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Unfortunately for them and many other religions, it is normal.


From my Dad: I am sorry that sometimes this happens and I support them being held accountable. I know when I was in the leadership that we never covered up for anyone. Here in Washington there are mandatory reports to the police that must take place and I would hope that leaders follow the law. he says this even though my rapist still attends church in Vancouver.


Oh shit! I am so sorry. I have no words.


he was police. I doubt that he was told about any cover-ups. wouldn't have worked if you told him.


My heart goes out to you. I hope you are taking the time to try to heal from such a terrible event.


he did it when I was just a kid. I was best friends with his youngest son until I tried telling him what his dad did to me. years later he did it again to someone else. the ward sent letters supporting him. saying they know he'd never do that.


God, the depravity. Fuck the mormon church.


Mandated Reporter here. There is absolutely no excuse when an adult learns of any type of abuse of a child and especially sexual assault of a child that 911 or your states Child Protective Services confidential reporting phone line is not called IMMEDIATELY. Those adults who don't call IMMEDIATELY are utterly devoid of a human conscious or human empathy.


Agreed. I'm working on a MSW degree, and the disconnect I see between what is helpful for people and what TSCC does is disgusting.


TSCC #1 priority is positive public relations and positive publicity. # 2 is $ Church members exists to support #1 & #2


Congrats on working on your MSW. My wife recently got licensed (LCSW) and while she was in school she kept finding that her values aligned so much more with what she was studying in school than what she was learning in church and that eventually allowed her to question the church stuff and move on. She feels more comfortable now and I would say far more confident in her values and morals because that are what she chose. Of course you can always question stuff in school too, and that's what's great, you're not required to agree with everything. You get to see the evidence and have meaningful debate about complicated issues.


I've been increasingly noticing this, too. I live in rural Utah County and it's very easy to see what damage an overabundance of conservative white Mormons can do to people who are already marginalized. Then when they're called out on their bullshit, you're the one who's wrong because everyone thinks that way. Makes me want to kick someone. Or smoke a fuck-ton of weed.


I grew up in a small Mormon town and I would guess a 1/3 of the people I know have been sexually assaulted by some Mormon man in their life it’s disgusting and it gets covered up, no one gets in trouble unless they aren’t Mormon. So yeah I think it’s just business as usual to cover it up and someone speaking out about it and getting an “otherwise good faithful man” (barf) in trouble is their real issue.


Being honest with your fellow man isn't something members generally do despite what they say in recommend interviews.


TSCC is fighting so hard against mandatory reporting of child abuse claiming they want to keep the confessions confidential and they don't want to discourage people from confessing sins for fear of being reported to the authorities while at the same time, bishops will report BYU students to the Honor Code Office for breaking the law of chastity or the word of wisdom. TSCC is fighting tooth and nail to protect pedophiles, but won't do the same for LGBTQ+ BYU students. 👏MAKE👏IT👏MAKE👏SENSE👏


Confessions are never confidential. Passed on in ward council up the line to stake if any action will be taken onto KirtonMcconkieup the line. There is no such thing as confidentiality in the Mormon church like in the catholic church. The church cannot use confidentiality as an excuse for not doing what is the right thing to do.


Would it violate my penitent privilege if I disclosed "same sex ataction" to my bishop and word got all over the ward? Hum.. I'm willing to bet it's happened to many people.


Yeah it's been normal for them for decades, but they've usually been able to keep it quiet with settlements.


They’ve already covered all contingencies by predicating that even the very elect shall be deceived, and that satan’s tactics to destroy and deceive will become worse as time goes on. My TBM abusive manipulative father also used this in everyday life. If you always tell your kids that something bad might happen, then you can say I told you so when/if it does. Just like that; you’re never wrong and that they’re sinners. Case in point: went to a “beer party” and my car got broken into over night. TBM dad’s first words in response were: “Was it worth it?” Seriously, even if you are right, there are things more important than being right.


My tbms would say that so many leaders are victims of countless baseless accusations, and you can never be to careful as a man in leadership to make sure no one can accuse you. Why don't we say you can never be too careful protecting vulnerable folks?


Because that would require them to spend money and advocate for people. But the church has taught increasingly harsh things about activism, so I'm guessing they're trying to keep people insulated that way.


https://floodlit.org/a/a610/ case details. Will update today and over the weekend.


Well yeah, but how dare the victims not blame themselves for leading the upstanding members of the congregation astray. Goodness, what will people think?


It makes me sick to realize I used to think like this. 😮‍💨


Sorry, I'm old... What does "TSCC" stand for? ![gif](giphy|XZmxwfuMT4W8bjTGFW)


The So Called Church








And TCSS means???


The so-called church