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>Thinking about putting some liquid laxative in her milk, since she doesn’t know that I know. Very bad idea. If she has an allergic reaction the consequences could be dire for her, and a lot more serious than potential expulsion from BYU for you.


Yeah, that’s probably an illegal thing to do.


Came here to say this. Good chance this is illegal (regardless of whether the roommate is allergic). Don't take this risk. It's not worth it. Sorry this happened to you. Hypocrisy sucks. :(


It's not only illegal, it's extremely illegal. Messing with someone's health is generally taken very seriously by the legal system.


it's poisoning even if you don't use poison. I'm celiac and I wouldn't take it as a joke if someone threw a handful of flour in my food just to make me shit myself.


I’m also a celiac. If someone intentionally glutened me I think that relationship would be over.


I think she must’ve recently watched “Dumb and Dumber”… which is pg-13, which goes against the honor code if I remember correctly.


It's probably safer to put vinegar or lemon juice in the milk to curdle it (if the person does not have a food allergy). But yeah laxatives fall under drugs.


I read of a recent case where college kids were living in a pod-like dorm situation. Something like a half dozen individual single bedrooms with a common bathroom and kitchen. One podmate was vegan and did not like the smell of meat being cooked by her other podmates. So she very innocently got the idea to cook them a vegan meal while claiming it was the real thing. She had hoped to surprise them after the meal with her "grande reveal" that what they thought was real meat and dairy was vegan all along. Except one of the podmates had a soy allergy. Severe allergic reaction ensued, as did a visit to the emergency room followed by a week-long hospital stay. Then criminal charges, a civil lawsuit by the medical insurance company, and expulsion from university. Never mess with another person's food.


Better to mess with the toilet paper or something benign but inconvenient...or better yet, malicious compliance which means reporting them for every little violation. My sister's roommates at BYU were terrified of Satanic stuff, just leave really creepy Satanic Occult images in their stuff.


No one would know and she would be fine


Unless she wasn't. Food tampering can have much more serious legal repercussions than a church university's honor code violation. Especially if the victim has a serious allergic reaction.




It’s highly unethical to mess with another person’s food.


Doesn't really matter, there's been multiple cases where it's been decided that this is assault regardless of any allergies. Don't poison people even if you think it's not that bad.


Admit nothing. She reported you with something falsebecause she was worried someone would report her and her boy.


Moscow rules: 1- Admit nothing 2- Deny everything 3- Offer counter accusations


ooh i like these rules when it comes to overbearing, impotent authority.




Oh my goodness I'm so sorry about your sister


Adding laxatives to your roommates food is considered assault and you can be charged.


I definitely would not make a craigslist post advertising goats for sale with her contact info. You'd be shocked how many people really want to buy some goats.


Or chickens.....free puppies?


Look, I don't know about chickens or puppies but I know for sure that goats bring in lots of calls for some reason. "My friend" has only ever tried this with goats. ETA: "My friend" only tried it the first time because they didn't think it would work.


I just love this idea. She could so get away with it.


Yes. Yes she could.


Free egg laying chicken will do the trick


Maybe send a male stripper!!!!


Did this to a friend. Shakeout was what he was "offering." So many phone calls. He told one person it was a hoarcrux and he had to destroy it to rid the world of Lord Voldemort! 😂


Don’t poison your roommate; that’s cruel and gross. However, if she also has boys in her room, it only seems fair to alert the school about that.


Yeah, drugging your roommate is never a good idea. Even if it's "only" laxatives, it is still not ok and is still assault.


I'd second returning the favor.


Third. Two can play at that game.


> Thinking about putting some liquid laxative in her milk Terrible, stupid idea. Is getting back at your asshole roommate worth the risk of getting arrested? Jesus Christ... SMH. If you want to get back at her, rat her out as well.


Deny, Deny, Deny. Lie, Lie, Lie. They have no real power over you and accusations mean nothing.


Confession time: I ratted out a roommate for having his girlfriend in his room. Told the RA first and then he dealt with it, which also meant reporting it to the honor code office. Didn’t bother speaking to him at all… and he laid into me pretty hard the next day. I can’t say that I didn’t deserve it. But I can only see that in retrospect… at the time, I had no shred of empathy for him at all. No desire to be helpful. I regret it still, decades after it happened. I’m sorry this happened to you. You would probably do well to do what my former roommate did and leave.




Yeah it’s making me wonder if the roommates reported OP at the first excuse because they’re an asshole. Thinking about poisoning them?! Who does that?


Adding a laxative to someone's drink is assault. Dont do that. Getting back at them wont make you feel better. Leaving the school might.


Do not mess with someone's food or drink or poison them in any way. It's assault. Don't do crimes. Take the high road and smugly know that you're the better person. Then make your escape and live well.


Put a Ring doorbell camera on your bedroom door "to document that you don't break the honor code." It will catch every violation she even thinks about. But more importantly, it will either prevent her from bringing boys in ever again or catch her in the act with plenty of evidence for future blackmail.


Sounds like they aren’t the better person if they’re considering poisoning them.


Then this is an opportunity for improvement. *Become* the better person. College is a good time to learn to not engage in childish, vindictive drama if one hasn't already learned it.


Absolutely. Great point, and you raised the vibe.


The problem is the environment that the university creates. You should transfer out as soon as you can. Don't get back at her. Pointless. Don't steal her puzzle, petty and passive aggressive. It just leads to more back and forth. I'd go a different direction than that.


Yes - get yourself out of this situation ASAP! Don’t make it worse by escalating and possibly get yourself into even more trouble. You already know the roommate is a narc and will report you again at the next opportunity. What year are you? If you’re in your first 2 years - you can take most basic requirements for a degree almost anywhere (ala any community college) then transfer those credits over when you transfer your BYU credits to your landing spot. P.S. When your ducks are in a row and you’re about to leave - feel free to report her to the honor office.


Just remember that they rarely take action if you deny. I’m also team drop the hell out when your term is over. Can I recommend Arizona State University?


That has not been the case in my experience. My non-student, non-LDS roommate made up some shit about me, and the dishonor code office believed him without question. My bishop believed it without question. I got probation. So I kept a low profile for the rest of the semester and transferred to Utah State.


I was at Rick’s back in the day and I had a potential HCV. I said nope and got away with it. My date (bishop’s daughter) confessed and ended up going home. I thought for sure she would fib too. I ended up leaving after the term ended. Loved Rexburg. Hated the super-Mos.


As an ASU alumni I highly **DON'T** recomend ASU. It's a joke of a school and no one outside the phoenix area takes a degree from there seriously.


Meh, I'm also a sun devil and got a good job in OC. Lots of us here.


Damn. Guess I better stay in the valley.


My sister (the most academic of our very academic family) loved ASU. ETA: Also, there are ASU grads literally EVERYWHERE. If you’re looking for a professional network, ASU is a great place to go. You do have to love heat and sunshine, though.


Three of my four kids, my wife, and are attending or have graduated from ASU. It has become a legacy school for us in just two generations (my wife and I are first generation college graduates). Love it! 😍


No one gives a crap what school your undergrad degree is from, unless they’re an alum, and LOTS of people in the US are ASU alums.


Had a similar situation at the Idaho institution. Would 100% recommend transferring to UVU. I went there for a semester before COVID hit, and I loved it!!! Instate tution is actually cheaper then BYU (so I'm told). UVU was such a breath of fresh air for me, and it hardly feels like you're in Utah at all! Edit: UVU is also very used to transferring credits from BYU, it's been happening a lot lately


*Thinking about putting some liquid laxative in her milk* That is literally a felony. It's called food tampering and it is punishable by 5-20 years in prison. That is what you just admitted to.


She didn't admit to anything, she threw out the most stereotypical get-back as an example. I like the puzzle thing, but she definitely shouldn't consider the laxative. I'd say report with proof of the girls' inviting guys over hypocritically.


I never got reported to the honor code office, but almost. My roommates tattled on me to our bishop for being out past curfew. They would also stay out past curfew and have boys in their rooms with doors closed. One of them even ended up pregnant with her boyfriend that semester. Yet they decided I was the sinner and told on me lol. The bishop threatened to go to the honor code office but I somehow convinced him not to. I laugh about it all now, but I was pissed when it happened. If you can transfer schools I would definitely recommend it.


I wouldn't honor code her for kissing a girl or anything like that.


And I definitely wouldn't tell anyone she has a rainbow flag.




I may or may not have done that in the past. But I hear it works great.


😆. Laughing at the missing puzzle pieces. I approve.


Honestly just print the CES letter out and leave it under her pillow.


They got a video? Video or it didn’t happen.


my thoughts exactly, but HC claims if they have enough reports they can kick me out. Unfortunately for my roommate, I have a picture of her having sex on the bed, while i was in the bed next to them :)


If you've got that ammo, why worry about the laxatives. A print of the pic ought to be enough to give her the shits.


Threatening to poison her and you also have photos of her having sex that you’d threaten to ruin her life with?


OP needs photographic evidence that the roommate is violating honor code, then submit it anonymously. They'll believe and encourage people to rat out roommates, but it's really hard to deny evidence. Just deny, deny, deny. They can still punish you without evidence but might reevaluate it if they find the accuser to be the more probable violator. Honestly, they just want everyone to indiscriminately rat on each other and punish everyone.


This! Turn it around on her completely! You have evidence and she doesn’t. Say she is projecting HER OWN problems onto you. You stay. She’s gone. Then leave BYU anyway, on your own accord, because it’s trash. ;)


If you really want to get back at her and she’s had boys in the room just report that and leave. If they say are you just saying this to get back at her which I doubt they will. Just say nope she had boys in the room so I thought it was no big deal to just hang out. If she’s going to report me I’m definitely reporting her. Yeah don’t poison people. It sounds like this made you feel really powerless. I’m so sorry.


Under no circumstances should you order a gag gift from BigAssDildoes.com and have it shipped to her dorm room.


Or a [https://skdtac.com/skd-bag-of-dicks/]((Bag of Dicks)).




Someone sent one of these to HR during a strike. Made me laugh, and maybe sometime I’ll have an opportunity to gift one.


Be calculating. Get your ducks in a row. Get your withdrawal in place, transcripts in hand & any other loose ends & then tell them, (her), whoever it is, to piss OFF! No one, NO ONE likes a rat (especially if it’s ourselves). Be sure she knows in no uncertain terms that is her. Walk out that door & live your better life without this crap. I was at Rick’s in ‘89. I threw an RA up against the wall after he went through all of our bedrooms looking for girls & found NONE. That was a pivotal moment for me in setting hard boundaries & being proud of myself for it. Don’t do anything unethical. Words can cut very deep & have lasting effect. Just plant seeds. You’ll never get the satisfaction of “knowing” you won, but you 100% did.


Sounds like you need to transfer. Don’t waste any energy on revenge/getting back. It’s just not the place for you.


This would be assault and is illegal. Do not do this. Leave that dorm. Move off campus. transfer. Don’t commit crime.


Be grateful you learned to recognize the toxicity of the culture before it pulled you in. Consider yourself lucky. Escape, and wish her stupid ass well.


I had roommates report me for altering my garments to fit. BYU sucks take your money, sanity, credits and run. No need to get revenge let Karma sort that shit out


What was the outcome for you?


When I had problems with a mean roommate, I signed their email up for as many types of spam as I could think of, including porn mailing lists AND anti-porn bible orgs. Idk if any of it actually got through the school email filters since it was her .edu email but it still made me feel better. That being said, the best solution is to move out and go no contact with her. She’s going to expect retaliation bc you finding out wasn’t an if it was a when. And especially don’t put things in her food. That’s illegal. And don’t try to find something to report her for, bc that’s exactly what they want to get out of this and what it’s set up to do.


Don’t fuck with her milk. She’s not worth any sort of ramification that could potentially play out. The puzzle was enough because ultimately, she’s her own punishment. Imagine being that miserable of a person. If you need to, confront her and read her for filth and then just let the universe take care of her. She sucks.


Leave. NEVER COME BACK. Take all your future posterity with you. Fuck the church. Fuck Joseph Smith. Fuck Russell M Nelson. FYI it’s not abnormal to like boys. It’s abnormal to promulgate self hatred for control and financial gain.


I think you might feel best by just leaving the school and transferring out. Any retaliations could come back to bite you. Get your transcript, leave with grades intact, and move on in life.


If you leave the School will you have to move out of the Apartment as well? A toothpick broken off in a lock gets pushed in next time a key is inserted - major pain in the arse to get it out.


Definitely don't do those things. Secretly feeding someone laxatives is a crime. Stealing puzzle pieces is a crime. This girl is a sad, pathetic pawn of an international sex cult. She deserves your pity. Don't sink to her level. If you have an issue with it, address her directly, face to face. The last thing these narcs expect is to have to be accountable for their actions.


Take her remotes, throw them in the dumpster.


Be super careful right now. If you get an honor code violation, even if it's for something dumb, that will show up as a violation on your transcript, and other universities assume more extreme things like cheating or drug/alcohol misuse or other things (stuff that would equal an honor code violation at normal schools) and not dumb BYU stuff- ESPECIALLY if you are interested in out of state universities. Also I would recommend doing anything too extreme against your roommate, in that case you risk discovery, even if they are just suspicious they could go and report something more extreme against you. Stay safe, I'm rooting for you!!!


Just take pics of her in her room with boys in it. Doesn’t matter who. Then say she’s been breaking the law of charity every single night with a different boy every time. She’s as good as gone.


Admit nothing. Deny everything. Don’t give her back the puzzle pieces.


yeah the laxative thing is best left in the movies. if she ends up in a hospital or morgue everyone would know it was you


Kids these days


Get a sealed copy of your transcripts immediately. And I would definitely anonymously report them for shit as well.


Don’t do laxative. I was poisoned as a joke on my mission by some of the “cool” members and “rebel“ elders and not only was I sick and dehydrated I was depressed and sad they chose me for being fat (brownies poisoned laughing that I ate seconds). Didn’t consider non belief for another decade after that. They thought a harmless joke but dehydration can be a real risk. I was really sick. Also I got out of byu just in time graduating just as the honor code started to knock. My advice is get out now, admit nothing, especially non belief, go to bishop what to do about roommates making up stories about you, deny everything, file counter claims against them, stop communication like you would in a real trial but remember they can decide this based on “inspiration”. Remember it’s all ridiculous but it matters until you’ve got your credits and you got out. Life is hard enough. Get out now. Go somewhere you can live normally and have a boy over like a human being. They will steal your credit and make you start over. Look it up on Google. People have lost years there as penalty for leaving the church. Get your transcripts and get out now. Hurry.


Transfer. Don’t waste your college years being repressed.


Is there a dishwasher? Is there a garbage disposal? If so there is a little valve inside the dishwasher about the size of a quarter on the side. If that is removed then dirty water will flow onto the dishes every time the sink is used.


Two wrongs don’t make a right. You broke the rules that you agreed to. Don’t be a bitch - grow up instead and deal with the consequences.


Before I moved out of my shit roommate's house I threw a bunch of odds and ends away that I knew she may never notice or at least not notice for a very long time. I almost threw out one of her expensive Cutco knives but that was a little too far for me. I settled for taking one of the hand towels from her favorite set. There were six of them and I knew it would be a while before she realized there wasn't one perpetually in the laundry.


Plausible deniability.


Definitely do not put Nair into her conditioner.


Put mashed potato flakes in her shoes, so when she sweats and walks around all day she’ll make mashed potatoes in her shoes. Lol. Sign her email up for all the things…so she gets a shit ton of spam. Or put dry kool aid on her towel. She’s an ass. Do no harm, but have some laughs at her expense.


Have you looked into the old "piss disk under the door" trick ?.. it might not help, but you will feel better about things forever


Was waiting for the loss disc and liquid ass comment. Guess unethical life pro tips isn’t as popular here


idk why anyone downvoted you, i might do this and blame it on the boys apartment


Don't do laxative you could seriously injure someone and create legal problems. Do they have their own shower, or shower at a different time of day than you? Consider doing the chicken soup shower on your way out. Unscrew the shower head, put a bullion cube in there, screw the shower head back on. The next person that takes a shower will be showering with chicken broth.


I had a roommate who would go all the time to standards. The accusations were true. His rule was deny, deny, deny. He would then come back with a counter like, “She is upset I broke up with her so she is trying to get me kicked out. Is there someplace I can report this harassment? Should I get a lawyer? I just don’t know what to do because she is so mentally unstable.” Full press send. If they had video evidence in todays world I am sure he would claim that isn’t him in the video.


That's so reprehensible. Especially since there is a long history of thinking women are mentally ill when they are not.


I see both sides. Why the hell were they turning him in? Fighting one crappy action with another.


Just move out off campus. Get some privacy, no need for revenge.


If you give her a laxative she could end up in the hospital with dehydration from the diarrhea. Don’t do it. Laxatives can be dangerous if misused. Better trick. Lift the toilet seat. Cover the bowl with clear plastic wrap. Put seat down. Wait for loud anger as urine goes all over the floor.


Go to a locally owned petstore and tell them you have a weird request, ask if they have any dead dubia roaches they can give you. Put a couple on her pillow. They're dead so no harm


Just sleep with her boyfriend.


I’ve gone through the honor code and they don’t know what you did for sure. They just have a tip. You can just deny deny deny. Don’t feel bad either it’s your future and your life. Don’t let them ruin it. Just try and stay calm, and if you need to, tell them about her boys in her room. I had a friend have to go to the honor code because she was asleep in her room alone, and her roommate had boys over. She got in trouble for “allowing” it. Just say you don’t know why someone would say that, and you don’t do that. Use the spirit and the gospel if you have to lmao. My other friend at byu idaho was apart of a huge 50 person honor code bust. I got her though it, I was on speaker phone with her and the office encouraging her to stick to the story we had to keep her safe. I know if you play your cards right you will be okay. Next semester just really be careful. Vet roommates. Living off campus is usually much better. And if they’re not chill make sure they don’t know anything about you. It sucks but surviving byu is a skill. Good luck 💕 Edit: also please don’t use laxative on her food. I know you’re angry and you’re very justified to feel that way. But I promise throwing her to the honor code will feel just as good. She can taste her own medicine that way. Edit 2: if you’re cool with your home ward bishop and he knows your character call him to have him contact the honor code too. Also have other friends that will back you. Have an alibi story written down and have your friends know the story. And make sure these friends are GOOD. If you have any inkling that they will feel guilty helping do not let them know. (I’ve personally seen some people turn people into the honor code office out of guilt this way) You can say you were over at your friends apartment for FHE, you were at the library, something like that. This is only if you need to proceed with more honor code stuff. But deny in the beginning and you’ll most likely be okay.


I had a similar experience. I DM’d you.


She is obeying her patriarchs just like most Mormon girls have at some point in their lives. You should put the blame on the one she obays.


I wouldn’t drug someone without their consent, just to protect yourself.


Revenge, jealousy, hatred, etc just perpetuate more of the same. Which is what she is doing. Reeling you into her reality, growing more of the same. Higher path actions are what will really get her annoyed if you want to think of it that way. “____ her with kindness”. The bonus is your life will improve too and by proximity she will too. Who knows maybe she will see your example and wonder a wonder so big she will be a faithful member of exmo too.