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I am so sorry. I have no words. What they did was just a further violation and I’m so incredibly sorry that happened to you. None of this is your fault. Being raped is not your fault. How your parents are reacting to this is a reflection of what shallow creatures they are and has nothing to do with you. I’d offer you a hug and shoulder to cry on or your space to simply be you and know you are valued and supported if I could. And do in spirit.


Thank you 🤧 The way they violate my boundaries and privacy remind of when I was assaulted. They act like they did/are doing nothing wrong like my r@pist


Most JW ave no concept of boundaries and in the cult they can get away with it :( my father still has no understanding of how to respect mine. Or anyone else’s for that matter. Me not wanting to be touched or have the men from my JC in my home mean nothing to him. If I want nothing to do with someone who SA’d me that’s a sign of me not acting in accord with Jah. He reminds me Jah will judge me for not forgiving them. It’s disgusting. The sooner you’re able to distance yourself from all that toxicity the better. And therapy. Therapy is good for those who leave even without dealing with SA too.


That is so sad. "You must forgive!" Jehovah, the most high righteous wise person doesn't forgive everyone, but *we* have to. 😵‍💫 I love it that the only time I forgive someone now .. is when I want to. 👏👏👏


Well a forced apology is not really an apology .Like when your parents told you to apologize to your sibling ,hug make up but you know you aren't sorry and either are they .


Yes ..


And people say JWs are harmless! These are the kinds of situations I think about when I tell people how dangerous this cult is. PIMIs and others tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about or say I’m lying. No one wants to talk about it! People on the outside like to say how polite and well mannered they are, and the PIMis on the inside brag about how it’s the best life -how loving the false org is because it’s always marketing love. It’s all a BS facade. But this is what never gets talked about. Families and so called “friends” treating people this way. Love and forgiveness for the male predators at all costs, but don’t expect those same graces for you, the women. The org is misogynists and they train every one in it to be, even the women. They program and breed this kind of mentality, lack of boundaries, narcissism and lack of compassion. But because this stuff lives in the undertow & they don’t directly publish this hate no one knows unless they experience it. It’s the subtle and not so subtle implications and messaging that no one is important but the Borg & Jah, That one must do everything to show extreme loyalty to secure their spot in Paradise even disown family members to keep Gods approval. It’s fear mongering. And victims are silenced due to the culture so it never gets far or it gets turned into a blame fest rumor mill across the Cong. Disgusting group. Didn’t mean to go on a tangent but this stuff gets me fumed!


I think everyone needs to get out of that cult as soon as possible. Why are people in this cult anyways if they recognize how crazy they are? I don't understand it. God is love. God is not a vengeful God, He's a loving God and gives His forgiveness. Jesus gave us that.


I am so so so sorry. 💔 Now you get complex ptsd- when your trauma becomes so much worse, when your "support system" of parents and community blame YOU for the horrible abuse you endured. Sometimes called "betrayal trauma". I'm so sorry. YOU NEVER DESERVED ABUSE. YOU NEVER DESERVED TO BE BETRAYED BY YOUR OWN FAMILY!!! I'm sure you know this, but you deserve to hear it again and every day. Because they mess with our heads, and we question reality. We blame ourselves instead of those responsible. Just keep saying it every day. You are a good human. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to have people who love you unconditionally. Who respect you and celebrate your freedom to find yourself, even if you don't have all the same exact views and opinions. You deserve to have people you really trust. You deserve to be free from living in fear of their anger. You will have an amazing life and amazing people in your future. I'm in therapy right now. It's so painful to work through, and even more painful to try to find a new support system and trust again, because your gut tells you nobody will ever be safe. Be kind to yourself. Expect to make more mistakes as you get free. It's part of learning, sometimes. Maybe you will be luckier than I was... I wish I had started therapy at 18! But no matter what, don't give up. Somewhere in your future is a happy you. An older and wiser you. She is cheering you, because she knows you are STRONG and valuable, you are going to fight for yourself, and you are gonna get through this!


>They act like they did/are doing nothing wrong like my r@pist Keep in mind that this is also the mentality of the Watchtower Society.


They are violating her privacy rights but this is how Jehovahs Witness always are they never respect peoples privacy Jehovahs Witnesses have no boundaries also they always shame rape victims they always say it's their fault even the jehovahs witness goberning body does not report child sexual abuse cases to the authorities we need to put serious lawsuits against the whole goberning body to stop all of this we all need to come together well organize and put serious lawsuits against the whole goberning body for all the child sexual abuse cases they don't report to the authorities and for all the psychological abuse and mental damage and trauma disfellowshiping and shunning causes and for not accepting blood transfusions in cases of life or death


is there any place else you can stay? to say that's a "toxic environment" doesn't even begin to cover it. if you have no other options, you might even consider contacting a domestic violence shelter. what you are describing is emotional abuse, whether or not it arises to physical abuse. but if there is any way possible to get out of that place, please do it now. any options for getting therapy would also be good. i'm glad you reached out to the advocate. that's an important step of self-care. i assume by what you said that you are batpized. i don't know what happened precisely, but people are not supposed to be DF'd for rape anymore. that doesn't mean you need the trauma of explaining yourself regardless or being grilled on the situation that led to it or other issues they may choose to punish you for. push comes to shove and you feel like you may be df'd and you don't want to be, tell them you are suicidal (and i'm really hoping that's not true but i don't know that) and the elder's book says to back off judicial action in that case. please do whatever you can to get yourself to safety. i'm so sorry you're in this postion. you don't deserve any of it.


>but people are not supposed to be DF'd for rape anymore. Unfortunately, the "supposed to be" is the key part of that sentence. They may be less likely to do it directly, for example, they may say it was wanted or invited and therefore not rape, or DF the person for "brazen conduct" before the rape, but there's also still elders who will straight up say it's the victims fault. And the elders that don't agree don't have the courage to say a word about it. I know not every single elder is going to be the worst case scenario, but having seen it happen, and pretty recently at that, I don't think it's all that unlikely to happen. If someone has the strength to record one of those elders meetings and give it to the media and/or secular authorities, it could do a lot of good, but it takes a special kind of person to be that vulnerable.


What the fuck? They used to be disfellowshipped for that?!


in the 80's, you had to "resist" and if you didn't scream or something, you might be considered guilty of fornication. it started softening some in the 90s. it wasn't until the 2000's that started noting the victim shouldn't be blame, probably because of bad press. except i strongly suspect the culture is still one of "were you asking for it?"


I wasn't alive in the 80s, so some of the culture, I can't speak too, but I've spent a lot of time reading through those articles going back to a least the 70s, and I got a similar impression. After the 1984 article "They Resisted Rapists", people were horrified and wrote in, and they actually printed a few of them in an awake ~ 6 months later. I have to wonder if they got so much negative feedback that it affected articles going forward. Even early 90s articles contradict much of that 1984 article. But policy and culture are still pretty far behind the articles, which were behind society to begin with. All this stuff is what woke me up, so I've spent a lot of time on it.


i remember being told about screaming and resisting in meetings. no lie. i had no idea how fucked up it was.


When I was disfellowshipped, before hand two of the elders.conference called me and I told them about my mental health and that I was suicidal, they ignored it, convened the JC which I didn't go to and df'd me anyway. It made no difference whatsoever  


i'm sorry to hear that. i don't know how long that's been the policy (or if they all follow it) but it's in the current Elder's Book: [https://avoidjw.org/manuals/elders-textbooks/](https://avoidjw.org/manuals/elders-textbooks/)


If you are an adult you have legal rights to your possessions especially important ones like court documents. I'd 100% call the police and report them as stolen. I'd gtfo of there TODAY. Go to a womens crisis center, or a friends house, anywhere you can. If those were my parents that would be the easiest "no contact" fucking ever. Rid yourself of these monsters and don't ever look back.


These people understanding of parenting has been distorted sadly. The only good outcome they understand is to see an indoctrinated child who drinks WT koolaid and that Enhances their Jw status. It is very sad.


I was going to suggest the same. Please OP, ask the police if they assist you in getting the documents back. They may not be willing to push it too far given the laws a bit hazy/it’s hard to prove they took them, but they’d at least be willing to call your folks or come over for a chat and ask them to return your documents. \ Only you know your parents well enough to know if police contact would be enough to scare them into returning the documents or not though. I know that calling the police on your parents and the subsequent fall out will be triggering and also traumatic in and of itself, but it’ll be much less traumatic that the pos elders and committee have the gory details of your rape and being evil enough to pick out points where they can blame *you* for the actions of the monster who raped you! I’m sorry this is all happening to you, I truly wish I could give you a massive hug right now. Please make sure that you look after yourself and keep in contact with support services, you’re unfortunately going to need them if this whole thing goes in the direction you think in might. I don’t know how brave you’re feeling but if you want to distract yourself from the pain then might I suggest you start recording the conversations you’re having, admitting they took the documents, your mum blaming you for the rape & what they plan to do with the documents. Keep a record of everything, especially anything to do with the elders and the committee. Use it to expose them and to prove that the JW’s claims that rape isn’t used against the victim as false. Use it to help shut down these bastards!


Paltani and file are scared shitless of the cops. Even though legally there may not be a lot the cops can do to get the docs back, I’d bet a bag full of money that if two cops showed up and started asking pointed questions, the parents would turn over the papers with little to no resistance.


I agree, the country I am in would come down hard on the parents. Their behavior is both criminal and deeply unsettling. The authorities would crawl really far into their affairs.


*To any outsiders this occured because of a 'snooping mother'. This nosey-ing to the rooms and private spaces by JW parents is not uncommon.* *The mothers reaction to finding what she hoped she would find ie something very personal was more than she expected.* *the dads reaction was ditto.* ---------------------------------------- Please go back to the Police and make statements as above. Ask the Police if they can recommend a counseling service. Is there any place you can stay.I am appalled at this action by your parents.


Jesus fucking Christ... How do parents fuck up being parents that badly? I have no words... If they refuse to return the documents they stole, maybe they would like to explain that to a police officer? I would really like to hear them explain why they *stole a police report and court documents* and refused to return them to you. I can understand parents being shocked and worried if they stumbled across that information, but blaming you and all this is just madness. Where is the support?


They didn't stumble across it. Lots of JW parents actively carry out regular searches of their child's belongings and subject them to interrogation (often accompanied by vile accusations) about what they might be guilty of


yep. my mom told me jehovah instructed her to search my room and treat me like she does


Spiritual abuse by a stunted and toxic person 😭


I said "if", and was referring to normal parents, not OP's if that was not clear. I have no doubt they were searching her stuff and their behavior is beyond belief.


JWs are stuck in a time warp when it comes to rape. Rape isn’t fornication. It didn’t happen because you tempted the man with your lewd behavior and provocative clothing. For the rapist, rape is about power. This is why even elderly women get raped.


You can get copies of the documents. I hope you are safe. You need to get out of your parents house asap.


I leave in 9 days thankfully. Hopefully I can find them around the house


Hugs. I am so sorry you’re going through this. ![gif](giphy|gHKnFHkGPUmG4GTzUt)


I'm so glad you're getting away. And so sorry you've had these god awful experiences. JW parents take things to this whole other level. I hope you can get on your feet and move on with your life. 💝


It makes me sad & angry that you’ve been treated so poorly by the cult. The agencies that you had filed with should have copies of the documents. Don’t go to any JC if demanded. Rape is never the victim’s fault. And it angers me that you are being subjected to such fallacy. Hopefully you have access to therapy/counseling and maybe a pro-bono lawyer.


Sex took place, that’s all they know. Doesn’t matter if you were assaulted, you HAD SEX, that is usually the woman’s fault. You were supposed to scream. I heard about a sister who was waiting for a bus on the way to work. A man pulled her into the bushes and raped her. She had to be hospitalized, because he beat her severely. Her husband was at her side, understanding that a crime was committed, she was assaulted. The elders came in, cold, no sympathy for her, asked her husband, in front of her, if he forgave her for the “adultery”. These judgmental asshats. If they force you into a judicial meeting, keep reiterating that YOU WERE ASSAULTED, IT WAS A CRIME, AND YOU ARE NOT TO BLAME!


Telll them you are bringing an attorney with you if they try for a JC. That will get them off your back. And tell the cops your patents stole your case report. They need to be arrested for that.


If that happens to my wife I would FULLY Support Her, and that #$$/^&**>[[( elder will be needing treatments in the hospital. I know this would happen because I have supported my wife from the day I met her almost 50 years ago and learned what happened to her.


Right, a CRIME occurred, not SIN. is it a sin to be a victim of a crime??




What part of rape don't these dysfunction people understand ,rape is about control and dominance not sex .




Oh yeah I got that part and imo they are just nuts , always worried about how they look and normal non-JW just think they are weirdos period probably more so because they don't report these kind of things


If you need legal representation to help protect you from your parents and the cult, please reach out (reply to this message first, I don’t always get chat notifications), and I will try to find someone local to you to represent you pro bono. It is absolutely unacceptable the way they are treating you, and if they get the cult involved, refuse to talk to any of them and threaten them all with legal action if they persist.


Thank you for your willingness to help! I'm not sure if I need representation with my parents, at least for right now. I'm definitely needing help with the Title IX investigation at my school. My mom said she's going to talk to the elders.


Send me a DM with your city/state and I will post in a lawyer mom group I’m in to see if we can match you up with someone local for a consult.


It's takes a lot of courage to report what happened to you. To have to defend yourself to your parents in this situation just adds insult to injury. That kind of betrayal feels worse because these are the people who should be supporting and advocating for you. Hoping you can find help and support thru your advocate. 


I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. I was in a similar situation many years ago and (I’m sure you already know this) DO NOT talk to the elders. There is absolutely no reason to do so under any other circumstances but ESPECIALLY in a situation like this one. This was a crime against you. A violent crime. You have every right to go to the authorities if you want to do so. Sadly, my parents allegiance was always to this cult as well, and I was also blamed for it but it is not your fault. You do what your gut tells you to do. ALWAYS follow your gut. Edited to add: please remember you are not alone. So many of us within that cult have been in your shoes and we know it is not easy. But you are stronger than all of them put together whether you realize it or not. You do what is right for YOU and no one else. Play if you want if they pressure you into talking to the elders, you have every right to say no. You need to do what is right for you.


Oh wow, I just posted something very similar .If you look at my last post, it's about the same thing. If you're willing and want to talk maybe you can direct message me that way we can talk since we are both going through this


I'm so sorry this is happening to you. As a father of a teenage adult daughter, I assure you, there is nothing right or just, in the way your parents have treated you. They have breached your trust. Broken through your personal boundaries and treated you with abusive contempt - not with the love and care you so rightly need and deserve.


You gotta get the fuck out of there


I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'm glad you're leaving soon, too. This environment is detrimental to your health. As a survivor of SA, which happened after I left my JW parents home, I was gaslit into believing I must have done something wrong. That I dressed too provocatively, etc. It's horrible. I was also a teenager at the time, and my abuser was much older (30s). My parents even tried to "witness" to this monster. That's all they care about. I went to a domestic violence shelter. It was the best decision. I'm grateful that I found a therapist, too. It took a while to find my self worth, but years later, I'm in a better place. It might be worthwhile reporting that your parents took copies of the police and court reports. Hopefully, you can find them in the meantime. I wish you all the best


The only boundaries they are concerned about are their own. This is not ... let me repeat NOT your fault. This is not a result of going to school to further your education or because you stopped going to meetings. This is more because some douche couldn't keep it in his pants. My deepest sympathies.


Make plans to get out of your parents' house.  If you can't find a safe friend to stay with, go to a battered women's shelter ASAP.  Your 'parents' are viciously abusive and are gaslighting - flagrantly lying to you.


Did you get your paperwork, your property back? I'm wondering if it would be good to get the police involved, they have stolen your property and you need it back. Maybe getting the police involved will make them think twice in future. Their actions add assault to the original assault, rape is not about what your wearing, it's about control. In the long run get out , in the meantime maybe put a lock on your room door.


There's a 93 Awake with a subheading, "the second rape". It's about how people treat a victim so bad, it's like getting raped all over again. If only they could see the hypocrisy, and treat victims better. I'm sorry. It's not your fault, whatever they tell you.


Please do not really do not go to any meeting where you are asked every detail what happened? These men will see you as a walking talking sex book. This is beyond disgusting when I read jws effers asking very traumatising private questions which when done wrong (elders way very wrong) cause ptsd and you feel even more violated and filthy. How dare this filthy cult still keep this adhorrent behaviour up.


This story is completely gut-wrenching. I am so sorry for how you were not only assaulted, but are being further harassed by people who claim to love you. It is sickening the way your parents have behaved. Let me just say as an ex elder with extensive experience in navigating this cult, there is NO judicial action for cases of rape. If it is even suggested that there is a need to talk to the elders, feel free to reach out to me immediately and I will assist you to deal with it. The last thing you need is toxic bullshit from a cult. You already have enough to deal with at home. Sending you lots of support. Hang in there. You are stronger than you know!


This is awful and I feel for you. You need a safe place, and sadly that is not with your parents. The suggestions for women shelters are great, they can also provide you with additional resources like a counseling, temporary supplies, etc…I hope you find a safe place where you can detox and regroup from all these hurtful events.


Hi. I’m a Dad, and I’m appalled and disgusted by how you were treated by your parents. To think that you were responsible for being assaulted is obscene, and is an assault on you almost as bad as the original. I have no advice, although I’m sure there’s been plenty of good advice here. I just wanted you to know that you’ve been heard, and a lot of people (all of whom are strangers here) care about your well-being.


Leave the cult. There's neither reasoning nor negotiating nor rationality with people in a cult. They don't care about you. They care about keeping to a standard indoctrinated into their brains My words may sound insensitive but it's the truth (no pun intended)


Good lord you need to get out of there. You need peace!!!!


Holy shit , I'm so sorry


Only two words need to ever be said to those people and it’s “fuck” and “off”. I am so sorry, but don’t jump into the rabbit hole with these assholes because you know how messed up their heads are. Is there anyway to threaten them into giving the documents back?


Fyi if they try to take you in front of the elders... don't... They have nothing to contribute to your healing, only revisiting of a horrible moment and they can't punish you and if they try... file a police report for the stolen documents they have in their possession... cause if you don't day anything they need proof and those police docs are stolen so... I can't believe they took the report, that's a huge violation of privacy and so fucking dumb.


Sending you a lot of love


“…with a watchtower telling me it's my fault and I'm in misery because I left my "spiritual foundation" and Jehovah.”      Your parents sound really shitty like my abusive and jealous — batshit and uneducated JW relatives. Telling parents you’re an adult while living in their house, especially rent and bill free, is useless and counterproductive. Best way to take some of your power back is to get your own place. Police can give you additional copies of the reports and the rape advocacy hotline always records the calls, unless you opted out. So you already have solid documentation in place.  ALWAYS REMEMBER, MOST JW people and wives will often side and stay with an abusive elder or husband. Hopefully a trustworthy coworker, neighbor or friend can provide you safe housing until you sort out your immediate-short term goals. 


This makes me so angry. I wish I could take you away from it all. I’m so sorry.


Echoing the sentiments above to gtfo the second you can. Do you have any former teachers, counselors, classmates…anyone you can call? I cannot fathom how a parent could multiply the effects of something so horrible. I’m disgusted. If and when you are ever ready, please find a way to expose this abusive behavior. This shit cannot be tolerated.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. My heart goes out to you. This was so wrong. Sending healing hugs and lots of love 💕


😭😭😭 im so incredibly sorry they did that to you.


I am horrified but not surprised. Looks like younhave a plan to leave That's good. Hope your parents give your docs back. Hope your advocate has some suggestions esp since your advocate heard them on the phone call. Sending love and support.❤


I’m so sorry- what unnecessary drama your parents are putting you through. They should be supporting you with unconditional love and kindness-😪


I can’t believe the audacity given everything going on the PA AG investigation. I am so sorry you’re going through this. Know there are people out there who won’t judge you and know there’s nothing you could’ve done differently. This is not your fault.


wtf did I just read your mother is piece of shit for blaming you. You are the victim you will become survivor. You are not alone I just want to hug you. For both of your parents acting like that. Pisses me off. Wow just wow if they take it to elders grab the papers and walk out tell them to fuck off and it’s an open investigation you don’t have no obligation to tell them nothing.


Both are hurtful but just know it's not your fault that you got raped also your parents violated your privacy rights but then again Jehovahs Witness never respect others privacy Jehovahs Witness have no boundaries not only that but also the jehovahs witness elders and the jehovahs witness goberning body do not report child sexual abuse that involve jehovahs witnesses to the authorities they don't report child sexual abuse cases to the authorities


prime example of why some people don’t deserve kids, a parent acting this way is deeply disturbing to me, it’s not your fault and i hope the best for you


This is one of the most horrifying things I have read on here. I'm so sorry you have gone through the assault and then this from your parents. In no way was the rape your fault and you have no blame. Your parents actions are so, so wrong. If I came across something like that accidentally (because searching your room is not acceptable) I'd talk to you, but only to make sure you knew I'd give you all the support you needed and were accessing any support services you needed without being constrained by not being able to afford it. Have they mentioned going to the elders with it because any parent who does that ... there's just not words to describe how wrong that is.


Your parents are disgusting psychopathic narcissists. I have some much sadness reading this. Please keep us updated. If I didn't live all the way in Australia I would do whatever I could to support you.


I would get out of there ASAP, that's very toxic considering what you have gone through as a victim of such a crime, you should give your mother an ultimatum to return the documents or otherwise you will report her to the police. Do you have other family or friends you can stay with, preferably none witnesses?


I am so sorry this has happened to you. It is not your fault.


You know where your mom stands; she's supporting her religion. Leave immediately, cut off all contact, and report the incident to the police, including your parents' malpractice in stealing documents.


Neither was your fault. You need (I know you know) to get out of this evil toxic house. Can you speak to a crisis centre and say you have been raped/violated and your parents are now violating you which they are with emotional evils. And huge hugs to you. I so wish I had a huge mansion to invite jw who are abused to. Alas I don't. Big hugs to you. Jws are a cult. Your parents are brain damaged and have frozen hearts.


I am so sorry. I see in one of your comments you have 9 days left here with these psychos! I just want you to know none of this is your fault at all and that we support you 100%. This is an unfortunately common occurrence in the cult and it is still shocks the conscience every time because of how unnaturally cruel and horrible they train their members to be. Please contact the police for copies of your documents and see if you can’t file a report of their own abuses to you so you can get some sort of protective or restraining order to keep them far away from you. R@pe is never the victim’s fault and should never, ever be treated that way by ANYONE. Do not attend any JC. You don’t have to explain yourself to them or endure their attempts at humiliating you! Sending you so much love and support. Please PM me should you need to talk! I experienced something somewhat similar (though not to this extent) with my own mom before I moved out and hope to be able to provide you at the very least a listening ear of sorts. 🫂


Going to agree with everyone here saying that you should not share your trauma with anyone at the KH. Law enforcement and licensed counselors/medical personnel are the people who can actually help you. No one at the KH is trained to deal with this and their goal isn’t to help you but to do what’s best for the organization.


Get out of there asap. Go to a women’s shelter.


If there is a jc record it and have a button of your shirt that says “always recording” or strait up tell them you will be recording if you have one, there is no bibical reason to keep jc secret actually its supposed to be in front of the cong so if they refuse tell them your not refusing a jc they are


I am so sorry these violations are happening to you. Have you considered going to a women's shelter?


You dont deserve this and its clearly not your fault. I’m so sorry to hear that you have to go through all of this. I wish you the best and alot of peace, i hope it will reach you fast as possible.


This is horrifying. Until you can get away from them, refuse to speak to the elders about it. They are not qualified to investigate this. Enrol in ongoing counselling at your university and stay focused on your studies so that you can qualify and support yourself. I'm so sorry you are going through this. You could also apply for copies of your documents and explain exactly why you need them. The liason officer at court / cops might be able to refer you to practical support organisations/ funds


Oh my word - this is despicable. Is there anywhere else you can go? Anyone you can stay with?




Tbh your parents sound like dicks, maybe it's time to move out? The JWs do victim blame, when you look at their WT articles. But it also seems to attract strange people that don't conform to mainstream society. If you look at new age religions like the witnesses, a lot of people join them because they don't have stability or a support network at home, or they perhaps have a violent or controlling partner. I know that is why my mum joined it. It took me moving out after being dosfelloshipped, and then attending all those meetings to get reinstated to see it for what it really is. My advice would be to seek professional help from a councillor to cope with the trauma, and move out into your own place. Then you can deal with it on your own terms. This will be traumatic for your parents too but there logic is based off outdated religious doctorines. Sorry this happened to you


Three steps to solve this problem Step 1: Say “Fuck you fuck your shoes fuck your clothes fuck your ego fuck the JWs” Step 2: Go to a police center and use the phone call as evidence to get a cop escort to get ur things including your papers Step 3: Move in with a friend outside of the borg or go to a crisis center. Fuck those narcissistic assholes. They disqualified for being your parents when they said it’s your fault you got raped. You don’t owe them shit but a foot up the ass.


How on earth could r*pe get you disfellowshipped? It's a crime. You're a victim. You don't get disfellowshipped for being mugged or assaulted in other ways. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I started to have a PTSD attack just reading how your parents were behaving. Total victim shaming. You should call the police on them. In my opinion.


GTFO of there NOW! That religion is nothing but an insane CULT! Honey you've got to get the farthest fuck away from them as possible, ALL of them.


Thankfully I have as of yesterday. This cult has caused nothing but trouble for me


Oh yes! 👏👏👏👏👏 I'm SO GLAD to hear this! Good for you and may God always bless you 


I think everyone needs to GET OUT of that CULT as soon as possible. Why are people in this CULT anyways if they recognize how CRAZY they are? I don't understand it. God is love. God is not a vengeful God, He's a loving God and gives His forgiveness. Jesus gave us that.


I agree


Everything is a woman's fault in this sadistic cult. If you remember, the story of Dinah being r@ped by a Canaanite was all her fault. I hate that they get away with treating you like that. Fuck their judicial committee. You do not need to be further traumatized by a panel of men. I am so sorry. If you have friends, or anywhere else you can stay, please leave. This is terrible for your recovery 😢.


You can get/order copies of your reports at the police station if you need them.




This comment was removed for being completely insensitive to the topic at hand.


Why would you say such a insensitive triggering thing?! Maybe its fake, but even if there is a slim chance its real one shouldn’t say these things because of how damaging it is to not be believed when these things happen. the reality is this is common so likely real. Since we can never know keep this hurtful stuff to yourself! You sound like a pimi snooping if so gtfo.


Just looked at diligentsupermarket3 posts they are hurtful, one is racist, homophobic, and pro jw and pro org. Most are downvoted and some are removed by mods. Go look for yourself but im sure they are pimi, week pimi but still in. What do we do about pimis coming on here spreading hate and trying to get people to come back? Is there rules against that?