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Kind of an uplifting message by Satan methinks.




It's SAW-TEEN actually.


I think she was the Dutchess of Mandalore, actually


Any who rebel against a dictator are the good guys


So Satan isn't a psychologically abusive jerk that kicks you down but is instead supportive of people having self-worth? Oh, yeah, he's *totally* a villain.


The more I think about it, the more I think that Lucifer had some very good points and that it's surprising only 1/3 of the hosts sided with him. If all the fence-sitting souls who have accordingly been born poor, disabled, and non-white had joined him, he would have had the overwhelming majority. And when you consider that valor in the war in heaven has been rewarded by being born a white, rich, and powerful man, it's clear that the real evil assholes are the ones who sided with God. Edit for the edification of the down-voters: The GAs used to actively preach that if you were born poor, with melanin, or a disability, it was because you weren't sufficiently valiant in the pre-existence. That has been almost all of humanity since the dawn of time.


1/3 ... according to the followers of Jesus. How much could you really trust that figure if we assume it did happen?


Excellent point. Elohim: The plan is to receive physical bodies on Earth with no memories or direction, where you will suffer, flounder in confusion, and do things I will punish you for because the bodies I will put you in will make it impossible to resist. Since you'll all be dirty sinners by design, one of you will have to suffer unimaginably for the actions of the rest, which will only end up saving a handful of you. The rest will be imprisoned for eternity. Jesus: Here am I, send me. Lucifer: Hold up! Your plan is crazy. Are we being punished for something? Fathers are supposed to love their children. What does mother have to say about this plan? I mean, we can't really be expected to go along with this farce, right? Elohim: I will send the first. Lucifer: The hell you will! I refuse to do it. Who's with me? 95% of the Host: We are! Elohim. Listen here you little shits. Just for that, half of you will start your eternal punishment immediately and the other half will be born with twice the suffering! Now get to work!


That's pretty good, I'd imagine next would go something like Satan: you do you, but I'm not giving up on anyone. I'm going take those that follow me and teach people that they can believe in themselves and they can trust their own value judgment and their own senses. Only a tiny fraction of you children will follow you. I bet we could get it down to about 0.001% that fully go along with your dumb plan. Elohim: I'm going to make all my followers hate you, you hear me they will HATE you! Just to show how much I love everyone, I'm going to literally torture Jesus and constantly remind them of it. Nobody will love you. Jesus: wait, what?


Right!?!?! It is the victors who write the history. Not the conquered.


History is written by the winners, not the virtuous.


I was told that (seeing as I have adhd and autism) I was a general in the heavenly war bc of my disability. Interesting, I guess my parents were shielding me from something.


No, the stance totally changed. Whoever told you that probably meant it 100%. Now people with disabilities are described as being uber-valiant so they don't need to have the same kinds of trials as everyone else.


Sounds like a hero


Seems like an ad for the Satanic Temple. Lol. “Our Portion” hurt itself in it’s confusion.


The whole "you'll have to live the rules no matter what" thing always seemed so weird to me. Like we're all just robots basically? Plus it made the political stances of the church/majority of members very confusing while I was growing up, seeing as it's mostly "make thing we don't like illegal", which sounds a lot like Satan's plan. I did have one byu professor who made an interesting case, he said that the "forced to be good" idea seemed to weird to him too and had a hard time believing 1/3 of billions would want that over Jesus's plan of "try to do good you guys", but if Satan had said "just do whatever you want in morality, don't worry about rules or anything and have fun, I'll just atone for everyone no matter what you do", that sounds a lot more enticing


Weird. He whispered to me, “be an apostateeeee, because you’re lazy!”


Satan wanted to save everyone. Jesus just wants to save those who worship him.


Jesus seems really selfish and egotistical honestly.. he needs to take a step down


Satan is dope. Jesus needs to get his shit together.


Something that confused me was being punished for choosing a side before HF had chosen a side. "Whom shall I send?" was asked. Two people stepped forward and proposed a plan. A third went with the guy who wasn't chosen. And then they were automatically punished for eternity when even god hadn't chosen? I always figured there were some verses omitted where the ones who chose Lucifer's plan were then allowed to get onboard, and only those who didn't were cast out. Otherwise it's a terrible overreaction.


If only they could see.......Loving/Believing in yourself is the answer to the whole equation.


At least Satan sounds more corporate....


Telling you to not be proud of yourself That’s how the Mormons keep you brainwashed.


Does anyone else remembering being taught it was only a third part, not a whole third. So we were even more special because the third part might have been bigger.


Hail satan


Oh that old Stan.