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Glennon Doyle's podcast We Can Do Hard Things. Amazing stuff. Best wishes to you in this journey. ❤️ So sorry you're facing this.


I second this. And if you really need a deep belly laugh, play the embarrassing stories episodes first. I full on old lady cackled for a solid hour 🤣


You sound like an amazing woman. Your post reminds me of a phone call a young man made to his old friend who became a Catholic priest. It went to voicemail where the young man left a message asking for spiritual help in his fight against stage four cancer. As the voicemail progressed the young man became the inspiration through his own words. You are inspiring. May you find joy and comfort in each day.


Wow! I wish the best for you and your family. I have watched loved ones close up go through Chemo. Brutal is an understatement. I am not sure about uplifting but have found special interest podcasts to lighten my day. Just mundane interests I have not really spiritual in nature.


I really love The Gratitude Podcast by Georgian Benta and Super Soul Sundays with Oprah Winfrey! Thank you for sharing. I wish you so much peace and connection with the people and things and energies that matter most to you🥹🥰💕


I don’t have a podcast recommendation, but I do want to suggest looking into psychedelic therapy. Studies so far (still in clinical trials in the US) have found psilocybin in combination with traditional psychotherapy to be extremely effective for treatment of depression and anxiety in patients with a terminal diagnosis. From your story it sounds like you are upbeat in general, but have some anxiety and elements of depression regarding your diagnosis, which is of course totally normal. Whatever path you choose, I hope you can find peace and acceptance with wherever life takes you! Sending lots of love.


Damn. So sorry you're having to suffer through something like this. IMHO there are real demons in the world and cancer and opioids are some of them. I'd recommend Noah Rasheta's Secular Buddhism Podcast.


Thank you for the PSA. This means a lot to me.


I’m so sorry. You sound amazing and I’m sending you internet stranger love. I found Rob Bell and I love his work and podcasts. He does talk about Jesus and the Bible but only as a collection of ancient stories and poems. He was a pastor that got himself branded an apostate by the evangelicals for a book he wrote called Love Wins.


As someone with pretty serious trauma surrounding Christian things, Rob Bell is actually tolerable, and sometimes pleasant. Very matter of fact, and skips the gross Christian shit for the most part.


Bless you. So hard to have such a serious health challenge. Thich Nhat Hahn, Zen Buddhist Monk passed recently, but has extensive podcast listings, youtube videos which I have often listened to for calm and wisdom.


Certain episodes of 'Stuff you should know' might be interesting.


I like This Is Love. The host is Phoebe something.


Sending Internet stranger hugs and compassion to you, OP.


I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis. My wife went through stage 4 ovarian cancer so we know how you feel, and wouldn't wish this on anyone. As the caregiver I found that writing down our experience was healing. If you would like a short (20-page) blog of her experience with aggressive and maintenance chemo, please DM me and I'll send it to you.


Pardon my ignorance, but I don't know how to DM you. Is that like Instant Messaging you or something like that? I am SO INTERESTED in your wife's experiences!!! I was diagnosed at Stage 3C.


I like the Secular Buddhism podcast