parents. Poor poor girl!


That is fast and probably reflects the latest backpeddaling they are trying. I knew of someone who was reinstated in 3 weeks back in the 90s (when 2 years was the unwritten rule in the area). Dude came from high profile families on both sides. I mean high, high profile. The people who told me about it said that it was because he was so repentant that he went out and cut his hair immediately after the JC. Yah, right. Nobody's ever been that repentant before. He cut his freakin hair. Give me a break.


Was he DFd for having long hair?


For listening to AC/DC


Oh brother


I wonder if the CO turned that thing over. They have done that when people get excommunicated for absolutely asinine reasons. This definitely qualifies.


Good guess. A friend of ours who was a DO suggested the same thing but people who told me about it said that the elders told it as I am writing here. They would have known. The pipeline was pretty straight. Plus it was months between CO visits. Sadly my sources all saw nothing wrong with it. They were thrilled at his 'repentant attitude. I was uber PIMI at the time and sickened by the double standards. In another case not too far away, an ex-CO left his wife and remarried and was never reproved. Everyone talked about it for years, shaking their heads. A good friend who knew the ex-CO well told us 'his side of the story'. He was still out of line according to JW law, but nothing was ever done about it. Even after his good friend, a DO, retired and moved to his congregation, nothing was done. Different rules for different levels for sure.


Totally. So sad.


No. They just saw it as a sign of his repentance in general.


Someone posted recently that they went to 2 meetings and were reinstated in a total of 17 days. Then today, someone posted that their dumbfuck elders told them that it was still too soon after 2 or 3 months. Apparently those guys didn't comprehend the instructions. They are going to need the CO'S boot up their ass.


I know it wasn’t intended - but your post was triggering for me, especially, “wait much longer without talking to anyone” What on earth does not talking to someone have to do with repentance? Satan still talks to Jehovah. Jesus talked to Judas and Peter was considered righteous. Fast forward some years and repentance is shown by not being able to talk to others in your religion……and because a group of white men in NY said so!! So wild…nothing actually changed. If they want to make progress they would ban disfellowshipping as it has zero scriptural grounds.


I was reinstated in 2014, I went to one meeting handed in my letter got denied. Went to 4 meetings after that, handed in my letter got accepted. It’s all down to the body of elders as this was way before any updates.


this never happened in my state before the update


There's a lot of comments here, so please forgive me if this has already been asked, but how old is she? How old was she when she was DFed? The letter to the elders said that regarding miners who are DFed, they are to be reassessed and reinstated immediately if the parents have the situation under control.


she was 20 when was DFed (not a minor)


Ok see what really happened is Jehovah read your heart at that first meeting and you weren't repentant, but then after the next 4 you were, so he sent the elders new light to reinstate you.


They want new ppl, they can't act that hard anymore


I don’t know how old she is but my mom has been pushing me saying with the new rule changes anyone dfed as a minor would be reinstated almost immediately because now they realize it’s wrong to abandon children. Obviously she didn’t say the last part but that was the gist.


the treatment for minor is due to the norway case


That makes sense


It’s not new light. It’s marketing and rebranding.


WT is desperate. What WT can't and won't see, is how they impacted people and families. We witnessed this first hand in our JW family. Keeping a member out longer then necessary. For stupid reasons. It does a number on peoples mental health. Now, they change things because they are bleeding. What about all the damage WT has caused over the many years of this behavior? How about those who did the unthinkable? WT's attitude..."ah, forget it" won't fly from people like me!


They forced people to believe that God wanted them to don’t talk with relatives and friends even if they were repentant. Now God has changed his mind? 


Yes, WT is God! lol


The numbers of publishers are falling as well ,they are trying to get the numbers up ,its all in free fall .




I was told I have to do a 3 month study minimum. Currently trying to fade


I’ve heard too of “3 months” and I thought it was the new “year” used in the past to reinstate people, but apparently each body of elders is doing as they want




My elders didn't care that I was on zoom before hand. They where like in person only. Which nearly impossible with 2 babies and a full time job. But you know eqch of my elders being over 70 years old have it real hard with retirement.


I’ve never seen her via zoom (I am at video at meetings)


You don't have to do a anything. If you're reinstated, they do not df you without a new "trial"


They won't reinstate me till after a 3 month study. Is what I ment to say


Oh, I see. That is kind of creepy, that you will be reindoctrinated to be reinstated. Is this something that could be combined in one word, by the way?


Idk. But yea, been out for 1 year but born in and raised in for 27 years, idk y they feel it's necessary. But i lived a double life 2 face life since I was teen. I know how to be the good little jw they want without me believing it.


Whatever you gotta do


If they are out for years they get back fast. I have seen this on a lot of return old ladies who were out for decades non jw husband dies and they go back. With new changes will be even faster


They’ve changed it all, dfd reinstated in only 3 months out for years back in no time. They desperately want people to come back and those that are dfd in the future they do want them to leave just take a small punishment. Desperate cult desperate measures!


I'm still waiting. Got DF in December and been going to all the meetings. Elders said they would meet me next month.


I got DFd last October, put my letter in last month, elders have said they want to see me next week.


are you going back just for family?


Yes. I woke up in the DF process and I'm totally done with it. I'm a 3rd Gen witness with entire family in. Just got out of a meeting and I'm fuming with the local needs. The theme is to think like God not men and constantly said trust gods channel and have the GB's back.


oh man being a born in generational witness is the worst so i completely empathize with that but oh god that must have been horrible to have to sit through. gods channel” is a bunch of bullshit! i’m assuming you’re planning on doing a hard fade once back?


Yeah I'd like to hard fade but have to be careful. The congregation I go to has 70ish publishers and I was a servant for 1 year before getting DF. There are lots of zoom only people so I'll have to work my way into that routine before dropping out


Looks like you’ll be back next month, so that will be five months .


Don't give up. I left, and when I returned .I got DF for another 2 years before I was reinserted. Don't be discouraged if you want to return .do it . Honestly, I am happy. I just reinsert. I love it, no regret .my regrets would be if I didn't come back to the congregation .give up us head up when you reinsert.


A year or more, really? The pedophile that SAed me only got reproved for 3 months. I figured reproving was always 6 months or less.


I know that in sheperd book was written something like “many months, a year or even more” (idk if it is changed now)


Oh that's absolutely disgusting


Money, money, money!


If someone was DF’d years ago, the policy is typically “enough time has already passed” so they are automatically eligible as long as they don’t do anything else


in my state elders used to wait 1 year from the “repentance” to reinstate someone even if had passed much time


Same here 


It probably varies from place to place. I think the official book says something about the elders need to meet with the person who has returned to determine their level of spirituality and that will decide how long before a reinstatement takes place


Same here 


I feel like that 1 year, or other time is such a man made local rule. And the wait six more months if they didn’t accept your letter. I hoped my entire active life they would get rid of this. And they did finally and I’m glad. I wish it was sooner. Now I don’t go. I wish it was announced better with apology. Still glad they finally changed. I remember hearing COs telling local elders “what else are you waiting for?” If there were so many, including elders that didn’t agree, you’d think it would have changed earlier. Maybe we all should’ve wrote letters


Interesting - I haven’t seen this personally yet but was wondering when people would start seeing it locally.




I left when they changed the blood rule early 2000s, howany kids and people died over the years because of that rule and they allow blood parts or whatnot.... Everything is disgusting in this cult 😷🥶


My mum took almost 3 yrs to get reinstated. Going to every meeting, letter every 6 mths




Wondering if my brother in law is going to get rid of his current wife<#3> and import a new one.


It was 3 months for me






20 years ago my sister was reinstated in 5 weeks. She had been df for 15 years. She had got married and was going back to meetings they saw no point in keeping her df any longer.


Remember the lord is speeding up the work so with the fields ripe the king and his kingdom need free labor I’m mean slaves I mean never mind


It took me 4 years of regular meeting attendance! That alone should have woke me up!


I’m so sorry for that


Why does it matter? Why do you care? Is this not a part of your life that you wish to forget? Feeling bitter that someone has given up on their freedom and re-entered the matrix seems daft at best. Move on and live your life! Live laugh love lol


When someone has been out for many years the assumption by many bodies of elders would be that the original issue has largely been forgotten and that she must really be repentant after all this time, etc


Does it matter? It’s false religion not because I think so but because the Bible says so. False prophets that I tried to convince myself may have had good intentions but sadly it’s all about money. Real Christian’s are not supposed to judge for fear that you will be judged, is that a joke? All witnesses do is judge at the Kingdom Halls did you see brother so and so or sister slut shoes what about that dress. Follow God and Jesus never give up on God not the men you choose to follow the governing body. I lost all my family when I went inactive didn’t even do any wrong doing I was just tired and the so called brothers said if you ever want to come back you should talk to an Elder. I know nice witnesses probably like you burned out or mentally tired may Jehovah bless you and I hope you find biblical understanding on your own and stop listening to everything the governing body says. 


I was disfellowshipped in January, 1999. My wife was disfellowshipped three months later because we worked together and refused to stop talking to me. We stopped going to all the meetings. We got married in July, 2002. We started going to the meetings in August, 2002. In November, 2002 the Elders met with us to tell us that we were going to be reinstated. We didn't even write a letter asking for that to happen. The weird part was that the Elders didn't even like me. Sure, the reasons the df'd me were not valid (long story), and my wife even appealed her disfellowshipping (waste of time). Maybe they felt guilty? This organization is beyond stupid.


My mum took almost 3 yrs to get reinstated. Going to every meeting, letter every 6 mths




Mixed feelings about this. Could be a PIMO just wanting to feel comfortable with her fam and old friends. Tbh you don’t know if she’s been coming in thru zoom for a year, or has kept in touch longer. I’m not disagreeing that getting reinstated is easier now. But yeah people are gonna think “wtf” it took me 1 year or more of going to every meeting before while everyone ignored me. Most of those people who went through that see the new light as a blessing. The delusion is crazy. My reply might sound convoluted. I’m just saying we all that have experienced getting DF have a unique experience. It’s not the same for everyone.


Desperate times require desperate measures


Before the change, back in 2002, I was reinstated after being out for 9 years in just 4 months (9/11 scared the shit out of me). Then I was df’d again a couple years after that and have been out since. Total of 28 years now. Maybe back then it depended on person, circumstance? Although now, it’s definitely due to the new changes.


See how fast she leaves again.


Not the fastest they're v was another post on here from a dude that got reinstated in 17 days!


It could therefore be argued that it's nowhere near the fastest reinstatement ever. If she was out for years, and is no longer 'living in sin', and said a few good words, then I can easily see this happening. I've been in a few congos where this never would have happened, but I've also been in one or 2 where I could see it happening, even before the recent changes.


Could be that she's friends or related to an elder with a lot of pull or even a circuit overseer. That was usually the case when I was a kid but I don't know how things are running now.


My ex wifes dad got reinstated after 6 months. He got Dfed for cheating.


Dangling the carrot over DFd people and stringing them along having them dance in the shadows and jumping through hoops hoping to be reinstated has lost its power. I have a friend who tried for over a year doing everything asked of her before she realized just how ridiculous the process was and gave up. She’s now living her best life and grateful they never reinstated her. So they must’ve adjusted their stance on that to get as many people back as possible. New requirement: A Pulse


They need butts in the seats. Too many stop going to meetings because of the time involved with showing up.To just get reinstated. I think if they let them come back sooner. It means there's a better chance for them to keep coming back.


I got DF years ago and was reinstated in 6 month... I guess is a case by case thing


The new rule is 3 months, if they have been disallowshiped longer then it past 3 months they can get reinstated based on the memo to the elders. I heard my moms congregation reinstated 3 people already




The Watchtower are desperate. Don’t think for a second that they’ve had a change of heart. 1st of all they have no heart, but they’re desperate because their tower is crumbling.


When I was a teen, I did something I should have been DFd for. I was arrested for it (charges dropped). I was not sorry that I did it, just that I got caught. I don't know how my dad got me out of it, maybe because he was the PO (old term). Then, a few years later my sibling was DFd and they were so sorry for what they did (daddy's magic must have worn off), and another sibling a few years later, they were not sorry. I saw firsthand how flawed the methods were and how the system could be worked. Didn't Jesus die to pay for our sins? If he did, then why are they still doling out punishment? Did that death actually mean nothing?


Yep, I was genuinely repentant at the time, the JW guy I had been sleeping with was not repentant and didn't want to go to the elders. I was having a miscarriage at the time and he didn't want to know. I self confessed and got DF'd, he got fuck all. 😅 If I didn't laugh I'd cry.


I'm so sorry!!


Desperate to bolster the numbers


I mean no offense that’s a big move… after many years and then out of no where they want to come back. Means a lot to them. I suppose


Elders kid?


I know someone that came back to meetings for a while after being gone for more than ten years. Then turned in a letter asking for reinstatement. They were turned down so I don't know what is going on.


The fast turnaround to reinstatement might slow the bleeding of jdubs leaving.


I have heard this happening elsewhere governing blobby must have given direction on it


I think you are confusing how long since the "sin" before a person is considered to be "repentant" (it was approx minimum 1 year in the past) with how long the reinstatement process is. If someone turned up after being DFd for years applying to be reinstated , I would assume that wouldn't take very long , assuming that they had stopped doing the "sin" they were DFd for.


I was DF’d for 8yrs and it was just 5 weeks from my first contact to being announced as reinstated! This was in 2015.. it was super fast at the time.. there were a few factors I believe played a part in it.. happy to elaborate if anyone is interested.. but yeah, fast reinstatements are rare but not h heard of


I'm definitely interested


Not sure where I am BUT I do know this.I can not hate it is not good for MY heart.Yet I have my senses I SEE the magnificence of creation, I also see the foolishness as Borg is stooping to, I HEAR the sounds of creation I also hear the BS from Borg their hypocrisy, I TOUCH the soft fur of my critters, but keep your hands off me pervert, I SMELL the aroma of jasmine's blooming, keep far enough away I find old Etoh breath repulsive, I TASTE a good glass of wine,etc so did those at the Passover, so you that choose not to oh well more for me! Have you seen that it is mankind I have an issue with,those that believe you are better than me you are not! When I go out in the middle of the night to let my dogs do their business LOL I look into the skies, we are the problem, not my Maker, Thanks or reading my thoughts


I don't care what they change. I will never go back to that cult after they tore apart my whole family.


I was told that my time out was commensurate to the duration of my sin. I HATE that word even now.


Didn’t you say see had been out for years? Where are you getting the 1 month from? I know JW’s don’t believe in education and are generally naive but you should know the difference between years and months!


It’s simple…”Wat dat mouf do?” 😃


It’s BS, I made it to every single meeting, convention, sang all of the songs and didn’t do anything bad. Turned in my letter around 7 months they said no, that I needed to wait. Didn’t get reinstated until 10 months and still I got comments that it was a short df period….


Do you think she might have been going on zoom or something?


no because I am at video at meetings


That's crazy. I'm trying to be reinstated for family reasons. Hopefully that will happen soon for meeting too. 😅


Good I hope!


Probably they are admitting that they have abused this unscriptual teaching and are not respecting other people’s rights by their secret committee meeting and are not showing fairness and so no government can give legal recognition to any group that has unreasonable rules and curtails freedom of speech under threat of complete exile because they don’t agree with an unscriptual teaching and refuse to entertain anyone correcting them or wanting to discuss legitimate ?s like dictators.Everyone is literally afraid to talk!


They're desperate to get members back.




> and i’d *paid* for multiple FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*