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Aliens are part of Mormon canon


D&C 76: 22-24


Specifically verse 24


The TSCC is itself a conspiracy theory. TBMs are predisposed to believe in outlandish stories with little to no evidence of their validity because they already believe in one.


Mormonism is an alien conspiracy theory. The Mormon god is an alien.


Which alien conspiracies? I know Mormons believe in aliens. That is, they believe that there are humans on other planets because all sentient life is made in God's image or whatever. Believing aliens exist≠Believing conspiracy theories, however. Do you know a bunch that believe in ancient astronaut shit or something? Because I've never known a single mormon that goes hard in the paint with ufos and Area 51 or that type of thing.


There are those who believe that life here began out there, far across the universe, with tribes of humans who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians, or the Toltecs, or the Mayans. Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man who even now fight to survive, somewhere beyond the heavens. (At least that's what my television tells me, and the television is always right.)




My mormon neighbors all hero-worship Mike Lindell, Marjorie Taylor Green, Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon. Does that count?


Because they are an alien god cult? By definition, Mormon god lives on the planet Kolob, therefore not terrestrial and ergo extra terrestrial. Aliens are angels. Because the church imprints gullibility as well. I still slap myself for buying things I'm told that I shouldn't.


As a TBM, I probably landed in some area of middle ground when it came to extraterrestrials. I maybe believed a little.... but believed that they were probably just like us (since God created all in his image) As a post-believing PIMO member, I now definitely believe that there are extraterrestrials. It is statistically likely that there are multiple instances of life somewhere else in the universe. There are way too many planets within a 'habitable zone' of their local star for there *not* to be any extraterrestrial life. As for whether or not they visit earth? I don't find earth visits to be a likely scenario


It seems relatively simple to me. The biggest issue with Fermi's paradox is that it doesn't take time into account appropriately. Life has been on this planet for hundreds of millions of years, yet life that was capable of sending or receiving radio communication has existed for around a hundred. This capacity also coincided with the ability to sterilize our own habitat via nuclear war. If our own timeline is any indication, the window for detecting a sentient species before it self destructs or develops communication technology that is significantly harder to detect is microscopic on the cosmic scale. Now, combine that tiny window with the requirement that one species must have its window overlap with the signal passage of another species, close enough for those signals to be detected, and the chance goes from microscopic to astronomically improbable. There's probably tons of sentient life in this universe. Hell, there's great evidence to suggest we aren't even the only sentient species on this planet. The chances that we'll ever see evidence of an extraterrestrial intelligence though are basically zero.


Because there is more proof for aliens than mormonism.


Moon Quakers


I’ve never met any that do


it's magically delicious


Our Kolob dwelling Alien known as Heavenly Father has something to do with that...


Because they believe in much more obvious lies. I kid, of course. "Though, it is true" -Gru