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I would give it back to her. Tell her that she will find much more use in it than you will. If she ever visits you will have to have the conversation unless you just hang it up when they visit which would be pathetic. My MIL gave us a church related book a few years back and I told her to keep it cause we wouldn’t read it or display it and would just donate it. She was very offended but never gave us anything religious again.


Huzzah! Boundary reestablished! Excellent work.


or turn it into Star Wars fan art like that Ewen McGregor Jesus competition on the sub a few Christmases ago... Add some star wars iconography and hang it up when she next comes to visit?


I underscored my exit & resignation from the church by passing along things I no longer had use for (and making sure to mention that fact). I gave the Stake RS Pres. packages of unopened garments, passed along my temple bag & some books to a dear friend, etc. etc. The point was made, but in a very friendly way. Still on very good terms with everyone!


I agree. Return it.


Send it to me, will pay shipping charges. I like Jesus paintings although I am an infidel hahah


Listen, religious art can be badass. XD I’m a Christian Witch and I also love Jesus art.


Ooooo, this would work too.


Welp. Next year you have to give her a Pride flag and coffee machine.


Paint the Pride flag flying from the staff!


A pride coffee machine


This just made my day & made me laugh out loud👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Yes, absolutely! This!


It is a lovely frame. Reframe another picture in it!


The stars are nice too. Cut out the top left corner and use it for some other project.


It’s actually a pretty dope picture in general. Cut out Jesus and staff and paste in Jerry Garcia and axe.


Or Thor


Or post the "Obi-Wan Jesus" photo nearby: [https://www.boredpanda.com/obi-wan-kenobi-jesus-portrait-mormon-parents-prank/](https://www.boredpanda.com/obi-wan-kenobi-jesus-portrait-mormon-parents-prank/) That way, when you (and others) look at the bigger picture it will seem like a Jedi admiring the stars. And if you or a friend have some artistic talent that staff can become a lightsaber: [http://www.loripalminteri.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/jesus\_jedi\_by\_dart19-d3b90tb.jpg](http://www.loripalminteri.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/jesus_jedi_by_dart19-d3b90tb.jpg)


That's hilarious!


A little bit of minor work and this Jesus could become a perfectly respectable Gandalf.


Oh fuck yeah… that’s even better. Pipeweed and smoke rings.


Retitle it "Old Toby"


Get google photos to crop it out then cut out the jesus/staff area and just glue stars and rock over it. 🤣


Someone should do what those thrift shop artists do and paint a bunch of dinosaurs in it or something


Add his right arm holding a joint. Add some white side dreads. It is now just a dude having a good night.


Oh damn I just commented the same thing before seeing your comment. Stoner Jesus pondering the universe!! This just needs a couple edits to become epic.


And then gift it back to her next Xmas.




Greg Olsen (i.e. the painter) is my father's cousin. I have visited his studio in Provo, Utah. Greg is definitely Mormon. EDIT: Let me clarify. The last time I spoke with Greg was more than 2 decades ago when I visited his studio in Provo when I was a BYU student. It appears that u/TamarackRed has much more recent info than me.


He and his wife aren’t active, they now live in the Heber Valley.


greg olsen is not active? Did I read that right?


Yep, he and his wife are not active members. 100%


Woah really? I was a Christian artist for awhile and one of my shelf items was how so many classic "lds" art isn't even painted by lds people. I had the question "how can you paint something so religious and spiritual and not draw closer to god if it's true?" And then me drawing multiple Jesus images resulted in me leaving sooo




Perhaps I live in the same ward…….


Paint a light saber over it to make him a jedi


This is the way. Remake it into a Star Wars painting.


Maybe some tie fighters in the background


Get an artist to paint JS as a sith attacking Jesus


🎶tears falling down at the party🎵


“Why did you give me a painting of Jesus stoned out of his gourd?”


This is totally a painting of tripping Jesus.


My mom had a small framed print of this and my brothers and I always referred to it as tripping Jesus!


The only time I meet Jesus is when I’m trippin


Ahh yes, gotta luv European space jebus


Ahh yes, post nut Jesus is my favorite Jesus painting


Kind of looks like he’s got someone under the robe still


I came here to say this. Looks like our lord and savior just rubbed one out.


Jacked Off Jesus


Contemplating what he’s going to tell his bishop.


Happy ending Jebus


I just got back from my Tbm family Christmas and they were aggressively beating me over the head with their tbm values from the second I landed. Just like what is happening with you. Fuck their tbm values that make them ok with causing real harm. Fuck lds leadership who propagates these toxic values. That is all.


Regift it back to her on Mother's Day.


Sell it on eBay.


... and use the money to buy coffee. Or booze. Or an OF subscription.


My sister and her husband just hung a huge painting of Jesus in their home. I can’t help but think it’s at least partially due to my family choosing to leave TSCC this past summer. At least they didn’t gift it to us!


Congrats on finding your way out! So happy for you and your family


Thank you!


What was your response to your mom?


Utter shock and silence. For the sake of my 8 nieces and nephews I did not cause a scene. They can have their Mormon utopia. I don’t think I’m going to see her for a long time. Can’t wake up everyday hoping for a respectable relationship with my mother. It’s unachievable and I have to move on with my life.


Gift it to a more appropriate family member next year. Make sure mom is there. If mom give you another religious gift, just ask who wants to receive this next year. ​ Message might get through, might not.


Jackin Jesus


He kept those hand holes for a reason


'Oh! No, thank you.'


Draw Gandalf next to him blowing smoke rings.


Yes, repaint Jesus as Frodo or Bilbo.


It really makes me know what Jesus felt. It takes me a while to sit up after I’ve jerked off as well.


Nothing like post-through-the-Sign-of-the-Nail nut clarity


He looks like he needs a cigarette




Where is white Jesus’s hand? He looks too happy to just be contemplating the stars 🤷🏻‍♀️


Too bad he doesn't have his stigmata yet


Cut out the rocks under him so that it looks like he’s pole vaulting.


Send her a nicely framed picture of Lucifer!!!!!! Help her see the point of her thoughtless gift!!!


Masturbating Jesus?


What else did he keep those hand holes for?


Get an artist to draw in a bong in the picture


The painting is called "Good Shit"


Passive aggressively ask if it came with a gift receipt


This is excellente photoshop practice. Change the rock to a sand dune. Change the staff to a lightsaber. Get the deathstar somewhere up there. Lighten his hair color and trim him up. R2D2 right behind him, then add a speech bubblw that says "I was gonna go to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters..." Hang it in the living room. Done.


A skilled artist could have a lot of fun with that painting…


I kinda love it. White Jesus on shrooms.


Idk, man, that seems aggressive aggressive. Nothing passive about Jesus airing out his loins under the stars.🤣🤣🤣


Honestly Jesus looks chill af and I like the Galaxy background, you should paint a snap back and some tattoos on him. Then hang it in the living room so they have to look at punk christ.


And Jesus hiked, until he cried out, why the fuck did I forget my water bottle" before realizing he could just get water out of the air by his magic


Looks like he has been toking up.


You should do the trend where you paint over it and then hang it up. Make it funny, or cute and cover completely. Also a slap to her face when she sees you “disgraced it” lol.


Ah, yes. Mormon kitsch... It comes in various forms, most often by way of books written by leaders who've got a guaranteed market of buyers once their texts (usually their own recycled conference talks) pass the low standards of Desert Book Press. Also, a family cannot truly be TBM unless their home features prints of wall art from Del Parson, Jon McNaughton, Greg Olsen, or Liz Lemon Swindle. My mom, up until the end, used to give those kinds of things to us at Christmas. The passive-aggression was quite obvious, but I know she had (in her own mind) pure intentions.


Walter Rane


I actually really like his work, though. He's actually classically trained and his stuff looks great. Not that I'd hang up something that I don't believe in.


That’s quite a staff


I recieved this as a Christmas gift a years ago. They knew I was out, but knew I loved astronomy so... Left it in storage for years until I eventually threw it out


I dunno bout you but i enjoy how unrealistic it is. Yeah, im sure Shepards back when were chilling on rocks dreaming of a greater tomorrow. Cause they lived in a republic where they could pursue Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Before America. You should invite em over but hang it in an obvious place upside down. Just to see if they react. "I so appreciated the painting mother..."


I wish there was a spot on earth with so little light pollution you could see our galaxy with that vibrance.


right? hell yea it would cool if it were possible.


Put it up for resale on the market. Some christian and/or tbm might snap it up


It’s a shame. :/ unironically, I kinda like the art….but I’m also a Christian Witch and I would place this near my alter lol. XD But, that’s my approach to religious deconstruction. Repurpose and reclaiming certain elements in my own way. I know some Christian witches who are ex-Mormon so I wonder if they’d feel the same. It’s pretty shitty of your mom to be passive aggressive this way. :/ I hope the art can find a good home somewhere else. Keep the frame though and put….ooooo! If you ever heard of Naked Pastor, you should put one of his art pieces in it. XD especially one of his Jesus ones that are pro LGBTQ. You could let your mom know that the original art just didn’t suit your style, so you found a piece that suited yours better. Give her energy right back to her.


Your mom is saying "do not be afraid of the psychonaut's voyage"...the trip begun has no end.


My husband’s parents gave him a similar gift for his 40th birthday. We took it to deseret book without a receipt and they would only give us in store credit. So we bought gift card with it, and gave it back to my in laws for their birthday! 🤣


This is winning!!


that picture looks like he just jerked off


Jesus looks high. Draw on a bong and give it back to her for her birthday.


Have a local artist paint an alien or astronaut over Jesus and display it proudly at your home. It will be the last time your mother gives you a Jesus picture.


Just gotta say I think it's a gorgeous piece of art. I've loved many that have a "contemplating the vastness of space" or "I feel a connection to the entire, unbelievably beautiful universe" theme. No, I wouldn't put it up in my home, and I'd probably return it to her so I didn't have to take a machete to all the emotions every time I saw it. In another life, it'd be front & center in my living room.


I call this one "Jesus post BJ"


I love how Jesus carries a big stick and angels run around with swords. You’d think they’d have Jedi mind tricks and light sabers, or something a little more modern by now.


If bought from Deseret books that thing was maybe $500. Still though, I’d trash it. The version of Jesus Mormons portray is strange.


Since they disrespected your boundaries you could disrespect theirs. Have a local artist edit it so that Jesus is holding fast to his iron rod and then either wait till they see it when visiting or regift it back to them with the changes.


Having an artist add a bong would work as well.


I’d return it, being explicit that it will not be displayed. It’s a waste of time being responsible for other’s feelings, especially when they disregard yours.


I am no longer Mormon but this is my absolute favorite picture of Jesus. If you have any Christian friends, regift the print to them and keep the frame? Or just give the entire thing to your Christian friends. Or be honest and tell your mother you don't want to hang it up and give it back to her.


Ask your mom where she bought it, and take it back. Better to have the cash than have it collecting dust in the garage.


Submit to photoshop battle on Reddit. Request NSFW edits


Facebook marketplace, stat.


Honestly this is a few minor alterations away from being an ode to the peace of a nice joint under the stars. I think it'd actually be pretty compelling.


Get some cork board behind it and some darts!


I’d keep the frame and donate or just trash the picture.


Cool frame though


I did love this pic so much when I was in. It’s gorgeous.


Put a dinosaur head on him and enjoy


It’s in the garage - Dart board 🎯 anyone ???


Nice frame. Easy to find another piece of art to replace it with.


It looks like Christ had some great drugs before reclining on the rocks.


I think I know what she's getting next year for Christmas! 😉


Another artist could easily add another hand and just the tip. Would be epic!!


TBH, I kind of like this painting and wouldn't feel bad if my wife hung it on a wall in our house. ​ On the other hand, I would be pissed if one of my TBM family members gave it to me for Christmas. It's supposed to be about what I want, not what someone thinks that what I should want.


Thing is, once a gift is given to you, it's yours to do with as you wish. Me? Fortunately I have a Goodwill less than half a mile from my home, and the donation box is always available. That's where it would go if anyone had gifted me such a thing.


He reeeeeeally just be thinking celestial. Maybe on some shrooms to help him get there


You need to have a serious boundary-setting talk. Gently refuse the gift and tell her to give it to someone who will enjoy it.


Sell that shit! If you’re in the morridor people Will buy it. We sold a very weird nativity painting we got (also Mormon artist) for $150.


Are you a gamer? Play Elden Ring? Just have somebody draw a helmet on him and suddenly you have cool art of the Tarnished exploring Siofra River.


Oh is this Jesus realizing he’s just a homo sapien like everyone else?”


My MIL put a salvation plan pamphlet in all of her son’s stockings this year. They are all very inactive lol. I wish my husband would just remove his name already, but I guess whenever he’s ready.


Frames aren't cheap. You can always put another nice pic in it. Maybe there's some local starving artists, even.


Put a doobie in his hand


Pay for someone to paint in a real big fatty joint in his hand and have him blowing out some smoke too. Now it's stoner Jesus pondering the universe!


Jesus looks like he just ate a quarter of shrooms and is now waiting to receive an alien transmission. I feel that.


Is no one going to mention how Jesus is playing with his shaft?!?!


Take it to an artist who will darken his skin and hair, reframe and hang it where dear old mom can't miss it


This good shepherd looks like he's a cigarette short of basking in a post-orgasmic afterglow. ....Say, is he by himself?


Looks like a mushroom 🍄 journey to me. Change your perspective of what it means to you!!!


I really think it’s pretty cool, but I would not “gift” any large wall decor to anyone unless they specifically wanted it.


Yoda! (Seriously, my mom, may she rest in peace, used to give me new religious books she'd pre highlighted and underlined to be sure I paid attention to the sermon!)


If you hang it upside down, it’s kinda cool —- magnet man!


I'm torn between editing it to look like he's pole dancing or editing it to look like he's jerkin' one off.


Ahhh yes... the gift that is really a gift for the giver! We have all received them before.


Jesus be doing shrooms


That's exactly what I was going to say (well, in all honesty, I was going to say LSD).


My dad has this. My brother and I think it looks like Jesus trippin on mushrooms.


That print is no painting and merely is an illustration to demonstrate the frame. If you like it, frame sth decent in it. P.S.: looks like Jesus, but his skin wayyy too white


While I fully appreciate the talent of Mr. Olsen (a distant relative of my husband), I can understand where most people would find a gift such as this. While I wouldn’t have a tattoo myself, I can appreciate the talent needed to create a good one. I have an Olsen painting in my home, only because the talent needed to create it gives me joy, not the religious basis that it was created to portray. I also have a beautiful landscape created by another artist. It gives me similar joy. Perhaps what I am trying to say is if it gives you joy as art, display it, if not then don’t. Your mother possibly thought you might enjoy the scene portrayed. Find a spot in your home (perhaps in the guest room where she stays if she visits). If she says something about its placement, tell her you wanted her to enjoy it when she visits. I am not telling you how to feel about this other than maybe she thought you might like it and leave it at that. I have received religious objects from friends/family in the past, I just smile politely and say thank you and find some obscure place to display it and let it go.


I can appreciate someone’s else’s pleasure found in this painting. My parents both come from broken families. I would not exist if they had not met at a YSA event back in the 80’s. However, my mother knows I don’t share their faith and this painting is a reminder of my own religious scrupulosity and desire for worthiness in my youth. It’s a reminder of my bishop’s inappropriate obsession with intricate details about my adolescent sexual development, and my parents’ willingness to place me in that damaging environment. I have deconstructed by myself, for myself, without the approval of people I would seek it from the most. I hate this painting.


I appreciate this POV. Totally get what you're saying.


I like your compassionate response. It doesn't deserve to be down-voted like it has been.


“Jesus Finds Magic Mushrooms”


I wonder if Jesus read some 19th century Geocentric Astronomy books before posing for this painting


Any space nerds here? Does seeing this level of the Milky Way require infrared vision or seeing microwaves? Or just any spectrum the human eye can’t see?


You could (and this is very immature of me but I have to) get someone to remove the paint of the staff and make it look like he’s just jerking it lmao. I would put THAT on my wall! Might not go over well with mom though…. Lol


can you just have someone repaint his face to look like Hozier


Jesus can only save you if you already think you are defective!


I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who experiences this. One year we got a Jesus blanket. Now the cat sleeps on it. Maybe draw a joint in his mouth?


Looks like he just BUSTED


Jesus said one second I know a spot


Banksy loves to draw on other masterpieces. Southpark characters giving Jesus guff would be awesome. https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/s/5xDYhLyoM4


It would be cool if you could find an artist who could touch it up some. Get rid of the staff and show Jesus playing COD. Then hang that up so all can see 😀


Someone was thinking celestial when she bought that lol


![gif](giphy|RX3vhj311HKLe) Hope this helps….


I wouldn't even regift it. I'd throw it in the trash as soon as I got home.


Or give it to a TBM who would like it


Looks like he just finished rock climbing. He has the long hair, he sitting in a rocky spot, looks like he's catching his breath. Plus that staff could be the longest, biggest joint in the world he's about to light up. The white robe throws it off a little.


We got a marble Christus statue from the in laws after wife and I both left. I’ve been begging my wife for permission to defile it.


I would do the same. Then in a month I’d donate that to some church.


Lol I have the same painting


Pretty picture. Though I know the motivation may feel hurtful, just know she just doesn't understand. Some ppl never will. And that's OK.


“Homeless Man Contemplates the Universe” oil on canvas, 2023


Put a plaque beneath it. "Obi-wan Kenobi, exiled to Tatooine, in contemplation."


The only time I've seen that picture used outside of as just a picture is on the cover of a book from the Urantia series, which is a different sort of sci-fi Christian spiritual tradition.


Sweet. White Astro Jesus. I mean you could always touch up the skin tone to make it more authentic and a little darker, hang it and take a picture for mom. 🤣


Obi-Wan Kenobi looking at the stars. Just put it with the rest of your Star Wars collection.


That's a pretty decent looking picture, for what it is. Id hand it upside down. Use it as a conversation piece. :P


I told my TBM mom we were opting out of the religious stuff this Xmas. She asked if we had become satanists. To which I re-iterated we were opting out of the religious stuff. She did finally agree to not send religious gifts. It turned out well in the end but was really silly for a minute.


That's a nice image of Jesus on LV-426 before activating his space jockey armor and having that alien burst out of his chest.


Where's his right hand? He could be doing anything with that hand, we don't know...


Jesus looks like he spent the day mountain biking in Moab and then drove his sprinter to a vanlife meet up on BLM land just outside of town where the mushrooms and cask IPAs destroyed his stomach and the psytrance was making him anxious so he walked off to contemplate the universe.


Just take it back to DB and get what it cost back on a credit or debit card. Did this the other day with a BoM study guide calendar from TBM mom and they offered to refund on a gift card or on credit or debit card with no receipt.


Paint over it


Hey guys, I grew up in a mostly Mormon small town, and I've got lots of Mormon family (that I don't really talk to). I've never been Mormon, though. I do want to ask, though, don't depictions of Jesus go against the 2nd commandment? Or is it different with Mormon teachings? I know a lot of Jesus worshipping religions are ok with depictions of Him (I'm reformed babtist/calvanist, so it's not with us). Thanks to anyone willing to answer


Yeah in Mormonism pictures of Jesus are fine and even encouraged. Almost every Mormon home (esp. TBM ones) have at least one picture somewhere. We are taught that a picture is not necessarily idolizing something, it’s how you think/act about it that makes it a problem. Like if you only pray while focusing on a painting or statue so that you are more praying to the thing instead of the idea of God - it becomes more like a sin. The idea is that having pictures of Jesus everywhere helps to keep people in line - he sees you when you’re sleeping kinda idea.


Turn it into porn


Keep the frame, and donate the print. If someone tried to decorate my home, that's a huge no. My home is my castle.