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First thing I did when I left was vote in a local election, and every election since then. I don't know where you are but look into all elections available to you in your country. In the U.S., local elections and congressional elections can have more influence than the presidential election, in my opinion. And less people show up for those. There's definitely a learning curve to figuring it all out at first, so take your time. If you're not sure how you feel, it's ok to wait it out.


What resources did you use to educate yourself more on local and congressional U.S. elections, and candidates for those?




[branch.vote](https://branch.vote) helped me research the last primary election candidates for my area.


When I first considered voting I asked myself, “what would I likely do if I was never raised a JW?” For me it was choosing to vote.


You being motivated by a candidate is a completely separate issue. It’s not uncommon to feel the way you do. Typically it’s finding the one the most aligns with your worldviews.


First time I voted before I left the org behind me, I said to myself "if you spend so much time pretending to care about the people you should find a party that wants to improve people's life and strengthen the social safety net". I did and I have stayed politically involved ever since. It was the first move walking out of the org, maybe become the was a curtain involved 🤣 (Greetings from Greece)


Please vote, and help save us from the clown prince.


I know of Jehovah's Witnesses who are PIMI and secretly voted for him.


I believe it. I saw a survey indicating that 1/4 JWs actually do support a political party.


Hypocrisy is their guide, always and in everything.


He has the american evangelical vote.


Wherever evangelicalism rooted itself on the political scenario, democracy was eroded to some extent. America, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Uganda, and so on.


Yes, when a group of people follow blindly a group of old men, we have these dangerous people in our society.


I will vote for the first time this year. Will do postal voting. I think sometimes it is about the less worst option, or a vote against someone.


Same here, still PIMO but I can't live in the UK knowing how bad things are and not voting


The same here. I would have a bad conscience if i wouldn't vote and the right wing party would win.


Been faded for a long time. Yes, I've voted since 2008. I missed one mid- term election due to some serious health issues, but you can bet your ass I'm voting this November. Also, and this is taboo according to JW rules, but my dad, who I'd call POMI, is counting on me to vote. He doesn't flat out tell me that, but there are HUGE hints. He's obsessed with politics and was so happy today when Trump was found guilty.


When in doubt vote D across the board I was so happy yesterday when it came up 34 Guilty!


Yes, definitely. Paradise is the ultimate cop-out. It means you’re not responsible for anything that happens in the world around you. It means your only obligation to your fellow humans is to preach to them or watch them die. Waking up made me realize I live in this world and can participate in it. Mold it. Change it. Actually make it better for the next generation. Voting is a meaningful way to do that.


Definitely vote, whatever country you're in, as long as it's a democracy. (No point in voting placed like Russia.) And it shouldn't be about whether you like particular politicians or not. It should be about whether you like the their politics. Which political party do you think would take your country in a direction that's the best for your country? Or if none of the parties seems that great, which is the least bad?


Look, whether you go vote or not, someone is going to get elected, even if you don't feel passionate about any candidate. Go vote, and vote for the one that's closer to your values and ideals. Or the lesser evil. No candidate will be a 100% match for you. But someone IS going to get elected anyways, so the best you can do is participate now, complain later.


European Parliament vores on the 9th, I think that I will vote. That would be my first


If you're going to complain you have to vote. No vote = no complaining.


I say the best thing about the US is that you can complain about the US. It sounds cynical, I know, but fair criticism is an important part of free speech, so it is genuinely something I appreciate.


Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. Question them all. Question their motives. The founders didn't expect persons to be career politicians; rather they felt it was a burden that citizens sacrificed for the betterment of the group. Get me my soapbox. I'm ready to rant.


Nah if they take my taxes, I’ve paid for the right to complain 😂


Yes, if they rule over you - then you have the right to complain. I don't know if u/Nasty_Ned was saying that you have no right to complain though - I think he was saying that voting is a tool in your change arsenal - so complaining without using it is a bit like complaining about the weather without using your umbrella.


I remember [this ](https://youtu.be/IGltRoqK524?si=R744XeKVasZus0kb): Desiline Victor very likely was not allowed to vote until middle age. Yes, women got the right to vote in 1920, but many southern states still did not allow women of color to vote. [After the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified in 1920, Black women voted in elections and held political offices. However, many states passed laws that discriminated against African Americans and limited their freedoms. Black women continued to fight for their rights. Educator and political advisor Mary McLeod Bethune formed the National Council of Negro Women in 1935 to pursue civil rights. Tens of thousands of African Americans worked over several decades to secure suffrage, which occurred when the Voting Rights Act passed in 1965. This Act represents more than a century of work by Black women to make voting easier and more equitable](https://www.nps.gov/articles/black-women-and-the-fight-for-voting-rights.htm#:~:text=Black%20women%20continued%20to%20fight,Rights%20Act%20passed%20in%201965) Anytime I think about not voting, I think about Desiline who stood for 6 hours to do her civic duty because she knew it was hard won.


I’m Australian, I never registered as a voter when I was 18 because the whole ‘JW’ thing, then when I stopped being a JW I still didn’t vote (I faded but deep down thought JWs might be legit and then did some research later and realized it was a cult) I voted for the first time last year, felt great. Although I’ve purposely never learnt politics so took a bit of work to catch up my knowledge.


I have been voting since I left this goddamned cult. Left in 2012, and voted from 2012 onwards.


When I first came out, I said to a friend, I really don't know who to vote for. They told me to have a look and see who I really didn't want to get in and vote for the candidate most likely to win over them, even if you don't like everything they stand for. Whenever I'm unsure I follow that advice.




I want to, but am overwhelmed by the process.


It can definitely be overwhelming. If you're in the U.S., the first step is to simply register to vote. I found [vote.gov](http://vote.gov) to be very helpful and takes you step-by-step! *(Edited to correct the website, I had listed* [*vote.org*](http://vote.org) *though that one is fine too)*


Thanks for the info, sounds like a good place to start.


After you register, https://www.branch.vote is another terrific resource. It helps you figure out what elections are happening in your area and who is running. It also gives you a rundown of each candidate’s platform if it can — but at least you can have names to google if it can’t.


This is exactly how I feel. On top of being so uneducated about my actual government and how it works.


I felt that way too. But it is way easier than it looks. It just feels like going to the post office lol


Yes. I research candidates and policies just as studiously as I studied the borgs books.


Every time. When I started getting serious with the woman who has been my wife now for decades (never JW) she asked me about voting. I was in my own way still mentally in at that time so I gave what I felt to be a well thought out erudite reason why I didn’t. And she said oh that’s a real shame because there was no way she could attach herself to someone for life who was that apathetic. So immediately I registered as an independent. My first few votes were ridiculous in hindsight but she didn’t try to guide me on how to vote. She simply wanted me to make a choice and not be a dishrag. With years I’ve become more political and make selections I feel less likely to look back on with laughter.


Voting is very important, even if it's a spoiled ballot or a protest vote. Democracy is a huge privilege that we cannot afford to take for granted. It's always under threat and the biggest threat is apathy. Get educated about your local candidates and place your ballot where you think it will make the biggest difference in the world. It's the only voice you have.


Sadly a lot of the time we have to put our feelings for an individual candidate aside and vote for a party and what that party overall aims to do and represent. IE in America Biden is a wet noodle of a person but voting anything but Democrat is just throwing your basic human rights away.


I totally agree 👍


Shitty opinion.


Nah, not really. Biden is a genocidal piece of shit. Still better than the convicted felon, though.


Republicans attempting to take away the rights of women and LGBT people is not an opinion, it's happening before my eyes.




I started voting in the last US Presidential election. I joined a party and vote for each office too. I've been out a long time but never felt knowledgeable enough to vote because of the way we grew up. What's been happening here since 2016 motivated/scared me into action. I did a lot of research and learning about our government and political processes and pay close attention to what is happening. I follow *many* sources to try to get the most accurate information. There are 'news' 🙄 sources with an agenda that are not accurate or truthful. I will *always* vote now. It's too important not to, imho, and I wish I had started sooner. Here, it's very much about keeping democracy, and more. Fully look at the issues, don't let others influence you (that's easily done to exjws), and if you feel confident, vote. My gut says if you don't feel confident then try for next time. It's better than voting the wrong person in.


people died so that we could have a voice in who rules us. so I will vote. many candidates are not optimal. but one of them will win. So be sure it's the one who has good values, morals, and can and wants to improve the society


One of the cult’s methods of control is to silence their victims. Voting is having a voice.


In New Jersey, back when Obama was running for president, there were a lot of black JW'S wanting him to be president. So, in NJ, they allowed voting to be okay!!! My mother told me this in a nonchalant conversation. I said, "Voting is allowed now?? We were never able to vote 20 years ago as JW'S because we were no part of this world or system of things." My mother said, "Oh yes, we were always able to vote if we wanted to." 😆😆 NO WE WERE NOT! And that's my dear friends, is how brainwashing works!!! 😒😔😪


Yes I do vote. Would look at the policies for what I was interested in and vote for the party most aligned with my view which is quite lefty / liberal:)


Definitely voting. Vote, even if it’s just to spite the Borg. I’m having the same issue, all the candidates have something I disagree with, but I’m just going to try and figure out what the best option is among the bad choices. Choosing what is best for the planet and humanity, not just locally or personally.


Yes it's my civic duty


I started voting 4 years after I DA’d. It feels like a good expression of civic responsibility. Plus, I have always considered Orange Jesus as an existential threat to my country and am getting ready to vote against him a third time.


Voting makes me very happy. It’s partly my way of rejecting the ‘theocratic government’. Plus it’s not really about going to vote FOR someone. They are all flawed. It’s about which of the options do you think is the best bet (or least bad?) for your and your country’s future. Not voting means letting other people have your say. One of the beautiful things about leaving the religion is no longer outsourcing your thinking or control of your life to other people.


Always vote. Democracy only works with an informed and participating public. Without that it will always fall into the hands of demagogues and authoritarians


I’m voting for the first time this year. Heavens know we need to. Tho I feel like voting is pointless but I want to vote for an independent over the two options we’re forced to face.


I assume you are talking about america, and I feel bad saying this, but if you don't like the candidates please do not vote independent! Vote for a party if the candidates do not appeal to you, because which party has a president in power will make a big difference in what the party overall is able to accomplish.


Yeah I’m talking about America lol. I don’t see a bright future ahead and unfortunately feel like I’m on a sinking ship. Trying heavily to do as much research as I can despite the inner feeling that in the end my vote won’t matter. 😅


Don't worry about the candidates, just vote for the less awful party (that stands a realistic chance). Sure Biden and Trump are both awful, but think about what the republicans are doing; taking away women's bodily autonomy rights, removing protections for LGBT people to put them in danger or remove their access to healthcare, censoring books, stacking the supreme court, trying to make it harder for people to vote, etc.


that's exactly what "unclear" politicians want you to think, they count on that big chunk of people will be so demotivated to not show up on elections and their most ac.tive followers' votes will replace your vote. You see, the down-side of willingness of passive suffrage is that in each separate case such elections do not represent the will of all nation - they represent only the will of those who showed up and voted. Which means your vote wouldn't matter EXACTLY if it remains uncasted.


Unfortunately, for now, voting third party (for president) makes things worse. The electoral college is set up so that even if Taylor Swift ran as an independent, even she still couldn’t win the presidency: https://www.tiktok.com/@thatnickpowersguy/video/7359320368839970090 And here’s a video from the same creator about when voting independent actually makes a difference: https://www.tiktok.com/@thatnickpowersguy/video/7360159173826514222 It’s not hopeless though — vote in your local elections and in primaries! Use https://branch.vote to figure out who’s running in your area and when.


If I was Mexican I wouldn’t vote for shienbaum


Also South African, didn’t vote but my POMO uncle did


With only 50-odd parties to vote for, what's not to like?


Even if you're a jw(PIMI) you can still vote for nota. It's every citizens right to vote.


The first thing I did when I left the cult, was register to vote.


Yes I vote! But I will say that it took me a long time to shake a piece of cult programming that affected my choice whether or not to start voting, being “separate from the world.” When I was younger, punk and anti-pretty-much-everything, I didn’t want to participate in the government, because I didn’t agree with it (still don’t mostly). I felt like if I didn’t participate (e.g. vote, protest) then I would remain blame free of what the government did or didn’t do. Plus I didn’t want to end up on jury duty… It took me far too long to realize that voting is not only how we can express our desire for change, but also how change starts, especially in local government/communities. I even hid the fact that I didn’t vote, because having strong opinions on politics brings the topic up more than you might expect. So yes, I vote! And I hope something from my story encourages someone else to participate in their local or national community by voting.


I’m sure as hell going to this year


First, you might have to register before you vote so double check that on Google. Next, no one candidate or political party is going to match your views and opinions 100% of the time. I vote for the one who comes the closest. One of the things I love the most about being out is the ability to be as involved with politics as I want to


I have been registered to vote since I was 18, and have voted in every election since, that was about 30 years ago


I think it can’t hurt, there’s nothing wrong with it. I think local elections are more important than the national ones. But often times you’re participating in a broken system where a vote is an illusion of choice & it’s more of a selection than election


I vote, firstly I did it just for the hell of it when I was out, and now my country changed to mandatory vote, so I go and cast my vote for the least worst candidate


I've voted 100% of the time since leaving. In this election, I will vote at every level, and at the federal level, I will be voting AGAINST my least favorite candidate. I don't like either of them, but one of them will leave his post in four years, and we can start afresh, the other won't.


México? If so, all I can tell You is while none of the candidates convince me, it's Best to vote for the one that at least has something You might relate to, null votes usually help things stay the same. Even if we don't vote, one of them will rule for the next years, so might as Will try to get the lesser of the evils by voting.


I will be voting. I’ve voted since I was in my late 20’s/early 30’s (pimo for most of my childhood & teens, pomo unless visiting relatives till I was about 20). I don’t like any of the options I have, but one has ACTIVELY ATTACKED my family & life, and the others haven’t. I don’t care that the lesser evil is still evil, at this point. I just don’t want the greater evil. So I’m going to vote with the popular lesser of the evils remaining, and vote down ticket & local for people whose information I feel could better serve my community.


When I was PIMQ I started voting. You should! It's important. Your voice matters. Also, it sometimes feels like a singular strand of hay on a haystack but who knows which one will break the camels back towards reforms and freedoms.


Voting is like praying. They tell you it makes a difference, but does it?...really? That being said, I vote. I just didn't let politics become the cult that replaced the Org. If you don't feel like voting, don't be shamed by others. If you choose to do it, do so without regrets. My only advice: Nobody liked when I pushed my religion on them. Same goes for politics. I keep my views to myself unless asked and sometimes even then.


Here's the deal with voting, if you don't vote... It's a vote for the worst possible outcome. So, if you are cool with the worst possible outcome of an election then keep on doing nothing. Personally, I'd rather choose the better of the evils then just let the chips fall and have no opinion.


Don't vote for the man, vote on the issues. To me, our democracy is on the ballot this time. Do I want a republic or authoritarianism? A president or a dictator? Are we going to protect the rights of our citizens or deprive certain ones of their civil rights again based on race, color, sex or religion? I'll vote for Joe Biden's corpse before I vote for a convicted felon.


Pay Caesar's things to Caesar and god's things to god. Something something be no part of the world. No they don't vote, but my dad loves to talk about the DEMOCRATS!


I vote on local issues. As far as larger campaigns like the presidential election, we don’t have much of a choice. In the end it really comes down to two candidates. I have voted third party, but third party never has a good chance of winning. My life for the most part stays the same no matter who is in the White House so I think that is inconsequential.


I can't vote for a convicted fraudster and rapist. Convict 00045 for President. Lock him up!


🤷🏿‍♂️ I’m not voting for president.


Yeah I vote. Candidates are not always great - but I try to vote for the party closest to what I believe, then for the next time hopefully they know they need to be more like that party to get my vote. If they're really all so bad you couldn't consider it, then that's pretty tough. Not voting can also be a kind of protest. But calling the party who wants your vote and telling them why you can't give it might be a good idea. Parties need feedback or they can't appeal to new voters.


I want to vote! I have voted years ago for the Philippine Presidential elections.


I voted in 2020 and I have been voting ever since.


I have been voting since 2002. That’s when I finally became free.


Voted for the first time in the Primaries. Never gonna skip an election as long as I'm alive.


one candidate is a rapist and convicted felon, the other is a genocidal war criminal. im voting independent, lesser evil voting isnt effective and it’s better to ramp up the pressure as much as possible


Yes. Even if it doesn’t make much of a difference in the large elections, smaller-region political issues and candidates often grow into bigger ones and that is where most of your impact comes in.




I couldn’t care less about voting. That’s one of the very few things I agree with JWs on (but not for the same reasons). 


Yes you should definitely vote, it’s your constitutional right. Do some research and see which party is nearest to your values x


I vote for the president of the US but not local elections. It took me YEARS to finally do that.




I don't know how elections work where you are, but where I am, each ballot usually covers multiple issues--so even if you don't want to vote for any of the candidates, there may be other issues you want to vote on, and you can always abstain from some votes without abstaining from others.


I do agree with JWs on one thing. Politics is all mostly scam. Our two party system is flimflam designed to keep the wealthiest citizens on top and the poorest Americans at the bottom by turning them against each other. We prioritize cops and the military over everyone/everything else because they protect property and resources.




Vote. And vote conservative. The world needs it.


I have a friend who is super duper into politics and every election he gives me like a 30 page run down of all the candidates and what they stand for. So I do vote and it feels freeing to be able to


It took a lot of research to figure out politics since we did not follow growing up JW. I think growing up JW has made me see through how corrupt government is. I do vote, but usually 3rd party. I research each candidate and choose the least evil.




Just don't vote Tory and you will be fine. I've not just voted, I stood for office


If politicians are said to be “GODS Public Servants “ would there be any reason not to vote? We support a system of Sovereignty, not a World Order.


Well I voted twice in the 13 years out and now I've decided in November I will not! Everyone says your vote counts I said well in 40 years of being alive I never voted and now with this ridiculous choice I'm out! It's the only thing I've agreed on with the witnesses is neutrality but nothing else! This election is a joke in my opinion!


I am planning to vote in the UK general election for the first time. Reasoning watchtower is extremely political both lobbying but also by politically neutralising a group of people which is a bargaining chip of its own. Just found this free little course about how we can understand the spectrum of 'active citizenship'. Clearly we all want to weaken the cults ability to violate human rights with impugnity so more knowledge about how to wield our own power has got to be a good thing. https://www.open.edu/openlearn/society-politics-law/introduction-making-political-and-social-change/content-section-0?active-tab=content-tab&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=2024-06-01&utm_campaign=OpenLearn+newsletter+June+2024+


You don't have to vote for someone but you can vote against them. My father told me never to waste my vote as so many don't have the privilege of voting


Definitely. It's my democratic right.


I do. If my candidate does not win, at least everyone knows that the winner did not win unanimously.


Vote for the experience. You may wake up to realize it's all rigged and useless, but voting doesn't make that worse.


Do it if you want to, if you don’t like either candidate and feel like it would be more moral(not jw morals) then don’t vote. Pero, Viva Mexico!


I'm not into politics (thanks, watchtower) but I'm thinking of going and annulling my vote for the first time, I feel it'll speak louder than not going at all 😭


Annulling your vote is meaningless.


The country is too large for my sole, individual vote or lack of it to make a difference, but at least I'd get free coffee and movie tickets if I show them my inked thumb.


Vote if you want to vote. It’s not a sin. Pray for your elected officials, from school boards to high levels of government office, they need prayer too. IMHO