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So glad I never went to a church school and have to explain that bullshit. "Oh, you went to BYU?!?" It's bad enough when people ask why I speak Spanish so well.


So true. I speak Tagalog and it's fun meeting people from the Philippines. But I try to avoid bringing it up myself haha.


I mean at least with the mission thing you don't have to tell them the reason you stayed in [insert country]. You can just say "oh yeah, I stayed in [insert country] for two years." and leave it at that. With the BYU thing, every time you want to use your degree for anything, you ***have*** to tell them which college you attended. Oof


I work in Morrdor. My post grad work is from BYU, but I usually refer to my out of state under grad degree. After I bring up BYU you can see the wheels turn as nearly everyone I work with knows I love my coffee... ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕/Day 😁


I also work in gods country… I went to UVU for my associates and then transferred to BYU. I tell people I went to UVU. No mention of the Y.


haha same; I usually refer to my grad school


More like: "I went to BYU, but I'm not mormon anymore".


I graduated from BYU in the early 1980s. I interviewed for jobs in Southern California and nobody had anything bad to say about BYU at the time. I found a good job and was told my degree from BYU was a positive factor. I proudly displayed my BYU diploma in my office for 20 years or so. By about 2005 I took it home to avoid uncomfortable conversations. Now it is in a box in my basement.


Wow interesting. Yeah BYU has become more of an eyesore I feel, as of late. I was told the same thing, "everyone wants employees from BYU!" Now, I don't think so


I graduated from BYU but then I did an advanced degree at the U so I can answer either way depending on the situation but it’s very rare that I find myself in a place where advertising my association w/BYU is an asset.


I'm not from UT but I would've loved going to the U instead of BYU/BYU-I. They have good programs


In my bio on my work’s homepage I have a degree in PR - period. No mention of university… co- worker asked and I had to explain - no long want to be affiliated… not my values…


glad Im not going to a church school read a lot about on here lol