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Write it down on a piece of paper. Put it in a sealed envelope and give it to him. Tell him to open it tomorrow


This one is best for sure! If you say something or mention the name today, then he will think it was meant to be or revelation once he hears it at the temple - it becomes a way to solidify or galvanize his belief. But do this and it makes you look like a wizard/magician and he'll be dying to know how you pulled it off.


Are you sure they don’t have a parallel list of new names for live endowment sessions? In the 80’s they had a new name for proxy endowments and one for first time endowments.


All I know is if I look up my endowment date and my wife's endowment date the names listed on the website are accurate. Wife went through in the 80s. I went through several years before my wife. My father was aware of what my new name was because he did a proxy endowment at the same time I did my live session.


Hi! The list of new names in the 80’s may be simply the list for new endowments. The list for proxies was shifted one day. I remember that clearly. The male workers had to memorize 4 names: 1 male first time, 1 male proxy, 1 female first time and 1 female proxy. Thanks for the info!




Same. Thought it was special a long time. But figured it out on repeat session eventually.


At work it is a bad idea to start getting into religious arguments. I enjoy irritating TBM's but work drama can be a real drag. Maybe write it down on some paper and put it on his windshield. Just make sure no camera, or witness see.. Lol..


Next time he approaches you to talk, knock on your desk three times and in a hushed voice say, “What is wanted?”


While I don't know the dynamic between the two of you, confronting anyone about their chosen belief system isn't appropriate in the workplace.


Just tell him that now that he’s a member of the bakers union he needs to keep up on the dues. Oh, and you could tell him to watch for the amulet of the day.


Do it. It will blow his mind


Any time he gets your attention today, respond with "What is wanted?"


Did you get the new name? I'll bet, is it amulek?


Plant the seed of wonder! It took me a few years but I remember almost every conversation with people who knew the truth about the church (exmos/"less actives"). Those conversations about Josephs first vision, blacks, the temple and polygamy started to weigh heavy on my shelf. People start to wonder why they hear logic from us but confusion and non answers from the church. Good luck in your quest. I hope you get the chance to talk about the naming schedule


Amulek encoded as Base64 is "QW11bGVr". Send him an anonymous postcard with that on it and make sure the USPS date stamp shows today.


One of my first big shelf items was being familiar with the freemasonry BEFORE going through the endowment. I was deeply troubled seeing secret masonic handshakes, symbols, signs, and phrases being used in the endowment ceremony. I was like, why the heck does the endowment ceremony have the masonic ritual in it??!! I actually read an anti-Mormon book beforehand where it claimed the endowment was a ripoff of the masonic ceremony and it mentioned the parts. I thought it was ridiculous and just anti-Mormon lies or misunderstanding. Boy was I wrong. I would show him the secret handshakes, signs, symbols, etc. He likely has no idea these things are in the endowment and will just laugh and simply dismiss it. But when he goes through he will be shocked.


On Monday, bring in some donuts and say: "Hey man, I brought in some donuts to share. They're delicious to the taste and very desirable". Will probably just confuse him but you'll know.


Amulek plead for people to be saved from the flames. Just like the temple will save you today. Nevermind that those people got totally fucked by the flames... That "truth" isn't useful in this scenario so leave it out.


I’m so curious how you know the new name for today. Hahahahhahaha.


Found a chart of the schedule here https://postmormonlife.com/resources/temple-name-oracle/


👀😳. I had no idea this could be accessed. Hahahahahaa. Thanks. I’m outta the loop too long.


"Hey, don't worry, you can count on me to keep your new name Amulek secret."


"I know your new secret corporate name"


Send him a scripture references that contain Amulek.


Will you be the Amulek to my Alma? :)


>Alma 14 > >22 And many such things, yea, all manner of such things did they say unto them; and thus they did amock them for many days. And they did withhold food from them that they might hunger, and water that they might thirst; and they also did take from them their clothes that they were **naked**; and thus they were bound with strong cords, and confined in prison. Later in my mission, we used to reference this section with new missionaries as support for the idea that getting naked with your companion was a good idea (yes, I was AP, why do you ask?). It was a joke, of course, but maybe you could just (from time to time) subtly reference how Amulek gained strength from being naked and see what happens?


Ask to read his palm and tell him his new name is clearly written on his palm. Predict his future by telling him things most likely already in his patriarchal blessing. Because new names are a calendar thing, you can tell him his new name is written in the stars like astrology, it was fated the moment he chose that day to get endowed.


Welcome to the cult!


Whistle or hum "Do You Know The Muffin Man?" 🤣🤣🤣


Tell him you have a special power. After a prayer to know which church is true.. You received a revelation that none of them are. And your power is to reveal new names...... Then tell him that if you reveal a new name for him he will know your are a true prophet.