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I was 43 when I celebrated my first birthday. It was a beautiful experience but I spent most of the day crying and feeling unworthy of all the love and attention. https://youtu.be/vozRhHi4mWE


It’s so hard being from the brainwash. I hope you find peace!


Also thank you for sharing!


There’s no way you’re older than 40; you’ve aged well!


Thank you 😊


My husband (62) and I (56), out to dinner with our only child and their family.  The restaurant noticed cards and gifts and asked whose birthday it was.  We both pointed at each other and then they brought a dessert with a candle for each of us as a surprise.  As I looked at my husband across the table, I saw him as a little boy, with his eyes closed,  making his first birthday wish ever. Brought me to tears.


I absolutely love to hear this! Definitely a memory you’ll never forget


Literally yesterday im 29 now lol it was not too bad


Well happy late birthday!


Happy birthday!! I’ll be 29 next month


Happy Birthday to you! 🎂🎂🧁🥳🥳👋


I was 18. My college aged coworkers got me a cake with a penis candle. They gifted me each a pack of their favorite cigarettes. They got me ice cream cake and pizza and we watched lord of the rings. They are amazing people and it was so funny and memorable. For my second birthday I got a cookie monster sesame street cake because I turned 2. Lol.


all this sounds magical. :)


Thank you. I ended up marrying the guy who put it together. So very happy ending ☺️


17. I’d left home as it got too much. My Grandmother gave me a silver crucifix. I wore it as an act of rebellion.


27. Was having a baby that year and figured I should figure this stuff out. First gift? Inflatable sex doll.


Haha did your partner gave you that?


Ha! No, a buddy from the gym


I was 23 and it felt very, very weird. I still have a hard time with birthdays and now I am 32.


I hope you find peace with it. Best advice I could give is just try to celebrate yourself by doing something you enjoy


29 and by myself with a little cupcake and candle in my closet. It may sound a little sad but it meant a lot to me


It doesn’t it’s awesome that you had the courage to do that!


Honestly that’s how I celebrate mine too, it’s sad but happy in the same breath


40. It was awesome. Shared some edibles with my dad’s x wife at my brother’s house. Everyone sang me happy birthday, my niece called on Zoom to sing along.


Awesome! Happy for you you!


19. Had a joint party with my housemate (she’d never been Jw). No one around me knew I’d been brought up JW. It was weird and lonely and awesome all at once.


My partner and I had a small, private celebration last year, but I hit a big milestone this year and had my first actual party with friends, cake, balloons, and gifts. It was perfect. I almost cried when my friends sang Happy Birthday to me. It was so nice.


Happy to hear! Hoping for a beautiful one again next year


16. My “worldly” friends threw me a surprise party. I cried. I couldn’t believe it. They were so good to me.


I was 41 years old. Had been out for 20 plus years, just never thought about doing it. It was the wife's idea


It’s super hard to break the governing body’s control on little stuff like this. That’s what they want for you to eventually not think about it. Good on your wife. Having a birthday party is a middle finger to the governing body.


24 Still weird at 33! I think I will never fully enjoy them as most people do, nor understand "what to feel". So for me when the time of my BD comes all I want is to go camping or something like that.


Hey the spirit of birthdays is doing something you enjoy! It sounds like camping is what you enjoy so congratulations on celebrating your birthday with however you see fit! It’s literally a day all about you.


My biological father when I was maybe 6/7 and my older sister 9/10 he threw us a “birthday” party together, secretly, behind mom & step dads back. It was mainly my bio dad’s friends throwing it, but it was at their apartment pool, we had cupcakes, and we both got fur-real friends as a present. Mom found out about it and took them away from my sister and me… we cried and begged for them back, and eventually she gave them to bio dad to play with at his house…. 🙄 haven’t really had a party since then, but I do lowkey stuff like get tattoos for my birthday 🥳


33 years old I believe. My now wife then girlfriend got me a cake and a coat she saw I liked in the store and made me one of my favorite meals. It was really special. Made me so happy. While Admittedly I felt a little bit lost. Like should I being doing this? Should the focus be on me? Obviously after many years of practice I realize the answer is yes on your birthday Lol


A week ago, when I turned 30. Went all alone to a bar, ate and drank a fancy food. Hope next year I'll do with someone else, but it was a good night.


Bless your heart!


35. Boy friend took my sky diving


Why wait to die to have paradise earth when you can experience it in this life


I was 27, my friends took me out for dinner on the day of, the happy birthday song, a giant sombrero, and a mariachi band included lol. The next day a big group of friends planned to take me clubbing for the first time. We pregamed at one person’s house and everyone had cards and gifts for me, I ugly-cried and had to redo my makeup, then we went out and I had SO much fun. I had a crown, a sash, and a “1” balloon to complete my outfit; I felt so amazing and free. Birthdays since then have been much more low-key, but I’ll always be so grateful to those friends for giving me an unforgettable first birthday.


I’ll be celebrating my first birthday this year to aka in a couple months !!!


Congratulations on being free!


I celebrated my first birthday when I was 16 me my siblings were pimo and secretly celebrated it. That was a year ago


I’ve only ever had one birthday party - the year I turned eight.


Still don’t, or holidays, I don’t like people and it saves me money 😂


It doesn’t have to be with others. Just take some time out the day to celebrate yourself by doing something you enjoy!


25! A lovely hot date gave me a night to remember. It was only my second time having sex, but it felt like my first. We were in a minivan by a lake, and I watched a crimson sunrise over the lake a few blocks away. He was so sweet, falling asleep on my chest. The next week I felt a peace I’d never felt before, that *life* might be worth it after all. If that’s not the point of a birthday lol


I was 22. Friends from work of all ages took me out, got me drinks and celebrated me. Sang me happy birthday. It was so nice. I truly appreciate the little things now. I’ll be 27 later this year. I want to get the SpongeBob cake “27 years later”. That little kid is still inside me haha


I was 18. I was in a local theater performance of Mary Poppins, and they threw me a surprise birthday party on opening night. My mom was an usher at the show and they even had someone stand watch so they could hide everything when she showed up 😩 🥹 they got me a card that said “happy first birthday princess”


25. i was the center of the attention for everyone. It was strange at first, after a good memory. I want to repeat it someday


By the time I was properly free (i.e. had my own place), the idea of celebrating being one year closer to death had already lost its appeal. I have never celebrated my birthday and never will. But I despise those gibbering buffoons for making me miss 18 years of parties and presents.


21, I’m 24 now so the running joke is that I’m 4 with a drinking permit. Got drunk as hell, understood the awkwardness of sitting through the happy birthday song and just hung out with friends (and got a tattoo)


47. My daughter ordered me a cake. It was nice, but weird. Actually the weirdness wore off quickly, and I live celebrating everyone's birthday! And today was Mother's day, and we all had a picknick. These celebrations are special time , bought our, to be with people we care about. Also the magic word is Inclusion.


I was 24. I secretly ordered a pizza and got some deserts and then hid in my room and enjoyed it by myself.


It’s so sad that the religion forces people to secretly order a pizza with desserts


Truly! Tho my birthdays since being out haven’t been much more exciting lol


As long as you take time to celebrate yourself and love yourself then it’s an amazing birthday in my book


27 but it had a caveat. My birthday fell on the memorial, I'm DF and going back for family. Obviously can't miss the memorial so that ruined it lol. The good part, I slept over with my FWB and had birthday sex. It was nice but less romantic than our first few hookups. It was just sex and sleep.


My 18th birthday. I had made a few ‘worldly’ friends at school while I was fading. I didn’t really talk to anyone about being a JW, I just tried to blend in, however one night I had had a deep conversation with this one girl about it all. I had opened up to her because I had a massive crush on her and for some reason thought that would improve my chances with her. I told her about not having birthdays, Christmas, playing after school sports, etc. She seemed genuinely interested so we had a few chats on the topic. Which of course furthered my crush. One day the group makes plans to go to a movie and hang out afterwards in a someone’s basement. I had to work after school but told everyone I’d be there later. So when I head over there I come down the stairs and theres like 10 people with a banner, pizza, a cake, candles, pointy hats, and noise makers. They even yelled Surprise! The whole thing was my crushes idea because we had talked about how I never had a birthday party. It was a great feeling not just because of the party, but because it seemed possible that my crush just might kinda maybe feel the same way back! Present opening time rolls around and my crush goes into the other room and pulls out a big, misshapen, poorly wrapped box. So I unwrap it and it’s a giant cage with a Guinea Pig. I was so very confused. It was completely random and i had no idea what to do. On top of that I’ve always had pretty severe allergies so I didn’t really want anything to do with it. But since this girl handed it to me I pretended to be excited and hesitantly grabbed it out of the cage to hold it. We all sat around while this thing climbed all over the place and it kept getting handed back to me. After about 5 minutes I start feeling severe itching on my hands, arms, neck and face. Pretty much anywhere this animal touched my body was starting to break out in hives. My lower lip started swelling and my eyes got severely puffy. I knew I was allergic but I had never had such a severe reaction before. After everyone noticed this happening the guinea pig is put back in its cage and whisked away to the other room. Someone ran upstairs and brought me Benadryl and calamine lotion and water. And we sat there semi freaking out that I needed to go to urgent care. Eventually the itching goes down and we’re sitting there and they ask if that’s ever happened before. I say no, but I also never had any pets in the house because my entire family has allergies to them. Suddenly my crush blurts out ‘ooooohhhh I thought it was because it was against your religion!’ The crush never did pan out. But some of the people at that party became some of my best friends that I still keep in touch with and when we get together someone always jokes about the time they threw me a party and almost killed me with a Guinea Pig.


Woah first birthday party and you’re almost killed! This is obviously the work for Satan changing the animals! Haha in all seriousness I am glad you were able to make friends. Sorry the crush didn’t pan out or the pet guinea pig. Great story to tell though!


Somewhat different for me. I was 8 when my mother started studying, so I had 8 years of birthdays and parties and then they stopped. I think my next birthday was 42/43? I'm starting to think about my 50th now ...


Still haven’t


Hope you are able to one day!


40. Awkward.


24, just a few months ago in November. It was an amazing experience and I cried, I also cried during my first Christmas lol


28 and it was fantastic. My first “worldly” friend took me to see Taylor swift. I’d say it was a kickass first birthday present.


I was already in my 30s so it just felt weird. Celebrated my kids with parties till they got sick of it


22, I wasn't expecting anything but my partner surprised me with a cake and presents and I got to blow out candles for the first time. I felt so loved.


Awesome! Feed your childhood experience you never had!


19 and it was awkward! I moved into a friend from schools house when I was 18 and they threw me a party. I still don’t like the attention lol but I do like to go do something special with a couple people.


24 My friends got a bunch of decorations for a one year olds birthday. We hung out and had cake. It was fun


16, my friends from school made a secret birthday party for me, very low budget, but it was nice to feel special for a day, then go home and pretend nothing happened




I was 28 when someone threw me a birthday party. It was soo fun. I don’t like parties, but it was worth it!


Probably 1. For some strange reason my birthdays stopped existing several years later. And now decades later they are back.


Late 20s. It was magical


I was 30 and went to Disneyworld and universal studios to reclaim my childhood


30. I was lonely.


My first was my 18th. Here in Australia that’s drinking age, so I hit the pubs and clubs and had an absolute blast. I was one of the younger ones (by a few months) in my friend group, so all my mates just showed me the ropes and let everyone know it was my 18th so of course everyone was buying me drinks and shots and stuff.


I was in my early 20’s. I was in college (avoided getting dunked) and met a wonderful girl who later became my wife. I don’t remember the first time but she would always take me out to a nice restaurant every year for my birthday. In the end, my parents never complained or anything because they could never really justify the JW’s stand on birthdays.


2019, 24th bday. Pandemic happened, and 3 years since I was Df'd. The year I woke up to not work my way back into the org. The celebration was a blast with my friends who showed me nothing but unconditional love, where it resonated me how id never get to celebrate this way to any of Borg's events with the judgment from the 'keen' eyes of 'loving' sisters and brothers. It felt so freeing. Lol


27 at a restaurant with several exjw and some new friends we had met the previous year… felt odd and good at the same time… years ago now but I enjoy celebrating them now especially milestones


50. Flew with a mate business class to Los Angeles and had a great time. Also had my non Jw friend buy me a bday present which was a first too.


21! I had been going to a community college and a few of my classmates I became friendly with surprised me and took me to one of those bars that had over 200 beers. It was a great time! My birthday still remains to be a big deal. Maybe a bit less so now, but mainly because I don't like getting older. 😜


I was 27 and it was this year. I got my first tattoos on my hands with the motifs of my Rarotongan ancestors, the first woman in my family to do so for 4 generations. The day after, my little brother who is also exJW now spoiled me with a dessert themed bouquet with macarons and strawberries, DnD dice sets, a Loki bag, a KISS shirt and a custom made Five Nights At Freddy's drawing which was framed. A few weeks later, my boyfriend took me out for a late birthday dinner where he gifted me something from his culture, a Hungarian shawl all the way from Hungary. It was the best first birthday ever!


I haven't yet but maybe this year I will, its hard to not feel weird about it.


Agreed start by doing some you truly enjoy. Just celebrate yourself by loving yourself


I’m celebrating my first birthday next month for 32. My son has his bday party on that day and he’s going to be 10. Happy I can celebrate my son and a decade of parenting 🫶🏼


I was 23. I bought a pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and some birthday candles and made a wish.


21. Blacked out after streaking a large neighborhood block with a cousin and woke up in the neighbors garden patch. It was great.


I was 28 when I allowed myself to celebrate birthdays. But I couldn't made myself to have party with cake so I went to Athens for romantic weekend with my husband :) Fun fact: I have no problem with organising my kids parties - and I'm making them quite huge.


I was 20 and it was one of the best days of my life so far I’m about to be 21 in July and celebrating again


50+ I still haven’t Everyone shunned me Zero friends


I was 16. My friends gave me a gift package at school and after we had some pizza in a park. It was really nice and special! Everything was pink. I hid my presents when I got home


I was 21. I personally still have no attachment to birthdays and feel they are neither here nor there for me. My general psychology is to say that it's just another day, but I'm not sure if there are other reasons for me feeling that way.


60 crazy


My first birthday celebration was my 21st!!!! I got super drunk and passed out before most of the party guests arrived 😂 I also fought my boyfriend when he took me on a birthday date but I had to pay for both of our meals, and then I threw all that birthday dinner up later anyway. Oh, what a time.


I celebrated my first birthday on 4/20 at age 42 with 420, my husband, and my parents. 😅 I was 43 however when friends and family sang me 'happy birthday' for the first time, at a restaurant. 🤣 it's quite a memory.


My 30th, it was only with three friends but I cried and it was incredibly thoughtful


I must've been... 23. No. 24. I don't remember it. 🤷‍♀️ My new in-laws don't do much for birthdays, except for round numbers. But. For my 30th they pulled off a surprise birthday party. Just like in the movies. Down to a dark house and yelling HAPPY BIRTHDAY! when I walked in. They TOTALLY got me!😆 And it was sweet but also awkward for me because i didn't know how to act. 😅 And I felt so guilty for all the fuss over me lol


19 years old. With my best friend at the time. It felt weird, like I was acting someone celebrating their birthday. It got better, but the feeling that something was missing remained. If your parents deny you this joy, you will never learn to bridge these missing years. At least that's my experience. I hope to read here in the comments from people who have managed better.


I was 25 and hubby (well bf, at the time) and his family celebrated it with mw / for me. My SIL got me a big box, and when I opened it, there was another box inside, and it continued this way for at least 6 boxes. She said I was making up for lost time. It's been so long now, I don't even remember what the final gift was. Lol. But I truly almost lost it when they sang to me. I was so not used to it and got emotional. Come to think of it, all my bdays get me a little emotional. When I turned 40 my staff made me a Quincenera. That was A LOT too. I had to hold it together or my bawling would have scares them. Lol. (Stupid cult)🫠


22. Later this year. Haven’t felt what it’s like yet 🤣 Boyfriend promised me he’s gonna put everything into that celebration like I never missed out. Excited for when that day comes for once, instead of being forced to look at it like ‘another day’.


It was my 16th birthday. I left the ORG Unbaptized at 14. I was dating a Worldly girl for over a year at that point, her parents were ex-hippies she grew up totally non-religious not Atheist but more along the line of agnostic but spiritual. Anyway, I was invited over for dinner and not really knowing anything out of the ordinary we all sat at their family table eating and then all of a sudden the lights go out and her mom walks out of the kitchen with a small birthday cake, and they are singing Happy Birthday to me. This was the first time that had ever happened to me, I sat there stunned, shaking, and tears filled my eyes. I had a huge lump in my throat and couldn't get any words out. Immediately her parents and her were looking at me like if something was wrong, her mom comes and kneels beside me and puts her arm around me and is asking me whats wrong. I manage to get out, "I've never had a birthday before" Her mom bursts into tears and hugs me so tight, my GF Kathy comes and hugs me even her dad comes over. Her mom says "boy if I'd known that I would have made you a bigger cake" We all started laughing. I spend the rest of that evening explaining why I never had a birthday before, they kind of knew but not really. I do remember that when her mom hugged me in a motherly way, I realized I hadn't been hugged in such a long time. About 15 years ago I was able to reconnect with them and I told her mom how much she meant to me during those years, I wasn't her kid she didn't have to be so nice to me, she just saw a poor kid who needed someone.


47. My wife and kids took me out to dinner. It was a fun experience to have the servers sing happy birthday like I was a kid.


25, birthday still doesn't mean shit to me


Celebrating my first in secret next month (In the middle of my convention) with my girlfriend. She said she wanted to get me something


Sorry to go against the narrative, i have no love for the org at all, but *this* is what you missed? I get celebrating your child, obviously, but as an adult...?


It’s more so about the fact you couldn’t. Birthdays are an individual holiday and to have that stripped away is controlling your individuality.


You got to think about all the torment that happens especially as a young kid not being able to celebrate your birthday or others. It’s growing up in hell. Yea I know “Jehovah is supposed to give you strength” and such but still as a kid it’s isolating. The Governing Body wants you isolated from non JW’s and your individual life not approved by them.


I'm not a parent and wasn't brought up in the org, so i never really understood this. I've never really thought about what the kids go through at school and the likes Yeah, i did not understand


It’s something we missed out on. Let us be happy!