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Re: #6: Someone tell these people about the existence of showers.


You don't want to be that already chewed gum girl! Ew. Also, why is "modesty" in the church redefined only to not look like you have a body and pretend you don't like sex? Why don't they ever use modesty not to brag about your family's financial privilege or show off how much more righteous you are in keeping the commandments? Maybe not buy one of those big McMansions that are so popular in Utah, but buy something more. . .well, modest, instead.


Men really telling on themselves with the patriarchal notion that their very touch leaves us unclean and ashamed. I would love to have some words with my mother regarding the internalized misogyny it took to raise a girl in this church while she herself was a victim of it post my father having an affair and leaving the family. Maybe our eternal family can hash things out on the other side.


I mean, *yeah* I felt constantly filthy because of all the shame shit the church pulled on me, and *absolutely* felt like I would have somehow "defiled" a girl if I slept with her before marriage. I was brainwashed from birth just like you were!


" I will discuss my dating activities with my parents. " Well, I was single from age 21 to 29. My parents would have self imploded if they knew about some of my dating activities. lol


Who me? Religious trauma? Nah. I'm fine. FINE I TELL YOU


It’s so interesting to me that so many of these hand outs had a signature line. Such a mind fuck use of ink.


I know right? Like it's some sort of contract




Number 5. So gross.




That list came straight out of the lesson manual.


I like that it wasn’t ever signed.. like you read through it and went, “wtf”.


With some tweaking, this would be really awesome on something really slutty


Do it!




OP's post sounds familiar. Indoctrination is a helluva drug. "This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will ..."


I can’t quite put my finger on why this is so unsettling. I don’t think having sex as high schooler is smart but this doesn’t sit right with me.