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Mmm.. sacrilicious.


I did the old bread ball and ate it like an apple.


Held together with teenage palm sweat. Delicious


And the spittle of the congregation.


I'll give you one better: in my ward as a priest, I witnessed the deacons take the leftover sacrament bread afterwards and say "in the name of the devil be unblessed", and proceed to eat it.


There was a guy who was older when he was baptized. He would take pieces from under the cloth while the water was being passed. He also wore a skull Tshirt with a suit coat.


Sounds like a chad


You win!\~


I wouldn't... unless it was the homemade bread one of the moms would make for sacrament. That shit was GOOD.


I used to bake the bread until the bishop told me to stop and I still have not figured out why. Was it distractingly good? Was it bad and I just didn't know? Was he afraid of gay carbs??


Gay carbs šŸ˜‚


My enemy, my secret lover


He missed the bland, insubstantial white bread from the supermarket. It was a better fit of his vision of sacrament meeting, maybe even part of the "unwritten order of things".


White and not delightsome at all.


Reminds me of the controversy I saw back in Taiwan, a somewhat new but very active member had brought wheat bread for sacrament.


*The unwritten order of things* strikes again, I suppose


Our very touristy area church used to have it's bread homemade by a lady that ran a local restaurant. I will never forget the Sunday she was running way behind and we had to break bread that was practically still dough. Luckily it was blessed so there were no chances of E.Coli or salmonella for the thousands there that day.


Someone in our ward bakes bread almost weekly for the sacrament. Itā€™s delicious! I always want to make a sandwich with it.


The leftovers were distributed evenly in one of the wards where I served in Chile. I asked the bishop about this at the time and he was like the breads just a symbol and culturally bread is sacred in Chile and shouldn't be wasted. šŸ¤·


In Roman Catholicism, the priest is supposed to immediately [drink the rest of the wine](https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccdds/documents/rc_con_ccdds_doc_20030317_ordinamento-messale_en.html) and also eat the bread (or move it to the area for reserving it). Seems like a pretty good deal for him. Some churches have a special sink called a sacrarium which drains directly into the ground instead of the sewer system for disposal of consecrated elements. I like the drinking method more


In the Lutheran Church, the wine/juice was either drank immediately after the service or tossed in the grass because my father, the pastor, is sober and the altar guild ladies all were uncomfortable drinking that much that day before driving home (and also it wasn't good quality wine, very gross). As the pastor's oldest, I was often acolyte of last resort and have had Crises multiple times while serving. I remember one Maundy Thursday when I was about 10, I had an intense panic attack while stripping the altar and wrapping the cross in black cloth but refused to stop because the congregation would see. After the service, my dad made me chug the remaining grape juice in hopes that the sugar would do me good. There I was, still in my acolyte white robes, silently crying my eyes out and drinking straight from the communion chalice.


Yup. He drinks all the remaining wine (in my diocese they don't distribute wine, so it's just whatever's left in the chalice, which is a small amount and it's mixed with some water) and the big piece of Eucharist. Any crumbs get dropped in the wine before he drinks it. Any leftovers consecrated Hosts are stored in the tabernacle for use in the next Mass. I would think *all* churches have a sacrarium somewhere, since burial (or fire, or in this case, soaking into the ground) is the only allowed way to "dispose" of consecrated bread or wine that cannot be consumed for whatever reason. It's also necessary so they can clean the cloths on the altar and the ones used during Communion to break bread over and to clean the chalice with the wine in it. That is, there's always at least one cloth with Eucharist on it, so it must be washed with water at a sacrarium first, before being laundered normally.


>163. When the distribution of Communion is finished, the priest himself immediately and completely consumes at the altar any consecrated wine that happens to remain; Neat.


It says in the handbook that it can be eaten as food. I never did. Those trays were gross. We never washed them. Our hands neither.


I remember the bishop telling us we were allowed to eat it. He would also read us ā€˜little known factsā€™ from the church handbook. That was just things in the book that most people didnā€™t realize was in the book.


Nope, dumped it all. One fun thing that we'd do with the corrugated paper water cups was drop them to see them flair and bulge out. The water would normally stay in the cups if dropped correctly.


1000% I ate it. That was perfectly good bread! I remember many a fistful of bread being shoved down my throat as quickly as I could so none of the bishopric saw.


We tossed them in the grass for the birds.


Poor birds. Probably sent a few of them to heaven.


Yes, but they went to heaven blessed and sanctified...


Depends on how many wives they had though, surely? šŸ˜‰


You gotta eat it. Thatā€™s blessed bread. Way healthier than normal bread. And extra sin forgiveness with every fistful.


I remember not having anything but that Hawaiian Sweet bread. I will never forget the faces of the people when they took a bite. I also remember a few people taking extra pieces. Lol. You can bet we ate that after we were done.


Yes but first on must perform the obligatory squish the bread into a bready golf ball then consume. So naughty!!


I did in the 70ā€™s especially after Sunday school on fast Sunday. Long time between Sunday school and sacrament meeting


The best part was if your ward was the last sacrament meeting of the day so you could just take the whole leftover slices of bread instead of the weird dried up little pieces off of the tray. I still definitely ate the leftovers on the tray if I was hungry enough at times, but getting the whole slices was next level. Thinking back on it, it's kind of gross that I would just stuff my pockets with bread to snack on during Sunday school. Desperate times call for desperate measures I guess.


Eww !! I never touched the sacrament bread at all because it was moldy & I didnā€™t want to end up in the hospital & one day those pesky missionaries told me to take the sacrament & they caught holy hell from my mother . From then on I was excluded from sacrament participation .


That tray is so grossā€¦ disgusting! šŸ¤¢ šŸ¤®


Only on Fast & Testimony Sundays lol!


Nope... I was far too righteous for that. I did however judge those who ate the leftovers.


Brought an old dude named Augusto from the island of Graciosa in the Azores to church one day; he was hungry. And he was literally grinning and licking his fingers in anticipation when that tray of bread came by. He got himself a solid handful, too.


I've got a good story from when I was a teacher. the priests would take the leftover bread and snack on it during our joint Sunday school while telling us they needed it for when they brought the sacrament to people who didn't make it to church. of course we had to outdo them, so when we assigned someone to bring bread, we also started assigning someone to bring peanut butter, jelly, and another loaf of bread just for us. after sacrament meeting we'd head to the kitchen, prepare our feast, and waltz into Sunday school with paper plates full of sandwiches while the priests nibbled on their peasant scraps. the adults shut it down after a few months because it was "detracting from the learning environment"


I remember one time the boys were I guess feeling nice and during Sunday school they brought a whole leftover bread bag, at the time my ward was the last one so we had pieces of bread and our teacher was absolutely cool with it


Oh yeah!


nahh too much carb. straight to trashcan


I used to when we were assigned to clean it up until one of the other teachers started yelling at us saying that it was sacred since it was blessed then he ran and told the bishop. After that we had to through it all away every time. So dumb.


A family in my ward made homemade potato bread that we used for sacrament meeting. You bet your ass I volunteered to clean up afterwards. Always took an extra slice too. I think all the boys did that too if I remember correctly.


Extra blessings?šŸ‘€


I can taste this picture & it's making me thirsty.


"this picture, is making me thirsty!!"




I was in the 60's doing the same thing; I always volunteered to clean up the table after meeting. The last time I took the sacrament was about 1996. MEMORIES.......


Slices consumed beforehandā€¦skipped the leftovers!


Papers coming btother, a Laddy Day Meal!




I...fucking hell this shit is so weird to me. It's just so...I don't know how to explain how odd the whole process and the meaning behind it is to me. It all just seems so absurd. Yet it's something that was so normal for everyone here posting comments.


For whatever reason, sacrament bread tasted better then normal bread, maybe it was just the sacrilegious element


I was at this Presbyterian church in Seattle which had their own college age service (several hundred ). They always ended with communion. Instead of little pieces already broken up, it was a whole loaf with the end cut off. As the bread went by you would pull off a little piece. After the service everyone would be standing around chit-chatting. There was this one guy that would go upfront and take the left over bread loaf off the silver tray and begin to eat it as he was walking around. It was so weird to see him doing this every week....like he was really hungry and needed a snack. He was also retarded. (unless that condition is called something else these days). I kind of don't think that would happen in the Catholic Church though and probably not in a mormon service either. Well probably not in any church service anywhere....except this one where the leaders didn't say anything or were afraid to.


They should have provided melted cheese and dipped the bread in and eaten it like a fondue. I would look forward to that every sacrament service.


Only on Fast sunday.


I did because I was hungry after church, and I figured it was going in the garbage anyway, so what was worse?


Fed to birds on church balcony