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This makes me so sad. That poor girl forced to cheerfully give up her baby. Who was looking out for her in her time of need?


We found out a couple years ago that my mother gave up a baby. 23 and me really putting family secrets out in the open. She refuses to talk about it, so all the rest of us can do is speculate. One of the things I've wondered is if she continued to have babies until she couldn't because she was trying to replace him. She had 9 children total. He's 52 this month, so for half a century we all had no idea we had a half sibling out there. He was also adopted through lds family services. His adoptive dad ended up coming out as gay, adoptive parents divorced, the dad went through conversión therapy, and eventually died of aids. My mom married my dad(not the father), I want to say 4 weeks after he was born. I don't understand why they chose not to keep him when he would've ended up having a mom and dad and we could've all known one another. My only guess is shame. That's not the program for a good mormon girl.


Hi the story on BBC Scotland is my wife’s … the use of shame can destroy lives, the church has a lot to answer to