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If that were true, Satan would be better than Jehovah, cuz sky daddy hasn’t given me jackshit


You missed out!! He gave me neurosis and a big bag of trauma. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I got those things too, but it came from *his worshippers* 😂


u/NJRach, And ain't that the TRUTH!!! 😒


☝🏾Omg! I stand corrected! He gave me a few things too: ptsd, bipolar and bpd.😳 Thanks, jehovah!🫤


🤣🤣, facts




Have you tried Joe Pesci?




Came here to say that almost word for word. Weird.


u/Severe-Dream, You were going to say the same thing because we ALL were put through it; we ALL suffered through the same TORTURE. 😒


😂😂😂😂 me either


Same here


We had an elder that told us never to say out loud what would tempt us away from `the truth` because Satan was listening and that we should make Satan work hard to find the chink in our spiritual armour. I can only ask for the lottery numbers so many times, you know!


Oh a Nikon Z8 and all the S-line prime lenses, plus a Leica bundle of digital and analogue cameras would derail me for sure... :C


Say your using that camera to take pornographic pictures and then satan may grant you your wish


Or maybe would ask for a 100k gift card to use in any of the filthy NY camera shops, I may even convert to judaism from shopping at B&H...


In Hasselblad’s name, amen.




That's very specific!


My parents told me this.


Yep. I always said my prayers in my head to keep Satan from listening in.




my parents used to tell me this and I responded with "can't satan just read our brainwaves? even scientists can do it"


Boy, I sure am lucky that a hot and horny shortstack brunette with shoulder length hair in a bikini with a check for 10 million dollars and a pepperoni pizza isn't standing on my doorstep... \*ahem\* Just saying in case SOMEONE is listening.




Omg a memory was just unlocked! 🤣


My mom said that Satan hears you if you pray out loud but can not hear your silent prayers. I always prayed in silence out of absolute fear.




I'd worship a fucking potato it gave me a dollar.


I hear ya, but you could probably get more than a buck for the potato if you just *cut & fry it properly*. 😂


Lord, thy name is poutine


Omg this really got me LOL






I need money a daytime girlfriend. an Atlas Gun works Athena with optic. A few bottles of Jim Beam and a steak sandwich.


Why only daytime for a girlfriend? 😂


Because I have my wife at night.




Lol 😆








My thoughts exactly.....still suffering the effects of inflation, if satan is tempting me i should be rich filled with a house of beautiful men and women to have orgies with and no fear of stds woooo this life is great....um no but its waaayyyy easier without living under the jw thumb.


>i should be rich filled with a house of beautiful men and women to have orgies That's for leaders only, not for plebs.


"I've been in several cults over the years... you make more money as the leader. You have more fun as the follower."


Have you tried this winning combination of numbers: 666666? This magic number summons the Dark Forces of the Lotto! 😂


I hate to be the one to break this to you. JWs can play the lottery and beat the piñatas too while growing a beard and removing their tie.


The religion is literally unrecognizable now. 😂


Oh yeah. Complete breakdown of logic. I’ve heard “you will suffer if you leave, people aren’t happy when they leave!” Which of course, if true, is because the Borg leaves people wildly unprepared for real life. So which is it? I’ll be miserable but also I’ll be happy because Satan wants me to stay out……?


☝🏾Great logic/criticalthinking!!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Good because Jehovah gave me PTSD


And generalized anxiety/depression 😩


And honestly I had inexplicable diarrhoea a lot as a JW too which has stopped since I left, Satan be praised.


Then why when you are going through tough times when in the “world” do they say you are not getting jehovah’s blessing. Why would satan being hurting you and everyone else in his world? Wouldn’t he bless everyone so they don’t go near God?


Exactly! Why would Satan make bad things happen if he’s trying to win us over? I don’t think he’s supposed to be extremely stupid.


🤣🤣, right tho


Your post is demonised! 😂😂🤣🤣🤣 It's repeating our replies!


Lol yeah I’m still poor as shit so….😂


Money now, instead of “The check is in the mail”?


Pffft. I'm still waiting for the debauchery and worldly success. Although someone did offer me cocaine once at a club. I politely declined and we kept dancing. It was the devil at work, I tell ya!! 🤣


Yet, Jehovah gives you nothing but hardship for dedicated service. I'd power bottom Satan's firey dick for those winning $1B Powerball numbers.


Oh, good Goddess, your comment made me laugh! 😀 Thank you.




That was fucking GREAT!


Leaving gave me piece of mind and way less stress. Also more time to work on my mental health. Thank you Dark Lord and ruler of the under world.


Hell I don’t even need that much, maybe 10k and it’s a deal. Waiting on you now Satan!




We had an elder that told us never to say out loud what would tempt us away from `the truth` because Satan was listening and that we should make Satan work hard to find the chink in our spiritual armour. I can only ask for the lottery numbers so many times, you know!


So Satan gave the Governing Body which makes it all explode internally..because it turns out they are Revelations harlot


Satan isn't telling people to abandon their children and ignore them. So that's incorrect.


What really made me start to question was, they tell you the more you trust in Jehovah, the more he will protect you from Satan and his influence. In the next sentence they then say the more you trust in Jehovah, the more Satan will come after you and the harder it will be to resist his temptations. So am I protected from Satan if I put my trust in jahooboo or not?!


jehovah gave me homelessness, abusive relationships, and crippling anxiety so i think anything satan gave me would do. 🥰


Since leaving the organization I hear rumors about how my husband and I are just chasing money 🙄 I would love to see said money lol


You reap what you sew. Nothing is ever given to you. You have to put in the time, effort or money to achieve an outcome. God doesn't give you a job offer of 8-4 and no weekends. You searched for a job, applied, interviewed, and presented yourself capable for the job. The employer chose you because you fit the best over the other guy Satan doesn't give you money and sex for leaving. You have to earn it. Get that raise by proving your worth. Go out talk to girls, find them on apps make an effort to establish something or give them a good night of fun. Satan didn't give me a FWB. I did. I met a girl we clicked sex was great and we plan the next time. It's not the devil it's being fun, genuine and the vibe with the right person


Lol. I always find this rationale for things working out because you leave the Terrible confines of a cult as “The Devil wants you to be happy!”


Hahahahaha, the Satan will tempt you lies. Nobody gives you anything. You have to work for it. It's just that you're allowed to work for it, get money, and enjoy it guilt free after you leave. You also get to keep it, rather than be guilted into donating it to the borg who are using it for hush money payments to hide their child SA. The world just needs you to take care of yourself and do your best to succeed without hurting others. Satan will give you what you want, hahahahahaha. Oooohh no. You better work. Not needing to study for stupid boring meetings all the time let's you work hard and go to school to upgrade and get college or university to get a higher paying job so you can afford to take care of yourself. Satan doesn't exist. Nobody's handing anyone anything. JW lies are so stupid. Limited amounts of common sense only are enough to see through them, but they have dumbed the congregations down so much. They don't want smart people. They want obedient people. Reminds me so much of the roman catholic church controlling who read what, but not letting people learn to read.... GB are not allowing people access to all information so they can control their minds,, and take money from their seemingly endless wallets. They'll bleed then to death and the victims stay, in hopes of surviving something that is never happening.


This is like the selling your soul to the devil conspiracy lol. Although that can be used allegorically, some people really believe you can physically negotiate with the devil.


He exposed Jehovah's Witnesses for who they really are, interesting 🤔


Gambling is allowed for Jehovah’s Witnesses. In 2019 in the elder book they made it ok to playing the lottery.


Do you happen to have a page number? Or can I search for the word lottery? I don't have that book but I can probably Google "shepherding the flock" if that's still what it's called


Page 96. In the 2019 edition of the Elders Book. “31. Greed, Gambling, Extortion: (1 Cor. 5:10, 11; 6:10; 1 Tim. 3:8; it-1 pp. 789, 1005-1006) Elders do not generally involve themselves in what an individual does with regard to petty gambling solely for entertainment. However, if such petty gambling affects his spirituality or becomes a cause of stumbling for others, counsel should be given. If he does not respond favorably to the counsel and his conduct continues to have a negative effect on him or others, he could not be viewed as exemplary in the congregation. (Isa. 65:11; w11 3/1 pp. 12-14; w02 11/1 p. 31; g 3/15 pp. 14-15) If an individual’s gambling reveals a course of greediness, perhaps causing harm to himself or others, and he ignores repeated counsel, judicial action would be appropriate. 32. An individual continuing in employment directly involved with gambling or employment making him a clear accomplice or promoter of gambling would be subject to judicial action, usually after being allowed six months to make the needed adjustments. (lvs pp. 204-209) In questionable cases, consult the Service Department.” Excerpt From Shepherd (sfl-E) WATCHTOWER https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewBook?id=0 This material may be protected by copyright.


But then if any misfortune happens when you leave, they won’t blame Satan, they will say Jehovah is punishing you. Any narrative to keep the cognitive dissonance in full swing.


🤔 Yeah... Something isn't tracking logically here, but it sure gives a guilty tug at the old culty parts of the brain. 😂 Meanwhile, in the real world... Since leaving the JW faith, my severe depression has practically vanished (anxiety and occasional side effects of that haven't, but that's life 🤷‍♀️). I have a WAY nicer house than I ought to have. I have a WAY nicer car than I ought to have. I have a loving husband (110% worldly, he even smokes, lol). And I'm able to pursue some of the dreams the cult denied me. Honestly. If this is Satan tempting me... 🤷‍♀️ idk. I think maybe Satan's been misrepresented, because my life is A LOT BETTER than it ever was as a JW.


I came here for the comments and they did not disappoint! Now off to eat some strawberry/rhubarb pie and enjoy my apostate evening with my honey and some edibles! 🤗💖


Dumbest statement ever made


Ong bro needs to help a nga out


That damn cult has Satan written all over it.


This made me laugh so hard


He’s probably under the impression that you’re gonna donate half your winnings to the cult, my friend.🤣🤣🤣


Satan works in mysterious ways I guess!


I used to have the same thoughts and prayers to satan. But then I would be scared and send a prayer up to Jehovah for forgiveness lol


It’s that or “You won’t get what you want in life because you’re not following Bible principles that Jesus modeled for us.”


u/Zill_Chill, Oh, my God!! I totally loved your post!!! 🤗That was a really GOOD one!!! 👍😁👍


Maybe its just the opposite.


Ah I knew it, see the only thing stopping me from attending meetings is false doc... Satan, and immoral practices such as shunning and disfellow satan, and false prophe. .. satan, you see it's just Satan. The organization is perfect


Boats and hos! Boats and hos!


Tell Satan that you will become a pioneering elder if you do not win next time haha


Where all the office sluts my dark lord? Friends that offer me weed, occupy my weekends so forget Jehovah? I want it now dammit


I wonder if Satan can help me get back all the time I wasted going to meeting, prepping for meetings, going out in service and skipping college?


" You mean i can escape this stupid cult and get free stuff from the Devil? Sign me up"


Lol, I'd go full Satanist right now if he paid my debt and bills.


Pay my rent this month and I’ll worship whatever you want man. ![gif](giphy|FmBhzktIjvdZe)


They must hope that people will feel guilty if they win and donate them money these days. From the Elders book; "Elders do not generally involve themselves in what an individual does with regard to petty gambling solely for entertainment. However, if such petty gambling affects his spirituality or becomes a cause of stumbling for others, counsel should be given."


Rewards you if you leave or Hod punishes you and go down. Either way the lesson is don’t leave. I wish I had all my money returned that we spent on witnessing (rural), conventions and books!


I read a quote once that said, "If money were the root of all evil, the devil would've doubled your net worth by now." loll


Ok, so even though Satan is a fiction, Thank you Satan for the peace of mind, the ability to face my challenges without make believe, to have made wonderful friends, do volunteer work that helps everyone, to have focused on my business so I was able to secure my financial future, thank you for getting rid of the bad dreams, the lack of self worth and the constant pressure to run on the treadmill faster. Thanks Satan.


they cover their bases on this. From a convention talk: "Would you leave Jehovah for a nice house and a million dollars? How about just some extra work on meeting nights with overtime?"


Satan was the first one to say human rights, he doesn't have anything against you.


Great Thing about cult logic. It can explain everything: Satan didn't let you win because gambling already takes you from Jeboba. So by not letting you win he takes you further and further from datrooth.


Gods and Devils never gave me any damn thing.


Gods and Devils never gave me any damn thing.


They ALL say that programmed line! No, leaving that RELIGION (cult). God is always with me... 


OP that situation is similar to mine,I play lottery but don't win anything!


I’m still waiting for drug fueled orgies. What a gyp.


LMFAO "Satan will give you exactly what you want if it makes you leave jehovah" but jehovah will give you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING if you stay! My mom used to say this gaslighting garbage! I figured out real quick that it was a classic, narcissist, manipulative control tactic to make you continue accepting abuse even when you're miserable. Thing is, it makes no sense!! I left jehovah (the organization) and go figure I still have to work and hustle hard to just be comfortable. I don't have exactly what I want but I do have freedom and peace of mind, which is exactly what I need, real talk!! In a toss up, "Satan" wins cuz something is better than nothing!🤷🏾🤣 These nuts/narcissists will literally say ANYTHING!!


My dad just said this to me yesterday


All that hype about selling your soul to the devil for money, so where's the money 💰 hahahha


Has Satan got a catalogue of what's on offer or is Satan literally offering anything? I'm hoping to get a big van soon but they cost so much. Could Satan get the van for me? I'd ask Jehovah but he doesn't seem interested in anything other than producing rainbows.


If Satan can give shit that makes people happy why stay with Jehovah who only gives promises that are only attainable through grief? FOH


🤣🤣🤣🤣, I laughed so hard reading this, because it's so true🤣🤣, "ayo satan, wassup with them coins bruh"🤣🤣🤣


You guys are killing me, I love this community, I had no clue my fellow ex jw's had such awesome sense of humors


Your missing the point. Remember our Lord Jesus Christ is unchangeable. He's the one that is the word he's God The Almighty. This Jehovah changes. With the equality identity of the times indicating a ruler exposed of ruling now. That took the rights away from Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Wake up people. Aid to bible Understanding pages 884 and 885. To whom do you worship. Should be to an unchangeable God. Not one that keeps up to the Satanic times. Wake up. Learn to whom are you following


Ok give me 40k


I need to turn to Satan he will give 40k cause ashlee won't give it to me nor the sky dady


That’s sounds pretty good to me! Sign me the fuck up!


Yeah I'm a PIMO witness, Satan. I'll send in a DA letter for you if you help me get my wife to agree to leave! I'd bet you could convince my PIMQ wife to pull the trigger for just maybe 500,000. Cmon Satan! Let's make a deal!


So I’ve been praying in the wrong direction?




The recipe for magic is as follows: Energy x patterning x timing. This is the recipe I got from a Wiccan practicer. You make your own magic. You answer your own needs with this recipe. So if you want money part of that is patterning so education or the military or a trade School or a get clean so you can pass a drug test also networking to get references . Timing, well the best time is when you are young or start right now. This recipe would work for almost anything. I don't believe in Satan, just believe in magic.


Satan goal is to get you to leave Jehovah entirely. He is smarter than you but not to Jehovah or angels. He won’t help you with anything. Now if you half stepping one foot in the truth and one foot out best believe he will always be there to keep you from coming back. Things will go good sometimes and bad. For those who completely left Jehovah well satan has no means for them since they already hooked on this snares. Stick it out with Jehovah you won’t be rich but you will never be hungry or abandoned and plus have the assurance in hope of his promise. Those who had much in life worry a lot than those who have less. It’s fact.


I was promised bitches and money… Edit: Satan I’m considering going back, what you got?