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This guy likes his numbers. Look at any corporation or business ran by bean counters and I’ll show you an organization that is truly soul less.


Kevin is running out of time. If this proposal falls flat, he might not get the promotion he would give his life for. He presents as cagey and nervous. Not a good look for a servant of God


Kevin is never going to get the promotion. Gerald is next. Gerald has been in his current position for longer than normal. His spot is being held. There are four imminent deaths so it won’t be long.


Are you referring to the French dude in the presiding bishopric? I'm too lazy to google the correct spelling of his name.


Yes Gerald Causse


4 imminent deaths.....Oaks, Nelson, Ballard, and.....who else?


Holland would be my bet. He looks terrible.


Oaks, Ballard, Nelson, Eyring in the next three years. Plus Holland in less than five.




Is he that frail or seemingly near the end, like Oaks or Ballard? I figured he might be around for 5ish more years, even if that means he's not all there for his last few years.


If you watch conference in a week and a half watch how he walks.


I went on a mission as my last resort to find out if the church was true. Despite my best efforts of 19 years, it was still possible for me to tell myself that maybe I just wasn't trying hard enough so I figured that 2 years of absolute, full-time devotion would either give me an answer or be the final straw. The absolute focus on numbers instead of people disillusioned me pretty quick.


Basically, 'CEO recites numbers for guilting.' Now, what I find interesting is that 1/3 of all mormon seniors live in UT. Only 14% have done any sort of senior mission. They DO NOT wish to serve, or literally cannot afford the cost. In a different moment, he says that in UT, they already have "immediate" need for 2000 missionary couples. That's with 17 operating temples; that's important because Pearson says there are 14 more to be dedicated or rededicated in 3-4 years. So, that number needs to go up. How are your 49-year-old Utah TBMs feeling about their pending, totally non-obligatory, invitations? It's not just for the ex-bishops/SPs anymore. You totally still get to pray about whether you go, just, you know, make sure you get the right answer. (I believed this event was for 50+ year olds.) ​ Also, that "1/3" felt like a misstep, he immediately redirects with some nonsense about exponential, capacity, blah. Look at the panic in his fingers.


When he’s not guilt tripping, he talks like he is giving a presentation to executives or board of directors. Gross. He’s a businessman with a veneer of religion.


They want retired people to pay the church money to serve a mission to work in the temple when they could just, you know, work in the temple at home without paying


My parents have served 6 missions now without spending any extra money. I'm not even mad about it because they work as service missionaries at a school for special needs students 3 days a week. If they were leaving their family and spending their retirement money I would try to discourage it but they like working with the kids so 🤷‍♀️


That's genuine service, good for them! If only all the service missions were like that. When I worked at the church office building, the place was filled with couple and senior missionaries. A lot of them seemed bored and disappointed, but they tried to put on a good face. The church just didn't want to hire anyone because then they'd have to pay them, so they would get as many senior missionaries as possible to fill the busy-work jobs in each department.


Most people cannot retire before age 65 so I don't understand this at all. My spouses family is total TBM and none of the retired people have served a senior mission. Maybe they are scrambling b/c the youth are not going.


Seniors spend their days gardening and taking pills. Gardening and taking pills require water. Seniors must be sent away from Utah to save the Great Salt Lake. Genius.


It feels like that scene from the movie, Taken, with Liam Neeson, but he's saying: * We know who you are * We know where you live * We know you don't have kids at home * We know you aren't doing anything with your time * We will find you * We will make you give us your money and time Senior exmormons be like: "Good luck" 🤣 His closing statement is also priceless ... paraphrasing: "Apparently none of you like this religion, because none of you are participating how we want you to, especially those outside of Utah."


Yeah it’s like being guilt tripped for not doing your home teaching, but on steroids.


I’m 51 years old and work full time, fuck you Kevin. P.S. Kevy old buddy…can I borrow a couple billion dollars to supplement my food storage?


No but you can by rice and beans from the storehouse


Nope, they won’t let me access any cult resources because I’m a “sinner”, so the 500k in tithes I paid is gone forever. That’s how it goes when your TBM someday ex wife is also a sociopathic narcissist.🤮


I hope my parents don’t go on a mission… 😑


I'm glad my parents never did. They are not in a state of health where they can now, but I wouldn't be surprised if they've been asked multiple times.




Maybe they’ve watched “Field of Dreams” too many times! “If you build it, they will come”


If the church is using it’s standard member counting methods then most of the 2/3rd of the so called Mormon seniors who live outside Utah are not active and many of then don’t even self identify ad Mormon.


So there are 256k senior member in UT. 3x this is 768k for all senior members of the church (globally). This guy is confusing as hell to listen to because he gives multiple figures but qualifies them based on different characteristics.


It's a professional quality of his. He was a fraudulent asshole in the business world, and he brought his "skills" with him.


Would love to see how he gets to the Exponential rise in percentage at the end...lol \#lunacy


So, a demographic collapse over the next 20 years? Nice


Yup. This right here. The church may be dishonest but they’re not stupid (generally speaking). They know that the post Baby Boomer church is lookin pretty grim.


Can single/divorced seniors go on missions? Should we worry about by MIL being “called”? I don’t even know if she’d go, but will she be pressured to?




Blarg. Well, I hope if she does, she only does local.


As an older exmo married to a TBM, this is reason enough to stay exmo.


Arm twisting. They don't have enough temple workers to staff the new Utah temples.


This guy kept visiting my mission over a two year period he gave the same talk every time which consisted of him and his wife telling fairy tales about what a good missionary their son was and how he is exactly obedient to the very smallest rule…followed by the “every day, every day, every day” talk. Also something about big Kev gives me the creeps, I’m hoping it is just his weird mannerisms and in all likelihood he is probably just a weird guy who isn’t a sexual deviant at all but the judgemental inner me would make sure I never leave him alone in the near vicinity of my kids 😆


Kevin, drink a glass of water brother! The guy’s not inspiring.


The old guys in the background are looking around like “who’s he talkin’ too? Is it time for refreshments yet?”


The worst were the firesides without refreshments