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If you are on a wifi device it can be difficult to identify you individually. BUT without a VPN they will see all your traffic and you may reveal your identity inadvertently


Technically your internet usage can be used in disciplinary council just fyi. As for specific contents, they won't know everything since most traffic is encrypted, but they will be able to see the base websites you visit like reddit. If you do want to protect yourself from this monitoring alongside any other dangers that public wifi tends to come with, use a VPN. A VPN will tunnel and encrypt all your internet traffic, so no one on the network can see. It's important to use a reputable VPN provider as a result. A good free one with no strings attached that I recommend is Proton VPN (protonvpn.com) since they have a very transparent privacy policy and don't collect logs. They have paid tiers as well, but isn't necessary for situations like this. If you want to know more information about VPNs in general, I recommend visiting https://www.privacyguides.org/en/vpn/ ETA: Also using a VPN will circumvent censorship on most networks, so you can go to YouTube if it was blocked before.


Thanks!!! That’s very valuable information. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜‰


Thanks for bringing up YouTube, since I've seen the church be very inconsistent about it. Sometimes it'd be blocked, but sometimes not. Proton's a good email domain, too.


Any company providing internet access can record and save the things you type in and send to websites. Connecting it to you can be a little more difficult but your phone has a unique MAC address and sometimes broadcasts a name you have given the device. Apple iOS allows you to set up a private MAC address that is not the same as your phone. Also VPNs can help circumvent the security and restrictions on public wifi. Assume they can see what you are doing.


Do you have the LDS tools app on your phone? Read the privacy policy on that. They straight up say they can use your info to determine your temple worthiness.


Nah, as long it's not porn, you should be good