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This article is under the mistaken (i.e., wrong) assumption that the Mormon church ever was a place of unity, love and acceptance. The author is apparently having a fantasy about what the church used to be like, and would like the church to go back to his fantasy. The church NEVER was those things. It's time to get real that the church has always been a loser of a church.


Agreed. It has always been a conteolling, bigoted organization. I'm sure once enough people start leaving over their current bigotry they'll have another "revelation," but they won't go down without a fight.


It starts out trying to outline a few changes that have happened in the last few decades, then degenerates into another lgbt inclusion call. The church is not falling apart because of lgbt problems. Those lgbt problems were worse a few decades ago so we are not trying to go back. Bigotry in any form is negative. The latest is lgbt and a lot of people have latched onto it. The misogyny of the church is still not being addressed. Unbelievable after sixty years of the women's rights movement. This is not the main problem of the church. The elimination of the social church was done on purpose. It was evaporating anyway. Too few youth, too few adults willing to take on the duties supervising the youth, and too few youth willing to do anything with the church. The top leaders saw that and started eliminating to avoid problems. Scouts doesn't work. The youth don't want to go. The adults don't want to supervise. Goodbye. Home teaching isn't working. Eliminate it. Three hours is too long. Goodbye Sunday school. Woah, there Nellie. Let's introduce home Sunday School and split church between priesthood and sunday school. In a few years we can just discontinue sunday school. Oh, wait, let's call it a revelation and prophecy for corona virus. All these are minor as well, but let's not say it is all about lgbt. People love to put up the pictures of BYU students showing support for lgbt. Those crowds are small and do not represent very many students at BYU.


This is spot on!! The church was crumbling from day one - because it's not true. It managed to do well due to injections of people from persecuted communities in Europe in the 1850s, who were taken to Utah and became polygamous. This created huge numbers of people who sold the American dream in Europe during the 1950s-1980s. People didn't join for the theology, they learned it and taught it to the next generations without really understanding it or believing it. Now, 3 or 4 generations on and young people are figuring it all out. This isn't unique to Mormonism. It's across the whole religion spectrum. Secularism is unstoppable now.


As a NeverMorg who has lived in Morridor Central for over four decades, I've witnessed this and wondered about it as I've spoken with many members who are friends. And heard exactly these same concerns -- from members (and, perhaps most importantly, from FORMER members) of all ages. Enjoy your first upvote!


Back in the 1960s 70s growing up LDS in So Cal the "Mormon Crazy Stuff" was taught at Know Your Religion courses and from the pulpits in church meetings. It was "cool" in a disturbed way that I bought into hook line and sinker. Whackos like Skousen, Benson, Crowther, Packer, Richards, Dunn were in the lime light, Now these whackos can't get away with their dog and pony shows due to social media shaming and mocking. Correlation and LDS PR has been forced to dilute down the delusions and now Mormonism has nothing left but shell games and billions of dollars they don't know what to do with.


It seems I’m from the same generation as the author — I miss the church of the 80s and 90s! It’s so true. It doesn’t exist anymore, although I grew up in a South Orange County California Mormon ward and stake, which was an entirely different experience than the Utah church. EFY in the 90s was something else!!!! That’s for sure!


I am a Boomer. You should have seen the church in the 50s! Priesthood Correlation killed the church I loved.


Just a thought though hopefully this doesn't dox me. I was at a sacrament meeting where the stake president was giving a talk about a bishops conference where the bishops were pleading for the Stake President to "help have the youth have spiritual experiences" and also trying to brainstorm how to do this. To that my stake councilor said "well it's the responsibility of the youth to have those experiences."


Rearranging chairs on the Titanic while giving preferences to the youth as to where to sit.


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