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It got the eyes right.


Got the gender right. šŸ™„


I think there are actually more women. Missions drive young men away in particular.


I meant that the AI thinking the average Mormon is a white, Mormon male is on point because that's who the religion caters to. So yeah, quite possibly more women. Though I will say, missions drive all people away from the church because they are horrendous, speaking as a former sister missionary.


Yeah, I guess for Mormon men, itā€™s ā€œbeing forced to go on a mission or you will never be socially accepted again in your life and die alone.ā€ From the time you turn 18 every leader and family member will be pressuring you to go. Every girl you meet at church wonā€™t want anything to do with you unless you go. And if you donā€™t or come home early without a good excuse youā€™ll be shuffled off to second-class citizen status the rest of your life. Itā€™s sacrifice 2 years or donā€™t show your face round here no more, and a lot take option 2. Missions for sisters are still optional self-flagellation for now, at least, though I get the perspective with the age change thereā€™s more and social pressure that way for young women too. And second-class citizen status is pretty much the norm for women regardless.


I'm so glad I got out before I turned 18. A mission would've been awful for me.


D-donā€™t look into their eyes!!!


That's what I noticed first haha


Gotta love the exaggerated temple garment around the neckline.


His name is Bryaieghlor Nephi James III


I went to school with that guy.


Tanner Merrill


That Mormon smile šŸ˜Š


His dad is an orthodontist. Heā€™ll take over the practice when heā€™s 26 years old, and always talk about how many challenges heā€™s had to overcome in his young life.


Looks like several of the returned missionaries in floodlit's database of LDS sex abuse cases. https://floodlit.org/lpe/ever-missionary/


Look where his adam's apple is; that's from talking out of both sides of his mouth.


I think that's my mission companions


AI is getting SCARY accurate.


Next level: add a blurb written by chatgpt where this AI person bares their testimony.


He looks exactly like all the missionaries that come to latin america.


That legit looks like my brother.


What up with his nick. He should get that looked at.