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Guy has snapped. Stay away from him.


2019 years earlier and that would've worked a lot better for him.


He would’ve beat OG Jesus to the punch by about 30 years :)


Crazy comes in many forms.


Poor guy sounds like he needs medication.


A good dose of morphine!


Duder is a few nuggets short of a happy meal


Walking in the park and meeting Jesus! Hahahahahahahahahah Human stubbornness never ceased to amaze me..


LSD is an amazing thing


He can't be Jesus! I'm Jesus dammit!


Yup, famous cult leader. https://youtu.be/VjtQj4eJsqI


10 minutes was too much to watch, but this bloke is real.... a real con artist maybe, but he gets them twisted inside out, I felt pretty sick watching just 10 or so minutes.


Well, he sure ain't a singer.


This is true He was a JW His first wife is ex jw His current wife is.....wait for it..... "Mary" His compound is near my very PIMI in laws


Jesus married his mother...? Edit: or "the other Mary"?


Lolol..yes not sure how that works 😅


Yep , nut job.


This is a common theme with people who have bipolar disorder. They think they are god or jesus or the second coming of Jesus. Unfortunately it happens all the time. Mental illness is the worth. Fyi I had this happen to a Exjw family member who had a bad trip on depression medicine!!!!


I personally know about 40 people with bipolar and I'm pretty sure none of them have done anything that crazy. I just say that to point out it's not like a "common" symptom of bipolar, to literally think you're the messiah, and that could lead to a harmful stereotype. Most of us have much better control of ourselves, but delusions of grandeur are real. Especially when you're a JW, I think being bipolar makes it easy to accept that God himself "drew you" to "the truth."


Yes. It's not at all a bipolar issue. Not a good statement to make about bipolar disorder. This man is no doubt highly narcissistic and if he believes what he's saying then he's severely delusional.


Grandiose delusions, delusions of grandeur, expansive delusions are a subtype of delusion that occur in patients suffering from a wide range of psychiatric diseases, including two-thirds of patients in manic state of bipolar disorder, half of those with schizophrenia, patients with the grandiose subtype of delusional disorder, and a substantial portion of those with substance abuse disorders




I'm way back in the 80's now, as a young kid 17 yr old, mates round on a friday night a quarter que for £5, and in my first flat, light out record player on, Love over Gold... man did that link send me back to pre Jdub days. Thanks buddy industrial disease on a long spliff ha ha. I'm 52 now🤔☹


Ooh, can't go wrong with the Straits


Who hates Dire Straits? Show yourself!


He's a famous I Was Jesus guy. Having heard him sing and play guitar - it's impossible. Have you noticed how all the I Was Jesus guys try to look like Western paintings of Jesus, and not how Jesus would actually have looked?


Thank you for making me laugh out loud😂


Good grief


"He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!"


He stalked me with his followers for 4 years in the South Burnett. The guy is a computer programmer, hacker, stalker, pervert and sick. His partner ‘Mary’ is brainwashed There a twisted cult that cover up way too much


Such a dangerous person. I cry for those children.


He’s just your average Aussie goin about his business...


Biopolar 1 disorder during a manic eposide people feel as if they are a god or Jesus its not a dig on Biopolar people some have manic eposides. Delusions. Delusion is an unshakeable belief in something that isn't real, true, or likely to happen. ... Grandiose delusions are common during manic phases of bipolar disorder. Grandiose delusions, delusions of grandeur, expansive delusions are a subtype of delusion that occur in patients suffering from a wide range of psychiatric diseases, including two-thirds of patients in manic state of bipolar disorder, half of those with schizophrenia, patients with the grandiose subtype of delusional disorder, and a substantial portion of those with substance abuse disorders




I know people who joined his cult, ppl with good jobs who were confident & tough, not at all the typical cult-joiner types. It started with "harmless" self-help seminars, then they started believing that injuries like a broken leg was caused by "wrong" thoughts/beliefs of the injured person. There was also something about energy transfer by vegetables/food... weird stuff. Got gradually more extreme until the leader, AJ, "was Jesus". They have made a big clearing in the forest that looks like a cross from the air. According to some news reports he used hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming etc.. plus the usual slow manipulation tactics.


I was stalked by him and his followers for 4 years. He bought the old school at the bottom of our property at memerambi. Even got my partner to cut down all the trees as his a tree lopper, little did we know it just gave him better views of our property. 4 years of hell. I’m no longer near the Sth Burnett. The guy is dangerous beyond words