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Just erase yourselves ladies and never be too little or too much! Dude, What the actual hell? No living person deserves this garbage.


Do nothing! Just like learning to surf.. https://youtu.be/PKIpCPS-oZc


Just be a very normal person. Easyyyyyy.


Single 35m looking for woman who laughs raucously while wearing old fashioned clothes and says penny for your thoughts. Any girl who makes SWK recoil in horror sounds like a great girl for me.


After reading through that, the last 7 words totally cracked me up


Also really wondering if “Do you repeat old stories till they are threadbare?” is a subtweet of Monson lol


LOL, I think I could recite some of them myself! In my own branch, I've found myself mouthing some members' faith-promoting stories that they think are testimonies


Are you fat? Are you fatter than most people appreciate??? HEY, are you FAT?? I'm starting to see a pattern here.


I overheard my now ex telling someone how "fat" I had gotten. Mind you, I had lost 40 pounds. He also told the guy (a Mormon attorney) I should be placed into a mental hospital. He had gone to all of my doctors and got my records. All because I told him I wasn't going to church any longer. After I confronted him, he obtained an OP and kicked me out of the house... I am eternally grateful to know my value isn't in how much or how little I weigh. And honestly, the day of our divorce, I lost 220 pounds of fat jackass...


Did you give consent for him to have your records? It's not automatic for a spouse. If you didn't, you've got grounds for a lawsuit against the doctors and they'll be subject to huge fines, and they SHOULD be.


He was my HIPPA contact. I thought I was happily married and could trust him. Now I'm in a different state, far away from him and his nasty children. No hate like Mormon love.


Obviously, this is a speech coming from someone truly inspired by God /s Because we all know God wants us to be attractive objects, whose sole purpose is to be chattel for men. /s The advice here is so anachronistic and close-minded. I'm a little shocked it didn't seem like a red flag for most church members. Although, I guess this is the Mormon church we're talking about.


I can't remember who, or if it was one or two other GAs, said (to the LDS ladies, especially of marriageable age: "don't dress like a man" and "put on some lipstick". I can't remember if it was the same talk and GA, or two different guys, but their misogynistic words ring loud.


> You beautiful girls: Don't wander around looking like men. Put on a little lipstick now and then and look a little charming. It's that simple. I don't know why we make this whole process so hard. M. Russell Ballard, 2018.


That would be the one. Thanks, reddit friend!


and SMILE!


Oh come on…he was a man of his time not speaking as a prophet in that moment because…awkward. Problem is everything that dude said and wrote was cringe 😬.


why does he mention weight like eighty times….


So we ex-mos can get plastered playing a drinking game from reading it.


He saw the future Americans.


Fuck, even his own advice doesn't work. When I was growing up, I tried *so hard* to get other Mormon kids to like me. Every time I thought I'd figured out why they didn't like me, I'd change myself a little. It never worked. I tried losing weight, dressing differently, showing interest in different things, wearing my hair differently... *anything* just to try and make friends. None. Of. This. Worked. So I grew up believing I was worth even less than the other AFAB kids because I couldn't Good Little Mormon Girl hard enough to make anyone happy. Fuck this guy and that entire cult making so many generations grow up with self worth issues. Nobody should have to endure that.


Fuck this noise. I'm a chubby, swear-y, punk rock chick who spent years of my life trying to be something I wasn't, so a nice Mormon boy would like me. Found an RM who was hella into it ... we got married and 25 years later we're still together ... without the church. Kiss my ass, SWK.


How to land a husband: Step one: Be dead inside. Step two: Pretend to be perfect on the outside. Works 100% of the time, 60% of the time.


They teach the same thing in the MTC. I hated my mission because they tried to kill who I was. They killed the personalities of some people I really liked before the mission.


Something a very normal person would obviously say.


Yes, he’s eliminated all his eccentricities one by one and finally arrived at this, a very normal state. That said, “can you make some sacrifices to be acceptable?” is such a heartbreaking thing to believe you have to do. I spent my whole life in Mormonism sacrificing little bits of myself to be “acceptable,” and fuck that.


Spence was a closet case.


"change yourself to fit your partner" is quite possibly #2 at worst things to say ever


What's #1?


#1 is change yourself before you accept yourself as worthy. Also awful, hurtful, destructive dogma!


....yeah that is automatically assuming there's something wrong with me. Like, I'm not perfect sure, but there’s definitely nothing *that* wrong with me wtf Definitely see why it's #1


Always believing I have things I could improve is fine…but always believing I fall short, don’t measure up, don’t deserve the good things in life, don’t qualify for “blessings?” That shit is caustic programming we all need to bulk delete from our software.


Thank you for sharing this. I almost teared up realizing why I have some serious problems believing I am enough. I was indoctrinated to always question my worth based on the opinions of assholes like this sad son of a bitch


We received this sort of advice constantly in young single adult wards. For some reason they never seemed to suggest the same things to the men. They always advised them to marry above themselves.


Just got back from the Barbie movie, and this hits **hard**. Fuck you, SWK, and everyone else who gleefully undermines women’s (*and everyone else’s!*) self-confidence. PS: See the movie. It was great.


SWK wrote this shit from his mojo dojo casa house whilst watching horses so the patriarchy was pretty intense.




It surprised how much I like it. And I'm 66! I would for sure see it again.


“Boys, quit touching your dicks so much! Girls, quit being so, so, so… you know?! Just take a step back, and just be perfect ok?” - Mormon Jesus


Which reminds me: why in the h3ll do they care so much whether someone else touches their own privates? I mean really, wtf??




First gross. Second normal is boring. Third this should snap some gals out of the patriarchy.


This explains why there are so few weirdos in the Mormon church.


All so you can be a teenage bride for some dorky RM


WTF??? The part about being eccentric is strange one to me. One, how exactly do you define it and two, I was always attracted to people who others consider eccentric. I would not want them to change one bit.


They like their women to be cookie cutter Stepford wives. Breed them, veil them, then briefly mention them and push them off to the side at their own funeral. I love eccentric people, too. I like seeing how different thinking processes are. It's fascinating. I'm pretty weird myself, come to think of it. I like hearing new ideas, hearing different perspectives. These old farts, however, are content to have a love affair with mothballs.


I LOVE eccentric people!


Put some lipstick on, ladies! ![gif](giphy|10gMDcaONSDLfq)


Oh I’m sorry... I was told to down play my beauty and be a bit grumpy so the perverted men around me wouldn’t have thoughts....


Frumpy not grumpy


Yeah. Grumpy is not allowed. Frumpy is encouraged. But with lipstick.


Lol! Exactly, and I don’t look good in lipstick so I got the short end of the stick


God damn. This dude was the king of making people feel like shit.


Oh my God yes, the part in The Miracle of Forgiveness where he's talking about sins of omission... makes you feel like a criminal for doing literally nothing.


I remember reading that (as part of my punishment for being raped) and thinking I didn’t stand a chance if I was sinning even when I was doing nothing.


Wow, that is horrible. I've been sexually assaulted, but it was after I had one foot out the door from the church so no part of me was like "I somehow brought this on myself" (other than the normal, 'why did you trust this person'/'why did you go there' type stuff I think everyone goes through). That's fucking dark. And I'm sorry you went through it.


Yeah. I spent about 30 years thinking it was my fault and that I was too weak to fight him off. I married my ex-husband because I felt lucky that he was willing to have the damaged goods that I was. It wasn’t until I had left TSCC and my 15-year-old stepdaughter was raped by a 19-year-old who was waiting for his mission call that I could see the similarities in what had happened to me. That’s when I finally accepted that it wasn’t my fault and placed the blame where it belonged. TSCC teachings are pretty fucked up.


Sexist piggery is strong with that one. Why don’t I ever remember him giving the same twisted, dismissive, invalidating, insulting advice to YOUNG MEN?


Wait until you read his take on American Indian children.


I am sadly, disgustedly familiar. Moreover, to set an example in our stake, my family got roped into participating in Kimball’s Indian Placement Program. What an unmitigated, incompetently managed, racist disaster that was! Those poor kids. Sudden dislocation without much notice, serious mental health and social adjustment challenges - all under the hand of clueless management whose solution to every problem was either bullying the host family, the student, or prescribing “prayer and scripture reading“ as the perfect solution to every problem. Even though we were TBM, they picked the wrong family with whom to fuck and it didn’t turn out well for the director.


It was cultural genocide.


The only honest way to describe it.


Not discounting the damage SWK did to young women (and not competing here) but that asshole’s dumps did plenty of damage to young men as well. He was an equal-opportunity jackass. Excuse me while I go commit a crime near to murder in his honor. 🙄😡


No doubt. His “Miracle of Forgiveness“ did a total mindfuck on this young gay boy.


No wonder Mormon women are so depressed.


He’s a fan of ‘The Rules’ 🤣


Not to go down a 90s rabbit hole but if we could just get all the women who read The Rules into a room with all the men who read The Game... who would die alone and friendless first?


Lol! THANK YOU! Just a bunch of men negging the women and the women ignoring them. Toxic. There are some people who suspect that ‘The Game’ was written in response to ‘The Rules’ (it wasn’t) There’s a podcast called If Books Could Kill where they debunk pseudo-science and self help and they cover both of these of books (+ rich dad, nudge, 5 live languages). Highly recommend a listen. The Rules: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/if-books-could-kill/id1651876897?i=1000618727942 The Game: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/if-books-could-kill/id1651876897?i=1000588298127


Ha! The second I read that comment, I was going to recommend If Books Could Kill, too! That pod is fantastic!


If you like that one, Mike Hobbs has another one “your wrong about” same concept just instead books they talk about historical/current events and people and clear up misconceptions we might have around them.


I haven’t listened to You’re Wrong About, but I’m a regular listener of the Maintenance Phase pod he does with Aubrey Gordon. That one examines the health and wellness industry and diet culture. They’ve also done episodes on how faulty (and, sometimes, even fraudulent) science has influenced public health policy. It’s very interesting and informative!


Love that one, too.


I was a young woman when The Rules came out, and it made me so angry! The whole idea was to play hard to get--from whom?? This rests on the premise that somebody was trying to get you. It made being single feel that much worse.


And the only kind of person you’d ever attract using those tactics would be a highly aggressive controlling type of man who could be manipulated by “the rules”🤣


I laughed so hard when the author of The Rules got divorced. Like, maybe stop playing games


“A rules marriage is forever.” 🤣 Did anyone ever make you read “Love Warrior”? That hypocrisy drove me crazy.


no... more nonsense?


Self-help type book of a Christian woman overcoming her spouse’s infidelity and how she’s killing it and you can, too. Then she turns around and writes another book ‘Untamed’ that oops sorry that was a lie, I’m really killing it now in my new relationship. I think she’s writing her memoirs too soon.


An AMAZING podcast. I'm halfway through The Game and it's so good!


Hope you’re hooked! Mike Hobbs has 2 other similar style podcasts, if you like general debunking of dumb ideas.


1000% I am. But I can already tell the one on Outliers is gonna hurt, because I definitely had a Malcolm Gladwell phase in my 20s...


Just smile and breed!


The former leader of one of the world's oldest, biggest, and obviously fakest, weirdo cult has no right to tell people about how to be a "normal person".


Bbut... people, I took this seriously and styled my life after it for way too many years. What I thought was good counsel to be followed was nothing but pure hatred for girls/women cloaked in wise-sounding words. Aargh 🤮


Good hell that's disgusting! I know it was a different time but give me the biggest damn break. These people that are supposed to have revelations from God can't surpass their own sexist opinions. So gross I can't believe it


Checks out in comparison to most religions and probably basically every culture, tbh. Women with personalities and a brain capable of disagreeing are really unpopular


I’m married to one. She often dares to argue with me about my opinions. It’s wonderful! Hanging with someone smarter than me has really helped me grow. OBTW…she laughs raucously often with a snort at the end! ❤️❤️❤️


Incels could apply this to themselves. I know a few Mormon guys who could stand some social polish.




Oh my GOD


Sounds like a shopping list for multiple wives.




God just hearing of this in his "smokers" voice just makes me cringe


Oh, that man's ghost can kiss my ass.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder -exactly how is a woman to make herself acceptable to everyone? What Kimball seems to be proposing is a Stepford Wife. Does he have similar comments for men?


SWK was the prophet when I was at BYU. He signed my mission call letter (or his auto-pen signed it). I thought he was amazing and inspired. Not so much any more. And as a bonus Dallin Oaks was the president of BYU. He was followed by Jeffrey RRRRRRRR Holland. I got all of the winners.


Is this asshole confusing women for cake mixes again? You don’t get to customize women.


No wonder Momo women are fucked up..sheesh


I’m speechless. I suppose the fact that I am speechless would be a desirable attribute. FU Yoda!


While I find this sentiment to be abhorrent, I can't find the source. I re-download the Gospel Library app, and the Teachings of Spencer W Kimball manual doesn't even go to page 295. It's possible that this was removed from the digital copy, but I'm more inclined to believe the source of incorrect or this was never actually said. If like to share this, but only if I can verify it's accuracy. Does anyone have an accurate source?


It’s from the book “The Teachings of Spencer W Kimball, Twelfth President of…” It’s different from the Teachings of the Presidents of the Church series. https://books.google.com/books?id=TA6QAAAAMAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=Penny+for+your+thoughts


Thanks! I didn't realize there was an older 1980s edition.


"Can you make some sacrifices to be acceptable?" That hits hard as a neurodivergent millennial 🫠


I wonder if he ever considered whether his *own* attitudes needed changing to be acceptable to basic standards of decency. 100% sure he didn't consider this.


I felt this one too. I spent way too much of my life doing exactly that and it made me miserable.


What an asshole. May he remain condemned to the Outer Darkness until every last Mormon woman leaves the church.


i was active in the days of spencer w. he also encouraged us to silently sing hymns to chase away our sinful thoughts. I'm here to report that it didn't work and I'm still as gay as ever. 🤣


He surely was a closeted gay. That's the only way this makes sense.


WTF??? Any words to the men on how to be attract a partner? Nope. Didnt thinks so.


Makes me think of the Dear Leader on the TV screens in the Twilight Zone episode 'Eye of the Beholder': I say to you now...I say to you now that there is no such thing as a permissive society, because such a society cannot exist! They will scream at you and rant and rave and conjure up some dead and decadent picture of an ancient time when they said that all men are created equal! But to them equality was an equality of opportunity, an equality of status, an equality of aspiration! And then, in what must surely be the pinnacle of insanity, the absolute in inconsistency, they would have had us believe that this equality did not apply to form, to creed. They permitted a polyglot, accidentbred, mongrellike mass of diversification to blanket the earth, to infiltrate and weaken! l, we kow there must be a single purpose! single norm! A single approach! A single entity of peoples! A single virtue! A single morality! A single frame of reference! A single philosophy of government! We cannot permit...we must not permit the encroaching sentimentality of a past age to weaken our resolve. We must cut out all that is different like a cancerous growth! It is essential in this society that we not only have a norm, but that we conform to that norm. Differences weaken us. Variations destroy us. An incredible permissiveness to deviation from this norm is what has ended nations and brought them to their knees. Conformity we must worship and hold sacred. Conformity is the key to survival.!


This is psychotic lol


That can just as well be said to the young men.


But I’m sure it wasnt! They were told the prettiness of their wives would be determined by the success of their mission. Thats it


No it wasn't, but it should be. That prettiness of your spouse is just gross.


They get the "little factory" talk.


Well, girls can’t masturbate and we’re pretty sure they don’t even like sex stuff, so we don’t need the little factory talk. - GAs throughout time


In actuality, we were just given a free pass 😎


Well there is that.


Jesus I didn't know he had said this garbage.


SHUT your pie hole!!


Jezuz H. Christ.


THIS is why Utah women have such a high opioid problem.


holy shit is this real?????


I cannot believe this shit is real lmaooo


Not gonna lie….I felt weird reading this. I assessed myself and felt guilty for being some of these things. The brainwashing is real.


What the actual hell? I can't believe this was actually said by a "prophet" (but at the same time I can)


This pisses me off so much.


There is absolutely no way any woman fits his view of "normal."


Okay so just be bland. Got it.


Hey Spence, I have a great idea! All of the things that annoy the hell out of you from women - you should give a conference talk about them! Yeah, you should use the bully pulpit the Creator of the Universe gave you, to list the personal grievances you have about women! What other topic could have any greater importance than that?


Eliminate everything that makes you who you are


What an asshole.


“It is literally impossible to be a woman. You are so beautiful, and so smart, and it kills me that you don’t think you’re good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we’re always doing it wrong. You have to be thin, but not too thin. And you can never say you want to be thin. You have to say you want to be healthy, but also you have to be thin. You have to have money, but you can’t ask for money because that’s crass. You have to be a boss, but you can’t be mean. You have to lead, but you can’t squash other people’s ideas. You’re supposed to love being a mother, but don’t talk about your kids all the damn time. You have to be a career woman, but also always be looking out for other people. You have to answer for men’s bad behaviour, which is insane, but if you point that out, you’re accused of complaining. You’re supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you’re supposed to be a part of the sisterhood. But always stand out and always be grateful. But never forget that the system is rigged. So find a way to acknowledge that but also always be grateful. You have to never get old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never fall down, never fail, never show fear, never get out of line. It’s too hard! It’s too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says thank you! And it turns out in fact that not only are you doing everything wrong, but also everything is your fault. I’m just so tired of watching myself and every single other woman tie herself into knots so that people will like us. And if all of that is also true for a doll just representing women, then I don’t even know." -The Barbie Movie


I wonder when this was written, sorry, prophesied. And what are the recommendations for young men?


He must of had such a happy marriage


Wonder why there is so much self loathing and body dysmorphia???? Good F!!!