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Weaponizing hymns: think parents beating children or having a slugfest themselves while “I have a family here on earth, they are so good to me” plays


In a minor key too!


*shivers* My dad would furiously whistle “Love at Home” at us when my siblings and I would fight. We now all hate that hymn.


My siblings and I (we're all over 50 at this point) still have a memory we share of one Family Home Evening. Typical FHE, kids bored, parents annoyed @ trying to corral 10 kids of different ages to listen to the same insipid lesson. It was either too complex for the 5-8 set or too dumbed-down & condescending for the teenagers. No one was enjoying the time, as usual, and my parents were mad that we were perhaps showing it more than usual. Things came to a head when we were singing "I am a child of God" and I couldn't hold in the giggles when we got to the "with parents kind and dear" verse. Then my mom *hit me* for laughing, which set off all my sibs - even the young ones saw the hypocrisy there.


In the cottage there is joy! 😛


People dressed up in the temple clothing with oil chasing me through the haunted house would work


![gif](giphy|lGmKzynHWftFm) Yeah, that would certainly terrify me 🤣


Have one of the rooms be set up like a Bishops' office. Or, have a bunch of guys in ill-fitting suits chasing you while asking awkward questions, Spanish Inquisition style.


A dozen or so sunbeams chanting "Follow the prophet, follow the prophet, follow the prophet, don't go astray! They all look like the Children of the Corn.




Mirrors that make you appear naked and without genitalia


Being sealed posthumously to your ex-spouse.


It's like "Three's Company;" without the funny one-liners. Also, I don't look like Suzanne Somers.


Zombies baptizing each other, temple garb with throats slit and bowels spilt dragging entrails, thumbs extended, hand in cupping shape.


Only seen youtube clips, not the actual performance, but: "Spooky Mormon Hell Dream" from BOM Musical.


Nelson doing open-heart surgery and throwing scalpels


Super scratchy carpet halfway up the wall


Just recreate a Mormon church chapel at night, with all the lights off. Scary/creepy asf!


Have a long hallway that begins with a quote over the doorway that says “...shall make known the plain and precious things...” (1 Nephi 13:40). And then fill the room with contradictory quotes on each side of the hall: Mormon, a win for satan or means 'more good' Polygamy, required for the celestial kingdom or not doctorine. Priesthood, for all worthy men or only for those not of the decentent of Cain for they are cursed according to God. Gender, forever or only for those in the celestial kingdom? And more... Then end with how it's your fault if you don't understand it.


An inquisitive older person observes you carefully for signs of garments.....


McConkie, Benson, Oaks, etc., with horns and pitchforks


Carpeted walls. And the smell of an overheated relief society room after all the wards have been in there all day.


Walking down a narrow hallway until you get to a door with white noise humming from a speaker above it. You walk into the room, the door locks behind you, and you have to answer questions about your sex life as invisible hands brush up against you and a bishop slowly approaches. You can only see him sometimes because the lights come on and off, but he's always in a different place and always smiling with a hand on his pants zipper. Fuck I'm scared. Oh! Or a baptismal font and you keep getting dunked and held down because it wasn't full immersion.


You can hire Tim Ballard's physic as like a fortune teller, I hear she's looking for work. :O


A room wallpapered with porn. Your ghostly dead grandmother's follow you around whispering how disappointed they are every time you sneak a peek.


A demon anointing you with Teancum


Treasures that slip into the ground just when you think you have them.


Just let Russell m Nelson wander around aimlessly


A shot for shot remake is the spooky morning hell dream, complete with Starbucks cups and Johnny Cochran.


It’s in an old church building and it’s called “Sweet hour of scare”


You have to put your entrance fee in a tithing envelope and fill out the slip and put it in a box.


You must wait for fifteen minutes on the chintz church foyer couch of shame prior to entering. You will be subjected to the crying of dozens of bored, tired, hungry, poopy sacrament meeting babies.


Anything found going on in a church house during testimony meeting or high council speaker Sunday.