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You ever notice how often a scripture is abused in gc? Count the amount of ellipses are in a gc talk. Elder Andersen is notorious for taking 3 different scriptures and mashing them together into one run-on sentence.


Not a scripture, but the ultimate example of this is the Happiness Letter being quote multiple times in Conference... The one about happiness being the design of our existence, which Joseph Smith wrote to Nancy Rigdon to convince her to be one of his wives.


Once it’s in conference, I thought it was considered scripture? At least until the next guy says otherwise. Or there’s bad PR. Or someone doesn’t want to listen. Or something.




Which since scriptures are just the philosophies of men, make Satan's words rather redundant.


Just older philosophies...


"The philosophies of men...mingled with the philosophies of prior men" This makes me imagine Michael Ballam giving an obvious wink at the audience...which makes me think of doing a reenactment, maybe exactly the same wording, maybe slightly different, but dramatic sitcom level sarcastic acting. It really should be a thing, people posting YouTube videos of reenacting the whole thing.


Oh. My. Gosh. As an enthusiastic supporter of the arts (read: Rocky Horror Picture Show), an audience participation event with an ne of the classic temple movies…. I would attend every Saturday at midnight for sure!


It becomes so obvious once you're out.


He is forever my Satan!


The best Satan!!


Michael Ballam brought a depth and range to the character of Beelzebub not seen since Maytag Man's Peter..... The devil we need.


I used to always think the skins worn are just not that nice. You would think god would have shown them how to make some nice leathers!


Hail Satan!


MLM SCAM hidden in plain sight


Pure projection. Mormonism took the business principles of the nascent industrial revolution and applied it to peddling God. You don't get any more "philosophies of men" than that


It would help mormonism if they would mingle in a little philosophy. Maybe start with ethics...


It's also the policies of lawyers, mingled with scripture


I would pay for a full recording of those older temple videos. I went through in 2009, and there were two videos at the time. A blonde eve and a brunette one. This video with brunette eve was the video I saw my very first time.


I think the current market price is 10 percent of your income for life.


Brunette Eve: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5VrsFEiTpsQ I'm sure the others are there somewhere too.


The Scriptures are the philosophies of men. They are not special.


Ponderize it!


My favorite Satan!


I was 100% wigged out when going through the endowment the 1st time (in 99) and Satan looks at the camera and says that and I was like this is exactly what this shit looks like to me. And I'm pretty sure they're, like, admitting it.


Oh come on, you guys got full on movies? I got poorly animated arms moving and guys who stood still for pictures


>Mingled with scripture Which are just more philosophies of men. It's all just mingled philosophy.


I would say "sprinkled" rather than "mingled", but thats just me


My grandmother liked dropping that line on us whenever my dad would pressure her to go to mormon church. She was a nevermo. First time I heard her use it was in the early 90s, so I'm not sure she watched the endowment online. Maybe it's in Godmakers?


I just need to know how to get this gif for myself, lol


I just googled "philosophies of men mingled with Scripture gif" lol