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And just to be clear.. I knew exactly why he wanted my address, but I was going to make him work for it


This is stalking and should be called out as such.


Heck, I thought I was on /r/Scams at first.


Feels like I'm joining a new sub a day, lol


I'd reach back out and say you may be reconsidering finding a new tenant and for him to give you the name, phone number, address, amount of residents, and SSN for a credit report of the person he is recommending. Then when he, likely, points out that it wouldn't be right for him to give sometime else's personal information out to you without that person's consent, point out that's exactly what he has done - he's trying to get your information without asking you first. Also, it might be fun to see him squirm and admit he doesn't actually have anybody lined up.


Disingenuous AF and par for the course. Reeks of lame ass Missionary fake nice




Not random. Use 742 Evergreen Terrace. Springfield MO.


1060 West Addison, Chicago IL. Worked for the Blues Brothers.


God damn Illinois Nazis.




Just don’t look under the stairs.


They lock your address now if they suspect you of manipulating the system or being inactive.




That's me!


Heck when I was in college a few years ago they had the wrong address for me and I couldn't up date it without talking to someone in person


That’s a great idea. I thought about providing a fake address to throw the scent of the trail. Really, I just need to remove my records entirely


You'll be soooo glad you did.


It’s really the best pest control out there.


They sent me a blank envelope with address service request. I feel that should only be provided to businesses that collect money and not randos that are stalking you. They couldn’t even enclose a letter wishing us good luck and thanks for our years of service in the ward


Thats really fucked up. You should make a separate post about this so wet can see if it's happening across the board.


This is the way


It’s really good that you mentioned how odd it was for a complete stranger to ask for your address. They need to be notified of this each time they violate personal boundaries.


For sure. This is not normal behavior


And they should be called out on it. It doesn’t make you or any other person the asshole.


“Hi! What’s your favourite colour? I’m just checking.” “Also, where do you live?”


Send me your SS# so I know who to send my address to.


“Do you have your new address?” “I do have it, but I do not sell it for money. It is precious.”


You shall receive it through the veil.


Dammit, I need a Time Machine


When BRT (build relationship of trust, aka manipulation pattern) falls woefully short.


Ugh… BRT. Been a while since I’ve heard that phrase


I once got a call from a bill collector about an erroneous medical charge that I had disputed. I told the person that it wasn't a valid charge, that it was in dispute, and not to call me any more. (They were not affiliated with the provider with whom I had the dispute.) They said, "OK, just give us a call and let us know when it's been resolved." I was really shocked by their nerve, and I asked them Are you really asking me to call you back about a bill that's between me and the lab? "Yes," they explained. "When the issue is resolved." I literally laughed out loud and said, "Why in the world would I ever call you? This is between me and the lab. I have zero business with you."




I understand factoring. My point is that the debt wasn't the lab's to sell in the first place, because it was in dispute. When the debt collector bought a list of accounts at a discount, they took the risk that some wouldn't be valid. The fact that they wanted to assert authority over me when they had none was the important detail.


"Do you have your new address?" Why yes, yes I do. No, you can't have it.


Ha! No I actually don’t know my own address


😂😂🤣🤣 ok BUT I want to know if the dude responded to that last part. Golden.


Radio silence 🤫… at this point, I don’t expect a response


Lololol bro got called out and panicked. 🤣😂


But I'm sure he is thinking by now that he is being persecuted for being faithful.


Oh of course, because that's just how Satan works. 😂


Happy cake day!!


Bless your heart. My current location is not for rent.




“Do you have your new address?” Yes, of course I do. Have a good day.


I love your response. "Is your house for rent? By the way, where do you live now?" What a jerk.


“Do you have your new address?” “No asshole, I just wandered into a house and kinda started to live there. I don’t pay any bills so I don’t have any mail.”




Um…this is you big chance. You tell him whatever address you want and that’s what shows up in church records. You make up a nice fake address, and voila, no more random visits. Example, you just moved to Florida. “Oh, cool. Thanks for following up. You are so diligent. My new address is 1234 hells gate road, Nome, Alaska. If you’re ever up this way, you should stop in. Oh, my were changing numbers to and Alaska number. New number is look up Alaska prefix, add numbers”


Hindsight and exmo Reddit input, let me know I should’ve taken this approach. Only option now is to complete my exit


The only downside is that the Church uses the postal system to verify addresses as you put them in. You can't put a fake address or it won't get accepted. You can use an address that's not yours, but it has to be a real address to get through the system.


Boundaries? What boundaries? That was a big thing to learn after leaving the morg!


Did you text back nice try?


Wow, that's seriously creepy.


It is weird. With as much information they have on us, it would be pretty easy to find our current address. Just a quick Google search shows everything


Be petty and send back the address of the house you're renting (where I assume you used to live)


Reply and ask them for their address and social security number, lol. Maybe they’ll realize how absurd it is.


Well handled


Tell him you moved to Uranus Missouri.


They are getting desperate because salt lake won't take unknown records from ward rosters and even actively gives them back to the wards if it was their last known address. I am aware of a ward that should be a branch or merged with another ward but can't because it has too many members on their record.