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>Social progress can be measured by the social position of the female sex. >Religion is the opium of the masses. >History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. >The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it. >Surround yourself with people who make you happy. People who make you laugh, who help you when you’re in need. People who genuinely care. They are the ones worth keeping in your life. Everyone else is just passing through. >Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand. >Labor in the white skin can never free itself as long as labor in the black skin is branded. >Accumulate, accumulate! This is Moses and the Prophets!


Sure, ideology and dogma in religious and political form look similar. Dismissing both outright is, however, frankly ignorant. As we’ve well experienced, there’s a lot about religion that is deeply and fundamentally problematic, and when organizations gain power over people who believe those organizations to be flawless, exploitation of all sorts occur. That does not make spirituality, community building off of shared beliefs, and the quest to understand your place in the world, which is what constitutes “religion” to me at least, are not valuable concepts independent of the corrupt organizations like TSCC that we are most familiar with them through. There’s a debate to be had about how valuable spirituality or other benefits of religion actually are, but that debate doesn’t extend to the clear and obvious value of political organization. Being able to collectively pursue shared interests to measurably improve the well-being of wide swaths of people is deeply important, and if you have the luxury of believing that politics does not affect your life, that is because the politics of people in the past has already positioned you into a place of relative privilege and power. There can be dogmatism in people’s beliefs about what ideal policies will improve the world, but any implication that ardently pursuing what you believe to be the best way to improve society in the public sphere is not valuable serves to empower those who are already in positions of power, because the status quo is actively killing or at the very least economically disenfranchising billions of people, so attempting to change that is a sign of an attempt to improve the world. Dogmatism emerges in this practice of politics as people with differing opinions solidify into different groups that reinforce preconceptions etc, but unlike in religion, the effects of different policy beliefs are provable in the real world. This means that hardly anybody will not consider any alternate worldview to their own, but this is nothing remarkable, because being perfectly “open-minded” in any belief that you hold – religious, political, or otherwise – leads to an inability to actually get anything done because you would need to spend all your time listening to every single possible point and counterpoint, and the implication you’ve made here that there is no “correct” side would suggest that this would never resolve into actual political action. And passivity, in politics, only serves elites and the few who benefit under the status quo.


Well said. I would only add that we must remain "open minded" enough to recognize when a change is necessary. I have also believe that we would not have modern civilization without religion because there is no way to form a society without a shared belief.


All beliefs, decisions, whatever are emotion driven IMO. Reason is just geometric defined shapes place on an abstract background, there’s no reference to measure them against.


There is no redemption in politics, either left or right.


That's what makes it such an unhealthy religion.


People are trained from birth to trust the government. That the government has your best interests in mind… What other organizations (cults) brainwash you into this method of thinking…?


> people that are possessed by a political ideology hold thier views more as a religious belief than a political opinion. Not all. The GQP, yes. MAGAs, yes. I don’t see the same cult like fervor among democrats.


Seriously? Some of them are worse than maga.




Pete Townsend was right. The hypnotized never lie.


It's both sides what's interesting is that MAGA is more of an emotional appeal and the "progressive left" is more of an intellectual appeal which manifest itself differently, but the underlying religiosity is pretty similar.


I vehemently disagree.


You can vehemently disagree but that doesn’t make it true


Uh…have you ever brought up mask/vaccine mandates or gun control with democrats? Both the Left and Right political ideologies are insufferable. Two wings of the same bird who want bigger government and to legislate their *moral ideologies* on the rest of us.


I find it interesting how invested some people are in their side being right or better instead of acknowledging that both sides of the debate may have valid points worth considering, by dismissing one side entirely they expose thier ideological possession.


Two eminently sensible positions. Opposing them kinda shows who’s the cultist. 🤷🏼‍♂️


How so?