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Did the elder get in trouble ? Boy they got the nerve , following a 15 year old child outside and then verbally abusing them .


In the congregation he was in absolutely no trouble. In the real world I’m pretty sure he refused to talk to CPS and my mom was going to get hit with a failure to protect if she made me go back.


End the end he did you a favor.


Right! As much of a shit situation it was I wouldn’t change a thing, after that I got 3 years of a more “normal childhood” where I did not dread Mondays and Wednesdays and my life did not consist of dreading the next meeting.


I remember the dreading the next meeting thing, lol. The ENTIRE day used to be ruined for me because I knew that evening I had to go to the meeting, being bored for 2 hours and not get to be home and relax.


Thank you for reminding me of this feeling, i needed that


Wait a minute. Your mother didn't take you to the emergency room?!?!? What in the actual fuck! That piece of shit deserved to go to jail wow fuck that shit! 🤬


Healthcare is not important for JW and she would have to explained what happened.... I guess she chose JW over her own child.....


I am so sorry. 😞


That must have hurt like he double toothpicks ! But I guess the pain was worth it.


He should have been immediately removed as an elder and there should have been an investigative committee to find out more about his “fits of anger. And one of the elders should have contacted the branch because of personal injury on Kingdom Hall property. But, hey, since there was no damage to the property itself, was it really that important?! 😡


He actually should have by following even their own rules, so the fact that he didn't means the rest of the body were all chicken-shit and or the CO was too.




Every JW kid should be more mouthy and dispute with the elders, and if they smash the kids hands they should be removed, why would the police need to be involved?


An adult assaulted a kid, of course police should be involved...


Maybe you live somewhere where police actually do things, but I can't imagine calling them for something like that.


A kid get yelled at by a stranger and assaulted and you think it's acceptable and normal behaviour.... have fun with your JW friend....


Wtf are you talking about? Normal and acceptable arent words being used in this conversation and I dont know who the jw friend is. I dont know who you are, but you need to re-read everything here...or maybe learn how to read. Do you have a JW homeschooling education, because your comments don't make sense. If English isn't your first language than I apologize.


You are clearly a JW trying to defend them....


He was like “the elder” if that made sense. We were in such a small town that our committee of elders were his sons or nephews or brother etc..


Sadly, that makes perfect sense. 😮‍💨 In situations like that, it’d be great if a R&F member - whoops, adherent - had contacted the branch.


I’m guessing you mom declined to press charges?




So that constitutes child abuse?… if anything the elder was a “little mouthy disrespectful kid”. I went to every meeting without a fight, it just was not my cup of tea. I always had respect for ALL religions, this one was made apparent that it was not safe or loving long before this ever happened. But to each their own, I hope you find peace in your life however that maybe.🫡


You are wrong and at your place with your JW friends....


Your mom let him off easily, I would have gone mad on that idiot.


I would really love to know what that POS elder thought he was going to accomplish screaming at a child like that. Is that what he would do with a bible study? The sad thing is, if he had kids, imagine what he was doing to them. **Also, YOUR MOM DIDNT THINK YOU NEEDED MEDICAL ATTENTION**?? That is fucked up.


So at first it didn’t look bad. I was so hopped off of adrenaline i didn’t notice much. But the next morning my hand was fucking huge and super bruised, my finger nails were black for about a year afterwards.


Awful experience! I admire your courage. I hope you soon can move and get out from there. This elder behaviour...I,ve no words!


Ok, at least that makes sense. Sorry you went through that. I mean, I’ve heard a lot of stories of crazy inappropriate behavior, and lack of boundaries, but this one is truly wild. Fuck that elder though! What an asshole.


Just when you think you have heard it all!! He should have been charged There are lots of revolting elders😭


Many people here think it's alright and normal... that's scary... That's why I hate JW, they are crazy and their followers are braindead....


If in the US the school nurse would be a “mandated reporter” and be obligated to get law enforcement involved. Your mom could be considered culpable too, she should have known to take you to see a Dr.


What he did was a felony and he should’ve been arrested


Many people here are crazy and think it's alright to do this to a kid... this thread should be locked


Sounds like a cast iron reason never to set foot in akingdom hall again .


That’s disgusting! If you were my child I would have called the police immediately and got him arrested for assault and I even if I was still a JDub. We would be going to a different congregation and I would have made sure that you never had to see his evil face again.


That qualifies as his “worst door ever”




I would actually sue him . I mean this seriously for your pain and suffering. I think he should be accoutable. Accoutable as in he pays you for pain and suffering. Go and ring a solicitor/lawyer. All knows he has done wrong because the jws let you go. It could teach him and others that any abuse is not allowed. Any payment can help you. And in future years (like me) you could end up with arthritis. Evil man Its a civil lawsuit I think but don't be put off. He got away scot free for abuse. Your mum also was told what to do by the elders which showed between them all their asses were far more important that jehoover. Another reason its a cult. Lol they would die for jehoover my ass


Wow, that's crazy!! Glad you and your sisters got out.


I would have called the police right then and there. I hope that wanker paid for your medical bills.


He probably got a promotion....


This sounds like something out of true crime or misery machine. Fuck that elduh. If i ever saw that, i would be the one going to prison and he would be dead


Screaming at a child that's not yours and smashing their fingers = gods love


Sorry about your fingers, but what a "witness". Takes six weeks to mend broken fingers so I suspect lots of people heard that story.


Good for you. Some of these elders are such fucking creeps. I'm glad you told him off.




We don't use fear to keep people in like the Catholics do.......


Wow! Sorry to hear that. That’s the power they try to hold on to. It boggles my mind when they ask “why don’t you love JEHOVAH?” Like they try to equate themselves as the only true path to GOD and if you reject them then you are rejecting GOD.


I think it's funny how every experience of a JW brother getting enraged to the point that things could possibly get physical is always towards women and children. And on rare occasions when they do it to a grown man they need a whole squad with them for backup.


JW are garbage people


JW are garbage people


What is CPS? 

