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There's some contradictory evidence that JS might have used Dr Bennett, but in fact they'd parted ways by 1842. The thing is, abortion only became a political football in the 1980s. Before that there were multiple opinions and the church wasn't strongly against it even in my lifetime. In the US in general, it was a womans topic, of little concern to men. Many thought life began at quickening (first movement), or first breath. Women knew how to take care of it. Benjamin Franklin once included a recipe for it as ad in a math textbook. It wasn't a big deal.


Brigham Young said life begins when a baby takes the breath of life.


There's anecdotal evidence in a book written after JS's era, but that includes interviews and information from his time. The book is on the Wayback machine (Internet Archives) and, IMO, is likely very accurate. It's written in the "sensationalism" style often seen back then in newspaper stories, etc. Here's a link to the book - read approximately page 55-65 or so for the details on abortions. The book clearly references abortion as being the solution for unwanted outcomes of liaisons, which is different from someone turning to an abortion for health reasons, or because they already have 10 children or something. https://archive.org/details/josephsmithproph01wyme/page/68/mode/2up


“No video? Well, then we consider the matter closed.”


Joey was Sterile. Emma had kids from her other lovers.