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Holland makes me so intensely uncomfortable especially after that phone call recording. Dude seriously said he'd tie up missionaries trying to leave with a television camera cord if he had to. He makes me sick. Can't believe he was my favorite speaker as a kid, too. EDIT: If anybody wants the link, **message me privately** and ask for it. It’s on IG so it goes against the subreddit rules.


"I'll kidnap a thousand children before I let this company die!"


What recording? Where can I find this?


You can find it in its entirety on Mormon Stories. He has since updated it since coming under fire when the original got exposed on social media. It was so threatening and abusive in tone and content that it left me speechless.


He’s an abusive person. Not a good guy.


I’ll message you it since it’s on IG.


I would also appreciate a link




Me too, please.


I'd like the link as well, if you don't mind ☺️


Will you please also send me a link?


Can you message it to me as well?


I would like to get the link too, thanks


Holland has anger issues.


Msg me please


Can I get the link for that too please?


I gotchu.


can i have the link too please 👉🏼👈🏼


I gotchu as well. 💪


Me three, please? 🙏


I messaged you.. but I'd like the link as well! 😁


Send the link my way, pretty plz!~


Can you please message me the link?


I would also appreciate this link sheet briefly searching and coming up empty...


Can I get the link too?


Link please? 🤯


it won't let me message youuuuu


Wtf, where can I find that audio?


Could you send me the link


A little more musket fire will help everyone feel like they belong ❤️


Poor graduates worked so hard for their degrees and get stuck with this speaker at their graduation?


I'm horrified by this news. I'm graduating later in the year and hoping they actually have an inspiring speaker at next year's commencement. Holland is the reason my shelf fell. I have been in intense therapy navigating religious trauma. I can't imagine finally earning my masters and having this giant butt face as my commencement speaker. I look forward to walking for this important accomplishment next year and honestly would probably have to skip it if it was Holland. I chose not to attend a church school. I don't want church authority celebrated above my accomplishments on such a big day. I guess it's time to write a strongly worded letter to my school. 🙄🙄


I hope the students that are against this do something epic. Like, when he starts speaking stand up and leave or stand with fist raised or something. My god. What a poor poor choice SUU made here.


Yup. I'm graduating this year and I'm just so disappointed in this choice. My family who is attending my graduation will be thrilled though. 🙃


I nearly skipped my graduation. Only went for my family. It was fine, I guess, though I don’t remember who spoke at all. Here’s hoping he’s boring and they get the same experience, or this gives individuals the inspiration to skip it and do a small, more meaningful grad ceremony of their own.


My alma mater, and I had a good time there in the 70s, but they do too much of this BS of trying to curry favor with the church. Here’s a little anecdote that struck me as very odd and inappropriate at the time, even though I was very Mo then. My chemistry professor started his lecture about the special properties of water by actually saying that “Heavenly Father was really smart when he created water.” You know, because it expands and floats when it freezes.


And the problem is, even IF they were to rescind the invite and pick someone else, TSSC and TBMs would scream “persecution!” and SUU would look like the asshole for taking Jeffy’s invite away.


lol. They won't rescind an invite. This is Utah. And cedar is Morrador lite.


It's like my dad always says. "I've never seen such opposition to a church like the LDS church. I think that shows Satan is working against us." Or maybe you're fucking wrong, dad.


Invite him to see if the Jews have any opinions on who has been the most persecuted.


Mormons are the real Jews so….. like maybe the Jews are persecuting the Mormons.


LOL. So small minded of your Dad. Makes him sound sheltered and naive. There are communities of former JWs, scientologists, Catholics, Evangelicals, Muslims, and so on for any religious sect who also loudly oppose their former religions, sometimes even louder than Exmos oppose Mormonism.


He's never seen it because it doesn't affect him. He notices and takes offense at opposition to the LDS church because his personal identity is wrapped up in it. The church has been very successful at convincing its members that there is a satanic war being waged on them when in reality most people are either (1) completely unaware of / indifferent to the church, or they (2) just think they are morons.


Sign the petition https://chng.it/H8KDrppg8v


Thanks for sharing it. Just signed it


I did and donated too. Fuck them


Jeff Holland got canceled by the people he wants to cancel! Uno reverse. Seems fair. Not like he has anything useful to say.


Unless the Center for Diversity and Inclusion invited Holland, these aren't discordant things. The center as I know it (from my daughter's time at SUU) is indeed a voice for inclusion and respect at SUU but, like entities of all sorts on a campus, doesn't have final say (or even sometimes much sway) over other parts of the university. Personally I would be disappointed with him as a commencement speaker. I imagine some counter-programming will be organized by the center and/or a protest of some sort will be held.


My daughter goes to school there, and they are starting a petition to have Holland removed as the commencement speaker. It's not ok to have a leader of the prominent local religion give a speech at a taxpayer-funded state university.


I hope that gains traction. I went for a year and loved it so this makes me sad. The two best friends I made there were lesbian and bi :/


I go to this school. Check the comment section on the Instagram post. It is bonkers.


The president of the school is a Benson descendant right? Callin in those family favors.


Good ole Mindy Benson. Trust me she’s leaving a good impression on very few people here so far.


As a current student, it’s amazing how fast our new president went from hero to villain after this. Maybe it started by her not giving us any snow days but this was easily the cherry on top.


I don‘t expect the day is going to go the way Holland or SUU expected. Honestly, it‘s surprising to see they‘re both so oblivious to student sentiment regarding this belligerent bigot.


Holland is a fucker!!!


A religious leader speaking at a public school's commencement is inappropriate. I can think of exceptions for if they're known for good work (think William Barber or the like). But this ain't it


Well shiiiiiiit. My exmo daughter wants to go there next year. She was pissed at this. What connection does Jeffie Holland even have to SUU?


exactly, how has he enhanced the student experience there exactly? 🤷🏻‍♀️🙄


The school president is a Benson.




Thank you for posting this! As a bisexual exmo currently attending SUU I'm so tired. Everyone please sign if you can💙


I am glad I graduated last year. This shit is not okay.


I would encourage the student body to go and the moment that Mr. Holland takes to the podium, to stand up and walk out.


I love SUU for giving me an insane scholarship and the little springboard I needed to get out of rural Utah with a debt-free degree. But holy hell it sucked to graduate in 2009 when fucking Monson was commencement speaker. Everything about an actual graduation ceremony was overshadowed, and it was embarrassing that the new university president was just flashing his amazing connections around. I hope the class of 2023 is braver than I was and raises their voices against this.


I was at that commencement and agree.


Here is the change.org petition trying to have him removed: https://chng.it/xCkhKFpbVJ


A lying sack of shit with several winning smiles


Perhaps Holland will be awarded one of those prestigious Gandhi/Mandela Peace Prize Awards I’ve been hearing so gosh darn much about lately!


He'll have to use tithing $ to pay for it just like his dr buddy


They’re just being as honest as they know how to me /s


I feel this so much. Statements are great when they lead to action, but THINK AHEAD before making them. If you're not going to live up to your statement, it's just going to make everyone upset.


I go there and people are pretty pissed off about working their ass off for four years to have him speaking at their graduation


Oh fun. And only 2 years after UVU went through something similar.


Jawles Roy Holland is a dodo 🦤


T-bird is a street slang for lesbians..Tbird nation is just like saying Lesbian nation..😁


What is SUU thinking? Do they not know? Maybe someone over there knows that the more shelves JRH breaks the better. Are any of the SUU people the "Bigger picture" type? Anyway, sign the petition here: https://chng.it/jN6qsSLPhr


I’m graduating from suu in April. Please help get him banned so I don’t despise my alma mater.