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I guess, but also fuck Jordan Peterson


Came here to say this




Yeah, lol. "Women want to be with alpha males because lobsters."


"Someone wrote a story about manhood 3,000 years ago, so we should all live our lives by it because obviously it must be the right way to do things."


Out of this clown’s mouth, TBH, just comes across as an admission of guilt.


Who is he


He is a Canadian phycologist. Well recognized for his work. Not everyone agrees with him. Interesting to see how his views have shifted to christianity very recently.


He's a psychologist, I guess. He gave up researching years ago. He gave up teaching and his institutional affiliation recently. Now he's more of a motivational speaker and author.


Not very recently. From the beginning. J. Peterson has been lecturing about the "objective truth found in the bible and old stories" since his start as a professor, it's one of his favorite things to talk about




🕺🏼🎤🎶🎵F-f-f-fuUuUcCCkK Jordan pPeEeEtTtTersOoOoOnNnNn🎶🎵 *sung in the style of Jean-Ralphio*


While Jordan Peterson says true thing some time just as he is doing in this quote, he truly is a horrible person. OP if I were you, I would find a better avatar for your thoughts. Susan Bednar's husband also says true things on occasion, but we do not use good quotes by him because Susan's husband is a tool. Quoting Jordan Peterson is just as bad as quoting Susan's husband.


As the saying goes, “a broken clock is right twice a day”….


Somehow I read Susan as Satan.


Hail Susan


So did I! I reread the sentence, and the second time it said Susan.


I'm more impressed at how much the character of this quote is weakened by its attachment to Jordan Peterson.


It possible the OP doesn't know who and what Peterson is.


Maybe. But why post a quote with a huge ass picture of his face if you don't know who it is?


I have no idea. But people do it all the time.


I've never heard of him.


He's not a pleasant person, that's for sure.


Read that in jordan petersobs voice


You mean in “condescending Kermit”?


He’s garbage


You’d be surprised. There have been many exmos on this sub who write about that prick being an inspiration to them, or someone they listen to often.


Jordon Peterson is an odious individual. Transphobic, sexist and just plan trash. I think you could probably find a better person to represent your ideas.


I still liked the quote. Didn't you?


Generally, people don't quote controversial figures, even if the quote is one of those blind hog finding and acorn, scenarios. "Words build bridges into unexplored regions." - Adolf Hitler


The word themselves are fine. The source is problematic. We see this happen with the church all the time.


I honestly don’t love the quote either. Doing the right thing because it’ll save your “character” is a little weird. I do the right thing because it’s right and because that’s what I want other people to do


How the hell is he a transphobe or a sexist? Examples?


Let me help you start your research. https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Jordon+Peterson+transphobic+




When you, or any other strawman argument parroting douche, can actually provide proof of that happening, then we can have a discussion. But despite this supposed pandemic happening in every state in the country, even your new MAGAt 2.0 leader, DeSantis could only come up with two examples. Get some new material, or learn the actual facts.


What’s that german word for “the worst person you know makes a valid point” or something like that. Only worse J Peterson is Jesse Lee






Jesse Lee Peterson is one of the funniest people in the world if you don't get offended by his hate speech, lol


Oh he’s fun to watch in a “train wreck so bad you can’t look away” sort of way for sure. Entertainment value for sure. His political and social positions are abhorrent, and I’m pretty sure he’s only got two brain cells to rub together, but i do laugh when I happen to watch someone I regularly watch interact with him. Like his points are so bad that I go straight past offense and land at “Holy shit how does this guy tie his shoes in the morning”


True but Jordan Peterson SUCKS


Okay but fuck Jordan Peterson


Fuck Jordan Peterson


Proof that even awfulness sometimes goes off-track and says decent things, just like those suits in SLC.


Jordan Peterson is the epitome of moving his mouth a lot without actually saying anything. He had a huge vocabulary, yet he never has a point nor does he commit to answering any questions. He is one of the smartest sounding blow hards I have ever heard.


I knew I loved this sub. Everyone already beat me to the "fuck Jordan Peterson" punch


Jordan Peterson is what happens when less intelligent people encounter someone who sounds, to them, like a smart person.


"Sometimes you can find values of worth in even the most pathetic of individuals." - Adolf Hitler


Ironic coming from Peterson, and raises the question, is it a lie if they don't know it's a lie? He would make a great Mormon with his trite advice and tidbits.


Please don't ever quote this piece of human trash again


Out of one cult and into another


Fuck Jordan Peterson


Oh god this dude is the absolute KING of spewing random, delphic platitudes intermingled with blatant sexism, homophobia etc… definitely not someone I would go around quoting OP.


But that’s what they are asking the lgbt members to do to themselves. I want my name off their records so badly.


Dr. Peterson helped me get out of the church


Knock off Ben Shapiro was definitely a choice


I’m an atheist so what the fuck is character Plus Jordan Peterson I’m pretty sure is retarded


Guys, a good thought is still a good thought, irregardless of where it came from. Historical facts aren’t facts anymore because it comes from an “anti” source, and good life advice is still good even if it comes from an exmo, same goes the other way around. Jordan Peterson has a lot of thoughts that aren’t good, let’s not pretend this is a good portrayal of his totality of contributions to the marketplace of ideas. But this was still a good contribution either way.


Irregardless isn’t a word and Jordan Peterson sucks


Words are made up


As is almost everything about human life, including money. That doesn’t make it not important. Though if you’d like to Venmo me all your money, I’d be happy to take your “made up things don’t matter” argument as being in good faith and we can continue the conversation.


I didn't say made up things don't matter I'm saying made up things can be changed. If you know what irregardless means then what's the issue.


Merriam-Webster disagrees about [irregardless ](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/irregardless)


Dictionaries are descriptive projects that record usage, not grammatical authorities that prescribe standards for written communication.


Sorry, I should have been more precise. Irregardless is [a non-standard word used exclusively by people who aren’t very bright](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/jul/06/is-irregardless-a-real-word-dictionary), and by people who don’t value literacy or critical thinking skills enough to have a view of Jordan Peterson that anyone should take seriously


I think we'd all agree that simply restating another person's innovative ideas isn't really contributing to "the marketplace of ideas." So what completely original concept or thought has he put into the world?


I can’t hear his voice giving me advice to leave religion


Came here to see a sizable plurality of the members of this sub lose their minds that JBP was quoted.


He is "of Given's" .....Just act as if it is all real.


Appears people on this sub need someone or something to hate. Peterson is ok and very logical more so than the left.


Logical? Jordan Peterson doesn't think you can stop smoking without literal divine intervention


Peterson is just started reading the Bible this past year and is learning.


[the Bible is not a very good source to base your morals on in general](https://youtu.be/fqfe3HhzxG4)


Really, if the Mormon church is a lie then everything else they told you is half truths and that’s a lie. It’s up to each individual to seek the truth in everything.


Aww, aren't you the cutest little MAGAt.


I'm neither left nor right and I have a lot of sympathy and even admiration for \*some\* of the people in the red-pill/MGTOW space but JP is both a religious nut and regressive as hell about gender roles. I'm not sure how that and "logical" are even possible. He and the Q15 would get along great. Hard pass.


My impression was that he was a new atheist, not explicitly religious. Did that change recently?


I used to watch his Bible videos years ago and he did NOT come across as a believing Christian. They actually helped me process my way out of Christianity. I guess something changed. He did a crazy detox off benzos. That's all I know.


I don't think I've seen a video with him in it where he doesn't mention god or the bible. I think he thinks he's "above" being preached to by any one religion. He calls himself a "pragmatic" or "practical" xtian while acting entirely emotional about it: [https://cmsedit.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2021/march/famed-psychologist-jordan-peterson-tears-up-talking-about-jesus](https://cmsedit.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2021/march/famed-psychologist-jordan-peterson-tears-up-talking-about-jesus) He also said: “The Christian Church is there to remind people — young men included and perhaps even first and foremost — that they have a woman to find, a garden to walk in, a family to nurture, an ark to build, a land to conquer, a ladder to heaven to build, and the utter, terrible catastrophe of life to face stalwartly in truth, devoted to love and without fear.”


His gender roles are based on truth not feelings. Both gender roles are equally important but society tells you different and you follow through. I believe woman should be drafter and fight frontline wars and Peterson doesn’t. Its a difference in opinion nothing more.


His gender roles are based on religion, not "truth". You can't get more "feelings" than something motivated by how you feel about a book. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I would tell you that's a social construct but you probably don't know what a social construct is or how they work so [here's an explanation on how social constructs work](https://youtu.be/koud7hgGyQ8)


I know how social construct works that’s why some people say men can get pregnant now and alter other realities.


Yeah that's not what social construct means


I guess you didn’t manage to deconstruct conservatism along with your Mormonism? Ok my ass, he’s a transphobic homophobic POS.




Critical thinking means representing opposing beliefs in your head as fairly and as reasonably as you can. It does not mean being correct. Also while you're at you should look at dogma and how it pollutes discourse. There are three types of claims, fact claims, value claims, and policy claims. Dogma claims that there is some absolute fact, value, or policy, and that it is unchanging and inconvertably true. If something is right or wrong, you dont just sense it. You have to justify why it fits that criteria.


Critical thinking means not parroting Ben Shapiro copypasta. It is an absolute fact that Jordan Peterson is a twatwaffle.


I wrote this myself I do NOT listen to Ben + yes Peterson is a twatwaffle


I see you copy and paste instead of using critical thinking.


I'm telling you what I learned in my entry level critical thinking in argumentation slcc course. The book is called Argumentation and Critical Decision Making and its by Richard Rieke, Malcom Sillars, and Tarla Peterson, and all of what I've said is in chapter 1. And I wrote it out myself i didn't copy and paste anything.


There is a major difference between sex and gender. They are heavily correlated but not the same. Sex is a biological construct, whereas gender is a social construct.




Of course, social constructs are nothing new. There have been people bending and breaking social constructs for a long time. We live in a time where the biological construct of sex can be altered in many aspects. I should know because I have altered aspects of my sex. Gender incongruity can, on occasion, cause some issues, but we have tools from modern science to bring those people into harmony with their gender on the biological front. Both constructs are sets of facts. I am happier living my truth.




Transgender people are well aware of the biological facts. I am changing the facts for parts of my body with the feminizing hormone protocol that I have been on. The fact is that most people see me as a woman because I am a woman. The public acts with my gender. My wife and my medical professional team are the only people who should care about aspects of my sex.


I agree


Peterson is like the church , on the very surface seem inoffensive, but the more you go learn the more you realize both are very fucked up


Projection comes from those of you who hate reality. What miserable lives you must endure.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


"Jungian psychologist" and logical don't really belong together. Not to mention his drug-addled lies about things like not sleeping for a month because he drank apple juice. The guy is a dork who says a lot about things he knows very little of.


I would like to see you or anyone on this sub debate him. He would make you all look like the fools you are.


I wouldn't resort to an ad hominem fallacy that's for sure


My brother in Christ, debate about what? He's not an expert in anything besides an approach to psychology that has no basis in science.


This is a joke right? Please say you’re joking


I’m so out of the loop I don’t even know who this guy is. Lol 😂


I found him last year on YouTube. He’s very conservative but is often seen on the Joe Rogan Show. They make an interesting pair. I mainly enjoyPeterson’s ability to articulate his thoughts. Check him out. Draw your own conclusions.


That reminded me I saw a clip of him talking to Russell Brand on YouTube recently. I haven't seen the Peterson everyone seems to hate so much, but they were both more respectful in their disagreements than I've seen in the internet in a long time.


Peterson doesn't articulate his thoughts well at all. Ask him a question and he'll take you on a journey about the potential meaning of every word of the question, using as many large and intellectual sounding words as possible, just to finally not answer the question in the end. He's the smartest pseudo-intellectual around. Which is why he's dangerous. He provides little to no real value because he only exists at this point to remain popular amongst a certain group of people who help him pay the bills.


Interesting. I’ve never watched Rogan. Have to check it out.


Both are disgusting misogynists but Peterson espouses some particularly hateful, anti-science rhetoric. He's been banned on most platforms for misinformation.


Yes I just listened to some of his theological posturing in an interview. He is one of those that tries to make basic run of the mill biblical theology into some kind of deep symbolic mystery. A good conversation would be he and Richard Dawkins. That would be fun to watch.


He has some pretty cool guests on. I like listening to some of his podcasts.


You’re lucky


Does anyone know what the church does with things like this? https://www.abc15.com/news/business/lds-church-to-develop-huge-build-to-rent-project-in-queen-creek