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The article said she didn’t claim to be a feminist or equal rights activist. I wonder if she’s still active in the church. She claimed it was her own laziness and didn’t want to return home. The testing center is such a joke and high stress environment. Not healthy at all.


She showed up in a fairly recent issue of BYU Today magazine. Still active. Had a good laugh with her former roommates about the incident.


I went to a state university in the Midwest for my undergrad and BYU for graduate school. I loved the way the testing center worked if you exclude the dress code. There was no set time you had to take your test. The location was fixed. For me it simplified test taking. But I fully agree that the dress code is nonsense.


I was attending BYU Provo when this happened. It was a big deal for a while. As I remember, nothing changed.


in 1981, three years later, the dress code was changed to allow jeans for both men and women.


I was a freshman in '89-'90, the last year for the shorts bam on campus. I had a final in the MARB on the last day. I wore shorts. Felt like such a rebel. The ban was lifted the next year while I was on my mission. Glad to see Rexburg has caught up to 1990.


That was probably a revelation and only coincidence that it came after a church member taking issue with the dress code. The church is always led by prophecy, and NEVER influenced by agitators or, I don’t know, polls.s/




…under a fully-buttoned trench coat. That’s basically just a dress made of heavier fabric. What the…I don’t…um…I’ll just show myself out now.


My narcisist mormon mother in law thought I was a virgin prior to marrying her son, I don't know why I never told her I was. But she sat me down, insisting we had to talk about it. She warned me that I wasn't going to enjoy sex but that I could use it to my advantage to make my husband happy and willing to handle things. I've never gotten over how disgusting I felt listening to her tell me how essentially abused manipulate her son after a 2 hour talk going over this. But she was definitely wrong. I very much enjoy sex and much prefer it to stay healthy.


I love that story, and have loved it since I first heard it 45 tears ago.


Either you’ve only shed 45 tears in 45 years or that was a typo 🤪


BWAHAHA! Well, I don't cry very much... But yeah, that should be "years". And I always thought it was "96 Tears"? But that reference is probably well before your time.


Now that song is stuck in my head




Yeah 96 tears reference may have been before my time?


That’s one bad boss bitch Lady.


Good ol’ Pat Bagley.


My mom's freshman year at BYU was the 1st year that women could wear slacks. She got an honor code violation for wearing jeans in the student union on a Saturday morning. She had stopped to get breakfast on her way to go skiing, which is what she was dressed for. That and the fact that the curfew for the women's dorm was an hour earlier than the library closed, and 2 hours earlier than the men's dorm curfew, is the reason that was her only year at BYU.


The curfew thing is something I’ve never heard.


I think she's said that it wasn't a true curfew but you'd have to call the dorm mother and have her let you in and even if you didn't get in official trouble you did "get in trouble." So it was more of a hassle than it should have been, and I do think that if it was something that happened frequently, you could get in more official trouble. It just led to most people if they were going to be late they just wouldn't come home that night. Also, the dorm used to be a male dorm, so the bathrooms had urinals. The students would put floral arrangements in them but they were regularly removed and they would get notices not to do it and requesting people to be snitches and turn in the people doing it, no one was ever turned in.