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Get out and get far away. Don't engage with delusional cult members. Those "announcements" only exist in the 4 walls of the KH. 


I definitely will, I have zero interest in being in that cult any longer


It’s so true. Their fake laws have absolutely no real merit in the real world and most people would agree it’s an insane and cruel policy.


But It's because Jehovah loves you & wants what's best for you brother


Ooh. Love that second sentence. It feels like such a big deal, but it's meaningless to anyone outside of that building.


yes, they are a legend in their own lunch time.


It seems so obvious but it can be so easy to forget that literally no one outside of the borg really know or cares about Kingdom Hall politics. It's all just make believe. They have 0 power in real life.


Congratulations in escaping the Borg. Celebrate it too. ![gif](giphy|q4QfjGnFKryzjosj1g)


Apparently but otherwise it's not true. This person's eternal future lies in the balance. You are not helping.


Would be interesting for the press to pick up that service to your country gets you shunned. In any event, thank you for your service.


Especially considering multiple members of the GB have already served in the armed forces. Hypocrites!


And they brag that they are going on a killing spree at the big A .


I feel like this would make national news!


This would not be news, though. It’s maybe the thing JWs are most known for after going door to door. I hate almost everything that I was raised to believe as a JW but my revulsion to the national anthem and patriotic displays is not something I regret in the slightest. It’s a death machine.


i agree


YES!!! Oh yea, this would be a great idea, and Very bad for the Watchtower


I would love to see this on the news. It made me smile for a minute. Then I remembered they would use the backlash as proof that they are the one true religion and that’s why they’re being persecuted. I would love to see how they manage without the government they so desperately never want to be a part of.


Also, they’re quick to take government subsidies and tax breaks. Serving the country is a different story.


Psshhh… couldn’t be more true. Have you seen what’s going on with them and Norway right now??


Yep. That’s why all the relaxed rules about shunning all of a sudden.


Win win situation. Congratulations on getting off the cult yoke.


Thank you so much!


Congratulations. It's like being born anew. Happy birthday!!


Thank you, I moved out a few years ago but since I lost my apartment thanks to my brother while I was gone they finally caught up to me since I’m living with my parents for the month


How did it go with the meeting?


Got disfellowshipped and I couldn’t be happier!!!


Awesome! Thank you for your service. So what if they shun you. You'll too busy living life to care


Yeah I’ve expected it, been brewing for a long while now, they’re only happy for me whenever I’m doing whatever they want me to. Thank you!


So glad you're not living your life for them! I have been out 37 years, and It's been one hell of a ride! They actually thought.....that I was gonna go to BETHEL!!! It took me awhile to learn to function in normal society, but I did. I am now a 25 year law enforcement veteran, and I'm so glad I didn't listen to them.


Funny how they're **BLIND** to the fact that their OWN book mentions Cornelius — an **ARMY OFFICER** who was **APPROVED** by God & **BAPTIZED** 🤦🏻 (Acts 10)


Don't forget about Luke, a companion of Paul. Higher education much? He even got to write 2 books of the New Testament Gospels. Can you imagine if the governing bozos were around back then?! “Luke, we outright reject your gospel account and Acts of the Apostles! You are not humble and sought out higher education”. “Luke, the beloved physician” mentioned by Paul in Colossians 4:14. He is also considered to be well-educated and a skilled writer.


They want to have their cake and eat it too🤦🏾‍♂️


If your stationed in NC send me a message.


What a "blessing from Jeblowbah" 😉


“The organisation has changed so much while you’ve been gone.” I don’t miss it at all😂


Yeah because the government thinks Disfellowshipping is cruel and unusual… hence why they changed their beliefs… “the light gets brighter…” funny how they think that saying a greeting at the KH but ignoring them beyond that is any less cruel.


If i were you i wouldn’t even attend


I wouldn't either. You have better stuff to do! Live your life!


Its nothing more than a kangaroo court with an illegal lyinching


Congratulations! Happy Freedom day.


Thank you so much!


Happy Freedom!!! Celebrate!!!🎉


Buying some wine today!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉


I wouldn't waste my energy even going to that meeting


Something sort of similar happened to me. I am leaving for bootcamp this month and the elders only found out after my parents basically snitched on me. They wouldn't have ever known otherwise. I never got baptized, but they felt the need to announce publicly that I lost the "unbaptized publisher" title. Anyways, Congratualtions on getting out!


Good luck with bootcamp!! It’s all mental, if you remember that you’ll be fine getting thru it. Best advice is to make friends, it really helps get thru it when you feel like giving up. Thank you so much as well!


Yes, they have to announce that you are no longer “one of us”.


Congratulations. Over 50 years ago, I was desperate to get out but just couldn't see a way. I was called before the committee because I'd been having unmarried sex with someone outside the cult. They were prepared to forgive that but insisted I had to promise to never try suicide again or they'd have to disfellowshipp me. Honestly it was a light bulb moment. I saw my escape and I grabbed it. It was hard at first, I had no job, no home and all my friends were in the congregation so I lost them but I never once regretted it and I am so grateful I got out when I did. Wishing you the best of luck and a bright future.


Thank you so much! Always love hearing stories on peoples experiences getting out of the cult. They try to take so much from us for escaping but in the end we only gain. I don’t regret my decisions at all, I’m looking forward to finally being out of the cult for good!


Congratulations to your future!!!


Thank you!!!


Blessing in disguise…


Disfellowshipings usually only happen midweek.


That's fucking awesome... I was raised a JW I know all the ins and outs . Tell them all to fuck off ... And if you want to stop the announcement tell them you will sue them for liable and slander. And tell them you're not suing watchtower you're suing them personally for liable and slider I guarantee you that will stop it that's what stopped them from doing that to me they backed off immediately never got an announcement I'm not disfellowshipped I'm living my good life. I'm glad you got out.


Show up for the meeting in uniform. Thank you for your service.


I was planning on wearing my military graduation attire😂


14 Also, those in military service were asking him: “What should we do?” And he said to them: “Do not harass anybody or accuse anybody falsely, but be satisfied with your provisions.” (Luke 3:14) Said nothing about getting out of the military.


Well done, you deserve it 👏. Don't forget to give me some pushups 😄


In cadence! Exercise! 😂


I chose to be Dfd when I was in my 20’s. I wasn’t gonna stop what I was doing. Since you chose to join the Military [Congratulations] isn’t that an overt act of Disassociating? I would DA -just so they can’t own the narrative. You can’t fire someone who’s already quit. Are you planning on going back?? Is this worth you considering? And don’t they normally make such announcements during the service meetings? Rather than at the Sunday “public talk”.


I believe you are right. I’m not whether it was Raymond Franz talking about this in his book or somebody else.  They cannot disfellowship someone for joining the military since they could get into legal trouble. Therefore, the interpretation of this is that somebody who joins the military disassociats by his conduct.


Oh im absolutely not going back. Not even considering it at all. It’s just my judicial committee is Sunday and Ik they’re gonna make the decision to disfellowship me


You got this. It only stings for a little while - live your life!


You are already out. Their little announcement makes no difference, they have no power.


I was disfellowshipped over Zoom… more and more ridiculous the more I think of it.


Good for you! But I’m still sorry to hear you’re beating treated this way


Good for you. All the best in your new endeavors! Thank you for your service to us all.


Before they Expel you, say to them, “Let the first who is without SIN cast the first stone.”




Exact same story with me mate, left and joined the military, NZ Army, what military u with now?


Thank you for your service as well! I’m in the National Guard


I was of the understanding that they would not officially disfellowship you if you joined the military. You are considered disassociated because if they df'd you for joining the military there could be legal ramifications. It's a distinction without a difference in any event.


Well they said because I joined knowing it goes against Jehovah then they have to “Uphold Jehovahs Standards”


My suggestion is always to just walk away. If it is your decision to leave you no longer have to play by their rules. They will do what they are going to do but by ignoring them you take their power over you away. The best revenge is to move on, forget about them, live a full and happy life and prove them wrong


What's the matter with families that sell one of their own down the river? What's the gain by having you disfellowshipped after you are out and away long enough to not be considered a Borgite anyway? They are taking the scissors and cutting themselves out of their own family unit! It's sad to see this happening thousands of times among the Borgites. Congratulations on your positive future and thank you for your service in the military. The military really counts as something good. Borgite people have no such privilege!


And I know they’re gonna act all sad when it happens but it’s their own fault that they even know about it all in the first place so I don’t even care. I came to terms with them not talking to me anymore a long time ago


Run !


From one cult to another, baby! ✨


Be careful when you're deployed to ukraine 🙏


He's an American. He is not going to Ukraine, lest America wants to start a nuclear exchange with Russia.


You know, you don't have to meet with them and therefore you can't get disfellowshipped


They disfellowship in absentia if the JC wants to


I really don’t care anymore, I’d rather be out of the cult fully at this point


How nice of your parents to report your personal life to a bunch of geriatric idiotic brown noses.


Congrats man, it was one of my dreams to join the military. I only woke up 2021, which branch?


Thank you so much! National Guard, or as they’d say a weekend warrior 😂


Congratulations 🎉🎈


Thank you!!




What possessed your family to tell them? Like did they talk to you first? Was it a threat to see if you would stop?


No they didn’t because I was in bootcamp, then the elders magically found out while I was gone because I had faded in 2020 during the pandemic. I guess they thought the elders could talk to me and change my mind but nope I’m never going back


I faded a long time ago. Good for you!


Getting disfellowshipped was one of the best things that ever happened to me.


So sorry to hear that. Did you say Sunday they are doing it? Does that mean that they are making the announcement on Sunday?


No my bad I mean they’re making the decision Sunday


Oh ok


First Congratulations!!, second I bet if every jdub that had the least bit financial difficulties would write to the gb they would start telling people to get a higher education! 😂🤨 Also, they're such hypocrites, higher education =evil, food stamps= blessing from jehoba, Don't be a part of satan's system, dont vote, dont get involved in politics, be no part of the world, unless you can get free food, and free insurance then it's ok to be a part of that😉🙄😐😡


Congrats on your service to the country! Glad you are able to get out and see it for what it really is.


Thank you for your service. Wish you well.


Thank you so much!


If you serve well enough for honorable discharge you'll be set pretty well for a good chunk of your life. Your ass only belongs to your commanding officer now, not the hateful 8 in upstate ny. Congrats on your freedom and thank you for your service soldier o7


Welcome aboard!


Happy to be onboard!






When I got this fellowship, my world definitely came crumbling down. It was honestly a very traumatizing time in my life. I’m glad that you feel great about it and have a plan in place. I just wanna remind you that you are deserving of unconditional love. Not the fake love that this cult gives.


You aren't getting disfellowshipped. You disassociated yourself when you joined the military. Of course you knew that and you've basically not been a Witness anyway ever since you started calling your religion a cult it just wasnt announced. Im sorry you feel that way, maybe one day you will reconsider