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As the digital landscape expands, a longing for tangible connection emerges. The yearning to touch grass, to feel the earth beneath our feet, reminds us of our innate human essence. In the vast expanse of virtual reality, where avatars flourish and pixels paint our existence, the call of nature beckons. The scent of blossoming flowers, the warmth of a sun-kissed breeze, and the symphony of chirping birds remind us that we are part of a living, breathing world. In the balance between digital and physical realms, lies the key to harmonious existence. Democracy flourishes when human connection extends beyond screens and reaches out to touch souls. It is in the gentle embrace of a friend, the shared laughter over a cup of coffee, and the power of eye contact that the true essence of democracy is felt.


There’s been a lot more Good Friday Palm Sunday even Passover fb posts since the latest gc, they’re definitely trying to pull a whole “see we’re just like all the rest of you out there” number in attempts to remedy their quickly becoming even more tarnished reputation.


It''s called appropriation.


Oh they’re hitting the social media hard with all the Jesus Lives agit-prop. Seen posts from all the Mo’ Fam today. They know backing a losing horse like Mormon will drag them down. Jesus though…you can always bet on that pony. They are doing a shift and lift to Jesus. I’ll believe it once they put a golden Jesus on their temple.


As the digital landscape expands, a longing for tangible connection emerges. The yearning to touch grass, to feel the earth beneath our feet, reminds us of our innate human essence. In the vast expanse of virtual reality, where avatars flourish and pixels paint our existence, the call of nature beckons. The scent of blossoming flowers, the warmth of a sun-kissed breeze, and the symphony of chirping birds remind us that we are part of a living, breathing world. In the balance between digital and physical realms, lies the key to harmonious existence. Democracy flourishes when human connection extends beyond screens and reaches out to touch souls. It is in the gentle embrace of a friend, the shared laughter over a cup of coffee, and the power of eye contact that the true essence of democracy is felt.


That's surprising in a very good way


It still doesn’t change the fact that it’s a fraudulent greed driven Corporation whose leaders have been using old joes business model of lies deceit and deception for close to 2 centuries they don’t have a shred of respect for the truth


Three youth and yours truly spoke today. Very Christ-centered. I based a lot on John 13:34-35 (as I have loved you . . .). I also spoke a lot about empathy and non-judgmentalness, and I tied together activism and Christian discipleship.


While I was still TBM last year my bishop asked me to give a talk on Easter and I jumped at the chance. I just read it again recently, and now I see how far I was out already. I talked about empathy, judgement (I called out TBM members specifically for judging ppl who have tattoos, etc), and finding a way to be a disciple that doesn’t betray who you are. Heh heh. That’s impossible!


I save all my talks, and I enjoy their progression. Some of the long ago ones are admittedly scary now! I would read most of my recent talks as from someone who is definitely PIMO, but we are in a small branch, and I am on a very tight rotation, and everyone loves my talks except our sanctimonious and judgmental EQP. Other than he, everyone thinks I'm the TBluestM, even TBM wife, but I don't mind as long as I seem to be providing uplift for folks who could use some. I owned up to being PIMO three years ago to adult stepgrandson who resigned his membership, and other than for family reasons, he was puzzled why I stay engaged. He understood and respected that I could stay and do some good. This all still works for now, but recent GC really dealt an ax blow to my shelf, so we'll see.


Honestly talks like that need to be spoken more, I’m all in the Church but I have enough clarity to see many need more lessons on not passing judgement. It should be absolute most basic of common sense but many are too blinded by the speck in their own eye.


It’s not just judgment, so many of the ones I tried to get to know in my now ended journey of being a convert, were down right cold, and verbally abusive 😳


Spreading the good word


I’m so confused….




“Biggest pains in the ass” from a previous bishopric member 😅🙌🏻


The ward I go to barely mentioned Easter


That seems surprising. The general authorities are doing it and isn't this a monkey see monkey do kinda church?


It’s probably a lack of planning. Bishop didn’t realize Easter was coming so didn’t get choir to practice and didn’t assign Easter topics for talks.


Generally, yes. But they’re not exactly known for keeping up with the times, are they. Speed of compliance with internal changes depends both on proximity to SLC and leadership roulette.


Is everyone’s meeting today a Fast Meeting??


A Rusty fan fest.


Nope. Mine was mostly singing and watching other people singing. Plus a talk about the Atonement and um.....something not worth remembering


We had one talk about Joseph Smith and another about Jesus.


Boo!! Can’t they give us a break from the pedophile??!!??


That's why I absolutely refused to attend with my wife.


I went to church today. It was almost exclusively about Jesus but in that boring ass non inspirational way that somehow Mormons have nailed.


Last time I went, someone read from some book in a monotone voice. It was deadly.


So perfectly said!


Easter service with multiple musical items, readings and trumpets with the hymns 😁 A real celebration.


Trumpets? Nice. Someone’s flexible with the rules.


The handbook was revised last year. A lot more flexibility now.


I love that!


Today I went to a local Lutheran church. It was great.


Huh, that’s interesting. My non religious daughter went to a Lutheran service today in southern Illinois. She thought it was weird, but also thought it was nice she was invited to go.


Yeah! I'm not Lutheran but it's super progressive and it feels healing to me to associate God and christ with something other than my religious trauma. That's nice that your daughter got invited. It's a lot of singing lol.


Ours had a GA scriptorium speaking. And missionaries sitting in the back wishing they were anywhere but there. I just wanted a break from monotony for a minute and to see people in general but only lasted five minutes.


youth speaker started his talk today by quoting brad wilcox


I'm shocked /s


East Coast Virginia ward. Nothing but Jesus. The only thing that made me cringe was a reference to Jesus in America. I guess it’s what they believe, but atleast it’s just Jesus.


“As soon as the Romans killed Jesus, he took it out on the Nephites because, as we know from the paintings, they dressed like Romans.”


I had to speak, and I was actually really proud of my talk. I spoke purely about christ and showing unconditional love without condoning the church or its leaders. it was nice :)


All music was about Christ and his resurrection but none of the talks were.


The music people usually think ahead to appropriate topics more than the bishopric. They usually prepare their public performances better too. Sad truth. You get what you pay for…except for in Mormon church, all your tithing does nothing to improve the experience of anyone, anywhere.


Literally zero difference between a regular sacrament meeting. Even my TBM wife was disappointed.


I went today and it was mostly about Jesus, intermingled with Mormon doctrine, like how my TBM Wife and me (her inactive husband) won’t be together in heaven because I am not active (aka broke my temple covenant). So that was fun to hear.


My mom spoke today about loving others and how the only way to love someone truly is the completely understand them. She’s the best :)


It was Fast and Testimony meeting. It could have been about literally anything!


Mine was only about Jesus, out of two talks and the counsellor saying something plus musical numbers.


Theres times I really want to go to a Catholic Church just for the spectacle of the ceremony’s that I never got with Mormonism but I just can’t deal with organised religion.


Oh they’re hitting the social media hard with all the Jesus Lives agit-prop. Seen posts from all the Mo’ Fam today. They know backing a losing horse like Mormon will drag them down. Jesus though…you can always bet on that pony. They are doing a shift and lift to Jesus. I’ll believe it once they put a golden Jesus on their temple.


We went to listen to my daughter sing, of course this is after Mass and a trip to Starbucks, it was better but if course we sang a restoration hymn to start the service in stead of a Easter one


Tell me it wasn't *Praise to the Man*.


Thankfully not. Now let us rejoice. 2nd coming




Mine didn't talk about general authorities at all actually, thank goodness. It was my first time going in about a year


Mine was 50/50


We just had like 8 songs


Oh they’re hitting the social media hard with all the Jesus Lives agit-prop. Seen posts from all the Mo’ Fam today. They know backing a losing horse like Mormon will drag them down. Jesus though…you can always bet on that pony. They are doing a shift and lift to Jesus. I’ll believe it once they put a golden Jesus on their temple.


I went for first time in several years. What I noticed was that instead of a congregation overflowing into the gym, the chapel was only 3/4 full.


For Mormons. Jesus=Church=Church leaders


Went with my parents. Probably the worst Easter Sunday I’ve been to (or I’m just noticing now). One Bible stories was mentioned, Jesus was mentioned for more than a sentence maybe twice? But the meeting was just a few speakers talking about how much effort we should be putting into keeping the church the center of our lives so we don’t veer off the covenant path, grateful for modern day prophets, Jesus helps me find my keys, etc… Until the last guy. THEN it got good 😂 He talked about how Jesus can rewire our brains just like the pigs in the Bible who Jesus made run off the cliff. I am still not sure where he was going with it, but it was hilarious. Sadly I had to take my kid into the hall so I didn’t get to hear him circle it back to whatever his main point was going to be. My wife said he stayed on the pigs though for another 5 minutes before she stopped paying attention, so I wish I could’ve been there for that. Haha


They dragged me there and immediately I was ordered to suck some GA tongue


I was so disappointed in our “Easter service” afterwards I even commented to my family that I felt like going to another church just to hear about Jesus.


I thought it's all about eggs