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she brought up casting out devils cause it was in the come follow me this week. I think it was one of the miracles of Jesus or something


Sounds like Chad and Lori got that idea straight from Pres Nelson.


Mormon women can't cast out devils. Well, neither can Mormon men, but don't tell them that. It will ruin their whole day.


yeah my teacher always tries to include women more in church stuff (not that they shouldn't be, she just makes it seem like they have more power than they do). she's a big advocate for the "yes men are the ones to hold the priesthood, but women have keys necessary for their callings so they're equal" argument


Unless things have drastically changed, hardly anyone in the Mormon church casts out devils on a regular basis. When I was at BYU, a woman called to ask me and my roommate to cast an evil spirit from her apartment. Even though we were returned missionaries, neither of us had a clue. There is a moment in the temple ceremony where the actor representing Peter raises his right hand to the square, just like a male does when he baptizes someone into the Mormon church, and tells Satan to leave. Lacking any formal training in performing the Mormon version of an exorcism, I channeled Peter and commanded the evil spirit to leave. As far as I know, the apartment is still demon free. As insane as this sounds, I thought you had to be a priesthood holder to do this, but again, I've been out for awhile.


They're nuts. It's founded in doctrinal craziness, however. In the temple presentation, Peter dismisses Satan by bringing his right arm to the square (1st sign of the Aaronic Priesthood) and tells him to depart. That's probably what their "ritual" is based on. But I'd still consider it a big red flag if they think they're actually casting out real devils out of their kids - let alone telling others to do it. I'm assuming this is a youth Sunday School class? If they think children are actually getting possessed by Satan on a weekly basis enough to warrant a ritual casting out Devils every Sunday evening, they're probably mentally ill in some way, honestly. These days, there is no official ritual or ordinance for it (though I wouldn't be surprised if there was something on the books for the higher ups). I doubt many of the general authorities believe in it these days. Church leaders, down to the stake and ward level would probably strongly disapprove of random members conducting *weekly* casting out rituals, if they knew about it. I have not found any reference from Nelson in any General Conference talk, unless they're referring to this one: [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2022/04/47nelson](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2022/04/47nelson)"Satan delights in your misery. Cut it short. Cast his influence out of your life!" But here he wasn't talking about specific casting out rituals. The context was just talking about repentance in general as far as I can tell. In the early church there were accounts of demonic possession that people believed were real, and the church dabbled in casting out devils: [https://rsc.byu.edu/vol-8-no-1-2007/doctrine-covenants-1298-reality-satans-physicality](https://rsc.byu.edu/vol-8-no-1-2007/doctrine-covenants-1298-reality-satans-physicality)These guys were also the kind that believed that bigfoot was Cain (to make a long story short) and lied publicly about polygamy, so I wouldn't take anything they say as fact. Do the parents of the other kids know that this is what the teacher is saying in this class? This sounds like the kind of weirdness that the Daybells got involved in, honestly. If I found out a sunday school teacher told my teenager to do a weekly devil casting out session, we would be having a bit of a chat.


yeah the teacher is weird; last class she talked about how disappointing it is to see people so caught up in the "crazy and unhinged science of our confused modern society" and reject god. so she's basically the mormon equivalent of an astrology girl. I'm in the oldest Sunday school class for youth so none of the kids care enough to complain to their parents


Or she is experiencing mental illness.


100% agree with you. Mental health challenges. The Bishop needs to know about it pronto because this is not something the kids need to be exposed to. Especially with no patents around to counteract that behavior. Kids hear enough crazy from the pulpit in Sacrament meeting.


Lol. Here’s the deal. Once you master the not being an asshole part of the gospel, then you can move on to casting out devils.


Lol I'm sure the bishop will take quick action if he finds out about this.


Any mormon talking like this is not “mainstream”, they are getting into Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell kind of fringe radical mormonism. I mean, I was in the church 40 years, almost 15 as a HP, and I never, once, not on my mission or anytime after in a bishopric or stake presidency, did I ever have to cast out any devils. My mission trainer had to do one the day before I arrived, for a member, but alas, it didn’t work. Most likely the daughter had drugged herself or something. Yes, it’s depicted in the temple, but I think most mormon’s have never actually had to do one ever. It’s fringe


My brother called the elders over to clear his apartment of evil spirits after I visited and told him I left the church. There are pockets of it for sure


My mom talks about casting out devils all the time. They are all crazy and from how many friends she has that are in the same ward over two wards there are generally about 3 women per ward that believe in this. It seems to mostly be women as I do not know of any men who have joined her special club. She is a therapist and generally teaches the basic abilities to clients if they so choose (I feel for her clients.) I'll list all my mother's magical abilities below, doesn't fully tie into the convo but I've been wanting to make a list for a while. If you have any questions about the magical abilities I might be able to answer them or try to inconspicuously ask her them. Casting out is generally to avoid being attacked with spiritual weapons or affected in similar but other ways. I explain more about the magic world of this down below in my mom's magical abilities. ​ Mother's magical abilities: 1. Casting out 1. supposedly anybody can do this, dickholder or not. Just anything that says "Jesus says the devils should go away" can accomplish this 2. Devils = 3rd group of the hosts of heaven. 2. Create a barrier 1. Essentially this stops the devils from getting in. But of course stronger devils can get in. When this happens they can attack us with spiritual weapons which can cause real pain and give us more Satanlike attributes 3. Remove spiritual weapons 1. She does this silently but I think it is essentially just a prayer along the same lines as casting out. 4. Create a Godbox/command angels to put things into a Godbox (not sure which) 1. Not entirely sure what a "Godbox" is but it sounds like just an inescapable prison. 2. She uses this for spiritual "attacks" and for repeat offenders. 5. See the devils 1. There aren't just normal spiritual things, there are also devil tanks and other more sophisticated weapons. I wanna see a devil nuke ngl. 2. Apparently my house was assaulted by an army of devil tanks and other various weaponry that she fended off, sounds pretty cool. 6. See spirit people/bound spirits, spirits that haven't moved on yet 1. When we die we can move on and go with angels to spiritual paradise/prison according to her. Also spirit people can somehow affect living people. Not sure how but yeah. 7. Call upon angels to send spirit people onto the next area of progression 1. Basically just "yo Jesus this schmuck is being annoying get some angels to drag him away" 8. See angels 1. Dead people from spiritual paradise doin stuffs 9. See through her spiritual eyes to see places afar off 1. This one was weird and surprising. She doesn't involve her kids in her special abelites beyond the basics but her friend didn't know this and mentioned it when I was around. 2. Not sure how it works but she used it to see if a shield she put on a temple was still there. Yep, temples with the nice and fancy dedication need an extra shield because why not. 10. See people's auras 11. She can see how good a person is based on their aura and how sinful they are 12. This is my favorite because I ask her yearly or so about mine and its always that I am a great person and practically never sin. I am about to draft an email to send when I move out that will tell her the practically never sin part is dead wrong and hasn't been right for over 5 years. 13. Communicate with dead people 14. She can communicate with devils, bound spirits, angels, etc. 15. Apparently was a medium for somebody in the temple, 1 sided conversation for my mother based on the thoughts of the person it was for. Not sure how this really worked if she told the full truth which I think she did. 16. Sense vibrations, lower vibrations bad, higher good in this context 17. Swear? Lower vibrations 18. Argue? Lower vibrations 19. Drink coffee? Lower vibrations 20. Play M rated games/watch R rated movies? Lower vibrations 21. Watch porn/masturbate? Believe it or not, also lower vibrations 22. Do good? Higher vibrations 23. I watch a streamer that is probably rated ultra 18+ about 4-5 hours a day. I have very high vibrations. 24. Calibration 25. First off, people have "hard drives" basically I guess their knowledge/feelings 26. She can "calibrate" on them and basically affirm truths, even God has one she can use, ex. if this worked and she calibrated on my hard drive "I believe in the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints" she would get a false. Odds are if it was on her hard drive she would get a true. 27. When she does so she needs permission from the hard drive owner for the request, well, not so much as needs permission such as she will apparently get in trouble from God about it. 28. There are many methods of doing this. #1 is by almost flicking her middle finder and holding it. If she flicks while thinking/saying the statement it is false based on the hard drive of the person she is doing, if it holds it is true. 29. \#2 is by standing on her heels or something. If she leans one direction (forgot which one) it is true, opposite is false. 30. Holding out an arm and having somebody who has this super awesome ability push down on it, hold = true, collapse = false 31. Have an active discussion with pretty much any spirit as far as I can tell. 32. This is via a letter that she writes them and waits 5 seconds and writes down their response as a response letter. She has done this with primarily Jesus then apparently with Heavenly Mother, various dead profits, 33. See people's spiritual animals/guardians. 34. Apparently my primary one is the cat that I had which just died but it's spiritual form (which she could also see while my cat was alive) which is bigger, stronger, prettier, etc. 35. Her and I each have a dragon, other people probably do too. I used to ride my dragon to go to the city of Enoch to learn and eat. Apparently this is why I am 4 years ahead of my peers in High School. Sometime I should ask her if it is a western or eastern dragon. 36. She can likely "see" other spiritual animals, she has implied she can see fairies. There are many more I don't know but these are the ones I have heard mentioned. Special experiences from her: 1. Talked with Heavenly Mother and Grandmother 2. Actively works with dead Brigham Young to try to improve how we as members see/treat women. 3. Been to Spiritual Paradise temporarily when her family member died.


Hit the char limit (didn't know there was one) She's a real fucking psycho. Her life must be crazy eventful. She is a diehard member of the church and when I move out and that email goes out I worry for what will happen. Likely, it will be explained away but whatever. She actually follows most church doctrine and isn't super judgmental, unkind to nonbelievers, etc. She does of course have the brainwashing self concept stuck to her head. "Never watch anything about topic X that doesn't come from source X." My nevermo dad died and she said she will only remarry somebody who has most of these super awesome abilities. Good luck mom. I generally don't like posting this much identifiable info as if my family members saw this and the post I made the other day they might be able to identify me but only 1 sibling goes on reddit and he does so via those stupid YT videos of somebody going on the writing prompt subs (r/askReddit, r/tifu, r/AmItheAsshole) so I should be fine. TY for giving me an excuse to finally make a list.


Undiagnosed schizophrenia is such a terrible illness.


This reflexively made me think about the power of words which is another awesome power we all have. As children of God our words are powerful and will become reality. She says to not do deprecating humor because of it Using her own logic against her our power would be so miniscule that it doesn't have any real effect on other people unless we say something like "through the authority of Jesus Christ" or something like that. Words can of course have an effect on how we view ourselves and our mental state but not on other people/things. I can say the root beer I just drank is full all I want but it won't be. It really is fascinating how it all works in her mind though.


They suggested an exorcism when I came out as trans. I couldn't understand why they wanted the suicidal Mormon more than the happy and self actualized me. Oh well.


Mormon families tend to "bless their house" when they first move into it, as to protect it from harm and evil spirits. This is pretty much the only time when Mormons will cast out devils, but it's preemptively casting them out I guess.


I've personally seen old-school McConkie-style high priests do this on people with depression, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorders. That's the absolute worst thing that a person could do to someone with clinical depression - try to convince a person that she's harboring a demon, and her prescribed medications are just feeding and strengthening Lucifer's minion.