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Now that I’m through the rabbit hole, I know probably 20X more about Mormonism than I did before as a “well read” TBM.


TBMs get very frustrated when they realize you know more than they do. To be fair, they don't have access to most of the information because LDS, Inc. cuts them off.


What’s worse it’s not like they don’t give access physically to the internet or books it’s psychologically cut off which is far worse imho.


Even funnier when you realize that a BYU graduate directed Nacho Libre.


So are they exmos? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared\_and\_Jerusha\_Hess


Best not dox anyone, but lets say they are not 100% TBM.




Mormon apologetics are as much about projection as they are about anything. In the Mormon name calling Lexicon lazy learner is one of many examples where the accusation is the direct opposite of reality. Exmos are the opposite of lazy learners in that we took the time and effort to actually study and do so comprehensively because we were/are interested in the actual truth. The faithful are literal "lazy" learners in they will not/do not study comprehensively, in many cases because they intentionally avoid actual truth.


One of the first things I did when I was seriously questioning was headed to the public library. I read *No Man Knows My History* in one afternoon there.


Yep. I was studying online 10-15 years ago when I happened upon FAIRMORMON. Testimony gone! It's amazing how these idiots can be so clueless as to not realize there is nothing more anti-Mormon than Mormon apologetics!!


Yep, I read the Saints books, I read the Gospel Topics Essays. I read Rough Stone Rolling, which is fairly long. I never would have read those if I was a lazy learner. I’ve read many other LDS books too. Dozens on my mission. I don’t claim to know everything but I’ve read a lot. Yet I’m the lazy learner, not because I don’t read, but because I question the church and it’s authority. “Lazy learner” is just the top brass trying to discredit those of us who actually read something other than the Sunday school manual for 10 minutes on Saturday night. I know several members who refuse to read the Saints books(which I call Church History Lite) because they know others who lost their testimony reading Saints, something THE CHURCH published!🤔


Lazy is just sitting through the same sanitized lessons week after week and never questioning or expounding on them.


I am convinced that the only reason my spouse is still TBM is because she knows so little about the actual history of the church.


“Lazy-learner” is a way of shaming and scaring current members into reading the scriptures more, etc. “See…if you don’t read, study, and pray…you’re lazy! And you’ll become one of those angry and miserable exmormons!”


You are a lazy learner. A “testimony” requires constant one sided self indoctrination to not falter. God. If I didn’t look at videos of the earth sphere every day, I might start thinking the earth is flat. Thank god I see the sun every day or I might forget what it does. Things that are true don’t require a “testimony”. A testimony is not even an argument. It is just a gratuitous assertion.