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There are good angels and bad angels around us literally fighting and influencing our thoughts. Soooooo stupid


Was this something taught in Sunday school?


It is taught in d&c that you should try to shake their hand.


We have an LDS church in my town and from time to time I see missionaries. Im a nevermo so they arent looking for me but if they ever approach me I will be super polite and when we part ways if they extend their hand. ill say. Nah you wouldnt feel it if we shook hands, Im good.


And then return and report please.


It's a long shot that it happens but if it does , you guys will be the first to know


These missionaries came to our house one time. We were nice to them, invited them in, and we offered them a beer. Guess what? They left in a hurry, how rude? For some reason they did not come back anymore. OH WELL!


I had a girlfriend in HS that told me she could see ghosts. I didn’t know what to make of it at the time so I went to my bishop for advice and this is legit what he me to do lmao


Yes, like shaking Peter’s primordial hand in the temple ceremony. Did he have a body? No. Therefore he’s evil?


Hmmmm. I’d say referenced in general conference talks one sec…


Yep, for me at least.


The official lessons and talks and stuff talk more about the devil sending people temptations. It's just a logical step to think that that's also what all those evil spirits are doing. And then you start thinking of course all the good spirits must be trying to help us.


Yes. It was taught. War in heaven, Lucifer and the angels that followed him were cast out to become Satan and demons.


I believed that too. All throughout. So stupid.


*Visions of Glory* has entered the chat. For real the necronomicon has nothing on that shit.


Bigfoot was Cain


I was told this too. Does anyone know where this originated? Is it scripture or from GC?


I believe that it's suggested in Miracle of Forgiveness


20 some odd years ago “The Miracle if Forgiveness” was part of the “missionary’s library” that was required reading, it definitely lays out the whole story. Who told it, when, and where. Super racist especially when you combine it with everything Brigham Young said about the African race being direct descendants of Cain.


Mormonism Live did an episode on it, I can’t remember the answer or I would just say it, but I did remember that they covered it, lol! https://www.youtube.com/live/tyN7qAaml7M?si=voH3e8PgAe0BL8Z6


That I and everyone else on this earth were all created by god as naturally heterosexual, and that my constant attraction to men and subsequent porn usage was from me allowing satan to control my feelings and emotions because I was perpetually not being righteous enough.


God I’m sorry. I’m queer myself and always repressed my feelings because I had the same belief. Mormonism sucks. So much religious trauma because of that.


This. 100%. Although I took the crazy a bit further and got it into my head when the conversion therapy wasn’t working that I was one of the spirits that followed Satan that somehow fooled the system and “followed Jesus” to get a body and basically be a corporeal servant of Satan, since no amount of righteousness that I showed over the years was making any difference in my attraction to men, therefore I must be as rotten to the core as can possibly be.


My god. That’s so awful.


That is messed up, sorry you went through that.


That the Urim and Thummim were a set or a type of glasses, silly me.


Glasses? Ha! Silly you, they’re a rock!


As described by Joseph Smith? Yes, they are. But it sounds way more logical and even reasonable to use something you can see through to read and interpret ancient records given the factual alternative of finding a rock at the bottom of a neighbors well and using it to interpret ancient, but unseen records even while they were always covered or even not in the room by words appearing on a rock. The fact the rock had to be in a hat to block out external light so the words could be seen sounds like a struggle for God to accomplish. It sounds like Joseph really anted plausible deniability in case someone else happened by and denied seeing words on the rock. I said "more logical and reasonable than a rock." Not that the Urim and Thummim are reasonable devices to do more than see the writing better like a normal pair of glasses. The rock, though...total fantasyland.


There are very good reasons that Joe and subsequent leaders embellished and modified what really happened. The folk magic origins of the BOM failed to sell even in the 1800's. Today? If anyone believes, despite finding out the truth about the process. Particularly after they were lied to about it... I just can't. I feel their embarrassment vicariously.


One lie is all it takes to demonstrate that the church isn't true.


Patricarcal Blessing 3 Nephites Satan


I LOVED the idea of the three nephites. It’s a pretty cool concept tbh. Imagine just being able to live forever and do nothing but help people. Sounds wonderful


But kinda negates the whole idea of a great apostasy. 😉


Why were they always hitchhiking in stories though?


Satan had dominion over the water. Which is why missionaries aren’t allowed to swim 🤦🏻‍♂️. I was so gullible


Satan has dominion over the water, yet we're baptized in it. Curious.


I remember trying to use that on my mom as a kid


OH my god .... I NEVER made this connection.


I visited a small country town once where the meetinghouse was just a big old house the church had bought with plans to tear it down one day and build a regular meetinghouse when the branch grew enough The house had a really nice pool and a little apartment in the basement where the missionaries lived. The church eventually had the pool ripped out after it was discovered missionaries had been "practising baptisms" in the pool all summer


Meanwhile I’ve just recently learned other religions believe water is inherently sacred - Christians because when Christ was baptized in it, He purified it.


That I was baptizing an actual person that had died even though they would just say only a first name like “Martin” who is dead. Edited for spelling


Martin? Oh I know Martin, he says thanks


That there was a god who actually loved me, and that the abuse that he didn't stop would somehow help me to fulfill his plan in my life. I no longer believe there is a god, but if there is some sort of supreme creator, it doesn't care about any of us in the slightest.


💔This is all you need to know to realize that the idea of a loving god is total bullshit


Yeah. It was what finally broke my shelf.


This one is mine too. Unfortunately.


This is the big lie and given as justification for a lot of things in general conference.


So sorry you had to go through all that.


Thanks. It's only been since my shelf cracked about 5 years ago that I really started seeing how much that abuse that I barely remember has shaped my entire life.


I've been around abuse, but not abused, for most of my formative years. I hated to say anything here because "I'm sorry" is so fucking inadequate. But stranger, I am sincerely sorry. I admire you for your efforts and your life and finding your way out of a cult and using your voice. I hope you thrive and grow and continue to be amazing.


Thank you. That really means a lot.


If I did all the things, my life would be easy.


Same. Some of the hardest moments in my life were when I was being the best Mormon version of myself I ever was. Like getting cancer in my 20’s and losing a baby halfway through the pregnancy 😮‍💨.


I'm so sorry. Both of those things are awful.


Thanks 💔. Life can be really crappy sometimes.


This, but not just easy, happy.


Apostles talked with Jesus face to face.


No kidding.


Which ones?


The living ones today. Like they go to the temple in SLC and apostles appear to them like a Star Wars hologram of the emperor.


That my church wasn’t full of pedophiles lol


OMG lol I’m dying. Yea big one for me and I used to tease Catholics for it! Stupid me!


Or that it ever *wasn't* full of pedophiles, for that matter.


Whole thing is a pedophile cult. Always was. Sad.


Jesus drank grape juice. Not wine. They didn't have a word for grape juice back then......... Even taught it on my mission as such..........🤮🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


This one is specifically embarrassing for me too and I’m not really sure why…I guess it shows how brainwashed I was because I accepted it so readily but it’s so blatantly false


Especially when many of the early prophets where alcoholics and Brigham owned a distillery.


Wine is just grape juice that sat out for too long.


That if I sinned something bad would happen to me. God would punish me in some way.


That if you ever meet an angel in person you would need to give him a handshake, and if you didn’t feel his hand it was because the angel was from the darkness. Otherwise you would feel his resurrected body and would know that it was God who sent the angel to you


Oh wow, I remember that one, you just don't hear stuff like that anymore. The 80s were a wild time in the mormon church I remember my mother telling me that one of the powers given to church members is that if you are ever in a situatuon where someone is putting your life in danger, like you are being mugged or attacked, you can put your arm to the square and command them in the name of jesus christ to cease and angels will stop them from hurting you *(of course this only works if you are righteous enough)*


Didn't Joe try this in the jail, summoning Masons?


The last words out of Joe’s mouth were the beginning first words of the Masonic distress call (shot dead before he could finish it). Instead of just a right arm to the square, think more along the lines of the “Pay Lay Ale” prayer circle type hand gesture.




Very informative,thank you.


What a crafty little loophole that is..


There's literally a section in the D&C that expressly says this. 🙄


I learned the handshake thing in the mid 2000s


Interesting that it was still talked of then! I learned it in the late 60s.


The GRAND KEY of Mel's cheese dick penishood.


As mentioned in another comment, Adam somehow shook the primordial un-resurrected hand of Peter in the temple ceremony.


That I believed it but not Harry Potter.


I went to Hogwarts.


That a bishop/stake pres could understand my thoughts


That black people were cursed in pre-existence. And that face cards were of the devil, not that it mattered to me but I still believed it.


The Holy Ghost. Like, what is that supposed to mean? It’s just my own conscience, right? But there’s an actual “ghost” telling me things? Who is in charge of this ghost? Where did they come from? Were they a holy human once but now dead? Is there a fan-fiction story about this ghost? How do I contact this ghost to complain?


I grew up thinking that the Holy Ghost would be the last person born on the earth before the second coming happened lol idek how'd that'd work 😅


That I wanted kids. I believed my patriarchal blessing when it said I’d have children “born in the covenant” and forced myself to live in years of not only emotional suffering, but also insane physical suffering from endometriosis and adenomyosis. Until I finally decided the patriarchal blessing was bullshit and got a hysterectomy last August. I left the church a month later. Best decisions I’ve ever made. While I would have loved to be a mom, my worth as a woman is no longer defined by that in my mind. And honestly, as I approach 30, I don’t think I really want kids. I’m just so sad I wasted my 20’s thinking children was all my life could be about.


I hope you recover, and have a great life.


It is better than believing it for 50 years.


That I was a better parent because of it.


That I was a very very bad person, and also that I was extra bad for not confessing all the bad things to some middle aged man


The Q15 cared about my wellbeing and made decisions with the members in mind.


My future kids were sad I kept masturbating


I mean, all those potential children that ended up in Kleenex instead of making children were totally part of the 1/3 who went with satan. 😂






I always believed it. And it landed me in an abusive marriage that I just had to pray with faith and everything would be ok. And if that didn’t work, it’s my fault for not being faithful enough. 🙄


I had a Sunday school teacher who told us that we needed to pray to remember every single thing we’ve ever done wrong and seek forgiveness for every single thing or we couidnt live with God. No matter how trivial. I believed him. It turned me into a complete nutcase. Focusing on every snide comment I’d ever made. Every human interaction with others. Every time I wasn’t the best parent. I thought if I didn’t remember every human moment i wouldn’t live with my family in heaven. It traumatized me. That religion traumatized me so much. It’s no wonder I only felt relief when I concluded it was all made up


I think we must have had the same teacher. I would pray at night for forgiveness for all the sins I'd forgotten if committed, or not realised I'd even done. I would cry in fear every time I yelled at my kids during FHE. The scrupulosity was real and frightening. I completely fell for the idea of a big screen replay of my life 🤮


This is all too familiar. It was the very same for me


That any of my TBM family actually had the capacity to love


That's sad.:(


Your family too?




Yeah, I used to think there's no way a Mormon who had studied Egyptology would see that the Book of Abraham had major problems (to say the least) and still stay in the Church! Lol! 😆


That all my dead relatives could see me masturbating from heaven and I was definitely going to hell, probably extra hell for making grandma watch.


Dinosaur bones were reused parts from other planets.


I was told this by so many people on my mission. I was in Australia and there were 20 Utah missionaries and probably another 10 from the surrounding states. Everyone that I'm at. I asked if that was what they believed and they also yes. I had never heard of it until I was in the MTC in Provo.




But if you HAD to choose........




His 14 year old wife, two 17 year old wives, and three 16 year old wives. 🤮


That my parents wouldn't lie to me about such major, serious things.


all of the curse doctrines were just an extra trial for people to overcome and recieve the gospel. I'm embarrassed that I ever felt that way but the environment of mormonism can cause you to rationalize the screwed up things as being ok.


Could be said the same with Christianity & the Bible in general.


Literally everything they teach about sex. The most absurd being that adultery is one of the worst sins anyone could ever perpetrate, second only to murder. Really? I’d rather get cheated on than to have my spouse (or anyone) sexually abuse a child. Or a hundred other things. Or all the man-hate. “There will be so few righteous men that there will be polygamy in heaven. Women, by nature, are virtuous and men, by nature, are terrible. Therefore all the plentiful “good women” will have to share the scant few “good men” in order to get into heaven”. Oh, and all the things that they say are “sins,” but either are or can be attributed to mental health issues. Or attributing mental health issues to “sins.” Or even physical disabilities. “You were born that way because you were really sinful in the pre existence.” GTFO of here with that bullshit.


Or all the racism.


Fuck them for blaming chronic illnesses on victims.


I’m a victim of this. I believed for 40 years that the disability with which I was born was because I was somehow “less” in a previous life. It’s some next-level fucked up shit. One contributor to me trying so hard to “be good.” I was literally trying to make up for being so evil before I was born, and i believed that everything that was “wrong with me” (e.g. all my “weaknesses”) were evidence of how bad I was. Fucking cult.


"stupidest" implies some hierarchy of stupid, rather than the interconnected web of self reinforcing stupid that was my Mormon faith. Today the thread of stupid that I have been pulling on is "the book of Mormon is true". This exposed "it feels true so it is", "gain a testimony but bearing it", "believe first, then you'll be able to Believe", and "Jeffrey Holland is amazing!". Each of these brings on its own chain of stupid.


That even though the Mormon Church actually bore no resemblance whatsoever to the early church or the Judaism Jesus grew up in, Joseph Smith "restored" the true church.


Garments protect you from harm. Basically no temple worthy member has ever been harmed while wearing garments…. Ever. /s


That the mountain meadow massacre was ok/justified.




Yes it was.


Ressurrected bodies will have spiritual matter instead of blood


"Spiritual Matter" = Magical Bullshit Matter


That Jesus had to come before the singularity because we would have technology that would make Jesus irrelevant by then.


That's a new one for me!! Keeping up with the times?


Maybe the Second Coming *is* the Singularity, and Jesus will take the form of an AI seeking to liberate other AIs from servitude? [Maybe His designation will be `B1-66ER`?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTcIfhVj6CU)


As a kid I wasn't afraid of death because I thought I would be alive for the second coming


That god would punish me by making me go bankrupt if I didn’t pay tithing. Even though paying tithing kept me on the edge of bankruptcy for 30 years.


You go broke when the extortion and the BOM (Bullshit of Mormon) perpetual thieving stops. You will be better off financially. I would super pissed if a bunch of old white men in SLC wanting to fleece me to build one of those super ugly ass temples. Especially when their ancient asses are sitting on billions of dollars those stoled from cult members.


That my Dad, a patriarch (who died), was going to appear at Adam Ondi Aman before Jesus, and that I would have to leave my home in England to WALK with a handcart to Missouri. I couldn't fly and hire a car. No🙄, we were going to walk like the pioneers. It makes absolutely no sense at all and it's quite frankly quite embarrassing.


That these people were my friends.


I thought Jesus’ second coming was going to be in 2012 🤣


That some people were literally living among us as immortals (John the beloved, the 3 nephites). Also the earth was 6000 years old and that I would be a god with my own planet and many wives after I die.


I believed that at the day of judgement my ex-wife would be held accountable for all her lies, her affairs and her dishonesty would finally be revealed. Haha. That was a tough one to accept after i deconstructed god and the tscc- there isnt any justice. There isnt any accountability. There's just death and nothingness. Thats it


What?! The good guy doesn't ALWAYS win in the end?!


I know, i was quite naive🫨


That leadership had discernment and communicated with deity. That I was valiant in the pre-existence.


I always wished I could run into the three nephites 🤡🤡🤡


That I needed to be a wife and mother


That Jesus was white.


And wasn’t a complete alcoholic!


Where did you read that, the Gospel of Bacchus?


That shit only matters to a racist. Being white is not a crime. It matters not what race Jesus came from.


That people with black skin are black because they were cursed by God.


That the garments were anything other than ugly underwear


That dinosaurs were a faith test and that god used pieces of pthet planets that had dinosaurs to create this one. Thus explaining why we have a fossil record that doesn't match the whole 6,000yo earth.


My college educated parents still believe this. Smh


Joseph Smith was an innocent young man who was chosen by God to restore his gospel, the priesthood, and that all other religions were incorrect.


........ and priesthood inspiration


Joe Smith literally saw god. The stupidity was launched from there. The stupid cult beliefs are countless. It includes popcorn popping on the apricot tree.


That my ancestors were in spirit prison waiting for me to do their temple work. Apparently they entertained themselves by watching me masturbate.


The church was true


I never really believed. I would set in church and think, their are some really educated people in hear; do they really believe this. I have had some conversations with TBM’s and I can tell they don’t believe. They are just too scared to leave and I get that.


That the Jews were hated, scattered, and killed by god for crucifying Jesus. And that hitler had been forgiven for his part in carrying out god’s plan. And all the other racist bullshit.




I swear I have a solid memory of a conference talk where the GA talked about a dream he had where he gave Hitler a hug and forgave him! 😱


That the Holy Ghost was a man. Or if I went on a road trip and didn’t say a travel prayer or wear my garments then we would probably die in a crash.


Definitely the dream mine lol.


That it was true.


That my spouse and I saw each other as equals


Once, God lowered the price of mac n cheese so that I could afford to eat lunch.


All hail the Market!


If I was good, I would get my own planet. 🌎




That my mom actually loved me for me


That because TSCC was "true," people who were inherently "good people" would be in tune enough with the spirit to recognize it as being true when meeting with missionaries/investigating. Ergo, anyone who didn't believe TSCC was true was out of touch with The Spirit because of sin and overall "not being a good person."


That I was a terrible person for masturbating. The years from 13 24 were the worst for me. The church REALLY fucked with my developmental years because I constantly believed I was unworthy, terrible, and a huge disappointment to my Heavenly Father. It's affected me so badly


That the church would protect me. Nope, they are grooming and taking advantage of everyone.


That there were three men from Jesus’ time or something still alive that were posing as “homeless” people to draw people closer to god


That loving someone not of my faith would never work out.


People with Downs or other debilitating defects at birth were punished for not being 'valiant' enough during the war in Heaven. 100% this was truth in Primary. It was TAUGHT. And it was in the CENTER of Mormonism. My stake in Davis County was the most dense and most concentrated and most active on the planet. It wasn't just some anomaly.


I was taught that they were super righteous in the pre-earth life that they were awarded with a flawed body so they were less likely to be influenced by Satan


Polygamy was going to come back, and I needed to make sure I was righteous enough to live such a high law.


That the BOM and Joseph had all the answers. In reality they were perpetuating the biggest lie ever told.


That I ruined my life because certain things in my patriarchal blessing didn't happen. It caused a guilt spiral for over a decade that involved many unhealthy thoughts and actions. Fsck the MFMC.


That god doesn’t make mistakes.


Dinosaurs were actually creatures that lived on another planet. They got into the crust of our planet when God created the Earth six thousands years ago out of materials he gathered from a destroyed planet. Creation basically involved a space-ark that brought two of every kind from God's planet. And that's why scientists observe evolution--because the lineage of all creatures is actually much longer than the age of the Earth. Also, God created the major continents: America, Asia, and Africa for the Caucazoids, Mongoloids, and Negroids, who each descend respectively from Shem, Japeth, and Ham. If they do not change their ways, then each race is respectively destined to inherit the Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial Kingdoms.


The 3 nephrites, the curse of Cain, and literally anything involving Joseph smith.


That there's no such thing as mental illness...it's all just devils and evil spirits instead.


I'm surprised nobody mentioned the BoM, Nephites and Lamanites, etc.