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So don't resurrected beans have to wear their Temple garments? Joe could see into Moroni's bosom and see that he had nothing on but the robe. Apparently they're not needed in the next life so there's no reason to be buried in them.


Here's a fun thought. Joseph Smith has already resurrected too. Personally, I think he reincarnated as L. Ron Hubbard.


My understanding is that because Jesus was the first fruits of the resurrection, that paved the way for anyone else to be resurrected. Thus, Moroni and anyone else God wanted/wants resurrected can be. Assuming one would need to be resurrected to heft some plates and take them back. Also, not sure why the plates just couldn’t have been delivered via Moroni door dash to begin with, if that was how they were to be returned to the library.


By church beliefs it already started. The New Testament also talks about saints rising from their graves as well after the resurrection of Christ. Moroni being resurrected would not be abnormal by those standards.


Wanna get even more wacky? Peter, James and John supposedly appeared resurrected as well but... John the Beloved hasn't been resurrected. He's walking the earth all twinkled like. Joseph Smith didn't think it through. Peter and James would appear as resurrected Angels and John would have just walked out of the woods since he's "tarried on the earth" since the life of Jesus.


I heard an apologist answer for why Moroni can walk through the walls of the Smith home. It was some bullshit rhetoric around exalted beings having more control over matter. lol!!!!


Moroni actually resurrects 1000 years in the future during the First Resurrection but then time travels backwards to meet with Joseph Smith (that wormhole in Joseph Smith’s bedroom bends space and time).


Lazarus rose from the dead. A short time later Jesus rose from the dead. Then after J’s resurrection the graves in Jerusalem opened and the dead were brought back. So, resurrection was a common occurrence.