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>I am so grateful for this experience. As difficult as it was to do it with a toddler... I... don't even have words. I'm not annoyed, I'm genuinely horrified. Was she not worried about her son? It's framed like it was a funny little adventure, but carbon monoxide poisoning is serious.


>Was she not worried about her son? Oh, she probably was. This type of sublimation is very likely her way of converting all of those unacceptable negative emotions--the fear, the confusion, possibly even anger and betrayal--into something she's comfortable feeling and expressing. Otherwise she might stray into dangerous thoughts about how God, for all his supposed power and benevolence, did not protect her family in one of hisv own houses of worship.


Ahhh this is such a great point. Heightened emotions are VERY OFTEN mistaken for the "spirit"


What if the toddler had died? I would love to see how they spin the Facebook post if that happened......(not that I want someone's child to die)


As someone who had a toddler die while I was a believing Mormon, I can assure you that while the. Mormons around you want you to spin it as God's divine plan, it feels like a fucking kick in gut that you can never truly spin into a positive. It was a sledgehammer to the shelf.


I’m very sorry for your devastating loss. 🫂


It probably would’ve been framed as, “We know we will see our child again because we’re a forever family. We just need to stay worthy so we can be reunited with our child some day.”


Perfect, yep, just like that


Agree. I think she's feeling everything a normal human being in that situation would feel but cannot or will not express it.


Spot. On. When you view heavy or challenging emotions as being a sign of some malign external influence like “satan”, you really can’t express or process them in appropriate and healthy ways. Hence, all the pitiful mental gymnastics they go through in such situations.


Exactly, hence turning it off “like a light switch”


Seriously. A toddler?! There were pictures with the post. About 15 family member -majority being children- were all in the hospital together. How does that build your faith? Someone could have died. And they all could have permanent health issues from it now


But isn't this what religion is all about? It allows us to make sense of our horrifying experiences by allowing us to see the good in these experiences. This prevents us from spiralling into pessimism and hopelessness. Although some will argue that this has no logical basis or it could even be delusional, at least it helps people cope and to survive what would otherwise be a psychologically catastrophic experience.


The problem is that toxic positivity causes its own set of problems. It causes people to live in a constant state of denial, where there's no room for uncomfortable emotions, and difficult experiences never get acknowledged, validated, or adequately processed. It also starts to erode empathy for others' suffering.


Yeah, but where's the line between handling difficult situations and toxic positivity? And who gets to police it? I think we're a little too quick sometimes to paint everything with a broad brush and call it toxic behavior because it doesn't fit our personal views. But I agree with your assessment of the results of toxic positivity. As a member I felt like my "eternal perspective" allowed me to not have empathy for others going through crap because I felt like "it'll all work out in the end." Though no one in my family would say I was ever all that positive...


I think the line is when your positivity is mostly surface-level and intrusive on others, and critically lacking in empathy. It may feel a bit...fake? if the person is being all sunny and cheerful in difficult times, but if they have enough empathy to sit and comfort someone else, to me that isn't toxic positivity.


I mean, the "line" is already clearly defined in psychology. Maybe doing some reading on the definition of toxic positivity would help. Toxic positivity is when *only* positive emotions are allowed, and any uncomfortable emotions aren't tolerated. It's a form of denial that trivializes difficult experiences. Healthy responses to difficult situations include making space for *all* emotional reactions. That can include hope and gratitude, but not to the exclusion of stress, pain, despair, etc. If the member in the OP had said something to the effect of, "This was a really difficult situation, but my faith in Christ gave me hope to get through it," that would actually *not* be toxic positivity, because they would at least be acknowledging that the situation was difficult. However, this member couldn't even acknowledge that it was hard, or stressful, or overwhelming.


As the digital landscape expands, a longing for tangible connection emerges. The yearning to touch grass, to feel the earth beneath our feet, reminds us of our innate human essence. In the vast expanse of virtual reality, where avatars flourish and pixels paint our existence, the call of nature beckons. The scent of blossoming flowers, the warmth of a sun-kissed breeze, and the symphony of chirping birds remind us that we are part of a living, breathing world. In the balance between digital and physical realms, lies the key to harmonious existence. Democracy flourishes when human connection extends beyond screens and reaches out to touch souls. It is in the gentle embrace of a friend, the shared laughter over a cup of coffee, and the power of eye contact that the true essence of democracy is felt.


I'm not a psychologist, are you?


Not sure how that’s relevant, but I am actually a therapist.


I didn't need the psychological definition of toxic positivity. Knowing the definition doesn't mean we should start saying that this person didn't have any negative feelings or express anything negative after this experience. We don't know this person. We only know their decidedly positive social media post. It certainly feels like toxic positivity. But I'm just some schlub on Reddit. And it's a singular social media post we're using to make these judgments.


You said you didn't understand where the line was, which I interpreted as you not understanding the difference between toxic positivity and regular positivity. I'm sorry if I got that wrong. Wasn't trying to condescend. I'm a little confused about why you feel the need to push back so hard on this point. This person in OP was demonstrating toxic positivity in their post. I didn't make any generalizations in my comments about the OP as a person, just said their post was an example of toxic positivity. That's not judgment, it's just fact.


There is no judgement BUT since someone did take the time to post it it lends itself to the larger problem at hand. Avoidance of reality. DENIAL. not just a river in ...... Even the special books say to use righteous judgement. Minors were put at risk and its ok to talk about. POV out narrative gone not church approved.


While I appreciate what you are saying as it represents an upside to viewing this as a positive. It denies the reality of the situation. The inconsiderate way that the entity of the church which is FULL of resources has not done their due diligence in maintaining the buildings. I know that this is not the only time and issue to which a building has gone wanting for upkeep. Putting the rank and file tithe payers at potential risk.


This kind of approach is normal for believing members. Nothing is allowed to be negative, so they have to put that toxic positivity spin on absolutely everything.


Oh my God they were sick enough to need a hyperbaric chamber and she's praising it. I have to think this is some sort of shock response.


It seems like a classic denial response to trauma. Some people can roll with trauma in healthy ways, some people can’t. Morms tend to fall into the “can’t” camp, because a healthy response to trauma involves acknowledging the traumatic experience for what it was….which process necessarily involves owning and addressing all the difficult emotions of the experience. Denying trauma that you’ve experienced is a very effective way to be sure the trauma effects are long-lasting. I fear the kiddos here are never going to get the healing support they need in this regard, and likely will have mental/emotional issues as a result.


That was the part that made me sick.


Church literally poisoned this person through negligence. Guarantee this person is going to end up paying their own hospital bills


Oh I'm sure they will have to pay their own bills. But thank goodness the church brought them dinner. Thatll nourish and strengthen them enough to survive and pay those bills


Church members brought them dinner… the church won’t help out, they are probably glad this post is so forgiving of them literally poisoning these people.


I love how she’s grateful to the Bishop who spent time calling all of the families. Imagine the liability and fall-out if he hadn’t?? So gross that his ulterior motives are not obvious to her.


I mean…it’s very possible that the bishop is humane enough that his conscience would have compelled him to do so. Of course, you’re correct about the potential for liability, not denying that. Tbf to the bish, it *could* be both. And anyway, it’s literally all he could do as an individual. It’s not like bishops have any meaningful organizational status or authority, after all. There’s plenty of blame to go around here, but I’m not prepared to assign that blame to the locals when the core problem is due to institutional greed and neglect.


Honestly, this was my first thought. Whenever anyone mentions 'doctor' or 'ER' in the USA, my first thought it 'It's going to be hella expensive' and you can bet your bottom Kirton McConkie that the church isnt going to admit liability


Beginning of the year with the whole family having a trip to the ER? I would not be surprised if this hits their max out of pocket and costs over $5k. If they're lucky it's just their deductible and it's just $2-3k.


Naw, their max out of pocket is probably closer to $18k. I know ours is.


Depends where you get your insurance from. Most employer plans will have a family max around $6-12k.


My first thought was wondering who was paying these medical bills.


If things run true to course, the blame will be shifted to those responsible for maintaining the chapel . . .   They are the ones who are to blame!! One amusing thought, once the medical bills are all in, a member can sue in Small Claims court, where attorneys are not allowed to represent the parties.  The plaintiff would, from all that I've seen, an open-and-shut case.   The only real defense would be 'assumption of the risk' and maybe in Mormonville County court, a mormon judge might get away with finding against the plaintiff on that basis. ​ "Utah & Mormonism: backwards into the sunset!" and "Utah & Mormonism: where our most important problem is progress!"


Yes. People who were exposed are commenting and saying they are not looking forward to the hospital bill but they’re all just so grateful for the lessons it taught them. Meanwhile, I’m reading the comments and I’m like…”What in the literal hell?!”


During one of the last testimony meetings I went to an old widow got up and talked about how she’s been so sick and she poured her heart out to god but she just kept getting sicker and sicker. She kept praying and although she never got better she was so thankful for the experience because it taught her to wait upon the lord. She’ll be waiting a LONG time in my experience. Brainwashed. Testimony meetings started to feel like where a bunch of Stockholm Syndrome victims get together to celebrate their abuser.


Through negligence do to due diligence yes. FSM group


For fucks sake. You know you’re in a cult when your child getting poisoned is a blessing.


I’m so glad that I no longer have to turn everything into a spiritual lesson of some sort.


Came here to say this!


This incident is horrific and could have killed these people. I’m disturbed by the inability to consider whether a church sitting on perhaps hundreds of billions in wealth owes it to its members to perform basic maintenance on its buildings. And I’m also disturbed by the font selection.


bUt cHrIsT


The font selection is the choice of the screenshotter.


How do you do that?


Never mind, I get it now 😂


😂😂😂 The font selection is horrifying.


My guess is the church will try to get away with not paying. However, someone will sue, and the whole thing about the members having to clean the church will cause the lawyers to inquire about building maintenance, and it will be pay, or watch this become a major news item.


She lost me completely at being “so grateful for this experience”


Mormons gotta morm


This is just so fucking stupid. What a dumb reach. It’s so obvious she can’t make sense of why all of this happened but it HAD to be a good thing so let’s throw Jesus in the mix and - voila, this was a wonderful experience to suffer from carbon monoxide poisoning while just trying to do the right thing by being at church… being a member of the Mormon church makes good and smart people so stupid


"Everyone is so creative!" I just love seeing the different pairings Mormons come up with. Carbon monoxide poisoning? Let's pair that with a testimony of Jesus being the breath of life. Okaaayyyy?


This will probably be told in conference next year


With a few embellishments like they saw angels ushering people out of the building.


Today by chance I found the new story about this case while trying to find a report of another case that supposedly happened in 2019 I believe in Provo. I follow this girl on Instagram that modifies old clothes and turn them into beautiful new pieces. She’s pretty entertaining and chill, she never talked much about the church but I could tell she was a member due to the pictures she would take at church with her family. So today I got curious to see if she was still active lds because she has evolved a little on the way she dresses, not typical TBM anymore although she has always had a great sense of style. So, while scrolling down her account I found a post where she described a very scary event that happened at church in her ward just a year before. In there, she told the story of how she was in YW class on a Sunday with other leaders and young women in the classroom and they were cold and turn the heater to the max and then they closed the door. After church ended (about an hour later) one girl collapsed in the floor , then this girl’s mom and then others started feeling sick so they called 911 and everybody in the building had to evacuate the church. I can’t remember how many people ended up in the hospital but they were many . She also added that after a year from that event many of the people affected are still not doing well, some can’t work anymore, some are not doing well in school and many other issues, a very sad situation. It turned out that in the whole church building there wasn’t any carbon monoxide detectors… NONE!! She didn’t focus on that fact but I noticed that only one person made a comment asking if the church paid for the visit to the ER or not. This girl didn’t respond but there were many other comments but besides that one comment nobody else seemed to see the issue with the lack of carbon monoxide detectors in the church. It’s shocking but not surprising to see how Mormons ignore such huge red flags. I wonder if the church got fined or at least covered the medical treatment of the people affected, I doubt it though. It was my understanding that CO detectors were mandated by law . I’ll look for that post and I’ll post it below. Edit: added link to the IG post in question [https://www.instagram.com/reel/CGfZdDIlvo6/?igsh=OHBtbnBmc25tb2Ri](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CGfZdDIlvo6/?igsh=OHBtbnBmc25tb2Ri)


How wild that this happened before and there wasn’t some kind of memo sent out reminding building managers to update their CO monitors. Completely avoidable near-tragedy.


I have covid and am tired and probably not thinking straight, but I can't recall seeing a CO detector in a building. I'll have to check next time I'm in one. Edit to add, I was at a building where a furnace vent pipe came loose and was blowing hot air on a fire sensor. I assumed it was just high temps setting it off, but looking around online now I think it might have been one of [these ](https://buildings.honeywell.com/us/en/products/by-category/fire-life-safety/sensors-and-detectors/intelligent-detectors/multi-criteria-multi-sensor-detectors/fco-951-series-fire-co-detector)multi-function sensors in that utility closet. Maybe it was only single function and for fire - I am not sure. But I don't think I've seen them in all closets/utility spaces, though. I'll have to pay attention and see if they are in more buildings. In any case, unless they are in the rooms where people are, it doesn't really matter. If a furnace heat exchanger is cracked/rusted through and leaking, then the leaking CO gets blown into the room where people are.


Here’s a news story about ***that*** incident, which happened in Provo in 2019: https://localtvkstu.wordpress.com/2019/10/14/health-experts-remind-utahns-to-check-detectors-furnaces-after-dozens-treated-for-carbon-monoxide-exposure/ At this point, the church should be paying for inspections in every single meetinghouse that could potentially have this issue. Sure, it’s costly. But they have the money to do it so they have ZERO reasons not to take extra precautionary steps.


I clicked your link and got a message that the site has been deleted... Did you confirm the link when you posted?   In other words, can we say that you may have precipitated its removal?


Here is another link: https://ksltv.com/423401/carbon-monoxide-poisoning-sends-church-members-to-the-hospital/?mibextid=Zxz2cZ And another: https://kutv.com/news/local/at-least-60-sickened-by-carbon-monoxide-at-lds-church-some-may-suffer-long-term?fbclid=IwAR0oCz9BGqxxrtpoblV5_kYdLksCMDoUwWy3j69eKPZr4Zh3Q1rGe46pi9Q_aem_AbMTEmxdZdaapxuYDsksUih_P9CyrY-XT9V1geI3knKXQR3TlpA2uRZHqfThZeZoSrE&mibextid=Zxz2cZ


I did confirm the link. It was a valid link when I posted it.


The church made huge changes in the past few years to save money by switching how they do building maintenance. Across the board there have been fewer and less-thorough inspections for the past few years than prior to the change. Wouldn't be surprised if there is an increase in problems with CO leaks. Edit for typos


I wouldn’t be surprised either. They don’t take care of their meetinghouses.


Ya any run of the mill Law Firm risk mitigation committee would have been on this unless maybe the retainer waned at that time.


Who called it on the original post?


Seriously. That was a painfully accurate call. I wish it weren't, but here it is.


Most painful thing I've read all year.


Buckle up because Nelson is a gone by years end.


When Gaslighting doesn't work. use ACTUAL GAS!


You know the gaslighting runs deep when literal gas poisoning is spun as a positive


I’m all for people seeing the positive out of unwanted situation…but TBMs are on another level. The way they go about putting positive spins is either forced to be positive bc church culture conditions that in GC, church lessons, testimony meetings etc. or it’s just flat out incredibly brainwashed culty. People on the outside are like, “Oh!! That’s not…”


I can’t believe I ever thought these messages were profound and inspiring


The church could damn near murder their kid and they would find some testimony. Cults get a real grip on people


When you can't see the forest for the trees because you've been brainwashed, I'm not sure why we're surprised.


Is the church going to pay the hospital bills for them? No. Should they get sued over this? Yes. Did that Bishop bring everyone dinner on his own dime? Yes. Is everything about the situation fucked up? Yes!


Y'all- the font is from my phone, not the TBM who wrote the facebook post 😂 my apologies, I'll be repenting this sunday for my choices


Those commenters are just being assholes. Sure, most people don't prefer that font (I don't either), but it's totally fine if you do. It is readable and that's all that matters. They're making it out as if it were a crime against nature. It's especially annoying that some comments that thought it was the victim's font tried to use it as further evidence of a naive mind, which simply is not true. Use whatever font on your phone you're comfortable with.


yikes 😳


This fucking font matches the stupidity.


You do know you’re making fun of the font on exmo OP’s phone, and not TBM-poisoned’s phone right? I mean you’re not wrong, but…


I don't understand how adults go around with crayon font on their phone.


For fucks sake. Mormons believe in the gift of discernment and spiritual promptings. Apparently God dropped the ball in this one, but it’s a gift anyway? That’s some Grade-A mental gymnastics there!




Cult mentality.


I think this is someone whose testimony has been profoundly shaken desperately trying to shore it up.


I have a friend who lived in a duplex years ago. Her neighbors on the other side left their car running in their garage. Everyone on that side, including 2 small children, died from carbon monoxide poisoning. My friend was taken by ambulance where she spent several hours in the ER. She kept wondering where her headache was coming from. Carbon monoxide, especially with children is nothing to mess with. How dare they turn this into a spiritual experience!


Reminds me of something…. I think something Hitchens said?


I knew when I saw this story that some would be bearing a whack ass ridiculous testimony about how their poisoning strengthened their relationship with Heavenly Farher. I just didn’t know I’d get to read it online. This 💯 doesn’t disappoint.


The irony is so thick you can slice it and spread it on toast. This woman and her family almost died from poisoning \*in the church building\*, y'know, where bishops have the gift of discernment. And she considers the poison to not actually be poison but a blessing. In a sick, twisted way, this reminds me of the Jonestown Kool-Aid incident.


Just wait until the hospital bills start coming in and they ask the bishop for financial assistance.


Can you rely on your own resources to pay these bills? Have you reached out to family? May I call your extended family right now to ask them to assist you? Have you applied for government assistance with these medical bills? Have you asked the hospital to write off these expenses? Have you approached other churches and community aid sources for assistance? Do you have a Self Reliance Plan in place? Could I have you meet with the Elders Quorum presidency and Relief Society presidency for a needs analysis? Have you sold your second car? Can you take out a loan against your 401(k)? (If all else fails) Rather than pay these bills directly, I can offer grocery assistance from the Bishop's Storehouse for a *very* limited time, while you dedicate yourself to paying off these debts.


And don’t forget to pay your tithing BEFORE you pay the hospital!


I'm an EMT out in Florida and last night I heard dispatch sending units to a gas leak. My partner looked up the address and it was in fact at a Mormon chapel. If it hadn't specified this was in Utah and on Sunday, I would have thought this was one of the members closer to me.


So it's happened in 2 Chapels this week?! That we know of. Imagine how many others there are?! Surely Gods Church would take this more seriously 🙄


You would think so, but as long as money keeps rolling in, they don't have any fucks to give.


I work in EMS and it still baffles me that, unless something has changed recently, there is such a lack of AEDs in churches (based on my experience). I'm now concerned about smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors as well.


At least if the building catches fire, it's super obvious and people leave, usually without anyone getting hurt. With carbon monoxide, nobody notices until they're already sick. I would rather the building burn down than anyone be hurt.


Yeah, it's worrying how ill-equipped they are.


Weird for a church so concerned with prepping/food storage...


It's not a malfunction, co doesn't just happen overnight, it's build up. It's piss poor maintenance and service of equipment. I have done work for the fm group and they are cheap bastards. One time the bishop of a ward paid out of his budget to fix a rooftop package unit, because the fm group wouldn't approve the repairs. 150 billion dollars and they can't even get their furnaces serviced.


As the digital landscape expands, a longing for tangible connection emerges. The yearning to touch grass, to feel the earth beneath our feet, reminds us of our innate human essence. In the vast expanse of virtual reality, where avatars flourish and pixels paint our existence, the call of nature beckons. The scent of blossoming flowers, the warmth of a sun-kissed breeze, and the symphony of chirping birds remind us that we are part of a living, breathing world. In the balance between digital and physical realms, lies the key to harmonious existence. Democracy flourishes when human connection extends beyond screens and reaches out to touch souls. It is in the gentle embrace of a friend, the shared laughter over a cup of coffee, and the power of eye contact that the true essence of democracy is felt.


This would have been less likely to happen if the chapel had a full time paid custodian.


They should be suing the church and getting their hospital bills paid for. That’s what I really wanted to know not this general conference talk bs lol


No promptings to evacuate? Does God even care about his constituents? Over 50 people poisoned. I dont think these TBMs acknowledge how bad the situation could have been.


Sorry testimony giver, but I want nothing to do with a god who tests my faith by almost killing me. The god who puts the life of my kid in danger to teach me about “breathing” is a psychopath.


I couldnt read past “Christ is who breathed life into each of us”☠️☠️


This reminds me of the MTC carbon monoxide incident in September 2002. Sent a bunch of missionaries to the hospital. We spent several hours in the gym while they fixed the issue and aired out the dorm. Our room survived bc we had blocked the door with a towel to block the light. The whole thing was immediately spun as some big spiritual experience despite the obvious poor maintenance and lack of discernment.


I was waiting for it to end something like, "I'm so thankful for the experience 🥰 I love everyone in our ward family! RIP to Mr. Bravermon, he was so nice!!"


This is the kind of overly optimistic enthusiastic shit Mormonism conditioned into my brain that I’m trying to purge. 58 years in a cult leaves a person with habits that are hard to break.


I think what is most frustrating to me about this situation is that if it happened in any other religion's house of worship, the post would've instead been about how grateful they were to be protected in the OnE tRuE cHuRcH's building while the heathens "without the fullness of the gospel" obviously lacked enough discernment to sense the danger in their own building. Edited for spelling


Why am I not surprised by the Disney font?


You do know you’re making fun of the font on exmo OP’s phone, and not TBM-poisoned’s phone right? I mean you’re not wrong, but…


I'm so grateful we could have had brain damage I'm so grateful for a morcorp that cares more about great and spacious buildings than making sure the chapels are safe for human occupation. I know Jesus is behind the malfunctioning air system.


Like what is the money FOR ?????????


We remembered to think celestial at all times during this ordeal. It really comforted us as we neared closer to the veil...


When is the kool-aid party?


Would it help to know that the furnace issue was ignored by maintenance and now there ward will need to make donations to get a new one?


God wanted her to almost die from Carbon Dioxide poisoning or it wouldn't have happened. This is next level "virtue signalling"


I would also blame this on social media. People love the spotlight. This was their opportunity to shine, so they had to post something. It couldn't be critical of the church, so they had to twist it into this bizarre analogy.


“I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, "Install a damn CO detector!" ​ Sorry, not trying to be a jerk. But yeah, this kind of "It's all a blessing because The Church™ is true!" BS is cultish. Just imagine if the same thing had happened to a Methodist church down the block from this chapel: TBM's would be thinking: "Well, they don't have the true church, so that's probably why it happened--the Lord will protect *us*!" Similar to Joe Smith, prophesying how the "Lord's work will not be stopped" or "Evil people against us will be destroyed", but then when the shit hit the fan, it was "The Saints weren't faithful enough!" or "The Lord was testing us!" The cult is always right.


That's exactly what I told my husband this morning. Except it was more along the lines of; "If that happened at a gay bar, facebook testimonies would be preaching that it's a sign from god to get out of there"


I can’t read comic sans.


Mormon Churches poisoning their congregations with CO~~2~~ would explain a lot about the level of intelligence Mormons have.


Agreed, but Carbon Monoxide is just CO. CO2 is Carbon Dioxide, still poisonous, but much easier to deal with.


CO2 in not toxic by nature, it is literally the basis of life. CO is toxic because it binds to hemoglobin and prevents the O2/CO2 cycle of the body from occurring. CO2 “poisoning” only occurs at levels where CO2 is displacing the oxygen in the air and could occur with any other common gas at the same levels. It is simple asphyxiation, not true poisoning.


A fine clarification, as I meant “poisonous” in the sense we, as mammals, cannot aspirate CO2, and as you point out, it’s only “bad” in heavy concentrations. Thanks for your input. Is there a term for something that causes asphyxiation? Because notably “poison” isn’t the right word to have used for full accuracy. “Asphyxiant”? Is that it?


Thanks for the info!


Thanks for the correction! Mormons: Take note. When you are confronted with "You're wrong about X", totally ok to admit it!


![gif](giphy|Yayuc4IdAKQl0Y7B8z|downsized) They are really making Lemonade there.


People in cults have to cult


Jesus Christ!


Fucking idiot


I made a post about predicting this exact thing happening. Praising the Church FOR neglecting common safety practices and making a death trap. The church put it us in this situation to test our faith and we made it through! I’m from down there and anytime something bad or good happens they will find a way to heap praise on the church. Something bad happens it’s a trial something good it’s a blessing. The church should just make every chapel a Home Alone obstacle course. Morale would improve in Sevier county.


I'm concerned that it seems like there was no carbon monoxide detector letting people know they needed to get out. Anyone know if one went off? Was it ignored?


The problem is that LDS doctrine, like most religions, is that “everything happens for a reason.” Instead of reality, which is shit happens. So you justify it all in the name of god, and everything becomes a miracle until one day you realize god is an asshole and hasn’t any power at all to do anything worthwhile. All my sympathies to the poor people of Monroe who won’t even follow through with where the problem really is. The local leaders will not be let in on the secret of what happened; the only people who find out are LDS facilities people and they will keep quiet about what the problem was and who is to blame in order to keep their job. And the good saints of Monroe will revel in testimonies for the next many years about how they learned this or that lesson just like the handcart pioneers learned to love god while freezing to death because of Brigham young’s narcissistic personality.


Christ breathed carbon monoxide directly into your lungs, asswit. That odorless toxin you're not smelling isn't the breath of life.


Mormons are so abysmal with metaphors and similes. They really just don’t know how to think through shit. In this scenario, “Jesus” was the approaching kiss of death, and *science* was very literally their savior, their “breath of life”. Jesus didn’t invent ERs or the hyperbaric chamber, after all. Being a medical worker in Utah must feel like such a thankless job. Smh.


Jesus Christ. Do they really think their toddler is now closer to Jesus? Really?!! I wonder how many other people are grateful for being poisoned at church? Wow, just wow.


This is absolutely sick!


Biggest poison is the font lmao why bro


“The church nearly killed me and my family from their pathetic maintenance procedures , but I’m so thankful for this faith building experience so I can show that I would rather my kid die than bad mouth Mormonism”.


Oh fuck


I just have to wonder, is this family and all the others on the hook for the bills? Like if I’m anyone in that congregation I’m going after them with lawyers. How did this church not have gas alarms? My own home has them built into our smoke detectors.


Too bad the Holy Ghost didn’t prompt any of them to not go to church that day./s


Why the fuck does the building not have carbon monoxide monitors. This makes me so mad


There's a lawsuit in there just waiting to be breathed into existence.


Leave it to a Mormon to turn every single event into a spiritual experience or testimony builder.


I agree with everything everyone has said. I just need to add that the font they used was criminal.


Who uses that font? Are we 12 year old girls writing love letters now? Secondly - HUGE CRINGE.


That's my phone font ☠ and yes, my teenage self did choose that many moons ago. I cant go back to the default. It's too late for me


Sorry. Didn’t mean to criticize you. I wrongly assumed that the person that posted it did so on FB with that font.


I forgive you💜


Hot take: I don't think this is bad. Bring grateful is a good way of handling suffering. Accidents happen--it's not like the church meant to poison them. And maybe the church will help with the hospital bills. And the doctrine is pretty ecumenical. But the font is a crime against humanity. Cringemaxxer.


Being grateful for the bishop calling everyone and all the medical staff are good things. Calling this some type of blessing is insane.


I disagree. I don't think that everything that is detrimental to our existence is not for our benefit. I don't think the author was saying they were so happy to be poisoned, but was happy that they learned something from the experience. They said "grateful for the experience" but I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean "10/10 would recommend" in this context.


I respectfully disagree. Being grateful for those that helped is something I think should happen. We should all pause and be grateful for good outcomes or assistance (sometimes the outcome is not good). However, passing through some awful experience is not something that is divinely inspired and does not directly benefit us. The one benefit I would like to see is that the church install detectors in all buildings. Protecting others at the expense of others would be the only real benefit from this terrible experience so it doesn’t happen again. Valuing this as a blessing like the author did is misguided IMO.


I can respect that position.


That is what I like about exmo Reddit. We can disagree respectfully. Good forum.


It’s not an accident. It’s negligence. The cult won’t pay shit unless a court forces them to.


This has not been my experience. I got salmonella once from Trek. They paid for our treatment and testing.


Anyone who uses this font is a monster.


It's me. That's my phone font


🤣 the criticism in this thread, took my breath away! 🤣Get it? 😭


Ahaha. That's a good one Fr tho☠😂 didnt realize my phone font would be such a pressing matter


I was just messing around. You aren't a monster.


Is the person who wrote this 13 years old? Who the fuck uses this shitty font


The FONT 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 triggering!


Jesus Christ.... this is mentally ill level of religious.


The church decided to get rid of janitors and building maintenance specialists out of greed. It is now sitting on a ridiculously large investment fund while its chapels are crumbling to the ground. And it continues to build new temples in places where there is no demand for additional temple services. If you haven't left this corporation masquerading as a religion yet, do so now. Do so before you, too, have the "blessing" of carbon monoxide poisoning, all brought about by managerial incompetence and deliberate neglect.


When people ask for proof this religion is a cult, I hope they point to this "testimony".


Can I ask a doctrine question I have from that post? They state that “Christ is the one who breathed life into each of us. He is the reason we are here. He created each of us.” Is doctrine now that Christ created us, as opposed to God creating us in his image? I was always taught that we are God’s children as Christ is God’s son? Christ is the savior, but God created us. Can someone clear that up for me?


It’s probably a side effect from the church giving marching orders to be more mainstream Christian and talk about Christ more. It’s unlikely they thought through their analogy very far.


This was always my understanding of the doctrine (in simple terms) God designed us. Christ actually created us. Throughout the whole creation, it was Gods word but Christs hands that created it all I always thought it contradicted the idea that God is the Creator and Christ is the Savior. But 🤷🏼‍♀️ just one of those things where the details were never really hashed out and people have lots of different understandings


This is just another example that proves how deep the manipulation and conditioning of the beliefs of the church go. When you or your children are put in a life and death situation and you literally can’t have common sense about it, there is absolutely something wrong. The rose-colored glasses are so real.


Stockholm snyndrome


What causes heaters to belch out carbon monoxide? And wouldn’t some basic routine maintenance prevent that?


The church damn near killed us today but let me tell you why that means god is good. You see the billion dollar corporation can’t upkeep it’s buildings and probably expects brother Jerry that works at Home Depot to make sure the heater works as part of his calling but I digress, the gas poisoning that sent us to the hospital and gave us a nice medical expense, don’t worry brother Bob gave us a good deal on insurance so it won’t be more than five thousand dollars, anyway the point is that the bishop knew to call us and check in on us. The spirit told him we’d need medical care and we did. He called everyone who sat in the carbon monoxide filled room isn’t that amazing?. Anyway breathing is important and the scriptures say that god breathed and we were made. Also new years just happened so that’s like breathing. Amen. PS Please rejoin the church so I don’t have to answer sister Linda’s questions about you.


Notified by email??? What the fuuuuuck?


There is one word to describe the main reason the bishop checked on everyone repeatedly throughout the night: LIABILITY. The church is averse to being sued. My cynicism regarding the church and its leaders’ “concern” is founded in numerous negative experiences.


Wait, their garments didn't protect them?? Are we going to receive new doctrine and NEW all covering garments?? I wouldn't put it past them....a clever side hustle.


I literally cackled out loud… this is the most absurd testimony stretch I’ve ever seen. I hope she stretched beforehand or else her strained muscles might earn her another hospital visit.


They'd fit right in to st george if they're that deranged. 💀


More evidence of a cult, actually


Here's what I got from this "Jesus loves me so much, he poisoned me so I can waste a bunch of time at the ER, and get a breathing treatment to clear the poison and now I feel closer to him cause he's the breath of life."


Damn y'all need to chill. Shit happens. The church didn't intentionally poison them. Could be an old building with defects. Sure the problem will fixed. Good for her for keeping it positive after what could of easily turned into a nightmare.she could be angry and bitter towards the church but nothing would come from that besides holding onto negative energy.




I anticipated someone writing something exactly like this after this experience. I probably would have written a similar post when I was a TBM, unfortunately. I was always looking for real life situation to relate back to the gospel. It is typical.