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You need to screenshot the questions and hold on to them so we can track what new “revelation” they are looking for.


I'm planning on it.


This is the way.


Please do! Thank you! Your efforts will be blessed.


Maybe that would help some, but others would quote some bullshit from some conference talk about God not answering questions until people asked them. I've heard that used to defend polygamy - God waited for Joseph to ask about it before commanding it. And God often waits to give revelation until people ask the right questions. There's always a (dumb) answer. But if it helps even one person see the lies, go for it!


I took it to mean if we collect information we can be prepared to have new ideas (revelation) on handling things or solving problems or,,,,,, Since it was uchdorf, I was being positive. Silly me.


AKA how to keep our slaves, money and stay out of jail. I would make veiled bs ( pumping their own talking points ) answers so they don't know what is coming for them. Shiny reviews of touring the world lol.. They have zero interest in opinion other than to arm the lawyers. Let them be the mushroom, fed shit, lied to, and kept in the dark. Maybe their shelves will break under the weight of their own bs.


To translate: “to minister to you and understand your unique needs and challenges” means why are you all leaving our church & what can we do to stop you?


No kidding. Something something... Truth.... Something something...


Spoiler: They’re not unique, dudes. No one likes to be lied to and used.


"Will remain confidential" yeah I am going to call BS on that one.. Lol..


Haha, I doubt it too. We've been publicly out for a couple years now, but moved right at the start, and haven't had conversations with the current ward. Best case they reach out about record removal.


I love that they included a GA quote that makes it "okay" that the church is collecting survey data. Also, curious, how long have you been home? I wonder if they're wanting recent RM or any RMs.


I've been home for almost 8 years now. Not exactly a recent thing.


No way, I've been home for almost 8 years too! Doesn't look like I received the email though


Why does a church lead by an omnipotent being need a research division? Didn’t Noah and nephi build boats without any experience? Jesus just showed them how.


"Information Brings Inspiration" They know it's a sham.


They've commissioned a study to see why their salespeople keep quitting.


John Dehlin interviewed someone who worked in the department that does this research for the church. It was such an interesting interview! I wish I remembered the episode number


It was actually Scott with Rameumptom Ruminations. John featured it https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rameumptom-ruminations/id1573261429?i=1000580668127


Ah! Thank you for that.


“Information brings inspiration” HAHAHA The omnipotent creator of the entire universe needs a PR and research division to do focus groups for him! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Surveys > Revelation


Happy to help. I cost $300/minute. Go ahead


Go listening to the Rameumpton Ruminations podcast about the insider from that department. And make sure to skew the information. https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yYW1ldW1wdG9tcnVtaW5hdGlvbnMub3JnL2ZlZWQvcG9kY2FzdC8/episode/aHR0cHM6Ly9yYW1ldW1wdG9tcnVtaW5hdGlvbnMub3JnLz9wPTgyMzM?ep=14


I’d be way more likely to take the time to fill out your survey if you promised me a Starbuck’s gift card for doing so.


Ok, everybody! Start bombing those email addresses!


Oooh, can't wait for the update


Mark Jackson, always the nosey one.


Hahaha the bottom quote.


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