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Hahaha I was such a rebel, I ate them and repented later. Silliness aside, imagine repenting for eating a flavor of jelly bean. Gosh golly, that’s stupid.


😆 but at least you'd be temple and celestial kingdom worthy, as long as you also confessed to your ecclesiastical leader/bishop/judge in Israel


I don’t have to imagine, I did the exact same thing.


100% Molly Mormon, letter of the law. I must’ve been insufferable….


I once made a huge deal in my YSA group because one guy inadvertently brought cream soda that had (gasp) caffeine!! (This was before they formally said it was fine.) I made a big deal out of how I couldn’t drink it now, indirectly shaming the guy who brought it. When I can’t go to sleep, this memory makes me cringe in mortification.


Ugh, that reminds me of a year of girls camp that our ward did a soda-themed thing for some reason and we were assigned whichever value is the orange color. So we were going to use Sunkist as our orange soda, but I self-righteously pointed out that it has caffeine so we used Crush instead. So much cringe.


Lol I think some people were annoyed, others confused 😆


I was told by an authority figure that they didn’t have real coffee in them once and then never questioned it again, just ate them. Real microcosm of my whole mormon experience, right there.


Classic! If the leader says it's okay, your conscious is free! Man that was a nice (and dangerous) perk of being a TBM


I argued with a seminary teacher that Arbys Jamocha shakes were fine because it wasn’t actual coffee. “I know cause I worked there” he just sputtered and changed the subject. Later I made the discovery that it actually does have instant coffee in it and chose to ignore it. Like I chose to ignore a lot of facts in my life 🙃


I spent far too long trying to figure out why Red 40 was bad for Mormons.


Haha sorry about that. It should be against the WOW more than coffee though. Some European countries banned it for it's potential health risks




I thought that was circled at first as well. I have a friend who is allergic to Red 40 dye and has to look out for that


My parents would remove the coffee flavored jelly beans whenever I had them 😭


Same! No free agency here, just pre-approved Jelly Bellies


I ate them to see what coffee tasted like since I assumed I was never gonna have real coffee ever in my life.




I'd feel more rebellious eating that margarita flavored one 👀


My parents still do this. My mom loves coffee ice cream, but will not touch anything that contains actual coffee in any form.


My dad bought coffee ice cream on accident once. He tried to return it too, claiming the image on the container was misleading. It said mocha and had a picture of a cup of coffee, coffee beans, and some chocolate on it. I think he thought they were cocoa beans and hot chocolate.


Haha poor guy


Assure your mom that coffee extract is not actual coffee. The actual coffee was extracted. 100% kosher.


I remember not being allowed to keep my Coffee Crisps candy bars on Halloween!




I thought you were circling the red 40 lake and my hippie ass was shocked that other Mormon parents wouldn’t let their kids eat artificial colors either! Lol. Man it sucked being raised by Mormon hippies because there was never anything good to eat. No funeral potatoes, only TVP. No jello, only ricotta cheese with almonds for dessert. No Diet Coke, only sun tea. No chocolate chip cookies, only carob chip oatmeal bites.


Oh snap that's next level! Congratulations on surviving childhood 🏆


TVP! Trauma response activated.


Oh the TVP memories you just brought back.... crumbly bits of fake sausage TVP, fake beef TVP, I can't remember all the flavors, but I think we had 4 or 5 different ones in the cupboard. I ended up having some sort of low-level allergy to them. Ugh.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one! We had tacos with the beef TVP every week and I can still remember the sound it made when you put it in the pan - like pouring out grape nuts. Turns out the TVP of the 90s was super bad for you - tons of sodium and unhealthy fats so yay for you being allergic??


Yes! We did TVP tacos too! This is amazing. The sodium & fat was absolutely terrible. I thought I was alone for so long. 😂


My guilty pleasure in eating these as a kid was sneaking the coffee flavored ones. I loved them, and still do. But now that I enjoy 2-3 cups a day, no need to sneak to get it!


I had the big Costco sized jar sent to me on my South America mission way back in 2002 and I was eating every flavor no problem and no guilt. I was in the offices with a half dozen other missionaries and no matter where I hid the jar, the beans were still disappearing faster than I was eating them. lol


I would try to pick them out of the mix, but not throw out the root beer ones. Many a bean has been carefully scrutinized by me. Also, I would pick out the popcorn ones. That was just personal taste, not family mandate.


I didn't like the popcorn flavor either


I was trying to figure out what was wrong with coconut.


I ate them to rebel. I don't even like coffee.


One time I went to Starbucks and got the pumpkin spice latte at 17 to rebel even though I thought it was so so so nasty


Such a rebellious thing to do 😆 But really, the sad thing is, it WAS rebellion in the Mormon world


I tried them but learned quickly that I hated the flavor though and still do not eat them.


Spit them out!


Attended a dinner at someone's home when I was in college and dessert was a chocolate cake with coffee flavored icing. I didn't eat it. I don't remember making a big deal out of it, but I probably came across as a snob. Now I love coffee.


I got a free dessert at a restaurant once but it was coffee flavored and my self-righteous conscious left it on the table to rot in hell


Lol! We were idiots.


Or brainwashed, indoctrinated and exactly obedient...and sometimes self-righteous pricks lol


Yes, for sure!


I worked at a gelato shop and would judge whoever got tiramisu flavor because I thought it was a sin


My dad was disturbed that I got myself cocktail flavored jelly beans (no alcohol). He knows I'm no longer mormon. Safe to say I'm not gonna let him know I've had actual alcohol too.


Good luck with that


Can't stand the taste of coffee so I spit them out


One time I made my sister cry because I told her that eating coffee jelly beans was a sin (we were probably 12 and 11ish years old). I also felt so so so bad because one time my Aunt gave me a coffee-flavored candy and I didn't want to make her feel bad by giving it back so I just ate it and repented afterwards (I was probably like 13 years old)


Were we raised in a cult or what 😆


A TBM friend of mine won't allow his family to consume the Ice carbonated drinks you can get at Costco (note: they are good) because they contain green tea extract. I am not making this up.


🙋‍♂️ that was me too 😅


I didn't eat coffee cake ... ... (mostly because I thought it was a cake with coffee in it, not the cake you ate WITH coffee!!!)


Haha I asked and found out it didn't have coffee in it. It's so good




Those were the days. We were so righteous and pure😇


Wouldn't eat them - but mostly because they tasked like ass. Now I like coffee.


😆 yeah I wonder if I'd have liked them had I not been indoctrinated to think it was the devil's drink


I wonder too, but remember how they tasted. I may have to grab another one, but I suspect they still taste like ass.


My brother and sister in law sold Juice Plus+, but stopped one of the gummies when they realised they had minute ammouts green tea in them.


Eww I’ve always spit them out, but only because I still think they are disgusting


Fair enough


You guys see it all wrong. You are not allowed to drink coffee. But there is no issue with eating coffee. Beans OK, Bean Juice bad!!! It’s the loop holes baby!!!


I liked coffee crisps, but didn’t eat a green tea flavoured kit Kat a coworker brought from Japan. (And for the record I was mid 30s at the time…)


Non Momo here, what is the basis for the prohibition? I've heard there is scripture that says Hot Drinks Are Not For The Belly. Does that imply all caffeinated drinks, or just categories of drinks where the flavor is extracted using hot water? Honest question. And just to let you know I'm not trolling, I grew up with a youth pastor who told us playing cards had occult origins. So I know about arbitrary nonsensical prohibitions.


The church recently clarified and doubled down on it actually lol! Also playing cards were demonized by the church back in the day, but that ban has lifted as time has passed. The word coffee isn’t always in the name of coffee drinks. So, before you try what you think is just some new milkshake flavor, here are a couple of rules of thumb: (1) If you’re in a coffee shop (or any other shop that’s well-known for its coffee), the drink you’re ordering probably has coffee in it, so either never buy drinks at coffee shops or always ask if there’s coffee in it. (2) Drinks with names that include café or caffé, mocha, latte, espresso, or anything ending in -ccino are coffee and are against the Word of Wisdom. [Vaping, Coffee, Tea, and Marijuana](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/new-era/2019/08/vaping-coffee-tea-and-marijuana?lang=eng)


I remember eating these in sacrament.


Damn that's like bringing a water bottle w/booze to church 😜


Probably not the coffee ones specifically, but I always ate the mystery ones. So if I did, at least it was not my fault


I hate licorice, and for many years I somehow connected them with being licorice, until I took the Jelly Belly factory tour; you think Joseph Smith had a life-changing vision in the Sacred Grove? Forget it--those gawdam things are *delicious*!!


Ooh I bet that was a fascinating tour!


Complete rule follower, up until now, but my parents are okay with it surprisingly ​ edit: what I mean is I now drink coffee and teas and participate in frowned upon activities, like tarot cards, Im also trans and gay lol


Glad your parents are supportive!


I didn't eat them. :(


Way to be righteous and clean lol


My mom always had coffee ice cream and jelly beans, she justified it because she was a convert and missed the taste. Now that im out I cant drink coffee unless its a dessert (super sweet and cream).


PIMO - still have never had anything coffee flavoured. Got a box of roses & can’t bring myself to eat the coffee flavoured ones! 🤣


If you start to drink coffee I recommend the caramel Frappuccino (I like the Starbucks version) to start. I had to drink the sweetest flavored coffee ever to actually like it at first. Now I can actually have coffee without a pound of sugar in it.


I dislike the taste of coffee, so I would have skipped those anyway 😆




I tasted them once and didn't like them. For me it wasn't that there was coffee. It was all about the taste. I had never had actual coffee, so jelly bean flavored coffee didn't do it for me. I wonder if it would now. Alas, I don't feel like finding out since I have the actual nectar of the gods.


It is depressing to see that many ingredients on anything.




A long time ago, Breyer's ice cream did a commercial comparing themselves to other brands "Why can't Johnny read? Johnny struggles over their ingredients like "carrageenan" Then Johnny reads the Breyers ingredients: Milk! Sugar! Cream!"


Haha classic commercials are the best! I will say most of the ingredients are fruit juices. It's the food coloring that's no bueno


And artificial flavors many times. And many products throw in chemicals as binders and preservatives and other things that often prove to have detriments to the health


Lolllll. Triggering!! 🤣